InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moth to a Flame ❯ Sweet Dreams, Sango ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Miroku? Sorry to wake ya if I did.” Sango said sweetly, holding the cell phone to her ear hearing his voice stumble to make a single sentence, but yet surprised by the phone call and her voice at this time at night.
“ Nah, that's alright. You seemed worried, what's amatter?” His voice transformed to normal, knowing Sango would never dare call this late, and he knew knowing she did something wasn't right or normal at all.
Sango pressed the phone harder into her ear, and her hands squeezing it tighter and tighter, trying not to get herself overly worried but it had already been too late for that. “ Kohaku..” She managed to breathe out, leaving Miroku to guess already that Kohaku hadn't returned home yet.
“ Kohaku.. hasn't returned home yet. I'm not going to sit here and think he's just late anymore. My mother is truly worried and…”
Miroku could hear her sweet voice, tied into a panic on the verge of tears streaming down her cheek, and the broken sentences. “ Sango…you don't have to say another word. I'll be there shortly.”
Sango waited patiently on the steps of her small porch, waiting for the bright headlights to blind her and await to buckle herself in right beside him and head off around the area to find Kohaku. “He better be alright. Because if he wasn't.. I wouldn't know what I'd do..”
Sango's head grew heavier, feeling the wind gently tease her hand, feeling like a hand stroking through her hair that made her cast a small smile from the feeling. She felt heavy, blinding lights in front of her face and the loud roaring engine from a car. She just bounced up delighted, to see him already here, and to see his face again.
“ Thank you so much Miroku. You don't know how much this means.” Miroku laughed from her ecstatic expression plastered on her face, feeling her arms grasp around his neck in thanks that he'd be so kind and helpful to run to her rescue. Miroku just beamed a smile towards her placing his arm around her faithfully, around her. “ Sango, I'd do anything for you. But, it isn't like your brother to be out this late.” Sango silently nodded, listening to the raspy music skipping on the radio, and watching them pass all the lit up stores and places in a flash, leaving her in wonder where he could possibly be.
“ Miroku remember how I use to be?” Sango managed to get off her chest painfully, looking down at the leather seats and solemnly back to his face that was concentrated hard on the roads and the surroundings around them. Miroku softly sighed, knowing he didn't have to look at her face to see the outline of tears ready to down pour on her cheeks. He could hear her voice trembling, and understood how she felt even before she could place an expression on her face. “ Sango, we were foolish back then. Kohaku, just has to learn even if it's the hard way. I understand your worried he's become exactly how you were once. Sango, at least you got a second chance. Not everybody gets them.” Miroku softly whispered in her ear, gently grasping his arm around her letting her head lightly fall against him.
Miroku I know I was lucky enough to get a second chance. Just Kohaku…I don't know how to explain it anymore. I want to help him, but I can't. It isn't my place to hold his hand all the way through life. Just, sometimes I wish he wouldn't pull these types of stunts!” Sango bellowed out, feeling the blood rushing through her veins. She could remember all the times she flipped through random magazines, and television shows about teenagers like him saying they would come home, and never returned back home.
She hated to feel the torment of pain, the same miserable pain she felt five years ago.
Miroku gently placed his fingers through her hair, looking at her with a gracious smile knowing she had a huge heart on her sleeve, and strong guts to take on things that nobody could possibly handle. “Well we'll find him just, he's gotta learn like any other teenager. You learned from your mistakes, and a lot a people don't until it's too late.” Sango nodded silently, feeling her emotional scars open and bleed again with every painful thought trying to shake herself of it.
“ Kohaku, I understand I'm your sister but, sometimes I have to go out of my way to watch you. Right now, I know I have to. Your leaving everyone to panic, including me. Last thing I want to know that you've disappeared…God, I wish you understood what it is to worry. Then you'd understand what it feels like to be frantic, exhausted with fear and worry and have thoughts like these flying through your head.”
“ Miroku, I think that might be him. We've looked everywhere already.” Sango demanded, seeing a current shadow waltzing from the high school stairs, walking through the dead grass only her hoping it was her brother that was the shadow. Miroku narrowed his eyes slowly driving by, while the headlights shined revealing a large black jacket getting her hopes up, while they came crashing down. “ Damn. I can't believe him! Miroku, let's just walk around the school area. We've looked everywhere we can possibly think of!” Sango yelled, with a secret tear fleeing down her cheek and against the dark black, leather seats. Miroku slightly yawned, slowly parking the car into the empty lot leaving them to stand in an empty field, surrounded by the huge shadow of the high school.
Miroku, I feel so bad dragging you out here even if we can't find him” Sango sorrowed said, placing her arm around his leaving her head to rest gently for a moment on her arm, feeling happy he was always someone that she could depend on but yet, feeling stupid for dragging him all over with her problems when he could be resting and relaxing at one at night. Everything went silent between them. Miroku's eyes gazed at the stars, feeling the heat that was coming off just her hands. “ Don't feel bad Sango. I'd do anything to help. I don't care if it's three in the morning, and I'm over in Japan.. I'd still come no matter the situation. You damn well know that too.” Sango chuckled for a moment, feeling her spirits lifting thinking how thoughtful he was and imagining exactly what he had told her.
She was captured into her thoughts, feeling a light feathery kiss planted on her cheeks, that made her flush redder by each minute.
“ Miroku I know you would. That's the funny part.” Sango cheerfully laughed, which he was amazed to hear since he hadn't heard her completely happy or laughing only before the Kohaku issue. Sango swiftly let her hand wonder, grasping onto his hand while their fingers intertwined searching around the edges of the school, and every dark corner they could find that the school had.
Sango felt the beads of sweat start forming on her forehead, already covering half the school's open areas. She darted around every corner hoping she'd see some kind of shadowy figure with short black hair, but absolutely nothing was even around there. It was all dead. They had been searching for over an hour, and Sango felt she was ready to drop to her knees in exhaustion, and also in horrific pain. “ Sango maybe we should call it quits. After all you do look awfully tired, and we can't search all night either.” Sango shook her head refusing, still feeling she had to continue with her search no matter if she was over exhausted, or if the sun was already on it's way up.
Miroku. There's so many places we haven't looked yet. I don't care if I am tired. I can stay awake and look if I want to.” His voice carried with laughter, seeing her eyelids already growing heavy and her voice becoming softer and courser by each minute she tried carrying on. Miroku was her voice of reason, just she didn't like listening to it sometimes.“ Sango that's non-sense. Come on, don't play stupid. You know your going have to quit sooner or later. Kohaku, will show up eventually..” Sango felt him graciously place her in his arms carrying her with ease, watching her eyelids rise and fall trying to manage to reply and look at his face. “ But what…if he doesn't?”
Miroku felt he was already running out of things to say, after she nailed him with that doubtful comment that could be true. “Sango look at me. Hope for the best is all I can say. With that attitude, nothing will turn out right. I'm going to take you home.” Sango was already off in a daze, with her eyes gently closed comfortably falling asleep into his arms. “ Sango.. what am I going to do with you?” Miroku could say to himself, while he placed her into the seat without waking her from her slumber.
Hopefully your brother will come home. I mean doesn't sound like your brother to still be gone but, I have a feeling he'll come home. Makes me laugh how you still worry about your brother, and care so much for him. I know when you look at him, you see your old self that was rebellious thought she could do anything she wanted, without no problems or cares. Your still think like that. I understand Sango, your trying to protect him but you can't always protect him from danger, and I know that's the one thing that worries you.”
Miroku swiftly carried her protectively in his arms, quietly stepping inside the house seeing the single lonely blanket that laid over the old, beaten up green couch her mother had been laying on with worry before she had left. He brought himself upstairs, flicking on the light in curiosity in Kohaku's room wondering if he was underneath those huge blankets or if it was an entire empty bed. Miroku disappointedly could tell it was still an empty bed, and he had no clue if it would remain that way or not.
He softly draped the blanket over her, noticing her lightly tossing to the right side, with a small yawn drifting back lazily into sleep. “ Sango hopefully he'll come home. I just hope so, for your sake and his. Sweet dreams, Sango..”