InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother Kaede ❯ The manticore ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha It is owned by Rumiko Takahashi! nor do I own the storyline. Mother Hole is from the Brothers Grimm.

Manticore: The Manticore is a legendary monster having the head of a man, the body of a lion, and the tail of a dragon or scorpion. The beast has gray eyes, three rows of iron shark-like teeth, and a loud, trumpet/pipe-like roar.
Nowadays, the Manticore is said to inhabit the forests of Asia. The Manticore can kill instantly with a bite or a scratch and will then eat the victim entirely, bones and all. Whenever a person disappears completely, it is said that the locals consider it the work of the Manticore. An authentic eastern Manticore tradition would clearly have to refer to the creature as a "Manticore".
The Manticore is also known as the "Manticore", the "mantichor", or by a folk etymology, even the "mantiger". Outside occultist circles, the manticore was still an arcane creature in the Western world when Gian Carlo Menotti wrote his ballet The Unicorn, the Gorgon, and the Manticore in 1956.

Chapter 5: Into the well and out

"Mmmmmmm" The girl murmured opening her dark eyes. She slowly sat up and found herself at the bottom of a dry well. Looking up, she noticed that well was deeper and narrower than she thought. At the top she saw fresh clear day. 'Good I wasn't out long.' She thought rubbing the back of her neck.

"Sister could you help me." She called out. No response was given.

"Please, Kagura I am sorry for playing around, can you please get me out of here?" She called out again. Still no response.

"Kagura? Kagura? Is anyone there? Help! Help somebody." She started to panic. The walls of the well suddenly felt like they were closing in on her. Her heart started to race and she found that breathing was very difficult. She felt cold and when she held herself, she her skin felt real clamy.

"God, please I beg you some one help me! Momma, Kagura, anyone." She wailed as tears were steadily trailing her eyes.

Once she realized no one was around to aid her, and she calmed herself, she decided to try to get herself out of the problem. She then looked around to see if she could use something to help climb out of the dreadful well. She saw bones lying around and they caused her to shiver. 'I am not going to end up like that.' She thought.

'I wonder how it dried up.' She thought considering some possibilities. It was at this point she noticed a change in her clothing. Her once brown tattered ankle length dress was replaced by a rather short white dress that barley reached mid thigh. She wore hunter green boots that barley touched her knees. With her shoulders bare her blouse barley hid the ample amounts of cleavage that she was cursed with. Her only saving grace was a green apron like tunic, that wrapped around her that gave her some support and some modesty. Not much because it too reached even shorter then the dress, but at least her attire wasn't all white. Wrapped firmly around her narrow waist was a tan leather belt that had small pockets. Halfway around her thigh was a golden dagger wrapped securely around her thigh in a white leather-like band.

She started rubbing the walls to see if she could try to climb out of the pit. It was then that she noticed the vines that were almost attached to the well walls. She tested some to see if she could climb them. Once satisfied she began her climb.

"Oh, dear what is going on?" She thought climbing out of her temporary prison.

Within moments she found her self in a lovely meadow where the sun was shining and many thousands of flowers were in bloom. 'Breath taking'. She thought as she walked through Meadow and admiring the flowers and the fragrant smell of springtime... The sun hit every direction of the field, only allowing shadows to loom at the end of the field where the forest began.

She then heard a rustling in the grass a few paces away from her and she stopped and turned to the direction of the sound. 'Ground hog or something small, I guess.' She thought, and patiently waited for the critter to reveal itself. Her wait was rewarded, for a white puppy with golden eyes came out wiggly and sniffing her curiously trying to investigate her.

"Your so cute, what are you doing here little guy? Are you lost like me?" She picked the baby dog and cuddled him. “Do you want to come with me little guy? I rather not travel alone trying to get home, and I bet Kagura would love you." she told him. His tail wagged more as if answering her and gave her wet kisses where ever he could. She giggled and held him away from her face.

She thought about the direction her home was, and looked in that direction. Her eyes surveyed a dark shadow of a forest. She bit her lip wondering if she should go in there.

"Well buddy, the woods over there don't look to appealing." She said to her little friend while eyeing the dagger that was on her right leg.

"Little beauty what brings you to my meadows?" a voice came from behind. It was a musical voice of a man, too appealing to ignore. Immediately Kagome turned and looked for the voice.

'This might be like my dream. He could be my true love.' she thought excitedly, but was not finding anyone around.

"Little beauty, please come closer, Hurry." The voice said drawing her in.

"Where are you?" she asked starting to follow the voice.

"Look straight ahead, do you see the hill in front of you?” The voice asked with its musical voice seducing her.

“Yes, I do.” She replied to it. The puppy in her arms started to whimper. Kagome petting the pup gently and continued walking.

"Good girl, on the other side of the hill is a cave I will be waiting for you in there." The voice said continuing its spell on her.

As if knowing the possible danger the puppy started barking, causing Kagome to gain her senses back. 'What was I going to do just now?' She thought looking at the direction of the cave.

"Little beauty, come to me, I will take care of you and bring you pleasure. Why do you stall?" The voice soothingly asked.

"I don't know, I. Coming." she said following.

"Put the beast down, Come to me." It soothingly suggested.

Right when she bent to put the animal down. It bit her and licked her hand. Though they were baby teeth they still hurt. "Ow, why'd did you do that?" She fussed at him holding him tighter. "What was I about to do?" She asked confused. She then looked at a pleasant looking hill and realized that something sinister was in that area. So she walked back to the other side of the well again, heading to the woods.

"Little beauty, where are you going? You are going the wrong way. The forest is dangerous, come to me and I will protect you." He said

"Why do I have to come to you?" She nervously asked slowly backing further away.

Something about the appealing voice reminded her of something that she was taught. It was a story of some sort that her father had read to her.

Flash back------------------------------------------

"Kagome beware of the Manticore, they are tricksters." Her father told a little Kagome.

"Why father, I love to play games too. Why beware of them?" The little one asked

"They are truly out to get one thing, and that is your flesh your blood. They use any means to trick you to into their lair. So remember, if someone doesn't show them selves to you, run, run as fast as you can." He warned.

"Yes father I will."

End of flash back

"No I am not coming, unless you show yourself." She bravely said backing further away toward the forest.

'He must not be able to go into the woods. That’s why he is trying to get me to go to him.' she realized turning her back to the voice and picking up pace.

She heard a deep growl and knew she was in trouble. At this point she was a good distance away from the cave and the well, but whatever type of beast it was, might be able to out run her. But curiosity caused her to turn around.

Another growl erupted as a great beast came out from the underground cave. Kagome fell back and clutched her new pet tighter as she fearfully stared at the beast.
It was the Manticore the beast of legends. This animal had the voice and the face of a man, put it's body was like a fiery lion with horns on its head. It looked at her and licked its lips.

"Little beauty, I will get you." With that it began its pursuit.

Kagome scrambled to her feet and ran as fast as her feet could take her. She was never known for being fast or graceful, but she did notice her speed was increasing. 'I wonder if it's the shoes?' she thought as she headed right into the woods. Once she entered there, she noticed the beast stopped.

It gave another growl and started pacing along the border of the trees and the field. She noticed that the monster was huge, and it radiated heat from it. So much so that it's body was smoking.

"Little beauty, you can't hide in there forever." I will know when you leave, and you will be mine. I know your sweet scent. Are you really going to stay within the trees forever? No, I know you will try to get to this well, and I will be waiting for that." it promised as it left her.

Kagome dropped to her knees and finally let the puppy down. "Were you as scared as I was little guy?" She asked him. The puppy whimpered and pawed her leg as if getting her attention. She scratched his baby ears and let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for saving me little one. I'm most definitely keeping you around. How about I call you Hero." She said getting up and wiping herself off. The newly named dog walked away stopped and looked at her.

"What do you want to take me somewhere?" she asked. In answer the pup yipped and started to walk away heading deeper into the sea of trees. Kagome sighed and got up and followed him. Within 10 meters, the pup took her to the desired destination and stopped at a tree.

"Do not tell me you brought me here to do you business here." She scolded the puppy putting her hands on her hips. He whimpered at her and walked around the tree. Kagome followed him around and suddenly gasped.

There on the other side of the tree was a man, pinned with an arrow. He had long flowing hair and was dressed in odd red garment. Kagome rushed to the man to see if he was still alive to notice that not only was his body warm, but that he was indeed breathing. 'Wow, he's handsome.' she thought blushing at her thoughts. Not minding if he was the man in her dreams.

She then had started thinking of the tales of 'The Brier Rose' and 'Little Snow White" then leaned in to kiss the man. His lips were soft and warm. She sighed and backed away blushing at her boldness. 'Wow my first kiss." she thought smiling. Wow, she gets to wake up a handsome man to boot! And like the other stories she and her new man will life happily ever after. 'I bet he's a prince.' she considered, but her smile then disappeared. Realizing that it didn't work, she kissed the man again.

Hero barked at her getting her attention. “Sorry boy," She said to him backing away from the man who was still pinned and still very much dead to the world.

"Well Hero, you just saved someone's life. I am most defiantly keeping.......Hero?" Kagome said to the puppy, when she noticed that his little body started to disappear.

Huh? Hero what... what's going on? Wait." She cried walking to him. But it was too late. The little animal was gone.

"Shoot he's gone. And I always wanted a puppy." She pouted looking at the empty space her friend once occupied. She then walked back to the man on the tree. Looking at the man, she noticed that on the top of him head were animal like ears. Like cat or dog ears. Her eyes widened realizing that she didn't notice them before Hero left.

"Oh boy I want to touch them." she said reaching for them. They were soft and very tempting. After a thorough rubbing she started giggle. "Well I am now officially done molesting you sir." She laughed, but then blushed.

What would her mother say if she saw what she did! She should be ashamed of herself. She is a good girl. What she did was unacceptable behavior of a lady. She not only touched a total stranger without his knowledge, but she kissed the man twice without his knowing as well.

"I am so very sorry Mr. Handsome man, I am not like that." She said subconsciously tugging the bottom of her short dress. “Hey, now that I think of it, I seem to be dressed like I'm easy. I really am not Mr. Dog sir." She felt really guilty; saddened that she got so carried away with her silly imagination.

"Well I guess I have to try to get you off this tree by myself." She said to him after awhile.

She got up closer and tried to get good balance before she reached for the arrow. She counted to three and pulled the arrow out of both the man and the tree. She was able to release him, but the down fall was that the man fell on top of her.

She gave a half hearted scream as the two of them tumbled to the ground. "Excuse me sir, your heavy. Ow." She said noticing that he was directly on top of her. His legs were slightly straddled around her, but they were chest to chest, hip to hip. She wiggled some more trying to get out from under him. Her frantic movements at some point caused the male to grunt. Out of reflex the male wrapped his arms around her and gripped her hips.

Blushing she shouted. "Hey! Let go of me!" She knew he understood because his ears flattened on his head and loosened his grip.

"Hey, could you please wake up?" She strongly voiced still wiggling trying to get out from under him. The man rolled over and

Once she was up she straightened her self up and went to look at her new friend. She then noticed his eyes were wide open and they were the same color as Hero's.

"Oh, hello there are your, up. Are you feeling ok?" She asked him.

Author's note: So there you have it. We see our favorite dog-hanyou appears. See you next time. I added the Manticore because of the area it resides. Now normally they are in the woods, but the story later on will explain things