InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother Kaede ❯ Not quite Prince Charming ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's note: I see that I am not well reviewed and well viewed. I just don't get it. I thought my story idea was different and entertaining. I would like feedback as because I feel like I am wasting my time writing this fic.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the characters. Nor do I own the basis of this tale. Brothers Grimm owns the tale; and Rumiko Takahashi owns the rights to the characters.
***Warning this chapter contains some adult situations, Lime is contained in this chapter.***
Chapter 6: Prince Charming?
Oh, hello there, are your, up? Are you feeling ok?" She asked him. She was happy that he woke up and was free. `I wonder why he was pinned to the tree?” She thought smiling at the man before her.
He had amber eyes much like of the puppy that disappeared. Because it was on him, the amber orbs mesmerized her. `He's so beautiful.' She thought not for the first time.
Things were looking good for Kagome. All she had to do is tell this handsome man what happened, and like most gentleman, he would help her get home. And maybe want to come home with her. And they could live happily ever after.
Yes things were looking good again. `Instead of a puppy, I have a man.' She thought full of hope and excitement.
`Damn she is hot.' Was the first thought that came to his head. Everything was foggy at first, but it quickly cleared up once he saw her. He had been sealed, by a witch, but released by a sexy angel. He felt that his luck had finally changed.
` Is she for real? What does she have on? Or what doesn't she have on? Look at those tits. I think I'm going to get laid.' The man thought as he gazed at the woman before him. He knew he wasn't dreaming, because he was cursed to a dream-less state until he released her.
Trying to avoid drooling he looked at her face and concentrated on her eyes. They were an odd shade of gray, but pleasant to look at. Her generous mouth made him lick his lips, only to find yet another discovery.
Once he licked his lips, Kagome bashfully looked away, hoping he didn't find out of her secret.
`So the little bitch kissed me while I was down eh?' He thought staring at her hungrily. He knew she was talking to him, but he hear anything but his heart beating.
“Hello, Hello I'm asking you a question.” Kagome said waving her hands in front of him, trying yet again to get his attention. `I wonder if he understands what I'm saying to him.' She thought regarding the man before her.
`She's jiggling all over the place. Damn what is wrong with me? I am not a pervert. I couldn't have been that long.' The reasoned with himself as he moved closer to her. `She smells so good.' He inhaled and that is when he took action.
“Hey listen do you Oomph.” She said as he pounced on top of her. His lips crashed into hers in a battle of dominance. She struggled for only a moment and relented to his will. He nipped her bottom lip and she complied allowing his tongue to gain access to her.
`By the gods, she is so soft. She's perfect. So good.' He signed as he started exploring her body with her hands. His hand s roamed from her bare hips under her dress to her ample chest. His mouth left hers as he began exploring her earlobe and neck, giving her more reasons to moan.
“Please,” she moaned and he slides his hand between their bodies, one hand reaching under her skirt; while the other gently cupped one of her breasts. It was then that she pulled both hands from around his head to his chest and started pushing him away.
“Please stop.” She pleaded. He looked at her ready to go further when he saw the fear in her eyes. `What the hell?' He thought and pulled away totally.
“Can you tell me what is going on woman?” He asked her angrily
“Actually I could ask you the same sir. Why did you do that to me? All I said was are you ok, and you tried to do things that are meant only for married couples.” Kagome said blushing.
“Oh really, well all I was doing was paying you back for what you did to me.” He said blushing as well.
“What are you….Oh you knew?” She said eyes widening in shock.
“Well no I wasn't awake for it, but I can tell by taste and by smell that you were all over me before I woke. And I can tell that you kissed me more than once. Why are you being so prude all of a sudden, you look like a wench to me.” He said and instantly regretted the statement.
If he weren't so busy ogling the girl, he would have noticed that she was an innocent. Her scent suggested it. `Then why did she kiss me, and what is with her clothes.' He thought
“ Wait just one minute Mister, is this how you treat people who free you? How dare you call me a wench? I can't believe..” She yelled but then stopped, tears starting to trail.
“Your right, I do look like one don't I. I am very sorry I kissed you. I wasn't trying to be loose in morals. I …I thought I could wake you from you sleep. I know that it sounds stupid, but so far everything that happened to me, what like from a fairy tale. Please forgive me sir.” She said crying and bowing to him.
`Damn it if she keeps this up they're gonna fall out.' He thought referring to her breasts. After the third bow, he grabbed her shoulders to stop her and made her sit up straight.
“Look, I am sorry I attacked you like that. I don't make a habit jumping strange women Ok. So stop crying please.” He complained letting her go. He blushed again at his behavior.
She hiccupped and nodded at him trying to compose herself. `Why am I being such a crybaby.'? She thought as the tears started to dry.
“I'm Inuyasha by the way.” He said extending his hand
“Kagome.” She replied shaking the said hand.
“Now then, what are you doing in my forest?” He asked once she calmed down.
“Well its sort of a long story really.” She replied watching him get up and take off his outer jacket.
“Hmm, well we have time. “ He started” Here, this will keep you warm.” He replied sitting back down.
“I'm not cold.” She said to him confused, but taking the garment.
“Well, there are two things that are telling me that you are cold, so put it on now or I will not be held accountable for my actions.” Inuyasha gruffly said.
She looked down at what he was staring at and blushed again. `Oh man, where are my real clothes. I am giving him every reason to think I am loose woman.' She thought wrapping the jacket around her. Once he was satisfied with her appearance he allowed her to tell her tale.
“So I need to get back home, but don't know how to.” She finally finished.
Inuyasha thought about it, and shook his head. “I don't know, but it sounds to me like you need to get back to this well. And you said it was outside my forest right?”
“Yes but the Beast is out there. I can't possibly go out there with him waiting for me.” She said shivering at the thought of the Manticore.
“Fine, I know someone who can help you.” He said after awhile.
“Really? You do? Who are they? Lets go then.” She said getting up.
“No.” He said to her without moving.
“What? What do you mean no?” She said getting frustrated with the uncooperative man before her.
“I will tell you how to get her, but I am not going with you.” He said with his eyes closed. He felt that it was better this way. He hated going to the village. It brought back so many bad memories. And he also felt that by staying by this girl too long, he would try to sabotage her efforts in trying to get home.
Yes Inuyasha knew it. He fell and he fell hard for this girl from another world. He knew
From the moment he saw her. From the moment he tasted her. From the moment he smelled her. He didn't want to let her go. So he knew she needed to be home. As beautiful as she is, she has to have a suitor waiting for her.
“But.” She started but he put a finger on her lips.
“You will be fine in my forest Kagome. All you need to do is avoid the streams and river, and you will be safe.” He assured.
“Your forest, I don't” She started but he hushed her by caressing her collarbone. `He keeps touching me, its distracting. I can't concentrate.' She thought
“Just listen, this is my home. Nothing in it will harm you do you understand me?” He asked.
Kagome shook her head and reached for his hand. “I am sorry that I offended you Inuyasha. Please just take me to the person I need to see. I don't want to be alone. I need you.”
“I can't” He said finally squeezing her hand, and reached to tuck a strain of hair behind her ears. “You must do this on your own.” He finished but added. “ If you go this way here, you will make it to the village before it gets dark.” He said pointing east.
“Ok who should I ask for? She asked him looking in the direction he showed her.
“Ask for Mother Kaede.” He said to her and was gone.
“Good bye Inuyasha.” She said quietly as she walked off to find the woman who would help her get home.
Author's note there you have it. Not much of a lime, but they just met. The next chapter will introduce you to another creature is going to come to play with Kagome.