InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother Kaede ❯ The Kappa ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 7: The Kappa

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha nor do I own the Characters. The rights go to Rumiko Takahashi

This definition is from
Kappa are mischievous troublemakers. Their pranks range from the relatively innocent, such as loudly passing gas or looking up women's kimonos, to the more troublesome, such as stealing crops, kidnapping children, or raping women. In fact, small children are one of the gluttonous kappa's favorite meals, though they will eat adults as well. They feed on these hapless victims by sucking out the shirikodama (KŽq‹Ê, shirikodama?)[1] (or entrails, blood, liver, or "life force", depending on the legend) through the anus. Even today, signs warning about kappa appear by bodies of water in some Japanese towns and villages. Kappa are also said to be afraid of fire, and some villages hold fireworks festivals each year to scare the spirits away.

Warning: This chapter contains some adult themes.

It was an hour later, when Kagome felt tired and thirsty. Her limbs were sore and she was a little warm. She took off the red jacket that she had on and wrapped it around her waist. 'I know he said to avoid the streams and rivers, but I hear water flowing in a distance. It won’t hurt to get some water, right?" She thought debating on the matter.

Once she decided on getting a drink she trailed from the path that she was to take. She found a stream shortly, and quickly smiled. The water was refreshing and sweet. IT was perfect to quench her dry throat. Knowing that it was bad to gulp too much she settled by drinking small sips. Despite the fact the water was inviting, she couldn't help but think she wasn't alone.

She looked around, and when she saw no one she looked at her reflection in the water. That caused her to groan. She had smudges on her face and twigs in her hair. 'I won’t take to long.' She thought as she drank a little more.

"That was good." she said as she started to wash up a little. Because the air was cool she was thankful that she didn't have to take a bath. 'After all I am not to be here.' she smirked. She fingered the red jacket that Inuyasha had lent her. ‘I wonder when he wants this back?' she thought glumly. 'No I want to keep it. How else am I to remember Inuyasha? I want proof to show mother and Kagura.'

The truth of the matter, she missed him. Sure they just met, and sure she got a little too personal with him, she still missed his presence. He helped her forget that she was scared and alone.

'Well, I'm done.' She thought getting up and smacking her thighs. Once here she planned on going back to the main road and head to the village. She turned to head for the main trail when she spotted four green critters. They were child size and had faces of a monkey their skin was scaly and harsh, and they looked like half frog half human... She couldn't tell whether they had teeth or not. They didn't seem too threatening.

"Hello there. What are you guys doing? Come here often." She nervously said to them as she slowly walked away from them, getting closer to the stream. Because they were blocking her from going to the main path to the village, Kagome strayed further into there territory.

They whispered to each other while looking at the girl. 'What the heck are they? ‘She thought heading up stream. She was too busy staring at them, when she felt her leg getting cut.

"Ouch." she cried grabbing at the limb and looking at the source of her dilemma. Another creature was standing next to her, licking its clawed hand. It was licking her blood off its hands to be more precise.’ That thing cut me." She thought as she hobbles away. She was then cut in her arm and she started to walk faster. The girl was stopped, and went another direction when she spotted five more of the critters approaching. 'Oh man." She thought as she started to run from them. They made odd chirping noises and proceeded to follow her in hot pursuit.

“That’s right.” She voiced as she pulled her dagger and struck one of the creatures that cut her. The dagger was a nice touch to defend herself, however killing two of the creatures caused them to be more aggressive.

The further she went, the more that popped up. ‘There coming from the water itself.' She groaned inwardly. 'What do they want with me? She wondered trying to remember any tales of water creatures. When none came to mind, she thought she would do what would be best for her, she screamed her head off.


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Right in the center of the Forest was a special tree. It stood tall and strong. It indeed was the oldest tree in the forest, for it has seen many centuries in the land. This tree was the only tree that had a window and a door both on the trunk. It was also the only tree that had living quarters inside of it.

Inuyasha spent the rest of his day cleaning out and dusking off his home. "Damn how long has it been?" he said aloud. He was glad that he was free of course, but he was alone and didn't really know what to do with himself. "What the hell did I do before I was sealed?" he voiced.

It was then that he realized he had no memory of his life before the enchantment. Not being one to dwell on the past, thoughts went to a certain curvy brunette. Just thinking about her made him hard. Shaking his head he walked out of his home just to hear her scream from a distance. Knowing the direction, he ran off in pursuit of her.

"Stupid girl, I told her to stay away from water." He swore bitterly. Something inside him exploded and his speed increased three fold. He knew what the Kappa were capable of; he just didn't know what mood they were in. 'Who knows they might just be playing tricks on her, like they did with Keade.' He reasoned, but then thought about Kagome's clothing.

"Ah Hell no. Those bastards better not even think it." He swore heading off.

He landed in a clearing to find Kagome lying on her back naked. Her one leg was bleeding and so were both her arms. Five Kappa were holding her down, while one was stripping down. There were many others circling around her leering at her, anticipating as if they were going to take turns with the girl.

"Enough!" Inuyasha roared as he attacked using his claws. Most of them got away unharmed. But the ones who held her down, and the one who was about to touch what was not his were all decapitated.

Kagome sat up and reached for the red jacket once again. It was the only article of clothing that wasn't damaged. She wrapped her self in it and held herself. 'I am so stupid.' She thought remorsefully. 'I depend too much on him. Now he is here for me. He saves me even after warning me not to go near any water.' she thought. Her body got cold and she couldn't stop trembling.

Inuyasha wiped his bloodied hands before he went to the girl. She was trying to be brave. 'I should have taken her. This is my fault. I was trying to protect her from me, and failed to protect her from the real monsters here.' He thought picking her up bridal style.

"It's ok, I am here now. You can cry if you want." He said to her hoping that she didn't. He hated it when women cried. But for some reason they do it a lot and he figured that it might help them relieve stress or something.

She snuggled into his warmth but gave no reply.

"Hello? Kagome?" He said again. He picked up on her breathing and heart beat, and realized she was fast asleep.

"I'll take you to Keade now. You will be safe until then." He whispered.

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"Inuyasha, what brings you hear?" An old voice inquired

"This girl needs your help." He answered carrying the sleeping girl into the hut.

It was nightfall, and the air grew frigid. Kagome was still sleeping, so once the old woman motioned him to place her on the bed, he did so.

"You came to this village for this girl?" The woman asked

"Yes, she is lost and needs help to get back home. She is not from this world, and she is scared. She came across the Manticore, and was attacked by a group of Kappa.

"Really and why are you being so helpful? Are you not also an evil beast too?" Keade asked with a knowing smile.

"Damnit witch, take care of her, or I will kill everyone in this village."

"Why is she so important to you? She boldly asked.

"Because, she is the one that freed me and bound me at the same time." He said and immediately left the hut.

Author's note: I did have two other reviews, but I lost them, so I want to thank them in reviewing. I also want to thank Kooris Mate for reviewing as well. That review made my day.