InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother ❯ No Difference ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3
Moriko ran the brush through her son's hair. Inu Taishou was overreacting to her mothering. Even a youkai child needs a bit of love now and then.
"Mother?" he asked, "Why does father always treat you so differently to that human lady he's with?"
"I don't know. He just seems to love her more."
"But why would he love her more? She's not his mate, you are."
Moriko smiled at him.
"You'll find out when you're older."
Sesshomaru frowned and thought about it. It just seemed horrid.


Rin sat up in the bed by her sleeping husband. She thought about her new life, how Hachiro had taken her to this village. He was wonderful to her, but she couldn't get the love in her heart to reach him. It felt like he wasn't meant to be there. Rin couldn't erase the image of Sesshomaru on the day she left. Appearing emotionless, but she could feel something coming from him.  When he walked off, the atmosphere lightened around them and yet it seemed that Sesshomaru was enclosed by fog. Hachiro didn't notice.
And she just left him, after all he had done for her. Rin was ashamed with herself. She didn't even want to come here. It felt too unnatural. Like something was being hidden from her. She couldn't erase the feeling of loneliness that came from that time.


The staff of heads lay abandoned amongst the fallen leaves. Sesshomaru picked it up. Even Jaken had left him. He hid the staff inside a hollow tree and walked off. There was no need for another weapon. He already had two swords.
Sesshomaru started to sing quietly to himself, the familiar song giving him at least a bit of comfort.
"Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam
Et lingua eius loquetur indicium
Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem
Quoniam cum probatus fuerit accipiet coronam vitae.."


"..Kyrie, Ignis Divine, Eleison
O quam sancta, quam serena, quam benigma
Quam amoena O castitatis lilium."*
Moriko looked at her son, just falling asleep.
"That was lovely, mother."
"It's a song to sing when you need my help."
Sesshomaru nodded and dropped off to sleep.
She went out of the room, quietly humming the sng to herself.
Looking out from the cliff, Moriko saw inu-Taishou talking with the human. He looked so happy. So did she. Who was she to him? A toy to play with. Inu-Taishou was like that. Any woman was his plaything, youkai or human. The human was one of them. So was she. His useless little plaything.
Much longer!
*The song is called Lilium and it is in Latin. It is not mine.