InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Motherhood: A spring ferility festival spin-off ❯ Motherhood: A spring ferility festival spin-off ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Motherhood: spring fertility festival spinoff

This story takes place about one month after Yobai: night Visits.

this story is rated R for sexual themes . . .

Do not read if you are easily offended . . .


Inu-yasha and the rest of the group are walking into the village, after an adventure. They are all in a good mood. The adventure was obviously successful.

"Kagome, could I talk to you, privately, please?" Keade asks as they approach her hut.

"Sure, Keade." Kagome replies.

They go into Keade's hut. They rest of the party looks at each other. Inu-yasha and Shippo go to opposite sides of the hut, and listen.

Sango and Miroku look at each other and shrug. "We'll find out if it's important." Sango mumbles.

Miroku nods.

Keade, once they are inside her hut, turns and asks, "I know that you've just returned from an adventure, and would like to return to your side of the well, Kagome, but I would like it if you could help me."

"With what?" Kagome asks, brightly.

Keade, sighs, "you do remember the girl Emi?"

Kagome thinks, "yes, she is the very pregnant girl that I talked with when I went to the girl's association meeting last month, right?"

Keade nods. "Yes. And she is going to give birth soon. Within two or three days is my best guess."

Kagome bites her lips, nods, sighs and says, "go on."

Keade nods, "and I would like you to assist me with the birth."

Kagome pauses. `We just got a shard, and it was easier than we thought it would be. I had been hoping to spend a couple of extra days studying, not helping Keade, but. Which is more important?'

She asks, "is my presence really necessary, Lady Keade?"

Keade sighs and shakes her head, "truthfully, no. but, this is something I think you need to know. I am not ordering you, Lady Kagome. Consider this a favor, or a request, nothing else."

Kagome purses her lips. She thinks, `if this was an order, I probably would try to evade it by using my school work. But Keade is always doing things for the group, especially when I'm not here to help. Can I refuse her when she asks for a favor?'

Kagome pauses. "Do you mind if I go through the well, first? I'd like my mom to know that everything is ok, and I'm going to be helping you for a couple of days."

She thinks, `and if my mom decides that school is more important, then I can use that as the excuse to refuse.'

"Of course, you may go through the well, Kagome." Keade nods. "You will help. I take it?"

"Unless there is something more important on the other side of the well, yes."

Keade purses her lips, as she thinks, `she's probably going to use her school as an excuse. Sigh. The next time, I'll have to time it so the birth is taking place when they return from an adventure and I need her help immediately.'

Later. On Kagome's side of the well.

In Kagome's house, in the living room.

Kagome has just finished explaining to her mother about Keade's request.

Mrs. H pauses. She says, "Of course, dear. You may go and help Keade."

"School?" Kagome squeaks out.

Her mother answers with, "A couple of days one way or the other isn't going to change much. And most of the time, a midwife or even her assistant will have a large amount of time on their hands waiting for the birth, so you can still study then."

Mrs. H pauses, then continues, "And, you do want to become a doctor. So, think of this as a hands-on experience." She smiles. "You'll probably learn more by helping Keade then you would by any textbook."

Kagome smiles, "I never thought of it that way, mother. Although with my grades"

"Pish posh, my dear. You must look on the bright side. You will graduate and you will become a doctor, like you've always wanted to be." Mrs. H smiles, "And if, in the future, you and inu-yasha decide to stay in the past, you'll have to do this as a miko anyway, correct?"

Kagome nods. "I suppose." She pauses. "Mom?"

"Yes, dear?"

"About what you just said?"

"What part, dear?"

"ahh… living on the other side of the well" Kagome whispers. "You. . . I thought… aahmm." Kagome can't finish the sentence.

Mrs. H smiles, "Do I mind if you lived on the other side of well?"

Kagome blushes, and nods.

Kagome's mother sighs. She smiles, "As long as I can see my grandchildren, I wouldn't mind where you live."

Her mouth twitches, "lately, Kagome, when you've been talking about Inu-yasha and your adventures, your face lights up, you laugh, you're alive. But, when you come home for school, you're dead." She sighs.

Kagome's mouth twitches, "Sometimes, I do feel dead after school."

Mrs. H. nods, "In the past, my dear, you are doing things. Here, on this side, it'll be years before you can help people like, on the other side, you can help people now. And, My daughter loves to help people." She smiles.

Kagome blushes, remembering times when she's volunteered to help people. She nods.

"Where you live, Kagome, I really don't care. Just as long as you're happy, where or whenever you live." She moves close and hugs Kagome.

Kagome hugs her back.

"Some nights I dream about playing with my dog-eared grandchildren." She whispers into Kagome's ears. Kagome blushes.

"And if you get stuck on that side of the well, you really do need to know about natural childbirth." Kagome's mother whispers.


"Yes, dear?"

"How often have I told you that you're the best mother in the world?"

Kagome's mother squeezes her daughter, tighter. "Thank you, Kagome. But that's only true when your daughter tells you the same thing. I'm supposed to teach you to be a good person and a good parent, so until you have your own children, how can we tell if I have taught you properly?"

Kagome squeezes her mother.

She sighs, "so, you want me to help Keade."

"Of course, it is a favor and a good person is measured by the favors she does."

"Trapped." Kagome whispers.

Mrs. H's eyebrows raise, "Do you think something will go wrong?"

Kagome shakes her head, no. "Not that, mom. It's just… the last couple of times, Keade has asked me to do something, things get weird."

Mrs. H sighs, "life sometimes is weird, my dear. And I think you'll be a better person for helping."

Kagome sighs, and nods. She pauses, "Should I read up on modern childbirth procedures?"

Her mothers mouth twitches, "all they are going to say is that you are to take the mother to a hospital. And you can't do that, so why bother?"

Kagome's mouth twitches, "Your right, I suppose. So, it'll be just like some of those movies where all you have is hot water and towels…"

Mrs. H shrugs. "I was unconscious during yours and Sota's births. So, I'm not going to be to help you much."

Kagome sighs as she thinks, `well with Keade right there I don't suppose it'll get too bad.'

She nods. "Ok. I'll go through the well and help."

Later…. On Inu-yasha's side of the well. It is late in the afternoon.

Keade and Kagome are walking to the house where the young woman Emi lives.

"Remember, Kagome, I am visiting the house because Emi's mother has a stomachache, and you are visiting Emi, since you and her got along at the girls association meeting."

"We've not going to announce that her birth in imminent?" Kagome asks. "I would have thought that is a joyous occasion."

Keade shakes her head, no. "It is. But, too many things could go wrong, so, not to offend the gods and spirits, everyone pretends that nothing special is happening, until after the birth and all the proper rituals are done."

Kagome nods.

Keade points to a small building, set off away from the others. "Tomorrow, we'll prepare that building for the birth. White curtains will be placed on all the openings and she'll enter the room. She'll stay in it, until after the birth."

Kagome nods. She's seen that building dressed up before. The villagers use it as a special house for births and deaths. After each time the building is used, Keade has to perform various rituals around the house, spiritually cleaning it. (In addition to the real cleaning that is done. The building is normally the most spotless house in the village.)

"What I going to be doing?" Kagome asks.

"As my assistant? Nothing much. I'll give you a mantra for you to recite as we wait for the child birth. I just want you here to observe. If anything goes wrong, I'll take care of it." Keade replies.

Kagome nods.

Keade walks up the house and waits.

A couple of minutes later Emi's Mother Akemi, an older and worn, woman in her mid-forties, slides open the door and invites them, loudly complaining about her upset stomach, to secret amusement of the neighbors, who know exactly why Keade and Kagome are there.

"Kagome, why don't you visit Emi, why I examine Akemi here," Keade smiles, "we don't want to make her into a liar now, do we?"

"Emi is in this room." Akemi states as she points to a sliding door. "Miko Kagome."

Kagome nods, hiding a small grimace. She thinks, `that is something I'll probably never get used to. Everyone in the village deferring to me, like I know what I'm doing, instead of just making things up as I go along.'

Kagome opens the sliding door and enters the room. Emi, young nice looking young woman who is a couple of years older than Kagome, is sitting off in one corner, with a bowl of silkworm cocoons next to her. She is unraveling the silk threads from the cocoon. When Kagome enters, she starts to stand.

Kagome waves her hands and cries, "no! You don't Emi. Don't stand. Just sit there." She orders as she quickly crosses the room and sits down beside Emi.

Emi leans back down and places a hand over her huge stomach. A small smile appears on her lips. "Thank you, Lady Kagome. But, I really should stand up and bow to you."

"Don't you dare." Kagome states in one of her hardest voices. "Not in your condition."

Emi smiles and begins to unravel the cocoon again.

Kagome clears her throat. "umm. Emi. I'm supposed to help, but." She starts to say. "How are you?" Kagome finally asks.

"I feel very full, Lady Kagome. My back and my feet ache, but that is too be expected" Emi replies.

"Just call me, Kagome, please." She requests. She pauses. "Emi, I supposed to help, but I've never done anything like this before so…" she says in a low voice.

"Never? Surely you've helped you mother?"

Kagome shakes her head. "No. they do things differently where I come from, so."

Emi, "so you know nothing?"

"Pretty much. Or rather, I know what will happen, but I've never seen it." Kagome pauses, she looks around, "you have a finance right?"

Emi nods.

"I would have thought he would be around?"

"He wants to be, but his family doesn't want to appear too eager, so, until the child is born, he's having to sleep at his home, instead of with me." Emi sighs.

"It'll be fine, Emi." Kagome smiles and takes one of Emi's hands in her hand and squeezes it. Her mouth twitches, "I hope I won't make any mistakes."

"You won't." Keade says as she opens the door. Emi's mother is following her into the room.

"Stand up, please, Emi." Keade says, "I need to feel you."

Emi nods. She stands up and loosens her kimono. Keade stands next to her, slips her hands under the kimono and feels Emi's body.

"Kagome, come here, please. Stand next to me." Keade orders, "I need to show you want to feel."

Kagome blushes as she stands up and moves next to Keade. "Emi?"

Emi's mouth twitches, "it's fine, Kagome. I expected something like this."

Kagome swallows hard, and she reaches out. Keade takes her hands, places them under Emi's kimono and begins to move them over her body.

Emi stands, basically unmoving, looking off in the distance as Keade uses her body to show Kagome how a pregnant woman's body is supposed to feel like.

After a few minutes of low voiced mumbles as Keade talks to Kagome, they finish.

Kagome is beet red as she moves away for Emi.

"Sit down, Emi." Keade orders. "Your hips are wider than your mother's, child. Everything will go smoothly."

With a huge sigh Emi sits down. Emi's mother, Keade and Kagome sit down as well.

Keade looks at Emi's mother. "Yes, tomorrow."

She nods. "Everything is ready."

Noises outside the room attract everyone's attention.

A small boy perhaps eight or nine runs into the room and flings himself at his mother, hugging her. He is crying.

Kagome looks at Emi, raising an eyebrow.

Emi mouths, "bullies."

Kagome sighs.

"They were picking on me again, mommie." The boy cries into his mother's chest.

"Daichi?" she asks.

He nods vigorously.

Keade shakes her head. `I'm going to have to mention this to his mother. Perhaps a word to Inu-yasha might be advisable? All the boy is doing is trying to emulate Inu-yasha.' Keade thinks. `I'll mention it to Kagome and get her opinion.'

`Daichi?' Kagome thinks, `where have I heard that name before? Oh yes, one of the kids that is always interested in Inu-yasha. Hero worship, probably. Well, if that is the case, then something needs to be done. If Inu-yasha is going to be a role-model, he's going to have act like one.'

Emi's mother opens her kimono and moves her sons head to her bared breasts. "Here, son. They may not be full like your sisters, but, they can still bring you comfort." She whispers.

The boy begins to suck, noisily, on his mother's breasts.

Kagome thinks, `I thought I'd seen this before as I've walked through the village, but, I always thought I was seeing things. That boy is older than Shippo, and his mother still allows him to suckle on her breasts?'

Kagome clears her throat, "forgive me, if I'm being unpolite, but, where I come from, babies are weaned at a young age." Her face is beet red by the time she finishes her question. "How old is common here?"

The other women in the room smile. Emi's mother looks at Keade. Keade nods her head to her, an indication for Emi's mother to answer the question.

"Lady Kagome." Emi's mother smiles. "As far as suckling for food goes, everyone starts mixing in thin gruel and the child begins to start to eat that at about a year after birth." She pauses, thinking, "I suppose most kids get some, if not most of their food from their mother's breasts for four years, perhaps."

She pats her son's head. "But, this? This is just to calm him and to show him that I love and care for him." His suckling has already slowed down, and Kagome can see what is probably a smile on his face. "This. Girls stop needing this at about the time that their monthly bleeding starts. As for men . . . I really don't think men ever get weaned from sucking on breasts. If they are not suckling on their mother's breasts, then it's their wives."

"Or sisters." Emi adds.

"Sisters?" Kagome asks, luckily for her, her face is already beet red, so her additional embarrassment isn't visible.

Emi frowns, "Yes. Sisters. You said you had a little brother, Kagome, didn't you suckle him?"

Kagome slowing shakes her head no.

"You come from a very odd place, Lady Kagome." Emi's mother remarks. Kagome nods.

Akemi says, "it is customary for the older sisters and brothers to help their mother with their younger brothers and sisters. And once a girl becomes a young woman that does include letting their younger brothers or sisters suckle on them."

Her mouth twitches, "they have to. I can't look after half a dozen kids, do the housework and work in the fields."

"Didn't you want to help your mother?" Emi asks.

"Of course!" Kagome replies. "When my little brother was born, I was very happy. A living doll that I could play with was my first thought. And I did help my mother with him." Kagome exclaims. "I normally helped her watch him and I changed a few diapers, but nothing like that." Kagome waves her hand to Emi's brother.

Keade frowns, `I wonder. From some of the things that Kagome has said in passing, the family in the future has changed, becoming, I think, weaker. I wonder…' she thinks. `The bonds in the family are strengthened by everyone helping each other. Do families in the future help each other?'

Emi smiles, "Your homeland must be a strange place, Lady Kagome. I've been helping my mother all my life. I've probably spent more time with my little brother than my mother."

"Yeah. But the last time I asked about suckling on you, you said no. your breasts hurt." Hiroshi says as he lifts his head off his mother's breast.

"And they did, Hiroshi. But, come over here, you scamp. They are full and if you have to suckle, you can empty them."

The boy looks at his mother, who nods. He moves to his sister and begins to suckle her breasts. "Remember, Hiroshi, I will have a new child and he'll take priority in a few days. So, I'm not going to be able to do this." Emi in a stage whisper says to her younger brother.

He sighs and nods.

`There are times . . . ' Kagome thinks. `When I just get comfortable here, and then something like this comes up and change things.'

Keade clears her throat. "Kagome."

"Yes, miko Keade?"

"Akemi has problems in the past during childbirth." Keade begins. Akemi blushed and nods. "So, I would like you to stay the night."

"Huh? Why don't you?" Kagome begins, she pauses, then says, "You don't want the neighbors to think anything bad is going to happen. And if you stayed the night, they might."

"Whereas if you stayed the night, Lady Kagome, they'll just think that we're friends." Emi adds in. "And this." She pats her stomach, "is normal."

"Will they?" Kagome asks.

Akemi says, "it's a good excuse, lady Kagome and nobody will ask embarrassing questions."

Kagome nods her head, "I'll stay."

"Good." Keade says, "in that case, I'll be back tomorrow morning, Akemi, Emi."

Everybody nods and gives Keade polite good byes.

Keade starts to leave the house, but, Kagome catches up with her. "Can I talk to you in private, Lady Keade?"

"Of course, lady Kagome. WE can talk, in low voices, just outside the house."

Kagome nods. They leave the house and stand, facing each other in the dirt street in front of the house. Night has fallen while they were in the house.

"Lady Kagome?" Keade begins, when she sees that Kagome is struggling trying to come up with an opening sentence.

"Keade, why?" Kagome begins. "Why all this?" Kagome subtly waves her hands at the house and village. "I don't need to spend the night with her. You're only a huge shout away."

Keade sighs, "Lady Kagome, do you agree that one should plan for the future?"

Kagome nods.

"And it is my duty to make sure that there will be a Miko to look after this village when I am gone?"

Kagome grimaces, but nods.

Keade sighs, "I have not formally asked you, nor is this, that occasion, but, you are the best person in this village to replace me."

Kagome bites her lips.

Keade continues, "Before I can formally ask you to be my heir, though, I need to make sure about a few things."

In a low voice, Kagome asks, "which are?"

Keade sighs, "Some things I have no control over." She waves the necklace of shards around Kagome's neck. "How your quest ends, for example, and when it ends, whither or not the well works."

"Yes . . . "

"And, Lady Kagome, I do realize that you do desire to live on your side of the well. And if, when your quest is done, that is still your decision, I'll never ask you to become my heir. But, I must plan on what is best for the village."

"And that is if I, myself, become your heir." Kagome whispers.

Keade nods. "And, if that is this case, then you need to know more about the village and the people in it. So, I will, when time and opportunity arises, try to have you become more involved in the village."

"So, my being here with Akemi and Emi?"

"From your talks about your family, I've come to understand that things in the future are very different, so, spending time, with them, will help you understand what a family is now."

Kagome nods.

Keade quickly adds, "And Akemi has had difficult births and Emi is afraid that she'll have them as well. So, your being there will calm her down and help her."

"So, a little bit of practical experience and psychology thrown in." Kagome's mouth twitches.


Kagome blushes, "the study of the human mind and how it acts." Her mouth twitches, "what make's people do the things that they do."

"Ahh. Good. Being Miko is more than just defeating monsters, it is getting along with and leading people, Lady Kagome, learning about this `psychology' is a good thing."

Kagome sighs.

"If something goes wrong, I trust you to solve it, Kagome." Keade smiles as bows slightly to her.

Kagome nods. "Ok. I'll see you in the morning then. Oh. I need to get my nightgown and futon." She starts to walk to Keade's hut.

Keade moves in front of her and stops her. "No. Stay the night with them as you are."

Kagome asks, "why?"

Keade replies, "because this way, you'll be closer to them then if you sleep in your futon."

Kagome shrugs, "ok. You basically want them to adopt me, tonight, don't you?"

Keade smiles, "pretty much, lady Kagome. I do want you to get to know the families of the village more, and this is one way to do it."

"What about Inu-yasha?" Kagome asks.

"Don't worry about him." Keade replies, with a gleam in her eyes. "He'll understand."

Kagome suppresses a giggle.

Keade's mouth twitches. "Go back inside, Lady Kagome. And don't worry about him."

Kagome shakes her head, "ok. I'll see you in the morning, then."

Keade nods. "Yes, I'll see you in the morning."

Kagome returns to the house.

"Akemi?" She asks as she enters the dark house.

Akemi appears with a small candle to light the way. "Follow me, Lady Kagome."

Kagome follows her.

A loud roar from Inu-yasha echoes throughout the village.

Kagome cringes and rolls her eyes, `Inu-yasha . . . what I am going to do with you?'

Another roar starts, but is cut off mid-cry.

Peace and quiet settle on the village . . .

Akemi leads her to a large room. In the room, a couple of small oil lamps lite the room.

In the room Akemi's family has gathered. They are spreading bedding out. They are: Ran Akemi's husband's mother, a very old woman. Minoru who is Akemi's husband, he is in his mid-fifties, and their children. Emi, Yuko a younger girl who is about twelve/thirteen. Hiroshi and Shiro a young son who is about six or seven.

They all stop, turn to Kagome and bow to her.

Kagome blushes red. "Please. I'm just Kagome, don't treat me special."

"It's a warm night, so don't use much." Ran, the grandmother of the house, bosses everyone.

The room is on the outer edge of the house. Since it is a warm night, the family removes the thin walls, and hangs mosquito nets. So, even when the small lamps are blown out, a soft light from the stars and partial moon, does give the room some light. And without the walls, a soft breeze flows through the room.

Kagome whispers to Akemi as they spread out the quilts. "I thought that you said earlier that you had a half-a-dozen children?"

"I have, but my oldest has already left the house, and I've had a couple of children die over the years."

"Oh, sorry." Kagome apologies.

Akemi waves her apology off, "compared to some of the other families in the village, we've fine, Lady Kagome. One of my friends has only one adult child out of six live births."


They spread out cotton quilts on the floor for bedding and some light cotton sheets to cover themselves. Everyone in the family begins to gather and they lay down onto the quilts. Since they are a peasant family, they don't have a lot of clothes, so. Minoru strips down to his underwear, but Hiroshi and Shiro strips naked. Ran, Akemi, Emi and Yuko strip down to a thin long cotton undershirt that they normally wear under their kimonos.

Kagome bites her lips, "Akemi?" she points to her clothes.

Akemi points to thin cotton kimono draped over a chest. "You can wear that, Lady Kagome."

Kagome blushes, but drapes the thin kimono over her and then she takes off her modern clothes, while the thin kimono covers her from the gazes of the Minoru and the boys. She asks, "you are sure?"

Emi pats the quilts next to her. "It's fine, Lady Kagome. We're honored that you're staying the night."

Kagome's mouth twitches, `forced you mean, but, I suppose it's ok.' She thinks.

"Besides," Emi pats her enlarged stomach, "In case something happens tonight, I am very grateful that you are here."

Kagome bends down and gets onto the quilts and crawls to Emi. She places her hands on Emi stomach. "It'll be all right, Emi." She smiles. Emi's stomach twitches and rolls under her hand.

"He's active tonight." Shiro whispers as he sits next to his sister.

Emi smiles, "you haven't seen this yet, have you, Shiro?"

Shiro shakes his head, no. "Nope. I'm the baby of the family, remember."

Akemi smiles. "Don't worry, Shiro, starting tomorrow, things will change and you'll be doing more around the house."

Everyone crawls under the thin cotton sheets and begins to snuggle up to each other.

Kagome softly clears her throat.

"Sleep next to me." Emi whispers as she pats the ground next to her. "My finance would sleep there, so I'm used to it."

"Ok" Kagome swallows and slips in beside Emi.

Emi lies on her side, back to back to Kagome. Yuko curls up facing Kagome. Shiro curls up facing Emi.

`Gods. They are all so trusting, and adjusting to my presence without a problem. And even though Akemi's husband hasn't said a word to me, I can tell that he is proud that I'm spending the night with his family.' Kagome thinks as she tries to find a comfortable place to sleep.

Yuko, the younger daughter, snuggles up Kagome, sandwiching her between the two sisters. "When I grow up, I want to be a Miko." Yuko whispers into Kagome's ear.

Kagome smiles, "I'll tell the Miko Keade." She whispers back.

Yuko smiles, closes her eyes, goes to sleep. (She's had a hard day in the field, weeding.)

After a few minutes' Kagome can sense most of the family has gone to sleep, which given the hard day in the fields that they all experience on a day in and day out basis, isn't surprising.

Kagome thinks, `I'm used to studying at night. They are used to going to sleep at sunset. The only ones that are still awake are Emi and Shiro. Emi, I can understand but Shiro?'

Shiro is snuggled up next to his big sister Emi. After he twists and turns a couple of times, Emi whispers, "Shh, Shiro. I'll help you go to sleep."

Shiro moves closer to his sister. And Emi reaches out with one arm over his groin.

Kagome can feel Emi's arm move up and down.

`Is she doing what I think she's doing?' Kagome thinks, her eyes wide. She turns, facing Emi's back.

After a couple of minutes Shiro sighs, loudly and Emi's hand leaves his groin.

He falls asleep a couple of minutes later.

Emi, sighs, and slowly turns over to face Kagome. "I don't think I'm going be able to go to sleep tonight." She whispers. She rubs her stomach.

"Worried about tomorrow?" Kagome whispers back.

"Not really. I've helped my mom and my aunts enough that I know what's going to happen. I'm just very, very uncomfortable." Emi smiles faintly. "My mom never could sleep the night before childbirth either, I think."

"Don't worry. Every thing will be fine."

Emi sighs. "You knew I was lying, didn't you."

Kagome reaches out and grabs her hands. "Keade told me that your mother had problems. I'll help, as much as I can."

Emi sighs. "Thank you." She pauses. "My mom, even Yuko says that, but, hearing it from you, just feels better."

"Trust your mother and sister."

Emi sighs. "I do."

Kagome clears her throat, "did you just do what I thought you did, with your brother?" she whispers.

"Huh? Yes, of course. The boys sometimes need it to sleep. Sometimes Yuko or I need it, and Dad will help us." Emi replies, like it is the most normal thing in the world. "In a couple of years, it'll get messy. But, by then, I'll be out of the house and it'll be Mom and Yuko that'll have to clean up."

"Oh . . . " Kagome softly whispers. "Everyone does it?"

"Huh? Pretty much, I think. Don't you with your family?"

"We each sleep in separate rooms, not together like this."

"Ohh." Emi replies, still whispering. "Things are very different where you come from."

"Yes. I've never done anything like that with my little brother."

"Oh . . . " Emi pauses, "what do you do in the winter? It's soo cold everyone has to sleep together."

"Everyone still sleeps in different rooms. The heaters are much better where I come from."

"I'd like that." Emi says. "Sometimes, during the winter, the nights are soo long and you really can't do anything during the day. Father needs a lot of help before he falls asleep." She pauses, "in a couple of years, Yuko and Mother are going to be very busy during winter nights, once Hiroshi and Shiro grow up."

Kagome takes a deep breath. "You mean?"

"Sure." Emi replies. "I was fathers' favorite, until Yuko began her monthly cycles, now she is his favorite. Hiroshi is mothers' favorite."

"Ohhh." Even in the semi-darkness the blush on Kagome's face is visible. "Sorry, I didn't mean. I mean, this . . . "

"It's ok, Lady Kagome."

A pause . . .

Kagome's eyes narrow. "Keade. She came by and told you to tell me everything, didn't she?"

Emi pauses. "Yes. A couple of days ago." She pauses. "Are you upset?"

Kagome sighs. "It's not your fault, Emi. I am from a different place and Lady Keade is trying to teach me things. And she felt this was necessary."

"Oh." Emi whispers. "And?"


"And are you upset with Lady Keade? Please don't be." Emi begins to rapidly say, "She's the best Miko we've had in years and you are very well thought of. I don't want to be the cause of anything that would be a problem between you two."

Kagome shakes her head, "No." She sighs. "I am not really upset at her. I just wish that she had given me more warning about this, though." Kagome pats Emi hand. "Don't worry, Emi. I might have some sharp words for her, but it'll be nothing serious."

"Are you sure?"

"Keade is being too secretive. She should have given me more warning about what to expect." Kagome sighs, "And she'll say that I learned more by being surprised. It's an argument that neither of us is going to win."


"Try to get some sleep, Emi. I don't know much about childbirth, but you'll need it, tomorrow." Kagome whispers.

Emi smiles, "I'll try, La . . . Kagome."

Kagome smiles, "thank you, Emi."

Emi closes her eyes, sighs and at least pretends to be asleep.

Kagome closes her eyes and pretends to be asleep.

Kagome thinks, `things are so much different here. I've known that everyone on this side of the well sleeps together in the same room. Even we sleep together in the same room. I just thought that everyone slept separately like we do. But . . . now that I think about it.'

Kagome pauses as she remembers days when the group has slept in regular houses. And in the morning when the madam of the house would wake them, she would, on occasion, look surprised at their sleeping arraignments.

`Those surprised looks and vague remarks make more sense now.' Kagome mentally nods.

`And . . . There has been times when I've been surprised at how strong the bond is between a mother and her son. And the strength of the bond between a father and his daughter. Now . . . Those bonds . . . '

Kagome pauses, her eyes open wide and she stares up at the dark and shadowy ceiling. `Sango . . . I've always known that she was very close to her brother and her father. But . . . I never considered this . . . '

That thought and variations on it . . . keep Kagome awake . . .

Time passes . . .

It's still dark . . .

Emi grabs Kagome arm. "Lady Kagome." She hisses.

"What?" Kagome blinks.

"The contractions are beginning." Emi declares.

End part 1


Authors' note: In many Japanese stories, both factual and fictional, the bond between a son and his mother or a daughter and her father . . . are very, very strong. Stronger, in some cases, than the bond between a wife and husband. Exactly why those bonds are so strong is never really explained . . .

Some of the scenes above are based on my reading of the book: Pink Samurai by Nicholas Bornoff

Some of the scenes above are based on my reading of the article: The Universality of Incest by Lloyd DeMause

Change the (!) to (/) Periods to use the link if you wish to read the article.!htm!06a1_incest.html

thank you for reading

jeff shelton