InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mou Ichido Dake ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei.

Author notes: Sorry if they are OOC. This is my first Inuyasha fic. Sorry if there are any English grammar and spelling mistakes. Gomen ne, minna.

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Chapter 1: Past….meet Present


When Inuyasha opened his eyes again, Sesshomaru and the surrounding greenery were all gone. Instead he found himself lying on some surface. He quickly stood up and got into an alert mode, while scanning the unfamiliar surrounding. There was nothing but mist all around him, and visibility was extremely poor. There was also no scent of any living being around.

"Where the hell is this place?" Inuyasha swore, feeling more and more confused.

"This is the inside of the Shikon no Tama." a soft and gentle voice floated out from nowhere. From the shadows, a figure appeared. It was a lady with long hair, wearing ancient armor, walking gracefully towards him.

"Midoriko?" Inuyasha stuttered in suprise, recognising the Miko from the time at Midoriko's cave.

"Are you the one who made a wish just now?" Midoriko now stood before Inuyasha, looking at him from top to bottom. "Are you the one, hanyou?"

"Huh? What wish?" Inuyasha's eyes widened in understanding. "Oh shit, you mean all the things I've said just now? You can grant them?"

Midoriko shook her head. "No of cause not all. I cannot grant the wish of the Tama not existing because that would create a paradox. But I can grant you the wish of Onigumo not becoming Naraku. Is that good enough for you?"

Inuyasha thought over what Midoriko said. If Onigumo never become Naraku, Kikyou would never die. Miroku would never have Kazaana and Sango would never lose her brother. And Kagome would still be in her time, living her life happily instead of stranding between two worlds. The Shikon no Tama would not be shattered and everyone would have no reason to go on the quest to destroy Naraku. They would not lose their lives but would instead live happily. Inuyasha smiled, a chance to undo all of Naraku's evil, to make all their suffering and pain go away. He nodded eagarly.

Midoriko looked at the hanyou gravely. "But there is a catch, Inuyasha. Without Naraku, you would most probably never know your friends. They would never be your companions, you would be living a lonely existence. Don't you see, Sango would still be a Youkai exterminator, Miroku would still be a monk and Kikyou would still be a Miko. The next time you see them, they might try to destroy you instead. Can you bear seeing them not remembering you and looking you with hate and comtempt instead? Afterall they were supposed to destroy demons you know. Are you willing to bear the suffering of not having their love and friendship in exchange to have their happiness and lives back?"

Inuyasha's eyes widen in suprise and then lowered in sadness. "So da, minna will never remember me. To them, I will just be a worthless hanyou. But there's no choice at all. Better to let them hate me than for them to lie withering in a grave. At least some of us will be happy. At least I can buy them back their happiness."

Midoriko watched slowly as the emotions played across the hanyou's face. Inwardly she smiled. Even now she could read the decision that the hanyou was going to made. Indeed he was a pure soul. For if he wish with the intentions of benefitting himself, the jewel will be tainted by the selfishness of the wish. But if he wish with the intentions of helping others, his love and loyalty for his companions will purify the jewel.

Inuyasha looked up towards Midoriko and smiled. "I will do it. Please grant me my wish, Midoriko-sama."

Midoriko came over and hold Inuyasha by his sleeves. "Inuyasha, I will bring you back to the time of 50 years ago. Kill the spider youkai that will tempt Onigumo into giving his soul and your wish will be granted. But after you killed the spider, you will be stuck in that time frame. The Shikon no Tama would be in your keeping, until you killed the spider. Then the wish will be fulfilled and the jewel will be purified."

"But how would I know the spider youkai?"

"It has the mark that Naraku has on his back. It is a red and yellow spider with stripes on its body. Remember the first night that you've seen Kikyou? That new moon night? That spider is right nearby. Kill it before you turned human. And remember Inuyasha, Kikyou has not seen you then. She is a powerful Miko, be careful."

Inuyasha nodded and felt the world spining before everything goes black.


"Oh man, my head fucking hurts." Inuyasha moaned as he slowly opened his eyes. 'Shit, where am I now?' Taking a sniff of the air around him, he suddenly shot up. 'Shit, I'm in the past now. And it's going to be sunset soon. I must kill the spider youkai while I can still track him.'

Inuyasha slowly stood up with the help of Tessaiga. The Shikon no Tama is now resting around his neck, hidden from view by the Fire Rat Robe. It pulsed warmly against his skin, sending waves of healing power to clear his headache.

:Thanks, Midoriko-sama.: Inuyasha thought wryly while extending all of his tracking skills to find one small spider youkai.

After half an hour, Inuyasha was starting to panic. Nightfall was coming and there's no sign of a spider youkai anywhere. Suddenly, Inuyasha caught the scent of a youkai that smelt similar to Naraku and went towards the east direction. His suspicions were confirmed by the spider web seen along the trail. It led him to a cave where the entrance was covered by thick white webs.

Inuyasha unsheathed Tessaiga and cut through the webs. There in the middle of the cave was the spider youkai that Midoriko described.

"Kisama, what are you doing here?" It hissed, spurting tons of poisonous webs towards Inuyasha who quickly jumped out of the way. The webs hit the nearby weeds, melting it almost immediately, releasing pungent miasma.

"You don't need to know who I am. Just prepare to die." Inuyasha screamed as he unleashed Kaze no Kizu. The spider youkai, not knowing what to expect, died immediately.

At the moment of it's death, several things simultaneously happened. First the Shikon no Tama glowed pink and floated gently out of Inuyasha' Robe. Midoriko appeared again and bowed slightly towards Inuyasha.

"Thank you for purifying the jewel, Inuyasha."

"Huh?" Inuyasha was surprised, to put it mildly.

Midoriko smiled. "When you made the wish without thoughts of yourself, filling yourself with concern and love for your friends and companions, you did something that I never expect anyone, least of all a hanyou could do. Your soul is balanced between the four aspects and because of that, your wish purify the jewel much in the same way a Miko could. You gave me the extra boost to defeat the youkai spirits within the jewel. Thank you, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha stared at her and then at the jewel again. "What will happen to it now?"

"The spirits within the jewel are gone, including mine. It no longer has the power to grant wishes. But there would be some left over power within the Tama and if youkai would to get their hands on it, it might still strengthen them. The power within will slowly fade away but meanwhile I'm afraid you still have to take care of it. Will you do this for me, Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha looked at the glowing jewel and sighed. "Well, it's not like I have anything better to do anyway. But how long will it take for the power to be gone?"

Midoriko sighed. "I'm not sure. Could be days, could be weeks, could be years."

Inuyasha nodded. "No choice I guess. Can't left it lying around for idiots to grab it right? Shit." Then realising that he cursed in front of a Miko, he blushed.

Midoriko rolled her eyes. Then suddenly without warning she plucked the jewel from the air and threw it towards Inuyasha. Inuyasha was stunned by her actions and forgot to dodge. The jewel hit him squarely in the chest and melt into him.

"What the fuck?" Inuyasha swore, feeling for the jewel around him. But it disappeared and he looked at Midoriko questioningly.

"Well, what better place to hide the jewel than inside you right? The jewel does not have the Shikon aura around it anymore but it's better to play safe. In this way, I can be sure that the only way people can get the jewel is through your life."

Inuyasha swore again, this time uncaring of proper ettique. "I thought protecting it means like holding it, not stuff it inside me you know."

Midoriko smiled apolegetically. "Take care Inuyasha."


At the same time, Kikyou the Village Miko of the Musashi District, protector of the Shikon no Tama, suddenly felt something changed in the air.

"Nan da, sono kehai....." Kikyou silently wondered. For a moment, it seems as though the Shikon no Tama was in the forest. But that's impossible she know, for it was in the village shrine right now. And there was an unfamiliar youki around the strange aura. Kikyou readied her bow and arrows and set off to discover the strange occurrence despite the fact that she was dead tired from fighting all the youkai coming after the jewel and sustained some injuries.

Meanwhile, Inuyasha was left standing alone in the clearing. Midoriko's spirit was gone. He sheathed the Tessaiga and looked up into the sky.

"Kuso, I forgot about the new moon." Inuyasha whispered as his hair started to turn black and his claws and fangs retreated. Inuyasha was no fool, he knew that even in this time, there are many youkai dying to kill him because of his hanyou status. Inuyasha started to turned around when he came face to face with the last person he expected to see. Kikyou, with her arrow readied at him.

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Hi people, please read and review. No flames please, they will be used to roast marshmallows. Come on, you know you want to press that blue button there. *wink*

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