InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Like An Ape ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hehe, it's good to be back again! Alright now last time I left you with ...a lot to think about. Knowing your overactive imaginations...who knows what kind of porn scenarios from that last suggestive chapter! ;) Okay, so you enjoyed your perverse time, so now back to the plot, hm?

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Twenty-Eight : Like an Ape

The first manly hand then clammed over my mouth to silence the scream that had just been about to erupt from my throat.

"Shhhh..." he said gently. "I'm not going to hurt you." He loosened his hold on my lips so I could reply.

"Yeah, sure," I hissed back, waiting for a good opportunity to screech in his ear, "You're only going to rape me and steal my virginity."

He made some kind of laughing noise, and I couldn't exactly make out the voice because he was whispering so quietly. It could've been Shippo, for all I knew.

"Oh be realistic!" he said normally, and I immediately recognized the voice. Knew who it was. My fear disappeared, and my stiff shoulders relaxed. I leaned over.

"...AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screeched with all my might into his ear.

He flew back and I could hear him slam into my cupboard, writhing in ear pain.

I laughed evilly, if not hoarsely from all that screaming, and fumbled around blindly for that light switch.

I pulled it and the fluorescent lamp flickered on. I saw him rubbing his ears in obvious pain and smiled cruelly.

I heard the pounding of approaching footsteps from the stairs, and Sango burst into the room a second later, a wooden katana blade at the ready.

"WHERE IS THE INTRUDER!!!" She cried, looking around frantically for the evil one. I pointed obviously towards the crumpled figure and she walked towards him cautiously, and bending down to get a closer look in the dim light, she sighed tiredly and poked him with the blunt wooden blade.

"Jeez, InuYasha, don't you know when to leave people alone?" she sighed as she said this, and rested the katana against her shoulder casually. "I was starting to think Hachi knew where we were!" Sango shook her head and after a roll of her eyes and a reassuring smile at me, she strode out, katana still resting on her shoulder.

Miroku was at the doorway, shaking his head solemnly at the InuYasha mess. Shippo "ooh"-ed and went to poke the Hanyou too.

I walked over and helped InuYasha up, and sat him down on my new bed.

"So." I said, slightly irritated, "What do you have to say for yourself."

"Sorry," he mumbled, still rubbing his abused dog ears. Shippo sat cross-legged on the floor, with new pajamas on.

"Elaborate." I ordered.

"I..." he blushed violently but seemed to gain control of himself, "I saw that porn thing, and it stirred up these ... breeding instincts in my demon side..."

"Oh?" I looked back at him with interest; anything to make me understand him better was probably worth it.

"Yeah." He said feebly, his ears drooped slightly and he looked kind of afraid to meet my curious gaze, "And...I just felt like I ..." after a quick glance at Shippo who was totally distracted looking through my suitcase and clothes, "...I needed you."

Sigh. As much as I regret saying this, I am very dense. Incredibly, really. So when he said this, I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Are you okay? What do you need?" I was concerned, I mean, InuYasha was someone I really I cared about. He really meant something to me, even though I still wasn't totally sure what it was.

"I needed to have you, Kagome," he said obviously like speaking exasperatedly to a stupid child.

"Uh...huh?" I tried to get him to continue.

"Kagome!" He said frustrated, "I wanted to have sex with you! My body..." he looked purposefully at his erected loins under his jeans, "it wanted to have you, and before I knew it I was waiting for you in your room and I don't know what came over me!" He exhaled sharply to let out his embarrassment of saying something so unambiguous.

"Oh." I was silent for a second, watching Shippo put my glove from my suitcase on his short ponytail giving him a chicken look. "Well, I'm glad you can share your feelings with me InuYasha." I smiled.

He looked surprised, if not slightly disturbed. "You're...not mad?"

"Course not. How can I be when you're being perfectly honest with me? Honesty is the best policy," I preached solemnly, waggling an index finger at him.

"But...I might have...hurt you and taken away your...virginity." He looked a little confused but slightly relieved but also quite dubious.

"InuYasha," I looked at him seriously, "I know you wouldn't hurt me. You always protect me, remember?" I held up a hand to silence him as he was about to protest that it was himself he was having trouble protecting me from. "Me and you against the bad guys, remember?" I smiled warmly at him, trying to make him not feel so guilty.

He smiled back. No, he grinned. He knew he had my trust. It was all I could give for now. Until I was ready to give something more. He grabbed my hand which I think was supposed to be reassuring but he acted as if it was made of laced glass and would crack with the slightest wrong move.

I couldn't help but laugh, he was trying so hard to show affection, which I was ready to accept, but he was scared he would hurt me. Knowing humans were just so weak, after all. So I decided to stop this silliness and kissed him smack on the lips to which Shippo `aww'-ed, saying that dog boy had finally found a wife.

InuYasha blushed; how long had it been since I last kissed him? And charged after Shippo. I thwapped him on the head and he turned on me, attacking me laughingly and sat on my struggling heap of a body and tickled me.

"Shippo! Saaave mee!" I screeched from laughter, my sides were already aching.

"I'll save you, Kagome my love!" Shippo imitated a low voice whose I hoped was supposed to be InuYasha's. He swung a pillow at InuYasha's head, and successful knocked him from me. I jumped up and sat on him instead and began to try and tickle him. He didn't laugh. Instead he insisted that he wasn't ticklish.

"Good luck, Kagome, cuz I ain't ticklish." He said defiantly as I sat on his waist with my arms crossed defiantly. Shippo just hit him again with the pillow, and I laughed and grabbed another pillow to attack. We pillow-punched him senseless and he grabbed me, holding both my hands up in one claw and tickling my sides again.

"AGH-hahahaha-No! Shippo! Haha-halp!" I laughed helplessly. Shippo began to charge InuYasha again, but InuYasha held up a warning claw.

"Stay back! I have her hostage! You try anything and I'll force her to be my wife!" He cackled loudly and started tickling again.

Shippo shrugged at my pleas for help helplessly, he couldn't do anything.

"Muahahahahaha!" InuYasha laughed, wrapping one arm around my waist as he slung me over his shoulder and started down the stairs with his hostage.

"Help! Shippo! Stop him!" I cried, trying to wriggle free.

InuYasha charged out the front door, right past Sango who had just walked in from getting the newspaper. She stood perfectly still, blinking, totally oblivious of InuYasha cackling as he hauled his prize right by her, and Shippo, holding his pillow, courageously coming to my rescue.

So we ended up in the front yard, the evening wind blowing slowly, and leaves rustling. It was just like in some kind of action movie between the good and bad guy.

And I, the damsel in distress was overflowing with laughter.

"Silence, damsel!" InuYasha commanded royally. He turned back to Shippo who was standing about 15 paces away, his pillow at ready. "Hwaha, so you've found me Lord Shippo. I suspect you're here to save your princess?" he asked sweetly.

"Of course!" Shippo roared majestically, "My bride, I will save you! And disintegrate the ape scum that stole you from me!"

InuYasha just laughed and dropped me to the grass, quite gently, and I curled in the corner, wailing in distress.

"Oh no! Whatever shall I do?" I said bitterly, my hand thrown up on my forehead dramatically.

"You will fall by my hand, Prince!" InuYasha charged, and Shippo ran forward as well, to simply bop InuYasha with the feather pillow in the stomach, and InuYasha fell, as if stabbed, with a guttural moan of pain.

"You-you've beat me...a mere" InuYasha held the pillow to his stomach like a knife, and collapsed pathetically on the grass. I cheered unprincessly.

"My Savior!" I laughed happily. I could just make out InuYasha's smile from his dead spot on the cool grass.

Shippo limped over, as if terribly injured, and grabbed my hand. "I have saved you, dearest!" he said authoritatively in his deep voice, and helped me up. "Come, to my castle!"

Followed by the wary, and probably jealous eye of InuYasha, we sat behind the willow tree in the front yard, and he said that I would have to marry him now, and give him a kiss as gratitude. I could've sworn I heard a growl of outrage from where the InuYasha carcass lay.

"Of course," I said happily, and gave Shippo a peck on the cheek.

"You call that a kiss?" Shippo folded his arms.

"Yes?" I said dubiously.

"A REAL kiss, Kagome-mama!"

I hesitated. No, he was WAY too young, and what would the already envious InuYasha think!

I shook my head, "No, Shippo, you have to save that for someone you really care about."

"I do care about you, Kagome-mama!" he protested imploringly.

"Not like a Mama, Shippo, like a girl friend or well, boyfriend, pray not."

"Oh." He blinked, and then totally forgetting the game, he stood up. "I'm thirsty again. Let's get apple juice!"

I smiled, and sent him on his way, "I have to drag away the body of the evil one so that no poor citizen steps on him and is polluted with his evilness."

I heard InuYasha snort from his fetal position, and after Shippo left, I got up and bent over InuYasha.

"Hey." I said gently.

"Hey." He grunted back from the grass on which he was openly resting.

He turned over onto his back to look up at me through half-lidded eyes. I pressed an ear to his chest.

"I wonder if he's still alive," I said musing.

He practically grinned and stiffened like a corpse. I pulled my arms around his torso, and sighed.

"Poor prince doesn't know I went with the evil one of my own free will."

He opened his eyes to stare at me, and wrapped his arms around me too. He sighed pleasantly, obviously happy for the peace that we could finally share after so much going on. I looked at him as he smiled mischievously and I was just about to sit up and demand as to what he was grinning about when he pulled me lower and flipped us so that I was beneath him, and he sat comfortably on my hips. He sat quite gently, not wanting to crush me, and laughed heartily when I yelped.

"Hwaha! The evil has taken the princess, using her mercy against her! And now, with the Prince intoxicated with apple ale, no one can hear her screams for help!" He snickered and I couldn't help but laugh along. InuYasha's laugh rang out so happily, because of its rarity that it was just addicting to listen to.

I wriggled comfortably under him, bringing my arms up to support my head as a pillow. My eyes were half closed when I said to him: "And who said she'd cry for help?"

He just blinked at me seriously and pressed his lips against mine. I reached my arms around his neck, and he draped his upper body over me like a protective shell. We kissed gently, before it became fiercer from missing one another's touch and lips. His hand had been sliding down my shoulder and along my arm; he still had some decency not to grope me, when I barely noticed Miroku sitting on the porch bench, legs crossed professionally, from my haze of pleasure.

"At least use the backyard, not the front where every neighbor can see you." He stated carefree, not a hint of a blush for catching us in such a position.

Both of us blushed and I got up, saying lamely, "I-I'll go check up on Shippo." I dusted myself off and headed inside the house, cheeks aflame.

InuYasha sat there with this goofy smile on his face, his eyes glazed over, to which Miroku could only shake his head and cluck disapprovingly.

And no matter how he tried to contort his face into a line or at least a smirk, he just couldn't stop grinning all the way inside the house and back into his room like some sort of dazed yet eerily happy ape.

A/N: Yeah! FLUFF! How I missed such nice fluff. Dabs at eyes with Kleenex. Yes, so whatever DID happen to Hachi? I don't know, but I'll probably think of something. Shrug. Okay, well please review and good night!

Ja ne.
