InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Anorexic from Fat ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Wow you guys are such great reviewers! Your people are the real reasons I update, just to see what you guys'll say!

Okay so I haven't done any shout outs, well because nobody's been asking me any questions, just drinking in my updates like a thirsty Shippo! Haha, I'm glad you're enjoying it guys! And after this one's finished -sniff- I think I'll actually miss it, there will be the Punishment. Which I'm thinking of changing to The Punisher. Yeah, I think I WILL do that.

Okay so i also made a C2 group...whatever that is! i think its for stories right? Sorry, i'm lost when it comes to computers i only know how to check my email and type, print or post stuff. And find hentai stuff. But purely by accident...-cough- alrighty, tell me if you'd like to join or if you dont want to, tell me some good InuYasha stories to put up!

http : www. fanfiction. net/ c2/ 3034 /0 /1 /

Okay so enjoy, dudes and dudettes, you rock!

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Twenty-Nine : Anorexic from Fat

I rushed to my room, blushing, still, which I kept telling myself was stupid and childish, but it was like I had smeared that permanent pink paint on my cheeks and just figured it wouldn't come off with just alcohol and water.

I was curled up in my old comforter, I had been able to stuff it and make as small as you can make a comforter in a Japanese minivan, but it smelt just like home when I was so homesick, so it was just keeping normal. I had figured out that many nights when I slept peacefully; sorry, correction: slept with my mouth wide open and draped halfway over my bed, my pillow against the wall with my head, the rest of my body lost in my comforter in a mess, and snoring like a lion with a toothache, ahem, InuYasha would watch me from the Goshinboku tree. I had found out because more than once, he had raccoon scratches on his arm, and when I told him that my shrine had raccoons, he kind of blushed and hinted that maybe Grandpa and I should do something about it. I also saw the same scratches on the Holy tree itself and a couple bigger scratch marks that I'm pretty sure couldn't have come even from a super-raccoon. Alas, to my sudden relief but also disappointment, outside this house, there was no tree like that, only the incredibly small willow that would sooner break from InuYasha attempting to climb it; it was only 2 and a bit meters high, rather than snap in some freak electric storm. But it gave me some more of that privacy thing that I happen to lack so very much. If I sneezed too loudly Sango would burst in, kendo blade at ready, and poke through my heaped covers, insisting Hachi was somehow hidden under it or the bed. Or the closet. Or the drawers. And when I wasn't sneezing and bringing in Sango Sanitary, Shippo was going through my things, fake gasping at small black panties and bras, or tampons and stuff. I practically felt like killing him when he stretched out a condom that Miroku had given me, along with advice, 2 years ago, or strangle him with the long rubber and ask him how he thought it felt! And when I wasn't hiding all private things from Shippo to be found by Sango, InuYasha would come in through the window unexpectedly, even when I was changing and had the drapes purposely closed, and blush when he saw me, but when he had left, or, kicked out, I could always hear faint self-pleased laughter coming from outside. I vowed to have the window barred, no matter what Miroku thought the neighbors thought.

So amidst all this chaos, we were trying to get Yura to cook for us, which, literally, she sucked at. Truly, that woman would cook us veal raccoon in spinach sauce sooner than a simple cup of noodles.

This dilemma was something being debated about for quite a long time...

InuYasha leaned over the table to look at Sango, Miroku, myself and Shippo more closely. Yura stood in the kitchen, stirring something on the stove, her back to us.

"...What do you think she'll cook us today?..." He mumbled secretively.

"Hopefully not that special spicy surprise..." added a solemn Miroku, his hands entwined, his elbows on the table, bringing his hands against his mouth. (A/N: Think of the Sasuke sitting style from Naruto!)

Sango shuddered. "I couldn't come out of the toilet for three days..."

We all murmured in sympathy, seeing as we all shared that same fate and forced to buckets when Sango beat us all back with the kendo sword to get to the bathroom.

"Or that pasty stuff." Said Shippo slowly.

We shivered. It had been something like paper-machier, and had resorted in my going on a diet and Sango deciding that leaves looked extra delicious that day. Miroku and InuYasha drank water.

"Or that fatty...well, fat." I said meaningfully as another shudder passed up my spine.

We all nodded, shoulders still shaking, as Yura, clad in her lacy maid uniform hummed and stirred whatever she was stirring.

It had been a large white block, we weren't quite sure of what, but at first we thought it was paper again...but we were dead wrong.

It had turned out to be the squeezed fat from the body of a veal cow. Very fatty. I was starting to look anorexic, and Sango was no better. InuYasha and Miroku drank water.

Yura turned suddenly, a small smile on her already bored face.

"Everyone," she said monotone, "I have prepared something different tonight." She whipped out the large covered pot from behind her back.

We all leaned forward, half hopeful, but mostly just awaiting our doom, and InuYasha and Miroku had their large water mugs at ready.

She lifted the pot cover, and steam blew out everywhere. We couldn't see the contents, and when she set it down, we all sat up more from our traditional kneeling position to examine it.

It was noodles. Udon, to be exact. And the pot was huge, so all of us could extract our hunger into the first five minutes of the meal.

We attacked with new vigor and ate for the next hour without stopping.

One hour later, we were all leaning back onto the floor, our legs still under the table, and I was having foot wars with InuYasha, which he seemed to be disinterestedly victorious every time, and since I had new strength from one good meal, I was able to fight back more efficiently.

Shippo stood and came over to me.

"Kagome-mama, do you wanna go look at the stars tonight?" He smiled at me, and had my jacket for me as well as a blanket to wrap up in.

InuYasha decided not to come with, and mumbled something about star-gazing being to girly for a manly man like himself. To which I, and everyone else snorted. He sent glares promising a hundred painful deaths to each of us, even Yura who was standing by indifferently, her chin up, and a slightly tilted edge to her usual line of a mouth.

Shippo and I sat outside on the grass, I could see InuYasha peering out the window every two minutes, and looked at the stars.

"Look," I pointed, and I was whispering for some unknown reason, "I know we can barely see it here because of all the smog, but they say that in clearer places with no buildings, that you can totally make out the Milky way and Big Dipper and stuff like that."

"Really?" Shippo looked at me. "Where?"

I smiled, mentally running over that one science lesson, "In places with no big buildings so that the light won't interfere with the starlight. Like..." I grasped for a name, "like, Canada, in the snow countries up north from there, I guess."

"Have you ever been to Canada?"

"Nope, but I'm sure that in other places in the world they can see a great picture, unlike us who are squinting over pollution." I smiled when he giggled.

He stood up and stretched, and I noticed InuYasha, who had been staring at us for a few seconds, turn back to where Sango was beating Miroku with her kendo sword for some perverted act, I assumed.

Shippo grabbed my cold hand and pulled me up. "I gotta tell you a secret." He said quietly.

I didn't get up. "Go ahead." I was trying to encourage him to speak freely with me.

"Not here, Kagome-mama," he said, shooting a glance at the window where InuYasha kept silent vigil over us, "Somewhere private."

I followed him to the side of the garden where there were no windows to see us, and he sat me down. He was fiddling with something in his pocket.

"What is it, Shippo?" I said slowly.

"Kagome-mama, I really like you." He started bashfully, "But they say a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do..."

All of a sudden there was this fowl smell and I tried not to breathe in, but Shippo's sad face caused me to gasp, and as I took that sharp intake of breath, my head slumped to the side and my body went limp.

InuYasha had been watching fitfully the scene going on with Sango beating Miroku hard enough it cracked the kendo sword, and after an outraged yell, ran to the closet and pulled out her Hiraikotsu boomerang.

She smiled maniacally, "This will present itself to be a little more...efficacious..." She narrowed magenta eyes and charged.

InuYasha lost interest right then, and sighed wondering what Kagome and Shippo were doing. He saw him stretching and smiled faintly at the memory of earlier that evening. He had had her right against here. He touched his heart, thinking. And she had been so soft and warm. He looked back at the bruised and now comatose Miroku and Yura cleaning up the empty pot and dishes.

Maybe he should ask Kagome to cook some ramen later. Speaking of Kagome, when he had looked, or glared at her earlier from his patrol spot, she had smiled warmly and given him a little wave. He only 'keh'-ed, even though she probably couldn't hear him; and turned away.

She'd taken him by surprise and he hadn't known what to do, so his mind immediately functioned the 'I don't care' mode.

He turned back to the window, maybe she'd do it again, knowing how stubborn she was, and this time, he'd try to smile back. He'd practiced in the mirror earlier that day. He always looked kind of evil of stupid when he tried. But Kagome probably wouldn't mind, she never minded as long as he was honest and at least tried to be sociable. He'd smile at her if she looked at him. He'd damn well try his best to.

His smile at ready, he turned and looked. They were both gone. His smile was quickly enveloped by a frown, and when the sudden screech of tires from the front street caught his attention, he jumped up and ran outside the back.

The blankets were still there, mussed up. He followed the jasmine scent of Kagome over to the more closed part of the garden when an awful scent caught his nose. Chloroform had been present.

Someone had taken Kagome.

A/N: Yes, we all knew it would happen, right? I mean Kagome just wouldn't be Kagome if she didn't get kidnapped. Don't kill me now; I only work here. -Miroku innocent gesture- Can't you just imagine Yura trying to cook?! I actually accidentally made her more like Kanna, but I guess its forgiveable. So she looks like Yura but her personality is Kanna, k guys? Well, I got a movie to watch, so later! Don't forget, please review guys!

Ja ne.
