InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Transference ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Forgive me, oh great reviewers! Forgive my ignorance of updating my story I should be working at diligently! Okay. So I admit it. I have been letting this slip. With a strong crush I am having trouble pursuing as people kept telling him that I was his girlfriend he got embarrassed and thought that I shouldn't walk with him as much cuz his friends were making fun of him! But I know his friends were kidding, so I'm just gonna hope this blows over. So, on Monday, I'll be back to walking and bugging with him again. Alright, also I've been working hard to keep up my G.P.A; I really want to get in the 4.0 this year! Great! Now that I have that off my happily-growing-chest, I will update right away!!!




Mourning of the Bloody Valentine


Chapter Thirty-Four : Transference


Shippo looked around carefully; he knew that Hachi was probably lurking, preparing, in some well-chosen shadows of the small bungalow-type house. He was one of those types who disappeared while you were still in shock and reappeared just as you screwed up enough courage to actually DO something. Shippo began crawling carefully towards Kagome's still body. She blinked every half-minute or so, and even though her breathing was weak, it was stable. Shippo leaned over her and looked into her scared eyes.


"Kagome-mama?" he said quietly, and through the silence of the bungalow his phrase rang in the room in an eerie echo.

She blinked once.


"I'll take that for a yes?" he said slowly and suggestively.



I mentally smiled at his pale face, and blinked once again. He smiled weakly, but he knew I could somehow communicate. He whisperingly asked me if I was hungry or thirsty or needed anything, to which I blinked twice, which we already mutually understood meant no. He looked around the dim room and was able to locate a musty old blanket that looked like it had just been able to hold itself together over through the middle Ages. I mentally snickered at the thought as he draped it over my only-t-shirt-and-jeans-clad self and patted my arm, which I could only see him do, but not actually feel. He smiled again and whispered that he was going to find Hachi and look out for InuYasha.

I blinked once and he slowly got up and left me in the room with only my thoughts to go through. Okay. I mentally sat up, cross-legged, and went over the facts I knew. Okay, number one: I got kidnapped. Lucky me. Second, Hachi was able to fool InuYasha at the warehouse. I don't know how, but it must've been something good. Hopefully InuYasha doesn't think I'm dead and give up. I shook my head. Who was I kidding? This was InuYasha we're talking about here! He wouldn't give up until he was exhaling his last. But then he might still not have. And as long as he was still fighting to get here, I could fight to get my body moving again. Alas, even though my personal determination store was at full, I wasn't moving, and just as I thought this couldn't get worse, Hachi strolled casually in with a limp Shippo in his arms.

`Let me guess…we're moving again, aren't we?' I snarled mentally. Hachi, to my shock, answered me.

"Yes, Kagome, time has come to move you. But you ARE a little heavy. So…" He pulled out a large jar from his pack around his waist.

I felt a slight pulling at my mentally-conscious self, and the last thing that went through my mind before I was captured in glass walls was `Oh no. Here we go again.'



InuYasha's hand stopped a mere millimeter before the doorknob as Miroku called out. He withdrew his hand and turned back to Miroku, who was still on the driveway of the bungalow.

"WELL?" He said loudly to him.


"That house has a warding spell, InuYasha! My father was a monk! He taught me all about these things."


Beside Miroku, Sango snorted loudly.


Miroku ignored her doubtful glance and unladylike comment, and after peering carefully at the house in question, continued, "Hachi has warded all youkai from entering the house. If you wish to stay alive to see Kagome, I recommend you step back until Sango and I can dispose of the ward."


InuYasha thought for a second, but stepped back, muttering and cursing all the while.


"InuYasha," Miroku chided, "Nobody said saving Kagome was going to be easy. Wards and spells exist just as much as you do."


InuYasha let out a frustrated "keh" but didn't say any more.


Sango carefully walked up the beaten path to the door of the old and most likely creaky house and carefully tapped a finger against the doorknob experimentally.

She turned to the anxious men behind her and gave them a thumbs up. Humans could pass through easily enough. Sango used her boomerang to push through the door, and stepped warily inside.


InuYasha was ready to dart in after her, but was stopped by Miroku's grip on his arm.

"Let Sango dismantle the other wards so that we might also have a chance of escape, InuYasha." He said seriously.


InuYasha gave a weary sigh and shrugged off Miroku's hand, but didn't attempt a move forward.


"I know you are anxious, InuYasha…" began Miroku.


"SHUT UP! I'm tired of listening to your blabbing. All you do is lecture me pointlessly, as if I'm a fucking retard or something! I KNOW Kagome needs to be saved, ALRIGHT?! I know! So why don't you go help Sango so that we can save Kagome FASTER, loose-jaw!" InuYasha fumed. He was as worried as Kagome as he had ever been before. If he had ever been worried about anyone other than himself.


Miroku only nodded with a sigh, and walked slowly forward up the path Sango had tread upon moments before.



A shrill scream sounded in the upper part of the house, and the light from the upstairs window of the house flickered and went out. InuYasha decided this was a bad thing, as he jumped past Miroku, who was screaming he stop and into the dark house.

InuYasha looked around quickly, willing his eyes to adjust to the light quickly and followed his nose. He smelled her. Kagome was here. She was okay. Or smelled like it.

"KAGOME!" He yelled through the house, slamming open closets and doors to rooms in a flurry to find her.

Miroku was at the stairs already, pointing up.

"They must be upstairs, InuYasha!"


They both squeezed past each other on the narrow stairwell, and as Miroku checked the other rooms, InuYasha headed towards her scent.

He found Sango standing aimlessly beside a still Kagome.


"Kagome?" InuYasha asked softly. He walked quickly to her side and grabbed her cold hand. "Kagome?" he demanded. His eyes suddenly clouded over with anguish.


"InuYasha…" said Sango softly, "I…I don't think this is a natural death…"


"Of COURSE it's not a natural death! Kagome wasn't supposed to die!! I was supposed to come in time, and-and save her from Hachi and beat him up and then-then we…we were gonna get married and all that shit…but now…" InuYasha said weakly and he sounded strained. His bangs covered his eyes as he looked downward, and Sango caught a glimpse of a sparkling tear dropping onto Kagome's body.


"No…InuYasha…" Sango tried again, "I…I believe that somehow, I'm not totally sure of the theory, but that he PHYSICALLY removed her essence from her body. He wants Kagome…but she's human and she would eventually die, grow old or be able to escape. Though it seems foolhardy that he would go as far with something as risky as…as taking her…soul."


"Take her soul?" InuYasha's glimmering eyes, still wet with tears looked up sadly.

"So just killing her wasn't good enough for him?! Is that it?! He can't even let her go to the afterlife peacefully! The BASTARD!" InuYasha cursed some more and Sango turned to Miroku.


"InuYasha…" Miroku said solemnly, "I believe…even though the act itself was taboo and restricted for all afterlife and futuristic purposes…that it is possible. He could have given her something…Something that could have taken generations to create and fed it to her, or made her inhale it, but something that separated the soul from the body. Then perhaps he used some sort of skill…probably set down by the raccoon demons before him, using dark arts perhaps, to cage her within a soul bind. If it was anything normal, say a bucket with a lid, the soul could easily pass through…but the soul bind can compress the soul into its original state within the bind."


"What the HELL are you babbling about NOW?" InuYasha snarled, rubbing away his tears harshly.


"InuYasha," reminded Miroku, "If he could make a soul bind, he would have Kagome. But I'm not sure how he would make her essence stable enough to compress into a small size like a jar or bottle."


"Is it reversible?" Sango asked hopefully.


"I do not know. My father was a very knowledgeable man and willing to share it, but there were some things that he would dare not even whisper involving such black arts." Miroku shook his head listlessly.


InuYasha sighed and picked up Kagome's limp body over his shoulder carefully. Sango looked questioningly at him, to which he stiffly replied, "If we can reverse it, I'm going to put her back together. If not, at least I want to see her go to the afterlife happy, and not stay in some shitty bottle for eternity."


Miroku nodded cautiously; there was no way of reading InuYasha's emotions in a time like this. He was particularly dangerous with these touchy subjects concerning loved ones.

Miroku closed his eyes and asked every spirit; every helpful one anyway, to keep Kagome-chan's soul safe.





A/N: Hey sorry it took so long, things have been rough for me with my crush, and I can't help but wonder What DOES go on in Boy's minds? Okay well I hope this isn't considered a cliffy cuz I didn't try to make it that way. I'm gonna work doubly hard to update!!! So sorry!!!


Ja ne.
