InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Movie House Hanyou ❯ Kagome, Meet Your Supervisor ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Hey, Naraku!" Inuyasha pounded on the door of the General Manager's Office, aka the GMO. "I want my fucking paycheck, and now, damnit!" He heard shuffling from the other side of the door. A scraping and jingling of keys sounded, and the lock for the inner door that separated the cash room from the office turned. He saw a dark shape block the light through the peephole from inside the office before it swung open.

A tall, annoyed man in his late thirties stuck his head through the crack in the doorway, the skin around his eyes pale and tired. "Shut up, Inuyasha, and watch your language. I'll have your paycheck for you in a sec."

"I can cuss all I want right now cuz I ain't on duty, ya forget 'bout that?" he replied smugly, a stupid grin on his face. He wanted his money, and he wanted it now. Tonight he was going clubbing at Ground Zero, and he'd been out of cash for the last two days. Plus, he'd just won a very nice katana on ebay that he wanted to get paid for as soon as possible, and it wasn't exactly going to be cheap… the shipping alone, since it was coming straight from Japan, would be costing a good $40 because of the seller's shipping method and its long and narrow size.

Naraku flashed his employee one of his signature smiles; eerie and chilling. "Kagura, bring me the stack of paychecks so 'Yash can get his," he calmly ordered to someone else in the office. "Nice outfit. Did you raid Hot Topic again?" he asked with a wink, knowing full well that his employee hated that store.

"Bite me."

Downstairs, Kagome walked up to the box office counter again. That Denise girl wasn't working today. A box office employee named Mandy, a medium height, bony-thin girl with reddish blond hair and disturbingly stark, dark blue eyes greeted her with a "Welcome to Pierce Theaters." She looked friendly enough, Kagome decided as she spoke up.

"I'm here for a job interview. I got a phone call from Allen, the hiring manager for me to show up sometime after 6pm today," she said while smiling. Mandy looked her up and down with an unsure, uneasy look.

"Hoo boy," she mumbled to herself before covering up her possibly rude-sounding statement. "Uh, I'll call upstairs and let them know right away that you're here. Oh, by the way, be on guard… I don't know if you've actually seen Allen in person, but er…" she paused, trying to think of the right way to warn this possible new employee. "Allen is more than he seems, I'll tell you that."

Kagome gave her a questioning look, but the girl was already busy using the phone on the counter to make an inside call to a phone somewhere upstairs. She explained things, nodded and mm-hmm'ed a few times, and then hung up.

"Go upstairs to the lobby and wait. Allen's cashing out the matinee concessions person, but he'll be with you once he's done." Kagome smiled and thanked her before following suit up the stairs. Once up top, she took a good look around the place.

It was spacious, with an extremely long concession stand that was divided up into four sections. The two on the very end were very short and looked unused, while the two in the middle, taking up a collective 75% of the entire stand, had a total of six cash registers, four popcorn warmers built into the red counter that separated the lobby from the stand, and four pop towers, the décor mostly blue with yellow and red accents. Only two registers seemed in use at the time, on the end far from her, and a tall, redheaded man with a toucan beak of a nose was busy pulling money from a hidden drawer. The concession employees looked extremely bored.

While she was taking in the view of a large building across the street through the floor to ceiling and wall to wall windows, something called the Target Center, still standing very close to the top of the staircase, she heard the intensely fast clomping of heavy footwear. Turning around, she saw a blur of silver and black as someone dashing at an unbelievable speed crashed into her, roughly sending the both of them to the cadet blue tiled floor, cries of obscenities coming from them both upon impact. She was sprawled on the floor on her back, and the… guy… landed right on top of her, chin right in front of her chest.

"Watch where the fuck you're going, bitch!" So, it was a guy... one with really long, platinum silver hair, a black bandana covering the top of his head. His words were slightly muffled since he was talking right into her shirt.

"Huh?" Kagome looked at the figure, and he lifted up his head to finally look her in the face. He stared at her for a moment with an icy glare, and as much as she was irked by being called a bitch, she couldn't help being captivated by the unusual color of his eyes.

"Are you deaf, or must I repeat myself?" he retorted, his upper and lower canine teeth showing prominently as he spoke. His features were strikingly Asian with a little of something exotic and unknown thrown into the mix. He looked no more Asian than she herself did; half the time, she was mistaken for being full blood Caucasian.

"I wasn't going anywhere. I was just standing around when you ran into me," Kagome coolly responded, quite annoyed at his attitude. "Now will you get the hell offa me, bakayarou?!" His eyebrows registered a look of surprise for a mere second before he shook it off.

"Actually, it's quite comfy here on the floor with a tasty piece like you," he responded, keeping his asshole tone of voice but slapping a smirk onto his face. As a visual aid to get his point across, he let his tongue play between the twin rings that pierced his lower lip… that pairing of lip metal being well known as vampire fang piercings. Perfect results, he thought as he saw the semi-disgusted look on her face. He chuckled. "Deeto suruno ga yosou?" he asked with a perfect accent.

"Not with you," Kagome quickly and flatly replied, nearly flabbergasted that not only did this very attractive, exotic guy dressed to the nines in gothic Lolita apparel not only knew what she had called him, but had just spoken back to her in the same language. "Are you… Japanese?" she asked in surprise.

"That's a stupid question with an obvious answer, baka na onna."

Okay, that comment was enough to set her temper over the edge. Kagome flared her nostrils and promptly lifted one of her hands off the floor, using it to deliver a resounding slap to his cheek. She dearly hoped it would deliver the message properly and drive him to get off of her, but instead he just grinned back at her. Those canines were really starting to bother her; she knew very well that Japanese people's eyeteeth tended to be longer and more pointed than those of people of European descent, but she'd never seen any like his before.

"Ooooh, feisty. Can you do any better?"

"Kuso o tabeyou!"

"Sorry, but kinky as I am, that's one thing I'm not interested in… that and bukkake," he taunted, feigning a look of sickness and raising an eyebrow.

She groaned; what an arrogant, self-absorbed, vulgar bastard! "For the last time, take your hands and use them to lift yourself off the floor before I physically move you myself, understand?" she ordered with a glare, muttering "hentai bishounen" under her breath while rolling her eyes. He beamed.

"Hentai bishounen, eh? Just for the compliment, I'll be nice and forgive you for the other things you called me," he began as he actually complied with her final request. Once on his knees Mr. Rude Bastard, as she had so lovingly dubbed him in her head, extended a hand, waiting for her to grasp it. She didn't, so he reached down and grasped hers anyway and tried to pull her to her feet. Surprisingly, she didn't shy away from his touch, allowing him to help her up. However, she promptly pulled her hand away once she was on her feet again.

"You consider being called a pervert a compliment?" she asked him, trying to distract herself from those eyes of his by concentrating on the spiked dog collar around his neck, which was directly at her eyelevel. It was made of black leather and consisted mostly of purple ½" spikes intersparsed with a silver 1" claw between every set of 5 spikes. Then she glanced down at his clothes and noted that they were similar in style to some of what she often saw for sale at Richard's or Mari's Rock down in Harajuku; not exactly her forte, but on the right person, such as Mr. Rude Bastard, it looked damn good. If only his looks weren't weighed down by his more than faulty personality, she mused with a half-smile, crossing her arms over her chest.

He had most definitely noticed where her gaze had gone and aptly made use of the situation to annoy her even more. "Like what you see, I take it? If you let me buy you a drink you can see what's underneath tonight at my house," he hinted, suggestively moving his brow upward once.

"You might have had a chance if you weren't so full of yourself, Mr. Rude Bastard," she replied. "You're so cocky."

"Thank you." He smiled again. "I've worked hard at it. Nice to see someone noticed." She cocked her eyebrow, not sure if he was being truthful or sarcastic. He extended his hand again, this time obviously for a handshake. After some major hesitation, she met his grip, paying careful attention to the claw-like fingernails that extended half an inch past his fingertips. "The name's Inuyasha, and yeah, I'm a bastard, but not all the time. So, bishoujo, how about I give you my number, and if you decide to give me a chance," he winked, "I can buy that drink for ya."

Inuyasha could tell she probably would never take him up on his offer, but it was worth a shot to try and redeem himself. She was decidedly pretty dressed in her black jeans and a hunter green sweater, and he couldn't tell if she was Caucasian or Asian, but she definitely had spunk, and he liked that. He watched her reactions intensely, trying to read her next action. C'mon, c'mon, the name! After a paused moment, she finally sighed and tried to smile.


Inuyasha smiled and silently cheered as he pulled out a pen and his wallet. He looked through the receipts in his wallet till he found one with a decent amount of blank space and pulled it out. Then he wrote his name in kanji just out of habit, realized this, and then wrote it again in English, along with his cell phone number, before finally handing it to her folded up.

"I've gotta be gettin' a move on, but hopefully I'll see ya around," he remarked before zipping down the stairs, his hair streaming behind him as he shot off, loud clomps of his boots echoing upward.

Once he was gone, Kagome sighed and looked at the receipt with his name and number before stuffing it into his pocket. What a weird guy, she thought. After a moment of contemplation, she looked around and saw that red haired man she'd seen behind the concession stand earlier coming toward her now, and he called out to her in a Russian accent.

"Are you Kagome?"

She nodded. This must be Allen. I wonder what about him Mandy was gonna warn me. He motioned for her to follow him, and together they walked across the lobby and down a carpeted hallway till they came to the first of three yellow doors on the right side. After he unlocked the door, they both went inside, and he told her to sit down in one of the chairs in front of a large wooden desk. He sat in a padded and overstuffed swivel chair on the other side of it and glanced between her and the application he held.

By the time the interview was about halfway through, he asked about her previous work history. "You list your only job as this… 'konbi' somewhere in Tokyo, and that you made 770 yen an hour. I'm pretty out of it when it comes to Japanese culture, so could you uh, enlighten me as to what you did there, and how much that is?"

"Konbi is what the Japanese call a convenience store, and it was kinda like a Superamerica but without the gas station part. 770 yen is about…" she trailed off in thought, trying to remember the exchange rate, "eeto, something like around $6.80-7.15, I'm guessing. Basically, I ran the cash register and rang people up, so I have experience with a cash register… just not while using English," she added quickly.

"How long were you in Japan?"

"Most recently, two years. Before that, I lived in Chicago, which is where two of my references are from. The third one is someone I met in Japan."

"And when did you move back to the US?"

"A few days ago, actually. I live just across the river."

"How well you speak English?"

"Seeing as I lived 13 years of my life here, I'd say I'm more than competent."

"Japanese? We don't get a lot of Japanese customers, just every once in a while."

"I speak it fairly well, but I'm far from fluent."

"When can you work? You told me on the phone you were 17, but you were home at 9am on a Wednesday when you were called back. You go to high school?"

"I start on Monday, at the high school right here in downtown. My mom said I can work up to 20 hours a week, and preferably on the weekends."

"You're hired." Kagome's mouth dropped ever so slightly at the deadpan mention.

"I, I am?" Allen leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head, and smiled, giving her a once over that she might have thought to be leering.

"Yeah, you can start tomorrow. Our uniform is black dress pants, black shoes, black belt, hair past the shoulder tied back, though that can be disputable in your case, and um," he tilted his head back in thought, his eyes looking off in another direction, somewhere upward, "let's see, I'll just start you off on floor staff, so we'll give you a work shirt and name tag when you show up."

"What position will I do?" Kagome asked, curious. She'd listed "open" on the position desired section.

"Concessions, maybe usher when need be. Your shift will start around 5pm, so get here a little early. Now, on for the paperwork."


Later that evening when she was at home, Kagome signed online and opened up her AOL Instant Messenger screen name, hoping to find some of her friends to chat with while she surfed the net and checked her email, but no one was on. She was trying hard to not think about that Inuyasha guy who'd literally run into her.

She wasn't sure if she would keep his number or just blow it all off and hope that their paths never crossed again. Sure, he was definitely a looker, but his crudeness and rudeness heavily brought down his positive attributes, like his wittiness, self confidence and humor. She sighed and started talking to herself, trying to reassure her actual opinion of him by hearing it aloud instead of just in her head. "Maybe if he had twice the charm and half the assholiness," she paused, wondering if it was even a word, "I could give him a chance. Besides, it's been a while since someone asked me out… not since Houjou during last school year."

At long last, Kagome decided to retire for the night, happy that she had had such luck in getting a job. Back in Tokyo, it took her the first two months of being 16 before anyone would hire her. Her last coherent thoughts before drifting off into sleep were about how good it was to be back in a country where she wasn't scorned for not being a full-blood native.


The next day Kagome showed up about 15 minutes early for work, dressed in a tank top (it was particularly warm, about 83 out), black dressy slacks, 2" heel black boots, and her hair pinned back with barrettes. While waiting outside the door of the office where she'd been interviewed, a tall man with tired features and maroon eyes (creepy, she thought) and his wavy black hair tied back in a long brown clamp, dressed in a casual maroon dress shirt and black slacks and shiny black shoes walked up from behind her and nearly scared the boogers out of her just from tapping her on the shoulder.

"You must be Kagome. You're exactly what Allen said you look like. Here is your work shirt fit with name tag, young lady."

"And you are…?" she asked, trying to smile and shed off the shivers that his mere presence seemed to provoke in her.

"I'm the General Manager here, Mr. Vault. But you may call me… Naraku," he said as he handed her the dark red piece of clothing. "I wasn't sure if you'd take a medium or if you'd need something smaller. Allen said you had a thin frame with a nice chest-"

"He said what?!" Her thoughts traveled back to Mandy's warning.

Remaining congenial, Naraku spoke again. "You'll have to excuse the man. He's from Russia, where there is no legal age of consent."

A voice from further down the hall behind her interrupted them. "He's a 26 year old virgin who likes girls half his age, that's all. When he hires girls, he hires the ones he finds attractive so later on he can give them presents. But don't worry, he's harmless. He doesn't touch." Kagome stiffened; she knew that voice. She turned around.

Walking toward her was the guy who had practically bowled her flat on her ass yesterday, only he was dressed in a Pierce Theaters uniform and a black Akira ball cap, his hair tied back except for the thick side strands, and his fang piercings and spiked collar absent. "Inuyasha?"

"So you two have already met, I take it?" Naraku mused, taking in his new employee's reaction to her new supervisor.

"Kagome?" he asked, watching her frantically glance over him, just like the day before. She froze when she read his nametag. It read,


Pointing at him and suddenly feeling lightheaded, she blurted out, "You're my supervisor?! I'm gonna work with you?"


A/N: in this fic, Kagome is half Japanese. Both of her parents are half Japanese and half… something else I haven't decided yet. Her Japanese grandparents married Americans of European descent around the World War II timeframe. She herself was born in Japan, but since both of her parents were born in the US, she is a natural born US citizen as well as a natural born Japanese citizen. However, due to her mixed blood, she is not well accepted in Japan, and most of her classmates guessed her to be a foreigner studying abroad.


bakayarou - foolish bastard
deeto suruno ga yosou? - how about a date, sound good to you?
baka na onna - stupid female/girl
kuso o tabeyou! - eat shit!
bukkake - a sexual fetish that involves cumming on someone's face
hentai bishounen - perverted "pretty boy"
bishoujo - "pretty girl"
Konbi - convenience store
Eeto - um