InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On (the rewrite) ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Only time I'm saying this; I do not own Inuyasha.
*Moving On*
An Inuyasha fanfic
By InuLover
With commentary from InuHater
Kagome Higurashi stood on a high cliff the drizzle wetting her lightly as she gazed down at the swollen angry river below; the strong winds battered her pushing her closer to the edge.
~Kagome POV~
“The winds,” I said smiling sadly. “It is the spirit of my beloved Kouga urging me to join him in death where we would finally be together forever.” The winds pushed against me ever stronger. “Be still,” I soothed my lost love. “We will be together soon enough.” I remember when we first decided to run away together.
“Kouga, my parents say I can't see you anymore. They think you're a bad influence. But I don't think I could live without you. Please don't hold their racial views against me Kouga. I love you.” With that pretty speech I threw myself into my beloved's arms. His next words first threw me into despair then filled me with joy.
“My clan doesn't want me to see you either Kagome, it's because you're a Miko. But who cares what they think. I love you too, lets run away. We'll get married and live happily after together.”
“Run away?” I was too naïve to even comprehend such a thing, yet I agreed. “Oh Kouga, I would follow you to the ends of the earth if I had to. We're meant to be. We're forever you and me.” I remember the house you gave me as a wedding present. I remember how you carried me over the threshold and we spent our first night together. Then war came to our lives and you left to fight.
“Don't you see Kagome, I have to go. This is everything our love stands for. If we win this war no one can disapprove of us, a demon and a human joined together in love.”
“Promise me you'll come back.” I remember pleading.
“I promise I'll come back.” I remember seeing you shoulder your pack and walk out the door. Do you remember what I called after you?
“Don't forget I'll follow you to the ends of the earth if I have to!” I don't even think you heard me. I remember that tragic day when Ayami and Suzuki were visiting me and I got a letter from where you were posted. I was so happy to have finally gotten another letter, I hadn't heard from you in months. I danced around the living room clutching the letter to my chest. Then I sat down to read it and sorrow came knocking. As I read the words informing me you were dead I silently vowed to follow you in death.
I was so calm, I stood and dropped the letter from unfeeling fingers and made my way to the bathroom where I closed the door, foolishly forgetting to lock it and located a razor. I whispered a prayer that I would soon see you in heaven and then slit both my wrists. And there I sat waiting for the end to come, but Ayami and Suzuki had read the letter and fearing the came after me. So I tried again filling the tub with water and then taking sleeping pills so I could drown peacefully, but once again I was foiled. They wouldn't leave me alone after that, wouldn't trust me, but I had to get away.
So I slipped away last night to this place where we picnicked beside the once peaceful river. It's been a year since your death and here I stand at the edge of the earth. Finally I will join you. The winds push me closer to the edge. I must wonder with the winds blowing the way they are, when I jump, will I fly? Only one way to find out. I jumped. And the last thing I remember thinking before plunging into the raging river and sub coming to the darkness is thinking; I guess not.
~Inuyasha's POV~
There it was again, that stench of the humans who wished to enslave all demon kind. But where was the human, I saw no one. Then I spotted it, a female lying washed up on my island. I walked over and poked her a bit with my foot. She didn't move. “Maybe she's dead.” I said to myself. But upon closer inspection I discovered she was alive, barely. I also realized she closely resembled some one I once knew. Someone I didn't want to be reminded of. Kikyou. The only human I'd ever trusted. The only living being human or demon that I'd ever loved. And she betrayed me for that slime Naraku and then died a dog's death at his hands.
“Love?” Kikyou laughed harshly. “Like I could ever love a lowly half breed mutt like you? Don't kid yourself Inuyasha what we had was just a fling and nothing more.” That's what she said to me before she left when desperate for her to say I blurted out the words that had thus far been kept close to my heart. “I love you.” What a mistake. And now someone who could be her double shows up on my island. This couldn't be a good omen. I sighed and carried the wench to the house I had built on the western edge of my island. I wouldn't have her death on what little conscience I have.
Well people what do you think? This is a rewrite of the original also called moving on. It's still posted if you wanna check it out. It's posted and completed. Don't forget to review.