InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
-Moving on to America-

Chapter 1 -


After that moment in front of the sacred God Tree, it felt like time had sped up. The next morning came bright and early, not a cloud in the sky. I looked out my window for the last time. My eyes resting on the well house. Tears welled in my eyes and I closed the curtains, quickly turning away. This is why I'm leaving.

My bags were already downstairs by the door, packed and ready to go on a new journey. I showered and brushed my hair. I looked in the fogged bathroom mirror and sighed at my reflection. My eyes were always sad, holding so much pain, they never held any true happiness since the well closed. I laughed. I smiled. But I still ached inside.

Breakfast was quiet and the whole family ate together one last time. Mama went a bit over time, like she usually did, by making oden. Oden for breakfast, it was delicious. My last taste of authentic Japanese cooking for a long time. This saddened me a little. I started thinking about mama, grandpa and Souta. I would miss them all dearly and wish they would come with me, but the would never leave this shrine. It's a part of our family, and it's been in a family for many generations. Since I'm the oldest, I'm to inherit the Shrine grounds, and I do intend on coming back to claim it, but there's a long while before them, and I need a break. A break from the reality I live in, and the fantasy I used to be in.

The airport came just as fast. It was filled with tears and "We love you" along with some "We'll miss you". I choked back a sob as I entered the plane passage way with my trusty yellow back pack by my side. It was a security blanket to me. I waved back at my crying mother, my quivering lip little brother, and my trying-to-be-stoic-but-failing-miserably grandfather

The airplane ride itself was a lot faster then expected. I slept the whole way, dreaming of InuYasha and the feudal era. I always dreamed of him and that time we once shared together. It was the closing thing I had left of him, in my dreams InuYasha's face was crystal clear as day, along with everybody elses. It was so real sometimes that when I woke up in my bed at night, I jump up ready to go back to the feudal era to finish our journey. Then I realize, it is finished and their faces begin to blur once more, just like the dream itself.

Before I knew it I was stepping out of a cab and standing in front of my new appartment in the rain. It was a standard city appartment. It had four floors with balconies. The building wasn't high maintenance, but what could you do? The only money I had for the moment was the money that I've saved up for the past 5 years on part-time minmum wage jobs, and a lot of that money was also spent on University.

Inside the building it looked a tad better than outside. It was anything extravegant, it was clean and warm. I smiled to myself as I walked towards the elevators with my bags. I stood alone om the elevator as I made my way up to the third floor. The building was very quiet as I stepped out into the hallway. It was almost as though I was disturbing the peace as my bags banged against each other and rolled against the carpet, creating the only sound throughout the whole floor.

Room 315, this was it. The beginning of a new life. I unlocked the door and walked in. It was empty and hallow, but it was well maintained. There was hardwood floors throughout the appartment, except for the bathroom and kitchen. It was freshly painted a eggshell white color, so the appartent smelled of fresh paint. The kitchen was smaller than the one back at home, but a decent size for a bachelor home. The kitchen floor was tiled in black and white. There was no appliances. No fridge, or stove, not even a microwave. That's a bad thing when you move across the world, you have to start from scratch. A lot of my savings was going to do towards new furniture and appliances, yet another reson why I could only afford a cheap little appartment. for the price though, I was expecting a lot less.

"Okay, so on the floor for the night and go out for breakfast in the morning. Sounds like a plan to me, it may not be that great of one, but it's a plan nonetheless."I said to myself quietly, "good thing I packed some blankets and a pillow, at least I don't have to sleep on the bare hard wood floors."


Kagome woke up the next morning bright an early, and aching in pain from sleeping on the floor. She was ready to start her day by job searching along with some furniture buying. Luckily, she was recommended by her University to a High School in the area. Kagome was a History major, which she thought was her calling just for the fact that most of her life she was in the history she was taught in High School, it seemed logical to her to become a History teacher.

I smiled as I looked around my bright apartment. It was mine and it was a start, even though it looked neglected due to the lack of furniture, I already looked at it as if it was a long lost relative. I got up and quickly folded the blankets I was using and placed them in the hallway closet. The apartment was quiet, I really wasn't used to all this silence, it was starting to unnerve me a bit.


"Hello... hello... hello..." The house echoed back, as if greeting it's new owner.

"Well, nothing like starting the day with a nice hot bath to ease those aching muscles." I said to myself, this is the result of me hearing no noise, I talk to myself to make the noise, funny, right?

I quickly took a relaxing bath, and made my way out the door. Today was going to be a long day, I could feel it.


I blushed as my stomach growled, or I could be just feeling how hungry I am.

In the daylight the appartment building looked even worse. You could see the faded red paint peeling, along with a few broken or cracked windows here or there. The side walk lights the decorated the front of the building, one on each side, were boken by the looks of it. The garden and trees were over grown and wild, as though they haven't been tamed in years. Well, if I don't find a job, maybe the landlord will hire me as a janitor part-time. Also, I was really starting to wonder if I was the only tenant in this building, but there were blinds and curtains visible in other windows on various floors.

As I walked down my new street, I ended up in a park. The park was vast in size and quite nice. There was a few trees, scattered here and there, perfect for picnics. It also had a big grass area, good for playing some sports or just walking your dog. I smiled as I spotted the little park in the far left hand corner, it was small but had all the necessities every park shoud have; two slides, a swing set and a jungle gym with monkey bars and little houses to play in. Then I saw something that made my heart skip a beat, right across the street from the park was... A cute little cafe restaurant, just what I was looking for. I practically skipped through the park to get there, in a decent and orderly fashion of course.

Inside the cafe restaurant it was bright and cozy, and the delicious smells that wafted from the kitchens made my mouth water. I quickly spotted a table for two near the window on the right hand side and sat down. Everything on the menu looked so good, I didn't even know where to start, but then I spotted the omeletes and a practically squeeled in my chair. I could't stop smiling since I walked through the park, it was as if the smile was permentely glued there. Shows what it takes to make me happy, food, yum.

The waitress that came to take my order was young and pretty, not much older than myself. Her hair was dark and pulled back into a french braid, though she looked asian.

"Hello. Are you ready to order?" she asked me with a bright smile. Something about that smile triggered a memory, though I couldn't put my finger on it. I just shook it off and smiled back at the young woman.

"Yes, can I have the House Omelet Special please."

She nodded, scribbling it down on her notce pad, "And to drink?"


She nodded and smiled, "It shouldn't take long and Ièll be back in a jiff with your coffee."

I nodded and watched her head behind the counter, and as quickly as she vanished, she reappeared with my coffee in hand. I nodded my thanks as she smiled and headed towards another table. Though it was early, there were quite a few people scattered here and there in the cafe, couples and families, even some little old people chatting away about whose grandchild was cuter.

As I was looking around, two things happened so fast that my mind didn't know what to do. When I was looking out the window to the park, a man walked by, I wasn't paying attenetion or noticed him until I saw the wisp of silver hair, my heart skipped a beat, but then a little girl came and collided to the side of me. I looked down at the little girl with chocolate brown hair an dthen back to the window, hoping, wishing a wasn't seeing things. But there was no sight of silver anywhere to be seen, meanwhile the little girl was chattering beside me, her words not really registering to my brain, though I heard everything she said.

"Hello pretty lady. Have we met, because I think we have, because you are a very pretty lady and Rin remembers the pretty ladies she sees and meets. Has the pretty lady ever play with Rin before? I think you have played with Rin before because Rin feels it in here,"

I think looked down at the little girl after the name Rin finally registered. She was currently pointing to her belly and looking down, I couldn't see her face, though my heart was now beating faster than ever. No, it couldn't be Rin from then, could it, I mean no, it impossible, but...

She then looked back up at my with her freckled face and big bright brown eyes, full of innocense and curiousity. She was smiling brightly, but she wasn't missing a tooth yet, though you could tell some of them have fallen out and grown back as grown up teeth, but that one tooth was still there and a baby. She was older now, then she was then, but she looked about the right age if I were still able to go throw the well. She was young, maybe around 10 or 11 now. That tooth must be her last baby one.

"So, have we met, pretty lady?"

I could swear my heart stopped beating and I stopped breathing for a few seconds. Everything began to blurr together, how was this possible?

Rin was still looking up at me curiously, "What's your name pretty lady?"

"Rin! What are you doing, I thought I told you to stay with daddy?"

My head snapped up at the waitress who was now walking out of the kitchens, with what looked like my food.

Rin then pouted and looked down as though she was caught with her hand it the cookie jar, "But daddy was no fun, he wasn't playing with me, he's doing work."

"That doesn't mean that you come in here and bug our customers."

I couldn't say anything, my mind was all over the place. What was happening?

"I'm sorry mommy, but the pretty lady looked like fun and she looked familiar."

The mother just looked crossly at the little girl and turned to me, "I'm sorry if my daughter disturbed you at all, she's at that age where you can't keep her still and she wants to know everything."

I just nodded, my mouth slightly agape.

She then looked at me concerned, "Are you okay miss, you look a little flushed?"

I blinked a few times, still confused and nodded, "yes, I'm fine."

She smiled and took Rin's hand and was leading her back to the kitchens. Before Kagome had time to think, she answered Rin's question.

"My name is Kagome."

They both stopped and Rin looked back and smiled.

"It was nice to meet you again, Kagome."

