InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
-Moving on to America-

Chapter 3 -


What a day our Kagome has had so far, and it was only 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Meeting Rin and Shippou had to be the weirdest and scariest that she had by far that day. It made her think, were the others here as well? She tried not to dwell on that subject for to long, it made her stomach churn and jump from joy and sadness. She tried to concentrate of the better parts of her day, like the fact that she had successfully secured a full time job that started on Monday, and that tonight she would be sleeping in a brand new bed. She sighed at the thought and it brought a silly grin to her face as she walked home from the school. She was just passing the small cafe that she ate her delicious breakfast and had her first encounter that morning, when her stomach gave out a loud growl of hunger that left her blushing. She then realized that she indeed had nothing to eat at home and she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Without another thought she walked through the door, letting of a little jingle from the bell placed over the door once more.

I looked around and saw that my table from this morning was free again and quickly headed towards it. I must say, the lunch-supper menu looked just as appetizing as the breakfast one did. I didn't know where to start, everything mde my mouth water, but I decided to keep it simple.

"Well, hello there again miss."

I looked up, and sure enough, it was Rin's mother. I smiled back, "Hello."

"Looks like you've taken a liking to our little cafe restaurant," she said, smiling back at me. She had the same twinkle in her aged eyes as Rin's.

Nodding, I replied, "Yeah I did, hope you don't get sick of me soon," I laughed and so did she.

"No, not at all. It also seems my daughter has taken a liking to you, she hasn't stopped talking about you since you left. Saying that you and her have met before, is that true?" She looked at me, with a questioning stare, but not at all mean. Just curious.

"I don't think so mame, I just moved here from Japan yesterday." Though we have met before, just not in this era.

Her face instantly lit up, "Oh really! How amazing! My family is from there, though my parents came here when I was just a baby. They're the ones that opened up this little restaurant."

"Wow, that is quite amazing as well." I replied.

She merely nodded and finally noticed the note pad in her hand, "Oh, I'm sorry, you came here to get some food, so what will it be?"

I laughed and gave her my order. She quickly jotted it down and left in high spirits. I smiled after her, glad that Rin had her parents still and was happy. She had just walked into the kitchen, when Rin came bursting out laughing.

"Hello Kagomeeeeeeeeee!" Rin came running to my table and stood next to it and looked at me, she looked a bit more nervous and cautious now, as if her mother had warned her not to bug me again. She then quietly said, "May I sit with you?"

How could I say no? I smiled and nodded, "Sure."

She was in that seat faster that you could say 'Sit'. She looked up at me from across the table, studying me. She sat there for a good 5 minutes that I was staring to feel a bit uncomfortable. She finally opened her mouth, "Kagome, can I ask you a question?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Sure." I still found it a bit weird sitting across from Rin, still not knowing if it was indeed the same Rin from the past, or just coincidence, but then I thought of Shippou-chan. I didn't know what to think anymore.

"Have we met before?" She asked this not in her little girl voice, but more grown up and mature, as if trying to get my full attention and answer truthfully.

How was I suppose to answer that question though? 'Yes we have Rin, over 500 years ago!' That's one way to scar a kin for the rest of their lives. I decided to play it safe. "Why do you ask that?"

She inhaled and replied, "Well... You seem very familiar to me. Like, I can tell that your nice and I can trust you, even with my life, but I don't know why."

At this, my eyes widened and I blinked a few times. This was really started to crreep me out. Play it safe. "I don't think so Rin, I just moved here yesterday." At this she squinted her eyes, as if thinking. Before she could say another word I decided to change the subject. "So Rin, how old are you?"

She looked up and grinned, "12, I'll be 13 next month." She seemed to be proud of this.

Before I could make my reply, her mother reappeared with my double cheeseburger, fries and coke. She immediately spotted Rin and glared a bit. Rin squeaked and jumped up frm the seat and looked to her feet.

"Here you go, enjoy your meal, and again, I hope my little Rin didn't bother you too much."

"No, not at all. We were just talking." I smiled back, I didn't want to get Rin in trouble for her urge to seek me out.

She merely nodded and led Rin back to the kitchens once more.

I gobbled down my food hungrily, paid the bill and left a tip in a rush to get home.

The walk home in silence gave me more time to think about the events that happened today. Though, the walk home was less than 5 minutes, seeing as I live right across the park, which I took for my new short cut. I walked into my appartment building, and again it was eeriely silent, though I was starting to grow accostumed to it. My apparent was as empty as ever, which made me sigh. Why was I in such a rush to get hom to this?

I plopped myself on the floor where I stood and sighed as I glanced around the apparent from my new view. Nope, still no furniture. I sighed again and glanced down at my watch. 3:07pm... I wonder what time the furniture guys are coming back, I thought to my self as I laid back on my hard wood floor and closed me eyes. I yawned from sheer boredom of having nothing to entertain myself with and soon drifted off into a restless sleep. It was filled of dreams of the past, and those soon turned into nightmares...

I was walking in the feudal era, alone. Everyone else had moved on with there life and had forgotten about me. I passed through the villages like a ghost fron the world beyond, no one saw me. They didn't even give me a second look. I passed by Kaede's hut, she was slone and had aged quite a bit. She didn't seem to have the same spunk as she used to. As I passed through the curtains, she looked up with her one eye, as if she heard something, but quickly went back to her healing herbs. How I missed Kaede. I exited the hut and continued on my way. Images flashed around me, as if I was traveling at light speed to some place unknown. I landed in another village, one that I do not remember, but there were faces I did. There, standing in front of a little cottage was Sango, feeding a baby. She looked happy and care free, something that was a rare sight to see when with Sango. She was always professional and on guard, but now, her giant boomerrang bone wasn't even in sight. From behind the cottage popped up Miroku, walking with a stack on wood in his arms. He was being followed by a little boy, who seemed to be around the age of 4, he was carrying a pile of twigs in his tiny arms. He also seemed happy, but he was always happy. He came up beside Sango, and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and proceeded into the cottage. The little boy mimicked his father's actions, and kissed his mommy on the cheek and followed his daddy. Sango and Miroku got together, how romantic. I knew they would one day. I single tear fell down my face. They didn't seem to miss Kagome at all, they got along just fine without me.

'They don't need you.'

I cold voice said, but I knew it was true. It seemed that her dear belived friends didn't need her in their lives as much as she needed them in hers. Her throuat tightened but before she could do anything the images blurred and meshed together once more, and quickly set straught again, this time dropping her in the middle of a dark forest. I shivered as she glanced around at my surroundings, and slowly walked through the forest. I wondered why my dreams had taken me here, but then I saw it. The flash of silver and red run by me and stop right in front of me. InuYasha.

"Show yourself, damn it!"

A creature then appeared, fierce and strong. InuYasha seemed to be worn down, he was blody and weak. Even though he was a hanyou, you looked ill. The creature laughed, and it made my skin crawl.

"You think a puny half demon like you can defeat me?" He laughed again.

I knew InuYasha could take him on. I smiled, every demon he faced thought that because he was a hanyou that he wasn't strong. That he was not match at all, but he always proved them wrong in the end. I glanced at InuYasha, but then frowned in confusion as I noticed that the Tetsuaiga wasn't drawn. It was safely by his side in the black sheath.

"Draw Tetsuaiga, InuYasha!"

My words were left unheard and unnoticed. Much like the time that Kikyo had me tied to the tree by her soul snatchers. My voice was unheard and my presence was unseen. Virtually useless once again. InuYasha made for a strike, but missed. Though the demon was massive, he was lightning fast. Almost as fast as Sesshomaru.

"InuYasha! Watch out!"

But once again, my words fell on deaf ears. I started to become frustrated. InuYasha cried out in pain as his back was slashed. Why wasn't he drawing Tetsuaiga, he could take out this low level demon in one swing. What is he doing? But InuYasha's clawed hands never even strayed to his sword, it stayed there, swinging at his hip, untouched. InuYasha just laughed and fought on, as though he wasn't hurt at all. His movements and speed told meotherwise. Tears started to burn my eyes as I struggled not to cry. InuYasha was badly injured, and he still hadn't drawn Tetsuaiga.

"Stupid dog! Why don't you draw that sword, it might help you some," he laughed as though he were giving InuYasha a handicap.

"Shut up! I don't need a stupid sword to defeat you, you ugly bastard!" He then lunged at him again with his Claws of Blood attack, but he missed by a long shot.

The other demon looked as though he hadn't even been hit yet. What was wrong with InuYasha, why wasn't he drawing the sword?

I then screamed in horror as the demons arm went right through InuYasha's adomen.


I ran to his side, I tried to hold him, but my hands kept going through his, like a ghost. The demon looked down at InuYasha's fallen body in disgust and walked away, muttering how he wasn't even worth to finish, and left him there to die, all alone in the middle of the cold and dark forest.

A pool of blood started to surround InuYasha, he didn't even bother to try and move. He just lied there, and awaited death.

"InuYasha, get up, you have to get up and go get help!" he didn't even twitch, "InuYasha! Hear me! Listen! You need Kaede or Miroku."

His eyes started to cloud and fade, and I started to panic. Why was this happenig? Why was he dying? He can't die!

I started bawling, and screamng his name, hoping beyong hope that somehow we would hear me.

"InuYasha!" nothing,

I sobbed and wiped my tears away as I knelt beside him, over and over again I screamed out his name.


His ear twitched and I looked down at him.

"Ka... go... me..."

And he died.

I woke up on the hard wood floor in a start. I was breathing deeply and covered in sweat. My chest was still constricted in pain at witnessing InuYasha's death in my dream.

"That's all it was, a dream." I whispered to myself and wiped my face, along with the sweat the dripped down my face, there was also tears. It felt so real, seemed so real.

-Knock Knock-

I jumped at the sound of the door, and staggered over, wiping my face clean on my shirt and trying to fix my hair. I looked through the peep hole and saw brown card board. I backed away from the door.

"Who is it?"

"The Easter Bunny," the man called back through the door, "Who do you think it is,it's the furniture people, so can you please open the door, this fridge isn't exactly light, lady."

I glared at the door, as if it were the rude man himself and quickly opened it.

He rushed in, and asked, "Where d'you want it?"

I raised an eyebrow, "The kitchen..."

"Ha ha ha, your a riot! Where's the kitchen wench?"

My eyes widened, "To your left you inconsiderate prick."

He didn't seem to know what to say to that and just went to his left and placed it down, making a weird, "Keh." sound as he went. I followed the rude man into the kitchen. He was wearing a red jumpsuit and black hat. He didn't so much as glance at me, but merely took out an excato knife from his pocket and began to open the cardboard box, and went to work to plug it in the right spot.

"Well, one down, a billion to go." He stood up with his back to me and glanced around my empty appartment. "I can see why you ordered so much stuff, usually when people move, that take some of their things, guess your not that bright though, huh?"

I reddened with anger, "For your information, I moved here from Japan. What could I fit on the plane?"

He shrugged and finally turned around. His eyes caught mine and he seemed to stop. I just gasped. My eyes widened as they locked with his golden ones. I didn't know what to say or do, everything seemed to be turning upside down. My stomach did flip flops and my heart jumped and sped up, and yet I couldn't pull my gaze away from his.

He just kept staring back at me, and my world began to darken, and he bagen to shift. The last words that left my lips before I saw his shocked expression as I fainted was...

"Inu... Yasha...?"


Wow, I did not see that coming! I've just been on a roll with this story and I love it, hehe. So, InuYasha is here as well! What do you think of that? And what was that weird dream, or rather nightmare about? Hope you like the next chappie!

Review! Thank you!
