InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

-Moving on to America-
Chapter 11 -
Kouga and InuYasha were then escorted out by the stranger whose name we have learned is Sesshomaru. InuYasha watched Kagome as he was lead out by the scuff of his neck. Kouga was starting to gain his alpha male hormones and started protesting, but Sesshomaru was a lot stronger than he looked. Kagome was left to wait for Sesshomaru to return, hopefully with an explanation on what was going on, she could only hope though.
“Oh come on! This isn't fair! My girlfriend is still in there!”
I watched Kagome as I was lead out, she looked stricken in despair and bit her bottom lip, her whole facial expression saying she wanted answers, and wanted something from me. I heard her whisper silently, “Oh InuYasha...” I don't know what she wanted, but I would have given her anything she wanted... I turned away from her as the doors closed behind us and shook my head. Why are these thoughts still haunting me? I just met this woman, and I'm willing to give up everything for her? I scoffed and my face hardened, I don't think so. I blinked and my face softened as something deep inside me said, “Yes I would, I would die for this girl...”
“Alright you two, seeing as the centuries haven't changed, neither of you, one bit, you can cool off out here and wait to rejoin you friends when they leave.”
I finally looked at the man who led us out. You can tell by his clothing that he had money, more money than a simple high school teacher made anyway, but it was his face that caught my attention. I tilted my head and looked at him, studying his moments as he spoke to us about being more mature in our age blah blah blah...
“What do you mean by centuries? Are you going senile in your old age you mutt?”
I blinked at Kouga words and saw the man's eyebrow tweak at the comment.
“Excuse me? Kouga, do you really need me to teach you a lesson? I personally wouldn't mind, though you are way beneath me and die instantaneously...” The man seemed to grow as he spoke, and Kouga just shrunk and whimpered like a cowardly wolf he was.
I couldn't help but smile at Kouga withering away against this man's words, but my smile was quickly wiped from my face.
“I wouldn't get too cocky little brother; I could easily put in your place as well”
I blinked in confusion, “brother?”
He sighed and turned to face me.
“Yes, Brother, you may not remember at this moment, but you will soon understand, not try to beat the crap out of each other while waiting for the others.”
With the last remark, leaving me as confused as fuck, he turned away from us and walked back towards the club, leaving me dumbfounded and that Kouga guy pissed. Speaking of the Kouga guy, he speaks...
“This is entirely your fault, I hope you know,” He said rubbing his shoulder were seconds ago Sesshomaru's hand was.
I scoffed and turned to him, “My fault!?” I growled, “and how is this my fault you mangy wolf?”
He sneered at me, “You just had to come along and stick your sniffy nose in someone else's business and ruined both of our nights in the process.”
I blinked in puzzlement, “What are you talking about? You had your grimy paws all over my woman and you say it's not of my business?” I finished, my voice raising an octave at the end. Not caring whether or not I just called a perfect stranger my woman, either way, she was not his.
Now Kouga was the one who looked lost and then angered, “Are you not only dense but completed stupid as well? I wasn't there for that Kagome girl, I was trying to get my girl, Ayame the red head yelling at us, jealous!” He explained, and shoved me aside to lean again the wall near the exit.
Standing there dumbfounded and feeling quite low and beyond stupid because of my actions, I merely scoffed and proceeded to lean on the other wall on the opposite side of Kouga. Mumbling, “Well, how was I supposed to know that...” I heard him chuckle and glanced over at him, my arms crossed, “What are you laughing at?” I sneered.
He shook his head, chuckling some more, “Nothing... It's just that, after all that, one guy comes up and takes us out like little girls being scolded by their father for being out too late. But man, he didn't look it but he had strength,” he rolled his shoulder again.
Raising an eyebrow I just stared at him, “You're laughing that we got escorted out of a club?”
“Yeah,” he looked over at me, “It is kind of funny, I have to admit it is a first for me.”
I rolled my eyes, “I don't think this will look good on my records when I go back to school...”
“Your in school?” he asked, shocked.
“I'm not in school for learning, I'm the one the kids learn from,” I explained calmly. I nearly fell over from the loud outburst of laughter that erupted violent from Kouga. “What's so funny?”
Kouga was doubled over, his hands clutching his sides, tears hidden at the corner of his eyes from the amount of laughter that exploded from him. He began desperately to string coherent words together, “You-” muffle “- You're a-” giggle “- a teacher??” Insert Kouga dying of laughter.
My eye twitched, “And what, may I ask, is so funny about that?” I asked slowly coming closer to him.
“You-” he gasped, “-a teacher!”
A vein popped on my head and I punched him on his, “Idiot!” He fell to the floor on his ass and clutched his head and cursed me, I simply smirked and stuffed my hands in my pocket. “Serves you for being an arrogant prick,” I concluded as I walked back to my side of the wall, leaving Kouga swearing on the cold hard cement floor. As I strolled pass the exit doors I could not help but look at them, wishing I was superman and had x-ray vision. I wanted to see her, her face, her eyes... the love in them that I knew where for me, though I couldn't understand why they were there... nevertheless, I wanted her. I hung my head and went to lean against the brick wall and sighed.
“Oh Kagome...”
Waiting for Sesshomaru to return felt like an eternity. My mind just did not want to slow down, everything was buzzing, and Naraku kept on popping back up, ah! This was just too much! I heaved a sigh, and thought about InuYasha's face as he left. He looked at me as though he was searching for something, the same as I was... But what would he be looking for, he doesn't remember a thing of our pass... of our love. Placing my hand over my heart, I felt it slump and sigh in longing of being loved once more.
Sesshomaru proceeded to walk back in at this moment and looked at me. His face was just as indifferent and expressionless as always, only Rin could make him react.
<This way>
I blinked in shock; did he just talk in Japanese to me?
Noticing I was not following he looked back at me, <What? Do you not understand your native tongue anymore?>
I blinked, still trying to recollect myself. <Of course I can, It's just so weird hearing it after so long.> I smiled to myself, <I have to admit, it is nice, it kind of brings a comfort to my heart,> I replied as I followed him a spiral staircase.
He nodded saying that he understood what I meant and led me to what seemed to be an office. My eyes widen at realization as we walked in. Sesshomaru sat himself behind the desk, very modern and intricately carved, giving it an antique feel. He looked at me and gestured to the seat, “Please do sit.” Nodding dumbly, I took my place in front of him. “So... Kagome,” I flinched at my name, knowing full well I have not mentioned it to him, “Anything odd been happening in your life recently?”
I licked my lips nervously, “You can say that I guess...”
He sighed, and rubbed his temples, “Please, this is not the time to be timid in my presence; I have changed quite a bit from back in the day, obviously if I'm working with humans.”
My eyes widened, “You... You mean... ” I smiled, tears filling my eyes.
He took a breath and sighed, rolling his eyes, “Yes, I remember everything. I am a full blooded-youkai from quite a Nobel bloodline Kagome; I'm just not going to drop dead like my idiot half-blooded brother.”
I flinched at the mention of InuYasha and could not help but ask, “What about Kagura and Kanna... and...?”
“Naraku? At the present time he has yet to show his face around anywhere, and I mean anywhere. I have been keeping tabs of all the unusual happenings around the world, and nothing Naraku-like has yet to pop up, and I like to keep it that way.” He paused and hesitated slightly before changing the subject to Kanna and Kagura. “As for the other two ladies, they work for me. Kagura and Kanna have been given back their free will to do as they please, and Kagura, for some odd reason, believes she owes a debt to me so her and her sister have been working for me the past 500 years. They also help me keeping tabs on Naraku, working, or rather slaving under him for so long they can spot Naraku's doings like it was nothing out of the ordinary.”
I nodded taking everything in like a sponge; so far everything made sense and fit together easily. Sesshomaru was the owner of the club, Kagura and Kanna were good (never really being evil in the first place, just not having a choice seeing their lives where in Naraku's hands) and worked together with humans, breaking the unspeakable boundary in today's world.
I scrunched my eyebrows together; it still felt like he was leaving something out... but before I could voice my thoughts and worries Sesshomaru cut me off.
“Nobody remembers, do they?”
My heart lurched and choked in me; I merely shook my head and whispered, “No... Only Sango”
He leaned on his desk and looked at me, was that surprise on his face. “She remembered you?”
“Well... not at first. She just had a nagging feeling that we had met before, but when we touched it seemed all her past memories came flooding back to her,” I finished and took a deep breath, not realizing I had just said that in one big breath. I felt my heart lightening a bit. At least I had Sango.
Sesshomaru leaned back in his chair and stroked his chin, “Interesting... What about the others. Do they have the nagging feeling?” I nodded, “I see, what about the idiot?”
I froze and bit my bottom lip and shook my head, “Not at all.” There was no love at all left in him for me.
He sighed and rose from his seat, “I would not worry about it too much Kagome, you were a big part in everyone's lives, they will all remember, it may take some time, but they well,” he gave me a smirk.
My jaw dropped. Human faces... Scary... I rose from my seat as well and followed him to the door. I had to ask, “Sesshomaru, why the Shikon no Tama?”
He looked at me, “Why not?”
“Okay... Good enough I guess.”
He paused in front of the door and turned to me, “I have one more question for you Kagome,” I nodded, “What about your miko powers?”
Fidgeting, getting a little uncomfortable about the question, as if he was asking me about my sex life, I answered, “They've been gone since the day the well shut me out.”
He nodded and said nothing more as we descended the staircase. A new thought popped into my head as we descended, “Sesshomaru?”
“What about Kouga and Ayame? They were full blooded youkai just as you, why are they reincarnated?”
He paused on the step and looked at me, “Are you comparing me, Sesshomaru, son of the Inu-Youkai lord, to a mongrel youkai line like Kouga's and Ayame's?” His eye twitched.
“Uh... Never mind...”
We then parted ways at the bottom. The gang was easy to find, Sango and Miroku were together and Ayame was with them. Shippo must have run off to hide himself from the big boss, knowing full well he was underage.
“Kagome!” Sango said coming towards me, “Where did you go?” Miroku followed Sango and Ayame trailed behind, Ayame keeping her distance.
“I had a talk with Sesshomaru,” I replied.
Sango gave me an odd look asking of what, giving her a look back saying later she shrugged it off and pulled Ayame forward.
“Ayame here feels guilty that her stupid boyfriend Kouga caused such a ruckus for us,” she smiled saying this
Ayame looked at her feet guiltily, avoiding the three pair of eyes on her. She mumbled an apology.
I smiled brightly, “It's okay Ayame, boys will be boys and dogs will be dogs,” I giggled along with Sango while Ayame gave us strange looks as though we had lost our minds. “Oh, does anyone have the time?” I asked quickly before I forgot.
Miroku checked his watch, “Wow, would you believe it's after 2am?”
My eyes widened, “Are you serious? I think it's high time for me to call it a night, anyone with me?”
“I think the ones waiting outside for us are with you,” Sango put in. Once again more heart tightened, remembering what was waiting for us outside. “What do you say we all catch a cab? No way I'm driving home tonight,” Sango giggled.
Ayame smiled, becoming a little more comfortable with the people around her, “Nah, since Kouga got kicked out I think he's sober enough to drive me home,” she explained.
Sango seemed to be a lot more talkative when she was intoxicated, because she continued again keeping the conversation afloat, “Hmm... That does make sense... I should have started a fight too, and then maybe I could have driven Kags and me home.”
Miroku's expression twitched at this, “I'll take you up on that offer of a cab split,” he interjected as we reached the exit doors.
Sango remained silent. What was she up to? She looked as though she was thinking something over. She smiled and threw her arms around my shoulders, “Agreed. Shotgun!”
My eyes widen in realization as she winked at me, looking fully sober. She planned this out. Oh, that is so low Sango and you are so going to get it when we get home. I glared at her and remained silent. I looked over at Miroku and he had his cell phone already pulled out calling a cab. This was going to be awkward.
“Kouga!” Ayame smiled as she called his name and walked over to him, her arms held out for a hug. Kouga smiled at her in relief and went to meet her in a hug. Ayame quickly retracted her arms and punched him on the head, “Idiot! Let's go,” and proceeded to grab him by the collar and drag him away. “Bye Kagome and Sango! We should do this again sometime, maybe leaving the boys home with a babysitter.” Well... That was an odd scene.
Sango laughed hysterically at the scene, I waved mechanically, “Yeah that does sound good.”
InuYasha strolled over to us, keeping his distance from me an avoiding eye contact. I pouted to myself, wanting to get over this awkward air between us. I glanced at him, and he looked away to the floor. What was I going to do?
“Taxi's here”
I looked towards the street and sure enough the yellow cab was wanting. Sango skipped to the front and winked at me before she sat down and shut the car door. I glared again and slowly advanced to the cab, no not cab, to my death. Miroku held the door open for me, “Ladies first”
Not even bothering to object I slide into the car and bumped into another person. My eyes widen and I peeked up blushing at the warmth emitting from the body. InuYasha. My reactions were not quickly enough to object being stuck in the middle because Miroku had already slide in and sat next to me with the door closed and Sango already giving the driver our address, I was doomed.
I glared over at Miroku thinking to myself how I'm going to slice him to rivets when we drop the girls off at their apartment building. How dare he stick Kagome in between us, now I have to watch him and make sure he doesn't try anything perverted.
I froze as Kagome sighed and slumped, falling onto my shoulder lightly. I blushed and my heart lurched. I quickly glanced around the car to see if anyone noticed. Sango was staring out the window, as was Miroku. No one said anything, not even the cab driver. Kagome let out a soft sigh and snuggled into me and my heart sped up as she breathed out my name in an inaudible whisper only I could hear.
Gulping, I looked around, beginning to become frantic, hoping that we were nearing their place soon, because if Kagome kept this up, I don't know why, but I feel as though I will not be able to control my actions. I looked down at her face and my breath was taken away. The moonlight hit her pale smooth skin just right, making her glow in an angelic-like light. She smelled of lavender and something else I could not put my finger on, something familiar and made me think of her. She snuggled deeper against my side making a strand of hair loosen and fall across her face. Without thinking a quickly and gently swept it aside and tucked it behind her delicate ear. Her eyes then fluttered open and once more my breath was stilled and her bright sapphire eyes hit the same moonlight her skin held and glowed. She blinked a few times, keeping her eyes in level with mine. My heart tightened, as though someone was tightening their grip on it. Her bright sapphire eyes were becoming bigger and her plump pink lips were edging closer. Kagome's eyes widened, not in fear, but in confusion.
“What's that up ahead?”
The magic broke.
I blinked a few times and pulled my face away, realizing that I was less than an inch away from hers.
Sango spoke again, “Is that... Smoke?”
We all looked forward, Kagome blushing alongside me. It was smoke, I could smell it clearly now that Kagome's scent has washed away along with the spell.
My eyes could not fully concentrate on what was in front of me, I kept them on Kagome. So when Kagome's face paled as we drew closer, I knew something was wrong.
We were now in full view of the building that was on fire, Sango and Kagome gasped in unison, and I could vaguely smell the scent of salt water. Tears. Sango leaped out of the car while it was still in motion, and Kagome was crawling over Miroku to exit the same side.
The last thing I heard was Kagome mumble in horror one word, or rather one name.
A.N: I tried really really hard to make this chapter longer and I wanted to end it a few times, but I pushed forward and I can say this is one of my favourite chapters now.
REVIEW!:Please and thank you! And Thank You to all of you who has reviewed up until now