InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha©, or any of the characters or story line, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
-Moving on to America-
Chapter 12 -
Kagome and Sango easily recognized the building that was ablaze and hurriedly rushed closer to see what had happened or what was in the process of happening. InuYasha and Miroku were left behind confused, but quickly realized that the girls must have known the building and quickly paid the cab and followed them to the scene. Let us continue now...
My eyes instantly filled with tears as me and Sango ran with all our strength and speed to our little cafe we loved so much, not just because of the quaint pleasantness of it, but because of the friendly owners along with Rin.
As we drew closer, I could see that there was already a crowd gathered around saying that they all heard an explosion and have come to see what had happened. I pushed through the crowd to the front, Sango close behind. I blinked several times. This could not be real. This could not be happening. There was just no way. My heart clenched and I quickly began to scan the crowd around me looking for those two friendly faces and the one shy one.
No sign of them. My breath hitched and I could feel an anxiety attack coming on. I knew the signs of these attacks all too well having had so many of them after the well shut me out. Sitting in a corner and crying uncontrollably to the point that I could not breathe. I shook the depressing thoughts out of my mind and quickly grabbed the closest person to me.
“Excuse me,” I said frantically which drew their attention right away, “Do you know the people who lived here?” The old lady nodded slowly with her glossy eyes that reflected the fire from behind me. “Where are they?”
She bit her bottom lip and looked down in shame.
My hands dropped to my side in defeat and denial.
“No...” I whispered.
I went back to find Sango. She was silently crying with Miroku standing beside, not really knowing what to do. InuYasha was nowhere to be seen.
The firefighters arrived along with the police. As the police officers came over to control the crowd that had grown in the last few minutes, a girl's scream ran through the night sending shivers down my spine.
I could hear from somewhere beside me some one screaming, “Oh my god! There's someone still in there!”
Everything seemed to fuzz out. Rin was still alive. Trapped in a burning building. Oh God. I felt my knees hit the cold cement and my eyes started to overflow. Why is this happening? Why must she suffer again? Is it because of me? Am I curse to all those that I care for? Everything I love or touch must die or suffer? No... The thunder of an explosion sounded from the building which made everyone scream or jump from the boom it sounded. “NO!” I shut my eyes tight and held my hands over my ears as I wept on the concrete floor. Warm arms engulfed me from behind and I felt myself falling into darkness as Rin's shriek ran once more.
I caught up with Miroku and Sango after I called the fire station thinking that these useless pieces a crap had just standing their gapping did not. And sure enough when I called to report the fire, no one had. Idiots. I looked around for Kagome. Now where did that wench get to?
I tried to sniff her out through the heavily mixed bodies of sweat and the burning building. The scent of the fire made my nose burn, and then I caught it. Among all the foul smells, one distinct sweet lavender scent broke through. I pushed through the bodies, ignoring the curses and insults of the gapping idiots around the building and saw Kagome fall to her knees and break.
My insides twisted at the sight of her withering form and without thinking, my body reacted and I wrapped my arms around her gently. I nuzzled the back of her neck and realized that she had fallen limp in my arms. She must have passed out from the stress.
Something silver caught my eye. I looked up and saw the owner of “the Shikon” come through the crowd, more like glided through the crowd. He was silent, his eyes gazing at the burning building, as if glaring is going to make the fire go out. Keh. Before I could make any comment on this he dashed forward.
I blinked. It seemed like he teleported. I gapped after him, barely being able to keep my half demon eyes on him as he kicked through the burning building, as if the fire did not exist. He showed no emotion of pain and he was gone from sight. I blinked again and looked at the people around me, waiting for someone to say something about the crazy silver haired man that just ran into the building.
No one else noticed.
Picking up Kagome lightly in my arms I stood and stared at the hole that that Sesshomaru guy just kicked in. The flames were licking the building and leaving charred flesh behind. Which I could smell. I could smell the scent of charred flesh and blood, it was heavy. It would be a miracle if anyone survived.
Kagome moaned softly in her sleep, and I could see the tears still silently streaking down her cheeks making a black smeared trail with the help of her eyeliner. She looked horrible. Again my guts twisted at the thought of Kagome being in unbearable pain.
Another explosion sounded throughout the area, startling the people all around me. I winced, mydog-ears are rather sensitive to the loud explosions, but I did not falter my step with Kagome still secure in my arms. She did not even twitch from the loud sound.
Looking back to the building I saw that the roof had become to cave in and Sesshomaru still had not emerged from what used to be a building. My ears flickered at the faint sound of footsteps coming from the distance. No. He could not have...
Sesshomaru came stumbling out of the building that had started crumbling. He had come out with more than he went in with. His chest was bare and charred from the looks of it, but it was not his chest that stilled the air to an eerie silence. It was what the reason his chest was bare was, his shirt that he had worn to go in was now in a jumble in his arms, and... was that a foot sticking out of the bottom? My eyes widened.
“Oh my god.”
I turned to look beside me and noticed for the first time that Miroku and the Sango girl was next to me. She had tears in her eyes and her hands were over her mouth.
“He saved Rin...” she muttered incoherently and burst into loud sobs of relief.
Kagome was still passed out in my arms.
“Is she alright?” Miroku asked.
“Yeah, at least I think she is. She just fainted.” I sighed. Women.
Sango ran after Sesshomaru, sobs still raking through her body. Miroku and I quickly followed behind. Sesshomaru was heading towards the ambulance. The paramedics quickly got to work on the little girl as soon as Sesshomaru gently placed her on the stretcher.
“She is still breathing,” one of them said and immediately placed an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth.
“She will be fine,” Sesshomaru said confidently as the rolled her up into the ambulance.
“Thank God.” Sango said full of emotion.
I looked and Miroku and he looked at me. Miroku said, “What about her parents?”
Sesshomaru shook his head and Sango squeaked and held onto Miroku for support.
“Do not worry. I will take full responsibility for Rin.”
My eyebrows furrowed. How did he know the little girl's name? Sango looked at him, and her eyes said she understood and nodded. Before any of us could say anything Sesshomaru said in his monotone voice, “You do not have to worry, go home for tonight and rest. You all must be stressed and sorrowed by the current events that just passed. Rin will be fine by tomorrow and more stable. That is when you should come and visit. Tonight I will personally not leave her bedside until she wakes.”
I was confused. Sango simply nodded again and softly said, “Thank you Sesshomaru. I know you will take excellent care of her.”
Wait. Why would he? Does he even know this little girl? And why was Sango so positive that he would take good care of her? He has not even shed a tear for the girl, meanwhile poor Kagome has passed out and Sango looks like she is about to too.
Sango looked at us, and the frowned at Kagome nestled in my arms, she opened her mouth to ask, but quickly shut again and shook her head. She began to walk away from the scene of the crime and towards Kagome's apartment. In silence Miroku and I followed. Looks like we were walking the rest of the way to their place. It is a good thing I happen to be half demon or this would really suck carrying Kagome home like this.
Sango stopped in front of Kagome's door and went through Kagome's purse to get the keys. She quickly unlocked the door and allowed us in. She quickly kicked off her shoes and slumped onto the couch without any other words. We were all silent the whole way here. I kicked off my shoes carefully, as to not drop Kagome, and walked myself into her room. Sango and Miroku watched me but not utter a word to stop me from what I was doing.
In her room Kagome's scent engulfed me, which made me stumble a bit. I flushed in embarrassment and gently laid Kagome out on the bed. Her tears had dried up but the trails from her makeup still showed what had just happened. I sat at the corner of the bed, not knowing what to do. Should I wake her? I do not know! I sighed to myself and heard the door close. My ears perked and I scrambled to the living room. Sango and Miroku had left.
I quickly found a note that looked to be Sango's writing, seeing as I knew what Miroku's looked like.
Went to my place next door, no not for that! Get your head out of the gutter!
Miroku will be sleeping on my sofa, since I feel bad that it is almost dawn.
Watch over Kagome for me. No funny business!!
My eye twitched and I flushed. What did she mean by no funny business? Twitch twitch. I crumpled the letter in my hand and threw it on the coffee table.
I paced around the living room. “What am I going to do now? I can't just leave her alone! Argh!” I groaned and fell on to the couch. Sofa for tonight it is.
I dragged my ass off the sofa and back into Kagome's room. She had not stirred at all from when I left. Her arm was resting on her chest, moving up and down from her breathing. Her hair frayed around her face. But the sorrow that was clearly etched on her features, even in her sleep, disrupted my angelic fantasy. I shook my head and hated myself for my heart strings being pulled once again. I was pathetic. I went over to her and slipped of her shoes. Well, I cannot just leave her there like that. I should at least cover her.
Going around the bed I slowly pulled the blankets that were caught under her. No luck. Why me? Why me, God!?
I thought how am I going to do this without disturbing her? The predicaments that fall onto my lap, I tell ya!
“Maybe if I just lift her a bit and pull the blankets out...” I mumbled to myself.
I put my plan into action.
Furrowing my eyebrows in deep concentration I stood over her trying to decide on where to begin. This plan seemed a lot simpler in my mind, but now how was I going to lift her? I blushed at the first and easiest way to do it. I slowly crawled onto her bed and kneeled beside her. I gulped and carefully slid my hand in between her and the mattress, stopping in the crevice of her back. I lifted her gently as to not waken her from her slumber. Now that her weight was off her blankets, I easily tore them from under her body and gently rested her back on the bed.
Letting out a breath that I had not realized I had been holding in. A gently smile formed on my features. Her face seemed to be more peaceful. Lying on my arm she did not stir. Her form fit so well to every part of me. My face began to burn again and I quickly pulled my arm away to cover her.
My arm would not budge. How is that possible? She weighed nothing a few seconds ago. I pulled again and Kagome stirred. My dog ears stood straight and I froze on the spot. Kagome moaned softly and turned towards me and smiled. She was still asleep. But now my arm and I were even in more trouble than before. Instead of my forearm being trapped, when she rolled towards me I got pulled down because she rolled up my arm and was lying on my upper arm near my shoulder. How do I get into these awkward situations honestly, I will never know.
There was no helping it. I yanked on my arm again. I was trapped. I gave up and fell over to my side. Well, this is a lot comfier than sleeping on the couch. No sleep tonight though. She will eventually move again and free me from her abnormally tight hold. What is she, part demon or something? Not really. I am just saying. God, does she smell good, even after all that smoke and ash burned my nose, I can still smell her scent that is pure Kagome. I growled at myself. I really need to know more about this stranger whom I have only met twice. How can someone I hardly know plague my mind so much? And since when do I start liking someone that fast? It makes no since.
Kagome snuggled closer to me and rested her head on my chest. Her lips moved and let out a small, “InuYasha,” sigh.
My heart strings pulled once again and I instinctively pulled her closer and rested my chin on her head. I knew that this was just so bizarre and strange and made no sense whatsoever, but I liked being here with her. I liked my heart strings being played by her. For some reason I thought if it was her making me like this and playing with my heart so well, it was okay.
I pulled the blankets over the two of us. Kagome's scent wafted out from the sheets, putting me into a calmness that broke my guard down. Before I knew it everything was black and all I could hear were the steady breaths of Kagome. In and out, and I was out like a light.
A.N: I know it took forever to get this chapter out and that it was not even that long but I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, that the next chapter will be worth the short of this. Big lime-age right at the beginning. Between whom, I cannot say. But either way you're gonna want to read it
REVIEW!: Thank you for all those who reviewed and wanted this chapter now.