InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha©, or any of the characters or story line, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
-Moving on to America-
Chapter 13 -
Kagome and InuYasha slept soundly in each other's warmth. She snuggled into his chest, breathing in his musky scent that could only be her InuYasha, whilst InuYasha nuzzled his way down to her neck. He breathed in her intoxicating aroma being so close to flesh and her hair masking his scent of the outside world put him in a dreamy state. It aroused him. We will now read what will soon be unfolding in her bed from her view.
I snuggled deeper into the warmth and comforting scent. I felt the name “InuYasha” whispered from my lips. InuYasha. Yes, InuYasha. How I miss my InuYasha who loved me and held me when I was scared, while he was suffering from injuries trying to save me, while I wanted everything to be okay in their world so we could live happily ever after.
Something warm nuzzled against my neck. I sighed, that is exactly what he used to do. Something warm then pushed against my neck bringing me falling to reality.
Opening my eyes I saw a cloud float before me and something warm and soft against my neck. I extended my hand to reach out to see if I could touch the cloud. My eyes widened even more when my hands came into contact with the silky smooth cloud. I smiled softly. I could not ever imagine a cloud to be so soft and silky. The strands fell through my hands like water. Wait. This is not a cloud. This was hair.
More things began to come into focus, my body was starting to wake up and the warm softness that I felt on my neck had now become hot lava trailing up and down my neck making my whole body heat up. Sounds were the next to come into place. A low rumbling could clearly be heard.
An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer against a hard warm surface and the heat on my neck would not go away, but I did not want it to either. My brain was on overdrive trying to place all these clues together.
White cloud-like material that ended up being hair was my biggest clue and my mind was screaming at me for not realizing it sooner. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening. InuYasha was in bed with me. Oh my god. I was instantly pulled under the heat and warmth, the arousal of being in his arms, his body against mine. Even during the feudal era we were never this intimate.
I felt teeth graze my neck. InuYasha had been kissing my neck the whole time. My breath quickened and my body tensed. What do I do? My mind was screaming, but my body and heart had already taken over. My two arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, wanting us to be so close that you could not discover where one of us began and the other ended. He replied to this with a growl and tightened his hold on me, his lips moving away from my neck and down to my collar bone, sucking softly on my bare skin.
What was going on? I did not know, but I closed my eyes tight and tried to steady my breathing. InuYasha did not stop or hesitate; he lavished me with his puppy licks and kisses and moved lower to my chest. My breath hitched and he growled again and threw me on my back and climbed on top of me. He forced my shirt over my head and I pulled at his, which he quickly threw to the floor. He bent down and ravished my neck again, kissing and sucking, not even trying to be discreet like before. He slid my bra straps off my shoulders and pushed my breasts up. My breathing rattled and heaved as I pulled him closer, wrapping me legs around his waist. In turn he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me forward, the other hand being pre-occupied. He kissed the tops of my breasts and then leaned back to look at me. My face was flushed and I could tell my eyes were clouded with desire. There were no words as he looked at me with his smoldering golden eyes. They were so intense that they made me shiver but I would not dare move my eyes away from his. He knew what was happening and what he was doing more than I knew. He looked at me tenderly which filled me with so much emotion that I could not control my next action. Tears escaped. His eyes showed the love that I missed so much. God I was stupid. Why am I crying? I am so happy that tears are flowing. He paused.
“Kagome, are you still in bed?”
Before InuYasha jumped off me, his eyes changed from love to shame. Before anything else could be said or done Sango threw the door open.

“Get up lazy a—,” she stopped mid sentence and we both blushed, she looked away and I pulled up my blankets to cover my scantily clad breasts. “I'm so so sorry! I should have knocked, but the door was unlocked...”
InuYasha grabbed his shirt and rudely pushed past Sango, not even giving me a second glance. No explanation or anything. He just left me hair tousled with a gapping blushing Sango. My heart ached in confusion and abandonment. The door slammed making me wince, Sango turned to me in confusion and noticed the tears that were silently streaming down my face and instantly was by my side.
“I'm sorry Kags, I didn't think that he would have gotten so angry,” she said trying to console me.
I shook my head, “No, it wasn't you, it was me,” more tears flowed, “I don't know what happened.” I broke and pulled me legs to my chest and cried my heart out and Sango hugged me, consoling me and trying to figure out exactly what happened.
It took a while for me to finally calm down and speak and I told Sango what had come to pass. Everything was flowing so fast, but I did not want to stop and I broke when I saw the love and desire in his eyes, it was not just lust, it was need. It touched me so much; it was what I was looking for since I first met him again. He then froze, I don't know why and then that's when she came in. Sango just nodded and held me, rocked me comfortably and wiped my tears away and smiled lovingly at me through my choking sobs.
“It's okay, Kags. I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. It will be alright. Besides, no matter what happens, you two will be together in the end. It's fate. I mean, we are all tied together by fate. We are meant to be friends, you are meant to be with InuYasha.”
I nodded, wiping my tears away. My body felt exhausted by the turmoil of emotions that had raced through my body in the last ten minutes. I am so glad that it's Sunday. I rested my eyes as my thoughts began to recollect everything that happened since yesterday.
My eyes shot open.
A new wave of emotions came over me and I grabbed Sango by her shoulders. “Is Rin okay!? Please tell me she didn't... oh God...”
Sango's eyes filled with tears and my thoughts went to the worse and tears began to flow consistently. She then smiled through her tears, wiping them away, “Sesshomaru saved her.”
I choked a sob, “Sesshomaru..?”
She nodded, “He went with her to the hospital and everything. That's why I was coming to wake you up. Miroku and I were about to head over to the hospital.”
New tears washed away the old ones, tears of happiness. Am I ever going to stop crying today? I giggled and wiped my tears away as they came. I could not find any words and Sango was okay with that. Sesshomaru saved Rin. Just like back then. He will most likely end up adopting her as well. She will be safe and happy. I frowned, poor Rin. Losing her parents like that for the second time. Why was there no justice in the world? We saved the world already. Why are people that helped suffering again?
Sango got up and I looked at her in shock with pleading eyes, like a child being left at home with a babysitter. Sango quickly spoke before I did, “If we are going to the hospital to pay or visits and respects you definitely need to shower, you look like crap.” She smiled, “Anyways, come knocking when you're ready to go.”
I furrowed my brow in confusion. Fixing my bra straps I got up and went to the bathroom with a blushing face, clearly remember InuYasha's every breath and touch on my body. What got me the most was the eyes though. Those smoldering golden orbs that pulled me to him every time. I smiled softly to myself remember as clear as day the love in them.
I entered the bathroom and walked past the mirror. My eyes widen and I froze. Oh my God, please tell me that was just some weird trick of the light... I scrambled back to the mirror and held on to the sink. I looked absolutely horrid! There were black streak marks running down my face and down my neck. My hair looked like a bird's nest, and I was wearing my most unattractive bra that I own. I was mortified. InuYasha was ravishing me when I looked like this... What was he thinking...?
What was I thinking!?
I cannot believe I let myself do that. My gut wrenched as I thought about the tears streaming down her face. How she almost looked frightened. What the hell is wrong with me? It's a good thing Sango burst through the door when she did. I sighed and grumbled as I beat myself up mentally. I hope she does not think less of me. It did not seem to be one-sided. I do not know anymore, I barely could keep the demon inside me at bay.
I was already on my way home in my car at this point. I already took a taxi to the bar to pick it up, Sango's car was already gone, she must have come earlier.
Breathing deeply in and out I tried to control my anger, shame and arousal all at the same time. God, she was like a drug. She was addicting, she tasted and smelled to good to be true, too good to be human. I could not help myself. I growled at those thoughts again. I have to control myself, I do not want to push her away, but now that I got a taste, I do not know how long I can last without having another hit. We did not even kiss for God's sakes!
Slamming the car door I walked up the stairs to my apartment, banging the door open and slamming in closed. Making loud noises tended to help my frustration a little. I fell onto the couch, leaning back and shaded my eyes from the lights. I can still feel her perfectly beneath me, every curve and contour, her intoxicating smell luring me further away from reality and good judgment. I could still smell her. I needed to shower. I had to get that aroma off of my body so I can think rationally. I nice cool shower would help in cooling off my temper and another personal problem that was not going right since I left.
I rested my head against the tiled in the shower and just allowed the water pellets to come down on me. I closed my eyes and focused on nothing but the sound of the water bouncing off my body and the shower. Breathing slowly and calmly I tried to regain my sanity, but flashes of Kagome kept running through my head. Her pulling my closer, her whispering my name, her wrapping her legs around my torso... I squeezed my eyes shut and fisted my hand. How could I think rationally when these thoughts would not stop flowing? I restrained myself from punching a hole through the wall.
She was so beautiful though. I sighed. The shower was not helping. I reluctantly turned off the shower, grabbed a towel and headed to my room to change. Holding the towel around my waist I searched through the pile of clean clothes, wait, I sniffed a pair a sucks and gagged... Next pile is the clean clothes. Now, as I was searching for some clean clothes to wear my phone rang. Perfect timing.
<<InuYasha? It's Miroku.>>
“Who else would it be?”
<<Good point, anyways Sango and I were planning on going to visit that little girl Rin at the hospital to see how she is doing. Do you want to come?>>
I hesitated. Kagome was bound to be going to check up on the little brat. I do not know what to do...
<<InuYasha? Are you there?>>
“Um, yeah I'm still here...”
<<Are you in?>>
“I don't think so, wouldn't be kind of weird if some stranger came to see how she's doing?”
There was a pause on the other end. It sounded like He was talking to someone. It was hard to make out, even with my hearing. My ears twitched. <<It can't be anymore weird than losing your two parents and the life you know in one night.>>
“You just had to pull the old orphan kid excuse, didn't you? That is low. Even for you,” I growled into the phone
<<No, low is having no heart for a girl who just lost her family. Now are you coming with us or not?>>
I sighed, I am heartless and a bastard, but I am definitely not that bad, “Fine, what time?”
<< Within the hour. I can come and pick you up, it is on the way.>>
“No, that is quite alright. I can drive myself. Wait for me outside.”
<<Okay. See you then.>>
“Whatever.” I hang up on him through myself over the couch. This horrible awkward day is not going to end the way I want, is it. I sighed. I was going to have to see her eventually, but I was hoping in a day or two, or a week... Let my mind clear and think rationally again. How am I supposed to show my face in front of her without thinking of what passed between us this morning? She cannot know that I am going to be there, I doubt she wants to see me right away as well. Seeing as I practical raped the poor girl. Crap. Rape. Can you really consider what happened rape? She seemed to be pretty willing to me.
“This cannot be happening,” I screamed at myself and pulled at my wet hair.
I grabbed the pillow on the couch and screamed in it with all the air that I could release from my lungs in one breath. That did not help much. I lengthened my claws and shredded the pillow till nothing but little bits of fabric and fathers drifted to the floor. That helped a little more, but now I am going to have to files these things down again before I leave.
I quickly dressed in an old worn pair of jeans and a simple white tee, grabbing my red hoodie as I jogged out the door, locking it quickly behind me. I hope this is not going to be as awkward as I think it will be.
Sango, Miroku and I were standing outside the hospital waiting for InuYasha to arrive. It felt like it had been an eternity waiting. I really hoped there would be no awkward air between us from this morning. I sighed to myself for the umpteenth time since we have been waiting and continued to play with the hem of my t-shirt.
I knew Miroku and Sango were giving each other pleading looks. She obviously had told Miroku what had passed between me and InuYasha this morning, or else he would be joking around about what happened between us last night. Since he knows something did happen he is silent. Sango was just radiating concern from my right side. They were treating me like an injured puppy.
My eyes searched the parking lot looking for a car coming towards us, or a person from the parking lot. I wanted to see him and try to see what happened. I want to know what he meant, was he just playing me for a fool? I hope not. That does not sound like InuYasha from the past, but he is a reincarnation. I do not know what to think. I do not want to think anymore. I could not stand waiting anymore.
“Guys, I can't wait anymore, I want to see how Rin is doing.” There was that look again between the two of them. What was I? There child? They were starting to make me angry, I know I am broken, but I am definitely not that pathetic that I cannot function properly. “When he comes you three can meet me in the room, what was the room number again..?”
She sighed and replied, “Number 3---,”
“He's finally here. About damn time.” Miroku interrupted her.
Sure enough, long flowing silver hair with a black cap on top was making his way to the hospital front doors. Please do not let this be awkward. I took a deep breath as he drew closer. He looked normal enough. He was closing in on us. If he can act normal so can I. I put on a smiling face and was the first to greet him.
“Hi InuYasha.”
He looked at me oddly, and mumbled a “Hey.”
Miroku quickly dove in, “You guys ready to go?”
We all nodded and Sango put in, “We need to be strong. She needs our strength right now, and do not mention the parents. Sesshomaru said she isn't ready for that kind of news emotionally and physically.”
We all nodded again and followed Sango into the hospital.
A.N: I hope you liked the slight lime-age, and also hope I didn't offend anyone reading it, it wasn't that bad, was it?
REVIEW!: Again, thanks to those that did review <3