InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ 5 Years Later ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Hi, people this is the first chapter after five years. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1. 5 Years Later

Five Years Later...........
"Daddy, daddy wake up," said a white hair girl bouncing on the bed. "Meili give daddy a few more minutes," Sesshoumaru said. "Daddy I want to, but don't you remember today is my first day of school," Meili said. When Sesshoumaru heard first day of school he quickly got up and went towards the restroom. "Meili her dress and put on your shoes," Sesshoumaru shouted from the restroom. "OK!" shouted the little girl running out of her father's room.
When Sesshoumaru exit from the restroom. He put on his black business suit. Then he went into the kitchen. Of the huge mansion they live in. Only them two. "Daddy how come we live in such a big house with only you and I?" Meili ask. "Daddy likes being alone," Sesshoumaru reply. "Why?" Meili ask in a confuse tone. "Daddy just like it. It's peaceful," Sesshoumaru reply. Meili nodded and put on her shoes. Where's your backpack Meili?" Sesshoumaru ask. "Here," Meili said pointing to her back with a smile towards her father. When Sesshoumaru saw the smile he return the smile to his daughter.
"So daddy where are we going to eat breakfast?" Meili ask jumping around. "We are going to McDanald," Sesshoumaru said giving his daughter a smile. "YEAH MCDANALD MCDANLD!" Meili cheered into his fathers arms. They both walked out of the house and onto the driveway. Sesshoumaru help his daughter get on the front seat of his back viper.
When they got to McDanald Meili odered a Breakfast pancake, with sausage. Sesshoumaru odered the same. Then they hope back into the car. Meili ate in the car trying hard not to spill on the perfect condition car seat. Though she didn't get it on the car seat she got it all over her face. "Look daddy I am the syrup monster," Meili said giggling. Sesshoumaru laugh with her and told her to clean up beas they are near the school.
When they got their. They said their goodbye and Meili gave Sesshoumaru a hug and kiss. Sesshoumaru watch his daughter enter the school. He smiled to himself and thought."Meili you'er the only person I have left in my life that is important. I will always love your mother." With his last thought he drove away. In a corner a black van watching the little girl enter the school. "The girl had just enter," said a mystery person in the van. Then they drove away.
Meili enter her class all cheerful. When she enter she saw lots of parents and crying kids that are her age. "Hello, what's your name pretty?" said a soft voice. "I am Meili Takahashi. And you?" Meili ask. "I am Rin Tennyo your teacher," Rin said with a smile. "Nice to meet you Ms. Tennyo," Meili said sticking out her hand for a shake. Rin glady took it with a smile and said,"Nice to meet you too Meili."
They both talked until the parents started clearing out of the room while their kids still crying calling their mommies and daddies. "Why are all the kids crying Ms. Tennyo?" Meili ask with a confuse look. "They are all on the stage where they are not ready to depart from their parents," Rin reply with a smile. "Oh," the girl said with wide eyes. "Meili you must be proud of yourself that you're not crying," Rin said.
"My daddy told me that I have to be strong for him and not to cry," Meili said. "Wow your dad must be a great person," Rin said giving Meili a smile. "Yes he is, he is the world's best daddy ever," Meili said with pride. "Oh and how about your mother?" Rin ask. "I have none," Meili said in a sad tone. When Rin heard her say that Rin lost her smile. "Oh I am so sorry, it must be hard for you," Rin said. "Yea, but I have my daddy," Meili said trying to sound cheerful. "Yes, your daddy must love you," Rin said. Meili nodded. "Do you want a hug?" RIn ask with her arms spread out. Meili nodded with a sad face and hugged Rin. After they finish hugging Meili is smiling again and the class finally settled down.
"Hi class, I am your teacher Ms. Tennyo," Rin gretted the class with a smile. "Where is my mommy?" a little boy asked. "Well I don't know, but I bet she is off buying you something," Rin replies trying to sound convincing. They all 'Ohhhhed" and nodded. Rin smiled back at the class and called rolls.Then she started the lesson for the day. The whole class learned the firt five letter of the alphabet and trying to write it. Every of the kid struggled except for Meili. "Good job Meili," Rin said giving her a smile. "My daddy taught me how to write," Meili said happily. "Your daddy is sure a smart person," Rin said. Meili nodded and continue to write. Meili and Rin heard some girls whispering mean things about her, like smarter pants, no it all and show off. Meili stopped writing when she heard the whispers about her. Rin didn't like how the little girls were making fun of other students, So she left Meili and went to talk to the girls.
"Girls I don't want you to be talking about your other classmate like that. Your mommy and daddy might allow you to do that at home, but I don't allow that here," Rin said in a serious tone. The two girls nodded. Rin turned towards Meili and gave her a smile. Which Meili happily smiled back. "Class put down your pencils and lets go over the rules. I thought you guys would already know, but I guess not," Rin said.


1) No talking when teacher is talking
2) Keep your hands, feet and object to yourself
3) Respect others
·no talking about other students
·respect peoples belong
·don't take people's thing without asking
4) No fighting

"Do you kids get the rules?" Rin ask. All the students said "Yes". "Good class, now it's time for recess," Rin said. All the kids cheer and ran outside. Rin brought out the balls, bikes, wagons and jumpropes. All the kids were playing happily except for Meili. Meili just sat there and let people throw sand at her and other trashes. They were calling her a freak, because of her hair and eyes. Rin didn't like how they were treating her, so she walked over where they kids are at.
"Stop, don't be throwing things at other students," Rin said in a firm tone. "Well who cares, she's a freak," said one of the girls. "Don't say that about other people. Everybody is different not only her," Rin said losing her patience. "We are not freaks. She is, look at her hair it's white and her eyes are gold," said another girl. "Well they are nice eyes and hair," Rin said. "Well I son't care if they are pretty or not. She is still a freak," anothe girl said. "ENOUGH! Do you want me to tell your parents about your bad behaviors?" Rin said. They all turned and walk away. When Rin turn towards Meili who is still crying.
Rin brought her inside the classroom. "Are you ok?"Rin ask in a concern tone. "No, it's just not fair. My dad has white hair and you see girls all overhim. I have white hair and no one likes me. They all hate me because I am differnt from them. I don't want to be different," said the crying girl. Rin hugged her and said,"Now there Meili, don't hate yourself because you're different. They hate you because they are jealous. They want to be like you, but they are not. Look at yourself you are pretty, cute ans smart. They want to be you, but they know they can't. That's why they make fun of you. Don't let their words get to you. REmember you're a strong girl. I believe you are. You don't want your daddy to see you crying do?" Rin ask in a gentle tone. "No," Meili said sniffing. Rin gave her a tissue and gave her another hug.
Class went well. At lunch no one wants Meili to sit with them so Rin invited her to sit with her. Rin talked about her childhood while Meili asked questions as she gets interested. They talked about their favorite color and foods. Both of them laugh and giggle. While the class watch in jealousy that Meili hogged the teacher.
At the end of the day Rin waited outside with the other kids for their parents to pick them up. Each one by one the students left. Except for Meili who was still their. So Rin brought her inside the classroom and closed the door. "Mieli where's your father?" Rin ask. "I don't know he must forgot about me again," Meili said in a sad voice. "Now don't say that. I probably bet that your father is coming right now," Rin said trying to comfort Meili. "No maybe something happened to my daddy," Meili said. Meili was about to cry until they heard a knock on the door. "I'll get that," Rin said walking towards the door.
When Rin opened the door she saw a beautiful tall man standing in front of her. "Oh wow he is H.O.T. Man I wonder what's beneath that suit," Rin thought to herself. When Sesshoumaru saw the door open she saw something that surprised him. "She looks like Meili's mother, but more beautiful, younger and livlier. Big brown eyes, nice curbe body, nice shapely legs, long brown hair and a nice full lip," Seshoumaru thought to himself. They stared at each other until they heard someone say "DADDY DADDY!!!". Sesshoumaru looked away from Rin as his daughter ran into his arms.
"Daddy, why are you late to pick me up?" Meili ask. "Well I was stuck on traffic," Sesshoumaru said giving his daughter a kiss on teh cheeks. Which his daughter gladly accept and she gave him a kiss on the cheeks. "Hi, Mr. Takahashi," Rin said stickin out her hand. "Hi Ms.........?" Sesshoumaru stopped in mid sentence shaking her hand. "Ms. Tennyo," Rin gladly fixing him. "So daddy what are we going to have for dinner tonight?" ask the little girl in Sesshoumaru's arms. "I am thinking steak or something," Sesshoumaru said to his daughter. "Can Ms. Tennyo come too. Please............daddy please...........?" Begged the little girl. "If Ms. Tennyo wants to come," Sesshoumaru replied. "Ms. Tennyo do you want to come please.............?" she Begged Rin. "Ok, I'll do it for you," Rin said. Meili jumped out of her father's arms in to Rins.
"Well then lets go," Sesshoumaru said. Meili held on Rin and Sesshoumaru's hand. They walk together as a family to Sesshoumaru's viper. when Rin saw his viper her mouth fell open. "Wow you drive a viper?" Rin ask in a surprize tone. "Yes, it's normal for people in Pomona to have vipers," Sesshoumaru reply in an amuze tone. "Well I don't live Pomona," Rin said. "Then where do you live," Sesshoumaru said as they enter they car. "Well I live in S. El Monte," Rin said. Sesshoumaru nodded as they drove away on the viper.
"After dinner, can you take me back here so I can retrieve my car?" Rin ask. Sesshoumaru nodded. The whole way to Denny's. When they got in there tehy sat in corner where you can get lots of privacy. Rin ordered a Sirlion Steak with corn and mash potatoe and Sprite. Sesshoumaru ordered a T-bone steak with mash potatoe and corn and coke. Meili ordered a choo choo burger with fries and mash potatoe and pink lemonade. While they all ate Sesshoumaru and Rin talked about their past and other things. Meili sat their looking at her teacher and father laughing and she thought to herself,"It would be nice if Ms. Tennyo can be my mother. Then my dad would always look this happy and I would have a mother."When they call for the pay check Rin wanted to pay, but Sesshoumaru resist. They argued about who paid. Meili told them to pick a number 1-5 and Sesshoumaru lost so he paid. After he paid Meili said,"Daddy I have to go to the restroom." Sesshoumaru nodded and Meili ran to the restroom. "Some kid both of you have there. So sweet and cute," said the waiter who served them. "Oh she is not my daughter," Rin said quickly. "She isn't. Are you sure because she looks like you?" the waiter ask. Rin nodded and the waiter went away. Then Rin came out of the restroom.
The drive back wasn't as quite as the drive to the restraunt. Sesshoumaru dropped Rin off at the school. Meili gave Rin a kiss on the cheeks goodbye and they drove off. "See you tomorrow Meili," as Rin bid farwell. As Rin was waving bye to them she thought to herself,"What a nice girl and a very funny and H.O.T father."
"Daddy, wouldn't Ms.Tennyo make a nice mommy?" ask Meili. Sesshoumaru just nodded. "Daddy at the restraunt seems like you like Ms. Tennyo. I don't mind if you make her my mommy and give me brothers and sisters," Meili said. "No Meili, I just met her today and I am still in love with your mother," Sesshoumaru said in a cold voice. "But daddy mommy is dead don't you think it's time to move on," Meili said. "Lets not talk about Meili," Sesshoumaru siad losing his patience with his daughter. Meili just nodded and pout.

A/N: That was the first chapter hope you liked.
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