InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Pictures ❯ Vacation, All I Ever Wanted ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: This story seems to be shaping up a little slower than my other one.

Shock1119 - my OC is a conglomeration of me and people I know. Ha! I'm sure there is plenty of him to go around...
Forgotten Angel - Thanks!

Disclaimer: I do not own any character created by Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 3 - Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

Charlotte stood in the field under the cherry tree and desperately fought back tears. This was the scene from the painting but there was nothing in the field to suggest how she could get back. She’d combed the area for something, anything that could help her, but had only found last night’s melon rinds and a lot of grass. For lack of anything better to do, she grabbed onto the lowest branch of the tree and hoisted herself onto it. Momentarily considering changing back to her most comfortable form and quickly discarding the idea, she scrambled up into the tree until the branches were hardly big enough to support her weight. Straddling the limb and squeezing it with her thighs, she peered through the blossoms and across the land.

Thick forest encircled the meadow and stretched as far as she could see, broken only by the thin blue ribbon of a stream. The mountain jutted out of the forest like a fang, cloaking the distant mansion in shadow. It peak was capped with snow, and even in the bright, warm sunlight, still had a halo of cloud. No paved roads, no cities, no sign of civilization as she knew it.

She swung her legs up and placed one foot in front of the other on the branch, using her hands to shift her weight onto them until she was in a low crouch. The branch creaked alarmingly as she rose out of the crouch and steadied herself against the trunk. ’Uh, oh…’ she glanced around frantically for another branch that could hold her weight but she was too high in the tree.

With a loud crack, the bough snapped and she dropped. Screaming and scrabbling for a handhold, she smacked into branches as she fell. Twigs tore at her hair and clothes as she tried to twist into a position that would allow her to land on her feet. The density of the branches prevented even that, and she landed heavily on her back, the breath whooshing out of her. Dazed, she lay still and waited for her head to clear.

“Humans do not belong in trees,” a cold voice stated above her.

She groaned and flopped an arm over her face. Her mother had told her something similar, ‘Never try to climb a tree in your human form. You’ll only get hurt.’ That had been after, ‘Don’t sit on branches that are smaller than your thigh.’ Charlotte had just chosen to ignore both gems of wisdom, but it didn’t make the youkai’s comment any less irritating. “What are you doing here?”

“Young Rin has convinced me to allow you to accompany us.” Rin had asked him quietly and earnestly, probably the first time she had asked him for anything. He had found himself acquiescing and had to justify it on his way to find her. Female companionship would be good for Rin and they had gotten along remarkably well. If she became too tedious, well, he could kill her and be done with it. He had thought the issue was closed when he watched her fall out of the tree and lay still. Rin would be disappointed, but she would get over it. Approaching quietly, he had realized that she was stunned but very much alive.

“Oh yeah?,” she was surprised; he didn’t seem the type to change his mind. The branches rustled and creaked above her and she rolled to the side instinctively, narrowly avoiding being hit by a falling limb. She stared at it and took a deep breath, trying to calm the shaking that accompanied the rush of adrenaline. The sudden movement brought into sharp relief the bruises she’d acquired during her fall.

Pushing herself to her feet, she backed away from the canopy of the tree. ‘Maybe that would be a good idea, especially considering how much trouble I’ve gotten into just being alone an hour. I can keep an eye open for magic paintings and in the meantime, have an adventurous vacation.’ She raked a hand through her hair, dislodging several twigs, as an unpleasant thought occurred to her, ‘My brother, he’s expecting me tonight.’ Glancing around reflexively for her cell phone, she patted her pockets. “You don’t have a phone, do you?” she asked the youkai staring at her as if she were a particularly nasty form of bug.


“What about the guy who lives there?” she asked, pointing to the distant mansion.

“I live there.”

“Oh.” Shading her eyes with one hand and resting the other on her hip, she took one last look around the field. “Doesn’t look like I have many options.” She shrugged and turned to him, “Lay on, MacDuff.”


“My lord, he’d wandered into a patch of brambles and the bridal became entangled,” Jakken puffed as he led the most incredible creature Charlotte had ever seen.

“Fuck me, is that a dragon?” Two scaly heads perched atop two slender necks turned in her direction, fixing her with two pairs of eyes. Its brownish green hide was also scaled, and it sported two reptilian tails.

“You will refrain from swearing around Rin,” the tai-youkai intoned from behind them.

Charlotte grimaced, “Right, sorry ‘bout that.” It had been a long time since she’d had to watch her language. Working in a software department, surrounded by geeks and gamers, had given her a colorful, if vulgar, vocabulary.

“That’s Ah-Un, our noble steed,” Rin piped up from beside her. The little girl tugged on her hand, leading her up to the dragon and clambering into the saddle on its back. “Get on, Kitty!”

“Maybe later. I think I’ll walk for a while. I need to lose five pounds anyway,” Charlotte regarded the saddled creature with mistrust. Horses had never been fond of her kind, probably because they knew they were walking smorgasbords. Granted, Charlotte had never hunted or eaten horse, but as soon as one caught her scent, even when she was in her human form, it reared, bucked, and did everything it could to get away. This dragon didn’t seem to have a problem with her, but she wasn’t going to tempt fate when a child was in the saddle. Besides, she been on a Taco Bell kick lately, and really could work off some fat.

It had been a long time since Charlotte had taken a nature hike, and she realized that she was enjoying herself despite her predicament and silent companions. Rin had nodded off in the saddle, Jakken ignored her, and Sesshomaru ignored everyone, but the air was clean and the sun was warm. Humming quietly to herself, she let her mind wander. ‘Who is Sesshomaru? A lord of some sort, obviously, and Jakken had called him the Dog General…did that mean he was a werewolf? Weredog? Dog demon?’ She made a mental note to ask Rin about it later. She had a strong rapport with the girl, almost as if she were the sister she’d wanted as a child.

“Stop that infernal noise, wench,” Jakken griped at her.

Broken out of her reverie, she snapped back, “Piss off, toad.”

Sesshomaru stopped the group with a raised hand. Without a word, he dissolved into a ball of energy and shot off into the trees.

“Where’d he go?” Charlotte stared after him, her mouth open in shock.

“He doesn’t have to answer to the likes of you,” Jakken huffed. Rin jerked awake in the saddle, yawning and blinking sleepily,

Snatching the dragon’s reins from his hands, Charlotte led the beast off the path and toward the river she knew was running parallel to the path, just beyond the screen trees.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Jakken squeaked, waving an arm and his staff in the air.

“I don’t have to answer to the likes of you,” she bit back, tired of the imp’s attitude. He was asking for some serious hurt.

The river flowed languidly along its pebbly banks, too sleepy to burble but so clear and clean that the bottom could be seen even at the deepest parts. A portion of it had backed up into a small inlet, forming a clear, clean pond had just enough movement to discourage leeches and mosquitoes but not enough to create a strong current. Fish darted along the bottom, doing whatever it was fish do at the bottom of streams. Several scrubby bushes struggled for life in the sand and pebbles, sharp twigs seeming to reach for the water.

“Care for a swim, Rin?” Charlotte grinned at the girl still sitting on the dragon’s back. Normally, she didn’t swim in fresh water; she didn’t like the idea of things swimming in the water with her. The ocean was a different story, however. She could body surf all afternoon if given the opportunity. Her brother, the country boy, teased her, ‘You get creeped out by a few fish but sharks don’t bother you?’ He had a point, but she still preferred a chlorinated pool to a lake. With no pools, oceans, or showers in sight, the river would have to do.

Rin slipped off the dragon’s back and clapped her hands. “We’ll have fish for dinner!”

“You fish?” Charlotte looked at her in surprise. “How?” She didn’t have a pole, line, hook, bait…

Laughing, the girl held out her hands, “With my hands!”

Charlotte laughed with her, “Okay, kiddo.” Slipping off her bottoms and dropping them onto a low bush, she waded into the calm water, suppressing a shriek as the frigid liquid hit her skin. When she was in sufficiently deep water, she lowered herself until she was covered up to her neck and slipped off her underwear. Her panties and camisole covered a lot more than her bikini, but she wasn’t about to give that miserable little Fraggle a free show. Scrubbing them clean under the water, she pulled them back on, wincing at the feeling of wet cotton against her skin. She tugged off her camisole and worked out the grass stains, careful to keep the water up to her chin. Once her clothes were clean and back in place, she ducked under the water to wet her hair. Working out the tangles and plant matter she’d managed to acquire, and missing the shampoo and conditioner sitting on the floor of her shower, she washed her hair until it was as clean as she could get it.

“Look, Kitty!” True to her word, Rin clutched a large, squirming fish and held it up over her head, its silver scales glinting in the afternoon sunlight. The edges of the kimono were tucked into her belt and miraculously, the girl had managed to stay completely dry. She tossed it onto the bank, far enough from the water that it couldn’t flop back.

Smoothing wet hair and water from her face, Charlotte grinned at her. “Wow, Rin, that’s amazing!” She swam back to the bank and climbed out, brushing as much water off of her goose-fleshed legs as she could and pulling her pants back on. Rolling up the cuffs to make shorts, she sat on the sandy bank to finish drying. Rin was standing very still in the shallow water, waiting for another fish to swim by.

Low on the horizon, the pale ghost of a waxing moon hovered ethereally in the blue sky like a double-exposed photograph. Charlotte stared up at it apprehensively. She had wanted to be at her brother’s place before the full moon, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen. She’d have to find a safe place, away from her new companions. ‘Think they’d notice if I snuck off for a night?’ She glanced over at Jakken; he was sitting with his back to her, pretending to ignore them both but surreptitiously watching Rin. Regardless, she’d have to slip away. If they didn’t let her rejoin them, then so be it.