InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Pictures ❯ Hurry Up and Wait ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Warning: this chapter contains lemons. The clean version is posted on my fanfiction account - same handle, same title.
My next update will probably be a little late. I have company coming form out of town and will not have much time to write.
Thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: I do not own any character created by Rumiko Takahashi.
Chapter 15 - Hurry Up and Wait
Charlotte leaned on the edge of the cave's mouth, marveling at the morning. Each plant seemed scrubbed clean and sparkling new, the greens so vibrant that they seemed to shimmer. Birds rioted overhead, making up for lost time, she supposed. Even the air smelled fresh, though nothing like that awful laundry detergent one of her friends used. `Spring Rain my ass. Can they bottle this scent?' She took another deep breath, letting the air blow from her mind the delicious feeling of waking up against Sesshomaru. He was gone now; had disappeared soon after they had woken up.
His brother's group was bustling around a cooking fire several yards from the cave, laughing, talking, fighting, and eating. Inuyasha was making a special effort to pick on a young fox demon and ignore her. She wasn't sure where the little kitsune had come from; she hadn't seen him the previous evening. Then again, she'd been somewhat distracted…
`Too distracted. You're letting this guy get way too close,' she told herself firmly. She sighed and let her head fall back against the stone wall of the cave. A tiny voice mewed up at her and her ears perked forward as she located the source. A yellow two-tailed fire cat rubbed against her ankle and mewed again, blinking up at her with wide, red, limpid eyes. The kitten spoke a lower form of nekoyoukai language, one that Charlotte had never heard before but instinctively understood. She trilled back a response and sat on the ground cross-legged to get closer to eye-level with the cat.
“Kirara!” Sango called from her seat near the fire, setting her bowl on the ground beside her. The cat had been missing during night and she was relieved to see her back. Relief faded into annoyance as the cat ignored her, choosing to stay in the female demon's lap. Kirara flicked her tails, trilling enthusiastically and Charlotte giggled, mewling back. Were they talking to each other? She got to her feet and approached the two with her hands planted on her hips.
“Kirara,” she tried to mask the jealousy in her voice. Two pairs of cat's eyes fixed on her. With a start, she noticed that the woman's pupils were slit. Sango held out her arms and Kirara leapt into them, purring. Charlotte grinned up at them impishly, a knowing gleam in her eyes.
“What were you talking about?” Sango asked, stroking Kirara's soft fur possessively.
“Just gossiping,” came the vague reply.
“Where's Sesshomaru?”
Charlotte shrugged; she had been wondering the same thing. “How should I know? It's not like he left a note or something.”
“But aren't you two…?” Sango trailed off, not really wanting to go there. The thought of Sesshomaru doing that, well, it made her a little ill.
“What? Fucking? We would be if we didn't keep getting WALKED IN ON,” she raised her voice on the last few words, giving the hanyou a pointed stare hit that him between the shoulder blades. Inuyasha turned beet red and leapt into the branches of the nearest tree, abandoning the kitsune on whom he had been pounding. Miroku choked on his breakfast, trying to strangle an unholy fit of laughter. If possible, Sango and Kagome blushed harder than Inuyasha, Sango even more so when Kirara mewed and Charlotte winked at her, sharing some feline secret.
“Hentai,” Sango muttered under her breath and stomped back to her friends, trying to shut out the nekoyoukai's bright laughter.
Kagome reluctantly pulled her math book out of her bag, deciding that since they didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon, she might as well use the time to study. She flipped through the pages until she found the current assignment, groaning when she saw the familiar wave patterns on the page.
“Oh, that looks like fun,” Charlotte stated sarcastically over her shoulder. She had wandered over to the group and stood just behind Kagome, peering at the math book.
Sighing forlornly, Kagome pulled a sheet of scrap paper out of her bag. “I used to be good at math. Now that I'm always traveling through the well, I miss a ton of class and can barely keep up with my assignments.”
“Hmm. Want some help? It's been a while but I've taken a lot of math.”
Kagome glanced up at the woman warily. “Why would you want to help me? You're with Sesshomaru.”
She shrugged, sitting cross-legged beside her so that they both could read the page. “I'm not involved in your little dispute. Kirara explained it a little, but I still don't really understand what the problem is. Besides, I'm bored.”
“O-okay,” Kagome reached into her bag and fished another pencil from pencil box.
“So, your well only lets you and Inuyasha pass through?” Kagome nodded and handed her the pencil. Charlotte clicked lead into the tip and nabbed another sheet of paper.
“What do you do in your time?” Kagome ventured, letting her curiosity get the better of her.
“I write software.”
“Oh, it must be very exciting!”
Charlotte shrugged dismissively, “It was interesting at the beginning - solving riddles with simple statements, fitting pieces of a puzzle together to form a whole application. Now it's drudgery. I can't help feeling like I've missed the point of my life.”
Kagome regarded her with brown eyes misty with sympathy. Charlotte smiled at her and tapped the page of her math book. “I hope you find what you really love. Don't waste time on the unimportant stuff. You know?”
Kagome nodded, only giving the cat demon half of her attention as she explained about cosines. Why was this woman with Sesshomaru, of all people? She couldn't love him; he was incapable of compassion or caring. And yet, here she was, strangely sad and following the cold dog demon like Rin. Well, not quite like Rin, she thought with a blush. She didn't know the details of Miroku's “delicate situation”, didn't want to know, but she was sure he wasn't doing whatever it was with that sweet child.
“So let's try this one,” Charlotte pointed with a claw at the first problem on the page.
Kagome cringed guiltily. “Uhh… could you explain it one more time?”
Grinning, Charlotte shook her head. “Don't worry, I never found sines and cosines very provocative either. Okay…” She launched into the discussion again and Kagome did her best to follow.
Kagome sighed for what seemed like the millionth time, wishing that she did have another subduing rosary. Then maybe she could get Charlotte to stop teasing poor Inuyasha. The hanyou would be permanently stained red from blushing if he didn't get a break soon. She was sure that he would have been long gone if he trusted them with the nekoyoukai. Kagome thought that was silly; she liked Charlotte, even if she was as perverse as Miroku, and didn't think she would try to hurt them. She'd also been a big help with her math homework. She might even pass that test on Wednesday.
Miroku was relishing the torment of the hanyou, chiming in occasionally, but mostly snickering at her lewd comments and the shy boy's reactions. Shippo, who was enjoying it more than Miroku, wisely kept silent and smothered his laughter behind a tiny paw.
After a particularly rude comment, Inuyasha harrumphed and launched into the air, choosing to leap from branch to branch instead of walk with the rest of the group. They were heading toward the last place they had seen Charlie, hoping to pick up his trail. Sesshomaru had been absent all morning and finally Charlotte had asked them to retrace their steps.
Miroku howled and clutched his stomach but managed to call out after him, “Come now, Inuyasha, it's not that bad. Why don't you two just kiss and make up?”
Shippo snorted from Kagome's shoulder. “You better hope Sesshomaru didn't hear that.”
Primly pursing her lips, Charlotte wrinkled her nose. “No, thank you. I hear that he likes to kiss dead things.”
“What's up with that, anyway? I'm sure you could find someone much more willing and warm…” she yelled after him, giving Kagome a slow wink. Kagome flushed and groaned, finding herself hoping that Sesshomaru would return soon, something she'd never thought she'd want.
“You're one to talk!” he shouted back through the branches, still surprisingly close. For all the grief she was giving him, Kagome wondered if he hadn't tried to beat her up yet because she was the only youkai they'd ever met that didn't treat him like a filthy inferior. Teased the daylights out of him, yes, but held no prejudice against his half-demon nature.
“At least mine's still got blood in his veins.”
Miroku nodded sagely. “Ah, yes. Blood flow is very important.”
“It's amazing there's any blood left to flow considering the size-“
“Cat!” Sesshomaru snapped from behind them. She bit her tongue and almost missed her footing; she hadn't heard him approach and from Inuyasha's yelp, she suspected he hadn't either.
“Ha!” the hanyou crowed down at her, eyes glinting in delight that she'd earned his brother's ire.
“Since you're half demon, does that mean you're half the size?“ she queried with a mock-thoughtful expression.
Inuyasha took the bait and dropped to the ground in front of her, brandishing a fist in her face. “Just because I'm half-demon, doesn't make me-“
“Inuyasha, do not encourage her.” Sesshomaru came to stand behind her, staring coldly at his flustered brother. Taking hold of her forearm, he propelled her away from the group. She went willingly, her good humor melting away. Whatever he had to say couldn't possibly be good.
Charlotte stared numbly at the torn earth and scarred trees. “This is where it ends?” She felt his nod and stamped down the rising panic. Blood had been spilt here, Charlie's and others, but she couldn't help him by going into hysterics. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and tried to distance herself emotionally from the situation, pretend that it was happening to someone else.
“I don't understand. Why would someone attack him? He's not the kind of guy to pick a fight…” she trailed off as Sesshomaru raised a gleaming eyebrow. “Well, with someone other than me, of course.”
“These are violent times, Lady. Even those with the best of intentions often meet with harm,” Miroku stated, then said a small prayer for her brother's safety.
“I don't know that his intentions are good, exactly, but he certainly wouldn't have done anything to warrant assault or abduction.” A fluttering of color caught her eye and she strode to a low bush, pulling a piece of red cloth from a twig and turning it over in her hand. “What's this?”
“Debris left by his assailants,” Sesshomaru grated, irritated by such an obvious question.
“Yeah, but this symbol looks familiar,” she turned the piece of cloth around, trying to place the red and black pattern. It wasn't a whole design, but she thought that she should know it
Sesshomaru glanced at the fragment of material in her hands. He'd seen it before but had ignored it, figuring it was what it looked like - garbage. Another quick peek at the fabric stopped his breath; held properly, it look like a corner of a house crest, one that he knew and disliked. He snatched it out of her hands, brushing off her protest.
“Lord Yukio,” he growled.
She placed her hand on his arm and leaned slightly into him, staring intently at the scrap of material. “Hey, you're right. What the fuck is he doing here?” Sesshomaru gave her a narrow glare from the corner of his eyes, which she intercepted and returned. “I think foul language is acceptable in this situation.”
He chose to let that comment pass. “Not the lord himself, but one of his spies.”
“And he had some sort of flying beast.” Sesshomaru nodded at her observation. “But what would he want with my brother?”
He didn't answer. Lord Yukio wouldn't want her brother but it was possible that he was taken in a case of mistaken identity. The twins did look very much alike, and the spy may have attacked before realizing his error. In that case, Lord Yukio was trying to take what was his, a thought that angered him greatly. On the other hand, he may have been abducted for information about the Western Lands, which meant that the fire lord could be planning a coup or invasion. Her hand tightening on his arm stilled the soft growl that curled from his throat.
“Regardless of Yukio's intentions, this Sesshomaru will crush him.”
“Chill. We have no concrete evidence that Yukio is, in fact, responsible. If you attack him outright, he can say that my brother jumped his messenger and claim injury from you. I can't imagine that your neighbors would be thrilled about living next door to a war-mongerer. We should sneak in, grab Charlie, and sneak out. Then you get your proof and kick Yukio's ass.”
Sesshomaru silently stared at her in shock. Was this his cat talking to him or one of his generals? He recovered quickly and decided to test her strategy, “And to where do you propose to sneak?”
“Finding him isn't really the issue: I think the painting will take us straight to him. Sneaking out will be the problem and so will finding our way back. Yukio could have taken him anywhere.”
Sango smiled at her, determination darkening her eyes. “I'll help you. I know what's it like to lose a brother.” Kagome nodded, thinking of her own brother, Sota, and the lengths to which she would go to ensure his safety.
Inuyasha snorted, “I'd like to lose a brother.”
“Belligerent asshole,” Charlotte muttered but softened the comment with a wink. “But we can't start today; I have to go to work tomorrow.”
“It's not appropriate that you work,” Sesshomaru stated, disapproval gleaming in his golden eyes.
“I'm not discussing this with you right now,” she snapped back testily, pinching the bridge of her nose against an oncoming headache. Going to work was the last thing she wanted to do, especially with her brother in the hands of an enemy, but she couldn't see a way around it. If she wanted to keep her normal life, she would have to make an appearance. Otherwise, she'd not only lose her job, but her carefully maintained reputation. She'd have to find a good reason to take more time off, but she couldn't just play hooky, explaining that a demon lord in feudal japan had kidnapped her brother. He would be okay for one day, she hoped. “I'm expected at work tomorrow and if I don't show, they'll fire me. I have a life, you know.”
“Destroy the painting. Then she can't go back,” Inuyasha goaded.
Kagome's eyes blazed briefly, “Osuwari!”
Charlotte smirked at the hanyou in the dirt. Kirara had mentioned his reluctance to let Kagome go back to her own time for schoolwork. His comment must have struck a nerve. A nasty thought hit her and the smile fell from her face. “No, he's right,” she said slowly, staring at the fabric still held in Sesshomaru's grasp. “You should destroy it after my brother and I have gone back. We don't know why Yukio gave it to you, nor all of its functions. It isn't safe.”
Even as she said it, she felt her heart constrict. `You knew this wasn't going to last forever. You're getting too attached anyway.'' she scolded herself. But she'd hoped it would have been longer than two weeks. And maybe it wasn't such a bad thing, to let someone in and share her life with him. The little voice snorted in disgust, `Your mother mated and look what it got her: two children to raise by herself and a premature end to a life that should have been long and vibrant.'
“She's not dead,” she almost whispered aloud, refuting the acrid voice of her beast. `Dead to you,' it replied.
Sesshomaru understood the wisdom behind her words. Yukio had demonstrated himself as an enemy and the painting was too perilous to keep. What he didn't understand was the ice in his veins at her quiet words, nor the raging of his youkai that he reigned in with a steely will. Only the flaring of his aura betrayed him; his face remained remote and expressionless.
Had he expected her to follow him forever, like Rin? She was strong-willed, intelligent, and high-spirited. Women like that did not make good concubines, but she could be nothing more to him than that. To be honest, he hadn't really thought about it; he'd assumed that she would be his because he wanted her and he always got what he wanted.
Kagome's eyes widened in astonishment at the inuyoukai's agitation; could the stoic lord actually care for the Charlotte? Lust and love were two different things, and she'd thought that the former was the case when they'd found them last night. Was she wrong? Stranger things had happened. Her kind heart reached out to him; to have finally found someone he (dare she think it?) loved and to have her leave soon after. Kagome wondered if that were to be her fate: to have to return to the future without her Inuyasha.
Sesshomaru caught Kagome's sad gaze and frowned slightly. The filthy human seemed to feel sorry for him, which he found repulsive. What he was about to do was equally repulsive, but it couldn't be helped. Good breeding dictated good manners, even if the recipients had no breeding whatsoever. Addressing the miko since she was staring at him, he stated, “You and your friends will stay as guests in my mansion until we are ready to leave.”
“Keh. Like hell we are,” Inuyasha growled, folding his arms over his chest. He had never set foot in his father's house and had no desire to do so now.
Sesshomaru fixed his brother with a bored stare. “You will stay in my mansion and guard the painting or you will leave the Western Lands. It makes no difference to this Sesshomaru.”
“We humbly accept your hospitality,” Kagome cut in before Inuyasha could mouth off again. She wanted to help the cat demon, even if it meant staying under Sesshomaru's roof. Who knows, maybe the if the brothers spent a little more time not fighting, they might be able to get past their differences.
Sesshomaru stood at one of the tall windows of her apartment, watching headlights rush by on the dark streets below. Light filled her world, electric lamps buzzed in her kitchen, televisions shone through the windows of other apartments, streetlamps chased the shadows from the mouths of alleys; even the night sky wasn't completely dark. An orange haze blotted out all but the most brilliant stars with a repressive stubbornness. Light, as far as the eye could see, but this was all false light; only her light was true.
She joined him by the window, leaning against the frame and following his line of sight. “Do you really wish to stay here?” he asked, idly running his claws through her hair.
“It's not a question of want. I belong here. If I stayed with you, what then? We can't mate: you're a feudal lord and probably need to make some political alliance, not to mention the fact that I'm not full demon. I'd be a concubine until you found a mate, then I'd be a threat to that woman.” He tried to break in and she stilled him with a finger on his lips. “I know how women think, and your mate wouldn't like me. No, I don't want that life.” And I don't want a mate, she added silently to herself. She almost believed it.
He nodded once. She understood far more than he'd given her credit. Smiling sadly at his confirmation, she continued, “I once heard someone say, `People meet and people part (1).' That doesn't mean we can't enjoy the time we have.” She stepped into him, pulling his Mokomoko-sama from his shoulder to pool at their feet. Running a claw down the center of his armor and over the knot of his sash, she latched onto one of the ends, tugging lightly until it joined his boa on the floor.
He took her invitation, removing his armor and reaching for the hastily tied belt of her kimono, but she danced out of his reach, giggling. Eyes narrowing, he lunged for her, his youkai teased by her little game. She grinned at him and dodged, shrieking a little when one of his claws snagged in the fabric of her kimono. Backing away slowly in a slight crouch, she eyed him from underneath her lashes, passion shining in her green irises. He growled, baring his teeth and tensing to spring. She spun and tore up the stairs the moment he uncoiled, almost reaching the landing before his weight bore down on her. His claw slit the back of her kimono, tearing the garment in half, but she managed to wiggle out of it and from under him and scramble onto her bed. Roaring as only a fully aroused youkai can, Sesshomaru leapt after her and she met him dead on, letting his momentum knock them both onto the soft comforter.
Running sharp claws down her bare side, he smothered her cry with his lips. She yanked open his haori, slipping it off over his missing arm. Replacing his claws with teeth, he nipped at the soft skin of her waist, shaking the rest of the garment off. With a firm hand in the center of his chest, she pushed him back until they were both sitting. Scraping fangs down his well-muscled chest, she untied his hakama and slipped a hand over him, squeezing. He groaned, his head falling back as she began slowly stroking. Her kisses trailed lower, but he didn't realize her intentions until he felt the warm wetness of her mouth take him in, sucking and pulling on his painfully hard member. Tangling his claws in her hair, he held on as her deft tongue traced the shaft and twirled around the sensitive head.
Finally able to bear it no longer, he pulled her up, devouring her mouth as he laid her back, kicking off the article of clothing that still hung around his hips. She wrapped a leg around his waist, grinding her wetness against his length. He shifted his hips, finding her entrance and pushing into her slowly, closing his eyes at the feeling of her slick, tight passage. Gasping as he stretched her more than she'd ever been, she lifted her hips to take him in as far as she could. Her cries, her scent, the silky feeling of her moving beneath him, drew him further and further out of his carefully constructed shell, letting loose the youkai he'd leashed long ago. Snarling as he stared into her eyes, he thrust harder, slamming his body into hers.
Crying out, she met his thrusts, wrapping her other leg around his waist. The force of his movement pushed them up the bed and she steadied them against the headboard with a shaking hand. Sesshomaru latched onto one of her full breasts with his mouth, driving his teeth into the flesh around the sensitive areola and roughing the nipple with his tongue and the roof of his mouth. Screaming, she dug her claws into his back, unaware of the blood that dripped down his sides from the deep punctures.
His pace became frenzied, hitting again and again that sweet spot within her as he chafed the nub between her folds. Her back slid up the headboard until he had her pinned against it with his hand splayed against the wall near her face. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she molded her body to him. Her release hit her like an explosion, gathering in her core and quaking into her limbs with a rush of pleasure so intense that she roared, crushing him to her as he bellowed against her skin. She clenched and shuddered around him, milking him of his seed.
Slipping his arm around her back, he lifted her from the wall and crawled carefully backward, panting harshly. Her arms relaxed around him and she buried her face in his neck, nuzzling it and purring contentedly. Still joined, he laid them down on their sides on the disheveled comforter. Curling up against him, she rested her cheek on his shoulder, tracing swirling patterns in the sweat on his chest.
Was he really going to have to give her up? She usually meant what she said to him, even when she was teasing. But her words had been correct: he couldn't mate her and she wouldn't stay as his concubine. Sometimes, favored concubines met with bad ends; disappeared or suddenly fell ill. He growled quietly, holding her closer to him. Would it be so terrible if he had a mate that he desired, even if she had a little human blood? His father had mated a full human… though he already had Sesshomaru as his heir. For a moment, he felt a brief stab of jealousy of his brother, who could chase the tail of any female he wished. And he chose priestesses, for kami's sake.
“What are you growling about?” Charlotte shifted so that she could see his face. Instead of answering, he kissed her gently, searchingly; through his lips trying to learn if she, too, wished things could be different. Her eyes slid shut, the intensity of the emotions conveyed by his kiss filling her being with joy and sweet sadness. Tears pricked the backs of her eyelids as she gave herself to him, not in instinct and lust, but her heart, vulnerable and fragile. He brushed light kisses over her face and across her eyelids, catching with his tongue the tiny drop of moisture that had escaped.
Little by little, she untethered her beast, wanting him to have all of her, if just for this one night. She felt his youkai stir in response, rising up to meet her as the energy raised gooseflesh on her skin. Stiffening inside of her, his kisses became more urgent and she tightened her core, drawing a deep moan from his chest. He set a slow pace, tormenting them both with each withdrawal then pushing in as deeply he could. She gasped his name, trembling as their youki brushed and crackled, almost melding where they touched. Rolling on top of her, his thrusts quickened in time with his youkai pulsing within him. It seemed to be drawn out of him, and then their combined auras pushed back in as he moved within her. The knowing of her was all encompassing and terrifying, but most of all, it was liberating in a way he had never experienced. In too much ecstasy to be alarmed, he went with it, riding the waves of energy toward his climax. Her hands reached around cupped his butt, holding him to her as she arched against him, throwing her head back and calling out his name. With one final thrust, he emptied and collapsed on top of her, feeling the aftermath of her own pleasure twitching through her limbs.
Finally able to breath without gasping, his youkai safely back on it's leash, he rolled to her side, shifting her so that their bodies were spooned, his arm possessively wrapped around her stomach. Nipping at the junction of her neck and shoulder, he whispered her name like a litany.
Charlotte's body jerked at the sudden harsh buzzing, shocking her out of the most wonderful dream that she'd had in years. The last of it was evaporating even as her mind scrambled to catch it, leaving only a vague sense of longing. The warm pressure at her back vanished and a startled inuyoukai sat up and snarled at the little black box by her bed. Before he could destroy it, she smacked the snooze bar and rolled over, dragging him back down with a handful of silver hair and kissing his curled lips.
“What is that obnoxious thing?” he grouched, softening only slightly as she dusted his face with kisses.
“My alarm. Gotta get up for work,” but she was much too content to get up yet. Snuggling into his warmth, she pressed an ear against his chest, relishing the sounds of his breathing and heartbeat, the sharp smell of sex on his skin. His arm draped over her, holding her with a surprising tenderness. She'd almost drifted off when the alarm sounded again, breaking the peaceful mood with a sacrilegious assault on their ears. With an exasperated sigh, she crawled out of bed and turned the thing off, resisting the urge to go back to sleep. Sesshomaru's rumble of protest brought a slight smile to her lips; he apparently wanted the same thing she did.
After setting up the coffee pot, she showered perfunctorily and dressed in a knee-length brown skirt trimmed in pink lace, form fitting but paneled to give her legs easy movement. A tailored pink sweater and pink sling backs finished the outfit. She'd had short hair two weeks ago, so she decided to roll her now long tresses into a neat twist with soft tendrils framing her face. She was anchoring the last stray strands of hair with a bobby pin when Sesshomaru wandered into the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe, watching her. She gave him a quick smile in the mirror before lining her eyes with the liquid liner that she preferred.
He let his rove over her body; even covered by her strange clothes, he could still see the curves that had so mesmerized him the night before. Though she had bathed, his scent mingled with her own, which gave him an unfamiliar sense of satisfaction. A horn blared from outside the building, shattering his contentment by the reminder that she would be out of his reach, soon. He squelched the rising sorrow. He was Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, and he did not need anyone. It was not even appropriate that he want her. Besides being a mix-breed and a peasant, she had few manners and did not know her place. But he wouldn't be bored…
“What is that?” he asked suddenly, striding forward and catching her wrist, turning it slowly to examine the thin, pale scar that encircled it.
“Old scar,” she said shortly, pulling her hand away and applying mascara. She ignored his frown, concentrating on not poking her eye in her agitation.
“How did it happen?” his voice deepening; he did not like her evasive answer. The scar implied a grievous injury, but for it have remained scarred was very unusual for a demon, even a mix-breed. If left alone, the marks made by his teeth would be gone in a couple of days. A terrible wound would vanish in a couple of weeks.
She brushed by him and out of the bathroom, heading for the kitchen and fresh coffee. “It was a long time ago. No big deal.” Filling a travel mug, she grabbed her purse and laptop.
“What are you going to do while I'm gone?” she asked, changing the subject before he could pursue it. He scowled at her, obviously not pleased by her tactic. Sighing, she pointed at the little collection of items she had given him the previous evening. “Well, whatever you choose to do, take that phone with you. You remember how to use it? Here's some money, in case you go shopping. Just hand it to the clerk, they'll give you the right change. I'll be back before sunset.” She was babbling and she knew it. With a quick kiss to his cheek, she hustled out the door, into the elevator and into her car.
She rubbed her temple as she eased her foot off brake, inching forward in the gridlocked mess that was the 110 freeway. Why did he have to take an interest in that scar? Because it shouldn't have been there, that's why. It was hardly noticeable but the florescent lights of the bathroom must have illuminated it, as they always seem to bring out the tiniest imperfections.
She shuddered and rubbed the scar as the clouded, painful memories rose unbidden in her mind. She'd still been a cub, only seven years old, on a jaunt through the hills under the light of the full moon. Most of the details of that night were lost, as on all nights when she was forced to take her beast form, but several moments were clearly imprinted in her mind. The snap of the trap as it closed over her front paw, rending flesh and shattering bone in one excruciating instant. Roaring and tugging at her imprisoned foot as wave after wave of searing pain engulfed her body. The taste of her own blood as instinct drove her to chew off her own paw in order to free herself.
She'd woken late the next morning minus a hand and weak from blood loss, her mother rocking her limp body and crying. That had been the day her mother had showed her how to use her ability to channel youkai energy. Pushing her own youkai into her cub, and then drawing both youkai into herself, she'd formed a circuit of energy that had stimulated Charlotte's youki to heal her. The hand had regenerated; leaving a thick, red scar around her wrist that eventually faded and had almost disappeared.
Soon after, her mother had cautioned her to never, ever reveal this power to anyone. The ability to channel energy was considered dangerous by other weres and if any were to discover that she could do this, they would try to destroy her. Charlotte hadn't understood what could be so terrible about it until she had accidentally knocked her brother's youkai out of him during a fight. It had absorbed back into him a few terrifying moments later, but she took the warning to heart and kept the power tightly locked up. Until last night…
She cringed, thinking of the light channeling she had done while they had made love. He had brought it out of her, stirring her as no other had done. Though she knew that she shouldn't have done it, the sensation of feeling him inside of her, physically and spiritually, had been exquisite. It was a shame that they couldn't have a repeat later today, but they were storming Yukio's lair tonight, or wherever it was he was keeping Charlie.
The plan was for Sesshomaru and her to go directly to Charlie from her place, and Jaken and Inuyasha's group to use the painting to follow them. Hopefully, they would all end up in the same place.
The lane of cars next to her began to speed up and she leveled a glare at them, her foot firmly planted on the brake. There was no way she could squeeze out of her lane; she was to close to the car in front of her. She'd just have to wait for her own lane to start moving. Drumming the fingers of one hand on the steering wheel, she muttered, “Why is it that I like this place so much?”
A/N: (1) Shido, Nightstalker