InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Up in the World ❯ Past Revisited! ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey! New chapter! Yippee hooray! Sorry it took me slightly longer than it had been but I got busy, dontcha hate when that happens?

Well I guess you guys can just go at it then! I hope you like it! I think there is a lot of plot development here!

Sesshoumaru---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Sesshoumaru sat on his bed as he tried to regain his composure. He ground his teeth as he thought of his idiot brother seeing his Rin naked. Did he just say *his* Rin? What was the matter with him? He picked up his pillow and shredded it. He felt the gratifying release of anger as goose feathers floated about the room.

Rin------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------

Rin sat on the edge of her large bed as she tried to stop obsessing over the disasters of the day. As if Inuyasha seeing her naked wasn't embarrassing enough without Sesshoumaru knowing. She thought of the decimated table and had to take a deep breath. She chuckled as she thought of Sesshoumaru's expression. It had only been a week or so and suddenly she was seeing expression in those cold eyes. At least she thought she was.

She laid back and tossed and turned a couple of times. She rolled onto her stomach and a new thought hit her. She would be living *alone* with *Sesshoumaru*. She could not believe that she was going to be staying with him. She just didn't understand her luck at all…just last week she had been talking to Toutousai…

Toutousai! When would she be seeing him again? What about Kohaku? Would she never see those people again? She realized how much she wanted to see them again. They would probably want to know that she was all right. It certainly wouldn't be the first time a girl disappeared from the streets never to return. Perhaps Izayoi would allow her to bring Toutousai some blankets and stuff? Rin was filled with a brand new joy and she crawled up to the top of the bed and cuddled deep into the covers. Tomorrow would be a fun day.

Sango---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------

"Hello Kohaku-kun. How was business today?" Sango called out as she entered the back room of the small restaurant.

"Oh, nice to see you Sango-chan. I suppose business was no different than usual." He said as he did dishes. "One thing has been bothering me though…"

"What is it little brother?" she asked concernedly as she pulled her heels off.

"Well, one of my usuals, a homeless girl, hasn't shown up in over a week. I'm concerned she has been hurt…or worse." He mused as he scrubbed a pot.

"Oh…is she the one?" Sango said with a very sinister look on her face.

"The one?" he said innocently.

"The one that you have a crush on?" she said as a blush settled on his cheeks.

"Well…I'm just worried is all…" he said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"What is this girl's name?" Sango asked as she began drying the dishes.

"Rin-san." He said quietly.

"Rin!?" she said as she dropped the pot she had been holding, letting it clatter in little circles making the noise drone on and on.

"Um…yeah…Rin." He said to his irate sister.

"Brown eyes?" she asked desperately.

"Yes…how do you-"

"Short and skinny?!" she said as her eyes got bigger and bigger.

"Yes…but I don't-"

"Black-brown hair?" she asked.

"Well, yes but could you tell-" Kohaku said sensibly.

"Naïve and happy?"

"Yeah that must be her!" his eyes lit up.

"I can't believe this…it can't be the same Rin…it just doesn't make sense…how could she have ended up in the claws of the ice prince?" Sango blabbered on to herself.

"Would you care to enlighten me to what is so hard to believe!" Kohaku suddenly shouted at his sister and she seemed to come out of it.

"Oh…nothing…nothing at all…" she said softly. Surely she couldn't be right.

"Fine…keep your secrets, but get back to drying!" Kohaku shouted as he pointed to the stack of dishes that had piled up next to her during her rant.

Inuyasha------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

Inuyasha crept down the stairs and looked down the hallway. No sign of his brother. Inuyasha couldn't believe that he was still unharmed after Sesshoumaru had found out. He couldn't believe he had spilled the beans. Kagome is right, he could be a real baka. Inuyasha knew he had to face the music so he stalked into the kitchen. He found it empty of his parents. He also noticed that the table was completely gone…weird.

"Inuyasha, there you are. We are having breakfast in the dining room this morning!" his mother said cheerily as she guided him into the large room.

He found that Sesshoumaru was already there. He got a bone-chilling glare from him but nothing else. He saw Rin there too. She looked up and smiled at him but he dared not smile back. He didn't need risk freezer burn's wrath. Rin was chomping on some pancakes and his father was reading the paper. Inuyasha sat and so did his mother. Inuyasha could feel something heavy hanging in the air. He just hoped it wasn't his doom. Kagome was still mad at him as well. Why was the world against him?

Rin------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------

Rin had smiled at a nervous Inuyasha only to receive a terrified glance. She giggled at the fear Sesshoumaru instilled on him. They were eating breakfast in the dining room due to the table's untimely death. Someone had removed it's corpse over the night. Rin realized how rich they must be for someone to wake up before dawn to remove the mess. Rin saw how everyone was seated and looking expectantly at Sesshoumaru. Oh yeah. Now she remembered the news he had…

"I have something to tell you." Sesshoumaru said as he picked up on their stares.

"Oh, do go on." Izayoi gushed.

"I have bought an apartment." He said simply. Inuyasha gave a startled look.

"And when will you be moving in?" Inutaisho asked mildly.

"You guys are gonna let him live alone?" Inuyasha asked in an outrage.

"Well, of course, Sesshoumaru can handle himself." Inutaisho said patronizingly.

"Then why the hell can't I move out!?" Inuyasha stood up violently and received a host of glares and a giggle from Rin.

"Well, dear, I suppose it is because you, unlike Sesshoumaru, *can't* handle yourself." Izayoi said without looking away from her croissant. Inuyasha crossed his arms and sat down with a thump. A nasty look set up camp on his face.

"I will move in as soon as possible." Sesshoumaru said and he went back to eating.

"And what about Rin?" Inutaisho pushed.

"…She shall be moving as well." He said icily quiet. Rin couldn't help but smile broadly. Sesshoumaru could not help but watch her smile broadly.

"Oh goody!" Izayoi positively glowed with joy. "What about furnishings?"

"It is taken care of." He said indifferently. Rin couldn't fathom how though.

"Good then." Inutaisho said happily as he got up to get more ramen.

"Rin, you won't be going to the office today, I have some other business to attend to." Sesshoumaru informed her. At first she was disappointed but then an idea struck her.

"Oh…I see…then would you mind if I went down to the public park for a while today?" she asked happily.

"What for?" Sesshoumaru asked sharply. He could not think of a reason for her to return to an awful place like that.

"I had hoped to see some old friends of mine…" she whispered shyly.

"Humph. I suppose I do not care." He said icily. His coldness hurt her a little.

"That's nice of you dear." Izayoi smiled at her.


Rin finished helping Izayoi do the dishes and other things and she noticed Sesshoumaru leaving. Rin felt a fleeting feeling, as she was interrupted.

"I'm afraid I can't take you to the park…the convertible is in the shop…I'm afraid I let go of myself sometimes" Izayoi said disappointedly as she giggled. "I shall have Inuyasha take you. That way he can tag along so you won't get in trouble again." She said proud of herself.

"WHAT!" Inuyasha yelled as he sit ramen all over the table cloth.

"Inuyasha." Izayoi said warningly. Rin couldn't help but wonder over how such a small woman kept all these big men in line.

"Fine…" he pouted. "When do we have to go?" he asked Rin angrily.

"Oh, I don't know…I suppose noonish." She said thoughtfully.

Kagura--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------

Kagura stood examining herself in front of a floor length mirror. She was wearing a little red dress that came up to her mid-thigh. It had no back and was cut very low. She turned and examined her profile.

"You won't escape me for long, Sesshoumaru, no one has ever or will ever keep me from getting what I want." She said to herself with a wicked grin.

"Remember Kagura, that it shall not be yours but mine. Do not forget where your loyalties lie." A shrouded figure said from the doorway. The figure was holding out a square piece of paper for Kagura to see.

"I know Narraku. Just remember if it weren't for that photo I wouldn't even think of helping you." She said angrily to him as she attempted to grab the paper from his hands.

"Ah, ah, ah. You wouldn't want to do that. Besides I have more than one copy Kagura." He said sinisterly.

"Damn you Narraku! Damn you to hell!" she screamed as she hit the mirror with her fists, causing it to crack into many pieces.

Rin------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------

Rin was humming along to the radio as Inuyasha was driving angrily to the public park. He was driving amazingly dangerously, but somehow he always managed to keep them from wrecking.

"I better not have to touch any filthy hobos!" he said venomously to Rin.

"Okay, then you better keep your hands to yourself then." Rin said happily. Inuyasha just went faster. And started mumbling to himself.

Before she knew it she could see the familiar sights of the cardboard boxes lined up and blue plastic held up with sticks. She felt pangs of guilt. Of all the unfortunate souls here, why had she been chosen to be saved?

"What the hell now!" Inuyasha yelled at her. She had no clue what he meant.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Why the hell are you crying?" he said somewhat desperately. She felt her cheeks and felt wetness.

"Oh, sorry, nothing at all." She said and smiled at him.

"Feh." He replied as they pulled into the shoddy parking at the public park.

"Inuyasha, you can stay here if you want…I will scream if I need you." She said a little sad.


Rin left him to his cellphone as she walked into the familiar squeaky gate. The public park was quite a foul place she realized. Glass and other trash littered the ground. She saw that the water fountain had been ripped out. Probably for drug money. She walked slowly down the path as she realized she was receiving stares from the homeless people she was passing.

She looked down at herself and realized that she looked downright wealthy. She had on a nice woolen cardigan that was bright red. She had a plaid scarf wrapped tightly around her neck. She had a short black skirt on that rose above her thighs, it would be cold if it weren't for the thick stocking rolled up all the way to her thighs. They had red, white, and black stripes on them and she adored them. She even had nice thick, leather penny loafers snug on her feet. She also had a very large tote slung over her arm. She realized how these people must see her.

She walked quickly to her old stomping grounds, what you might have called her box neighborhood. She found the familiar benches and saw her old box and plastic sheets. She saw it was already taken over. It was quite typical for that to happen. She moved in close and saw a woman wrapped up in old blankets as she played with her daughter. Rin's heart shriveled.

"Hello miss." Rin said shyly to the woman.

"Oh…hello…what do you want?" the woman asked somewhat panickedly as she held her daughter to herself.

"I don't want anything…its just this here used to be my box…" Rin tried to explain.

"Ha, very funny." The woman said incredulously.

"No, its true, well anyway, I wanted to give you some things." Rin said as she pulled out a wad of blankets from the tote.

"Why…?" the woman asked stunned.

"Well, I used to live here and I thought that since I had received good luck then I should try to help someone else out too." Rin pulled out packets of ramen and condensed soup. She had a lantern and some toothbrushes and toothpaste. She even handed the little girl a lovely doll. She handed the stunned woman all of it and topped it off with a roll of money. "It's not much but I hope it helps."

"It's…wonderful…you can't be serious…" the woman asked as she fingered the thick blankets. Rin pulled her scarf off and wrapped it around the little girl.

"It's all yours." Rin said with a giant smile.

"Here." The woman said as she handed Rin a dried daisy. "This was here when we got here. It might have been yours." She said with tears in her eyes. Rin picked it up and mouthed thank you to the woman as she walked off before she started to cry, leaving the woman simply flabbergasted.

Rin turned the corned and knew where she wanted to go next, Toutousai. Toutousai's boxes were across the park. Rin started cutting through the over grown grass when she saw a familiar figure. A stout old woman was sitting on a bench, throwing bread to the birds.

"Lady Kaedae…?" Rin whispered. She immediately trotted over to the old woman with an eyepatch.

"Ah, if it isn't Sesshoumaru's wife." The old woman said in a wise tone. Rin blushed.

"Yeah…that's me…heh…" Rin rubbed the back of her neck as a sweatdrop formed on her cheek.

"Quite a lucky man is he." Kaedae said yoda-style.

"Uh…yeah…so, Kaedae-Baba, why are you here? I thought you were-" Rin said.

"Wealthy? Yes that may be so, but all the best pigeons gather here." She said. Rin smiled as she sat beside the old woman and watched the birds for a minute.

"Well, goodbye Lady Kaedae, I hope to see you again." Rin left her to her birds.

"Aye, we shall, my child."

Sesshoumaru---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Sesshoumaru was in a bad mood. He was on his way to Onigumo industries and he wasn't happy about it. Onigumo industries was West Oni's top competitor as well as one of their most despised partners. Sesshoumaru was doing his best to sever all ties with Onigumo Industries and it's president, Narraku.

Sesshoumaru took special pleasure in taking one of the CEO's parking spaces with his Porsche. He got out and adjusted his shirt so he would be as imposing as possible. Narraku was tricky to deal with. Sesshoumaru suspected that Narraku wished to embezzle and destroy as much of West Oni as possible. But as Sesshoumaru's father had made known, it would be an expensive and painful matter to go into an all out battle against Narraku's company with no clear reason. So it was best to keep their friends close and their enemies closer till Narraku did something underhanded in the open, then of course they would ruin him and his company. So Sesshoumaru was stuck with Narraku. He was invited to every company function and event where Sesshoumaru kept a careful eye on him.

Sesshoumaru was greeted at the door by two very creep looking men, it was clear that they were twins.

"Hello Mr. Takahashi, we have been expecting you. I am Jageromaru and this is my brother Kageromaru, we will take you to Narraku." One evil brother said.

"Hmph." Sesshoumaru said haughtily.

"Right this way." The other brother said as he was led to an expensive glass elevator and was taken to the very top. They led him down a hall and into a large room with solid windows along three walls. Even with all this light, there was an air of darkness in the room, Sesshoumaru thought. Suddenly a high-backed chair swung around and revealed an armani clad Narraku.

"Ah, Mr. Takahashi, what a pleasant surprise." He said venomously. Sesshoumaru made no response. "May I ask what brings you here?"

"Hn. I have come here to invite you to the company's annual winter ball. There will be a special surprise there that my father wishes you to see." He said as frigid and deadly as possible.

"Oh, how wonderful. I simply can't wait to see what Inutaisho has in store for us." Narraku said in his sinister way.

"Here is the invitation." Sesshoumaru handed him the thick envelope and went to exit, but Narraku stopped him.

"Don't leave yet, Sesshoumaru, I was hoping to discuss something with you." Narraku seethed evil.

"What." Sesshoumaru asked dryly.

"Well, I had heard you got yourself a new personal assistant." He said nonchalantly.

"What of it." Sesshoumaru nearly growled.

"I had heard she was quite pretty." Narraku could see the rage hit Sesshoumaru's face. "And I was thinking of settling down…" Narraku mused.

"You will not touch her!" Sesshoumaru slammed his hands down on the desk and left the room quickly, shoving Kageromaru against the wall.

"Hahaha…seems our ice cold lord might actually have a heart after all." Narraku said to himself.

Rin------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------

"Toutousai!" Rin said gleefully as she ran to the old man.

"Rin-chan is that you? I didn't figure on seeing you again." The old man said happily as the girl hugged him.

"Oh Toutousai! I have so much to tell you!"

"I bet you do! Look at you, you look like a wealthy young lady! You are simply lovely, you certainly filled out." He said while looking her up and down.

"Now don't get hentai on me…" she warned.

"Me? Never. So tell me everything."

"Well remember that business man I told you about?" she asked him.

"Of course. The tall handsome one." He teased her. She slapped his arm.

"Well the day after I last saw you I was attacked in an alley!" she said dramatically.


"But you see the moment I thought I was a goner that business man comes and rescues me! I didn't know it was him though cause I was passed out."

"Oh…" Toutousai's mouth was a round `o'.

"So I woke up in this beautiful mansion and find out it was him. His family took care of me and then guess what?"

"What?" he humored her.

"He HIRED me! For a job in the city! Can you believe it! It's fantastic!" she gushed.

"That is fabulous dear. Tell me what is his name?" Toutousai asked.

"Sesshoumaru-sama." She replied curiously.

"I see." The old man chuckled knowingly.

"Well…I best be getting back to Inuyasha, I have been gone a while…" she said sadly.

"Inuyasha you say? Perhaps I will accompany you." Toutousai said happily.

"Oh goody!" Rin hopped up and down briefly.

Inuyasha------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

Inuyasha was leaning against the Lexus. He had already won his gameboy game and he was ready for Rin to return. He had already stuck several bumper stickers to the Lexus and had dinged it up a little. He still couldn't help but feel like it was a hand me down. He kicked the car hard, however the car one and his foot was pulsating in pain. Inuyasha was hopping up and down holding his foot.

"Inuyasha, what *are* you doing?" Rin asked.

"The damn car!…hey who's the old man?" Inuyasha pointed to the frail looking man beside Rin.

"Hey sonny! You better learn to respect you elders!" the old man shouted at him and beamed him over the head with an odd cane-like thing with a metal head that he had.

"Hey! That hurt!" Inuyasha held his poor abused head.

"This is Toutousai. Toutousai, this is Inuyasha." Rin said unfazed by the violence and stupidity.

"Figured as much…" Toutousai rumbled. "Too bad he doesn't show as much sense as his father." He pouted.

"You know my father?" Inuyasha asked stunned.

"Let's go Inuyasha." Rin grabbed the hanyou's tender ear and pulled him to the door and threw him in. "Bye Toutousai!" Rin called out to the old man.

"Ow! Dammit!" Inuyasha cursed as he turned the car on.

"Inuyasha, let's eat at Kohaku's restaurant for lunch, ok?" Rin said cheerily.

"Who the hell is Kohaku?" Inuyasha asked angrily.

"He is a friend…" Rin explained as she gave Inuyasha the directions.

"Fine…" Inuyasha gave in.

~the restaurant~

"Hello?" Rin asked as she came in the squeaky door.

"Hello valued customers, today's special is-" Kohaku said mechanically.

"Kohaku, it's me, Rin!" Rin called out.

"Rin? You're okay?" he asked shyly.

"Of course I am silly." She said as he looked her over.

"Wow Rin, you sure look different…not in a bad way!" he said appreciatively. "Who is that?" Kohaku asked as he motioned at Inuyasha.

"*I* am Inuyasha." Inuyasha said smugly.

"Inuyasha Takahashi?" Kohaku asked bewilderedly.

"The one and only."

"Rin, why are you with *him*?" Kohaku asked in a loud whisper.

"I work for his brother." She explained mildly.

"What!" Kohaku dropped the menus he had been holding.

"I work for his brother, Sesshoumaru Takahashi." Rin explained slower.

"But…how could you, a 17 year old homeless girl end up working for *him*?" Kohaku asked stunned.

"Well…it's a long story…how do you know Sesshoumaru-sama?" she mused.

"My…my sister…she works for Inuyasha…" he said shyly.

"What! Your sister is *Kagome*!?" Inuyasha nearly shouted.

"No…she is Sango." Kohaku said slowly.

"Wow! Your Sango's brother! I had no clue! Sango is so nice I met her Kohaku!" Rin said excitedly. Inuyasha just stood there with his mouth open.

Sesshoumaru---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

"Jakken, is it complete?" Sesshoumaru asked the toad without shifting his gaze from the road.

"Yes, milord, the apartment has been furnished exactly to your specifications." Jakken replied.

"Good. Did you get the special items?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Of course. Your loyal assistant would never shirk a duty-"

"Good. I have another errand for you." Sesshoumaru said.

"What can I do for you milord?"

"I want you to go find me an old rotten doughnut from the city dump." Sesshoumaru said. He was sick and tired of Jakken and the mental picture of Jakken rooting through garbage was oh so pleasing.

"What?" Jakken asked.

"And make sure only to take right turns this time, it improves the flavor of the glazing." Sesshoumaru said with his straight face.

"Oh… okay then…" Jakken said unsuredly.

"Here you can get out here." Sesshoumaru pulled over to the side of the road. Sesshoumaru had purposefully gone down the freeway so Jakken would have a good 40-mile walk to the dump. He smirked to himself.

Rin------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------

Rin was being driven home by a very angry Inuyasha. He was muttering to himself and weaving right and left in the middle of the road. A melody of honks was coming from the multitude of angry drivers. Rin couldn't help but giggle.

"What are you laughing about?" Inuyasha asked angrily.

"Inuyasha, you are such a baka." Rin said as she turned the radio on.


A/N: I hope you thought it was ok…sorry that Sess and Rin were basically separated the whole time…it just sorta happened. I'm sorry Rin ended up with Inuyasha again. This WILL NOT be an Inu/Rin. That would be odd. I just thought it would be funnier than say Izayoi. Plus I wanted him to meet Toutousai and he helped uncover the whole story to Kohaku. I liked the plot development.

Note: Remember people that I think jealousy is about the only thing that would feasibly drive Sess to actually make a move on Rin so there will DEFINITELY be more men hitting on Rin even if we all don't like it!

Update note: my mother has decided that she isn't ruining my life enough and has decided to take the Internet away from me. Good news: this doesn't mean I won't get to update. Bad news: I will have to be sneaky about it. More good news: If you knew my mother you would know that isn't very hard.

Thank you!~

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