InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Up in the World ❯ Back to Work ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wow, this is a long one. I like this one but you guys might complain about the parts where it is repeating, but I liked it… I hope you do!
Chapter 23: Back to work
Rin stood there as a shiver of anticipation ran through her entire body. Her plan was succeeding. She didn't exactly know what to do next, but all would come in time. Though lately, time had not been very reliable either. Rin decided that she was happy enough at the moment to know Sesshoumaru once again. One just couldn't rely on much at this time.
“So do you have any experience as a personal assistant?” Sesshoumaru asked, breaking the silence in between them as she stood in the door.
“Well,” Rin paused, thinking. “Yes, actually, I had a very high profile job, just like this once.” She said truthfully. She once had a job exactly like this…In fact it was this job.
“Good. You can start tomorrow.” He said casually as he waved her off. She felt odd being treated so casually by the one she loved.
“Good, see you tomorrow Mr. Takahashi.” She chirped back as she turned to leave, stepping over a semi-conscious Jakken.
“What is the matter?” Kikyo asked.
“What is the matter! Are you kidding me? This was not supposed to happen. You told me she wouldn't have any memory of any of this!” He bellowed.
“I said, if you gave me the proper resources, that I could make her forget too.” Kikyo said aloofly.
“What is improper about four million on the spot and millions worth of ancient artifacts!” Narraku seethed.
“Well, look on the bright side, we did rewind time, we can just do it again.” Kikyo purred.
“Yes, I suppose you are right, however this time we will have to watch the girl.” He said as he rotated his chair to face her, his face tormented with anger.
“Lord Sesshoumaru?” Jakken piped.
“Yes?” Sesshoumaru barked.
“Was I wrong in hearing or did I hear that you just hired that girl to replace me?” Jakken said in an odd way. His eye twitched.
“You were not mistaken.” Sesshoumaru said elegantly as he took in the toad's rigid state.
“WHY!” Jakken screamed as he ran around the room and out the door.
“Hm, so far it seems to have been quite worth it.” He chuckled to himself as he shuffled through some papers.
Rin couldn't help herself. She was going to be nosey. Who wouldn't? She just wanted to visit all her old friends. At least, that's what she told herself. More likely was she was delaying leaving the same building as Sesshoumaru. She reached the door and let a sound knock ring out against the solid wood.
“May I help you?” A distracted looking Sango asked.
“Hi,” Rin said nervously. “I'm going to be Sesshoumaru's new personal assistant.” She said with false security…she was trying to be professional…
“Oh you poor dear, do you have any idea what you are getting yourself into? Come in.” Sango said as she went into Inuyasha's lush office.
This was interesting. Could he have really been that bad? Rin had always, deep in her heart, adored him, and these people acted as if he were a plague. True, he did have one helluva cold shoulder…but she loved him, cold shoulder and all.
“So why is he changing personal assistants, anyway? Not that I blame him, that Jakken looks straight from a swamp…” Sango said thoughtfully as she picked up stray ramen packages. Miroku was napping in the corner.
“Well, actually, I came here myself and asked for the position.” Rin said as she avoided a stray cheese poof that was smashed into the carpeting, it's orange dust spread across the carpet in a splatter.
“Really?” Sango asked as she eyed Rin. “And he accepted?”
“Yes, I'm starting tomorrow.” She said matter-of-factly.
“Hm, you know, we over here usually call Sesshoumaru `The Ice Prince' or `Freezer Burn' because of his cold demeanor. I'm rather surprised he hired you Miss…”
“Rin.” Rin interjected.
“Right, well you must have some killer credentials if he even thought about hiring you. You are so young…” Sango said absently. Rin was surprised at how much Kagome had changed them; they all seemed so casual.
“Muah? Muff. Hoooof.” Miroku stretched out, knocking his knuckles against the wall.
“Miroku, you're going to have to speak in English.” Sango reprimanded.
“Ah, sorry.” He said after finishing a yawn. “Who is this pretty young lady? Have we met before? Something about your pretty face rings a bell.” He said in his sagely voice. Rin didn't know if this was him flirting, or him remembering her.
“This is Rin, Sesshoumaru's new P.A. And stop flirting you fool.” Sango said angrily.
Rin remembered Sango and Miroku's entrance to the banquet and giggled, they had been having a very good time before the banquet. Rin felt a sudden pang of regret, what if she never got that past back? Rin set out with new determination. Just then a figure opened the inner door.
“What's so funny?” A gruff voice called out. A casually dressed Inuyasha followed it.
“This is Rin Sesshoumaru's new P.A.” Sango repeated once again, as if she was used to spelling things out for these two.
“What? Why on earth would you want to work for him?” Inuyasha asked. Rin blushed.
“Trust me, you'll get over him. He is gorgeous, but he is also cold as the Arctic Tundra.” Sango said placidly, reading Rin like a book.
“Well, thank you for your time.” Rin smiled at them all and hustled it out of there. She didn't want to screw anything up.
“Strange.” Inuyasha said simply to his two peons.
“Yes Miss Shard.” Inutaisho said over the phone before hanging up.
This was big. Kikyo Shard was as big as Oprah in these parts. She wanted to make a huge deal with Oni. She had a lot influence and was generally loved. She had a huge estate. She had even once dated his younger son back in highschool. Inutaisho was quite sure the boy was still enamored with her when they broke up.
Miss Shard was very clear that only one of his sons was to know about this project. Gods only know why, but that wasn't enough reason to turn her down. She was willing to sign a contract putting her under liability as well. Inutaisho knew he was going to accept, but it still worried him.
“Inutaisho, there's one thing more.” Kikyo's chilling voice said over the line.
“Yes?” Inutaisho asked more impatiently than he meant to.
“Have you heard of Kagome Higurashi?” Kikyo purred over the line.
“Why yes, she is a top analyst…she is the person I had in mind for helping us, actually.” He replied curiously.
He had thought not many people knew about her, she was a top grade analyst and he had her lined up to work for him ever since NYU sent him her highschool transcript almost five years ago… This didn't seem to bode well.
Rin awoke to find herself stiff for the first time in a while. She quickly realized why. She had bunked out on Kohaku's couch for the night, hopefully it would only be temporary, it wasn't very comfortable, and besides, it made her feel bad.
She took a quick shower and threw on some of Sango's old clothes. She had found a wonderful full skirt and pink blouse. Hopefully she would make a good impression. She wanted this thing solved pronto. She really would prefer not to go through all of this heartache again…
She stepped out into the brisk early fall air. The sun was barely up; she wanted to get there early. She had a good idea, if she was going to get any memory out of him she was going to have to replay some old scenes. She had some trouble, but finally she found a big yellow daffodil and headed to the building.
As she entered the neighborhood she admired the shiny buildings. She found them so striking, like Sesshoumaru. She picked across the street and leant up against the lamppost. It was the same lamppost she had been at the very first time she saw him. If anything worked, this would be it…hopefully.
After watching the parking lot for what seemed to be days, she saw a silver Lexus park in the vice president spot. Sure enough, he got out and strided across the parking lot. She felt weak in the knees from nervousness. But she held her daffodil with whitened knuckles as he approached the front of the building.
She sucked in a harsh breath as his hand went for the rotating door. Her whole body constricted in nervousness. But just in time he turned his head to the trees. She watched him as he looked them over and his eyes fell on her. In a stroke of good luck he began walking toward her. Just as she planned she met his eyes and smiled.
“Rin, what are you doing out here?” He said softly. A stray wind ruffled his hair.
“I was just admiring the view.” She said hesitantly, waving the daffodil in what she hoped was a discreet manor.
“You could have gone in you know, I left you an I.D. at the front desk…” he supplied curiously. Rin couldn't really read him. He seemed somewhat confused, which could be good…or bad.
“Well, I will go in with you now.” She supplied patiently, obviously this wasn't going to work instantly…
He gave a benign look to her and turned to enter the office. Rin felt like a stalker, knowing so much about a person when they know so little about you… she had to admit that she had liked the improved Sesshoumaru better, the one that gave her the rose…
“Good morning Myoga.” She chirped as she entered the building. He and Sesshoumaru looked surprised that she knew Myoga's name.
“Nametag…” She said as she smiled tightly.
“Seventy-fifth?” Shippo asked as they entered the large elevator.
Rin smiled at the fox boy and moved towards the couch in the back of the elevator. She sat on it and ran her hands over its luxurious velvet. It was nice to be back. When she looked up she saw Sesshoumaru watching her, with what she thought might have been a smile.
“What are we doing today?” She asked to try to cover up her couch-caressing fit.
“My father has arranged an important meeting, it is most likely going to be a very big deal, do you think you are up to it?” he said solemnly.
“Yes, of course!” She said enthusiastically.
“Good.” He replied as they got out of the elevator and into the anteroom.
“This.” He gestured towards the spacious room. “Is the anteroom, and that,” he gestured towards Yura. “Is the receptionist.” Rin giggled, she felt so awkward.
“Yura.” He addressed her, though she was already eagerly listening in. “This is my personal assistant. You are to treat her with the utmost respect. She has complete and total authority over you. If she says jump, jump. If I catch you undermining her then you will be fired.” He said quickly but clearly.
He then turned towards the right and started walking away. Rin followed while trying to stifle giggles. Things were going exactly as they had before…
“Hmph, I suppose she is better than the toad…” Yura mumbled.
Rin froze. Last time, Yura had thrown a fit. Why was she ok with it now? What difference was there? Was it normal for these huge variations? Yura just sat there, observing Rin. She didn't hold any ill intent in her eyes. Rin caught up with Sesshoumaru before he entered the door.
“MILORD!” A screechy voice filled the air. That was right, Rin remembered, last time Jakken was off, this time she wasn't as lucky.
“Jakken.” Sesshoumaru replied icily.
“Who is this?” Jakken squalled as he jumped atop the desk and pointed at Rin, who innocently closed the door behind her.
This is my new personal assistant, Rin, also your superior.” Sesshoumaru explained to the frantic toad.
“My superior! What poppycock! She is but a little girl! And besides, I have been serving you since you were but a small child, how could you replace me?” Jakken cried as he fell to his knees on the clump of papers.
“Quite easily. You are completely under her authority. Don't even try to boss her around.” Sesshoumaru growled as he looked at Jakken as if he was planning on eating him for dinner.
“Yes…yes of course.” Jakken said humbly as he crawled backwards and fell off the desk.
“Nice to meet you Jakken.” Rin said happily as Sesshoumaru led her into the familiar room.
Rin listened intently as he went over the familiar speech and guided her to her desk. He was beginning to seem a bit more like the Sesshoumaru she loved. He gave her the beeper and cellphone she was used to and sat down. She couldn't help but smile at him. At least things were back on track, but she still couldn't help wishing she still had all those memories she used to share with him: the daises, him rescuing her, them moving in together, the cake, that beautiful dress, and of course that beautiful red rose…
“What's the matter?” Sesshoumaru broke her revelry.
“Oh, nothing,” she said quickly as she wiped a stray tear. She thought she saw him frown. Kami willing, she would get those memories back.
“My father has arrived,” Sesshoumaru interjected sharply. “That means the meeting will be shortly, do you think you are prepared?” he asked in a softer voice.
“Of course,” she said happily. “ Um…I don't mean to be forward…” Rin said hesitantly.
“Go on.” Sesshoumaru said as he prepared his things. Rin leapt up and began helping him put all his papers in his briefcase. He looked at her admirably.
“Do you happen to know what this meeting is about?” She asked quietly as she snapped the briefcase closed.
“Actually.” He said heavily. “I have no idea, only that it is important.” He sighed. “My father and brother will be there, as well as some others. Do you know them?” He added as an afterthought.
“Yes, Inuyasha and Inutaisho Takahashi, the CEO and President of West Oni corporation.” She said in a singsong voice. Sesshoumaru rubbed the back of his head.
“You've done your homework.” He commented as they entered the anteroom.
”I suppose you could say that. Though you are famous enough that any common person knows that much Sesshoumaru-sama.” She replied as they waited for the elevator.
Just then Sesshoumaru's cellphone went off. It was the dull ringer that was merely a woman saying `incoming call'. He answered it and listened intently. The elevator doors opened and she smiled at Shippo. He looked bewildered at her.
“Yes, father.” Sesshoumaru said simply as he clicked his phone off. “To the Meeting floor.” He told Shippo as he went deeper into the elevator.
“Is it time for the meeting?” Rin asked coyly.
“Yes, that is why he called.” Sesshoumaru said. Just then she saw something flash in his eyes. “I have not yet told him that I have hired you…” Sesshoumaru trailed off.
“Oh, will he be ok with it?” Rin asked concernedly.
“I doubt it.” Sess replied before exiting the elevator.
Rin followed him into a huge room. It had one solid windowed wall. The other walls were paneled with expensive wood and the floor was covered with plush blue carpet. There was a long table down the middle. It was inlaid with expensive woods and could seat thirty people. There were thirty high-backed leather swivel chairs that were more comfortable than recliners. A large screen plasma TV hung on the font wall to show any graphs.
The room was empty still. Sesshoumaru sat in a swivel chair very near one end. Rin took the spot next to him. She couldn't help but swing around once before stopping to see Sesshoumaru watching her with luminous eyes. He was getting his laptop out. She had a pencil and paper out in order to take notes.
A minute later they could hear a ruckus coming from the direction of the elevator. The door swung open to reveal Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku. They were bickering about something. They all sat down on the other side of the table.
“Hey, you're that girl.” Inuyasha said to Rin as he swung his feet upon the table.
“Very observant Inuyasha.” Sesshoumaru said without looking up from the computer screen.
“How the hell did you get her to work for a bastard like you anyway?” Inuyasha barked back.
“A very good dental plan.” Sesshoumaru teased.
“Hmph,” Inuyasha pouted for a minute.
Just as the dust was settling another figure entered. It was a tall, lithe woman dressed in a white suit. She had icy features and Rin suddenly recognized her as Kikyo. Rin definitely noticed Kikyo's gaze settle on Rin. It felt like there was an unspoken challenge in her eyes. Rin was bout to rise to it but she realized that would blow her cover.
“Kikyo!” Inuyasha cried.
“Ah, hello Inuyasha, it's been a while hasn't it?” she purred as she sat by him.
“Like sixth months!” He shouted. “Remember? That's when you dumped me!” Inuyasha cried.
Rin chewed her lip. She hadn't known that Kikyo had a past with Inuyasha. But before they could continue the door slid open again. Inutaisho walked in with a gaping smile. He was followed by a busy looking Kagome. Kagome went and sat at the far end of the table. Inutaisho sat on the close end.
“Well hello everyone…” he said happily until his eyes landed on Rin. “Sesshoumaru, who is this?” he asked curiously.
“Father, this is Miss Rin, my new personal assistant.” Sesshoumaru replied simply.
“Oh how convenient, I was going to ask you to hire a new one anyway.” Inutaisho said happily. He turned to Rin and looked her over. “Well hello Miss Rin, welcome to the company, I want to assure you that you are very welcomed. It isn't often my eldest son takes to anyone.”
“Ha, that's an understatement, more like it's not to often he doesn't openly hate someone.” Inuyasha said haughtily.
“Inuyasha.” Sango reprimanded.
“So anyway, boys, do you know Miss Shard? You may know that she owns the company, Shard Inc., you may also know that that company is the only company that rivals ours.” He paused to see Inuyasha's and Sesshoumaru's unspoken affirmatives. “Well she came here today to ask for our help on a project her company is doing. It is called project Shikon. It involves top secret stuff. She has said she will only tell one of you boys about it if we agree to help.”
“Doesn't that give us a large degree of liability?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“Couldn't she dupe us?” asked Inuyasha.
“Well yes, but all she asks is the help of one of you two so there really is nothing to lose.” Inutaisho explained.
“Except my valuable time.” Sesshoumaru said sarcastically as he leaned back in his chair.
“I'll do it.” said Inuyasha.
“WHAT?!?!” said Sesshoumaru, Miroku, and Sango in unison.
“You heard me!” Inuyasha nearly growled out.
“Alright.” Said Inutaisho.
“What???” said Sesshoumaru, Miroku, and Sango once again in unison.
“Kikyo, my son Inuyasha will be assisting you.” Inutaisho said calmly.
“That's perfect, but I have a problem.” She said snottily.
“About what?” Inutaisho asked impatiently.
“Well, I thought that over the phone I told you that I don't want her involved.” Kikyo hissed as she gestured to Kagome.
“Kagome Higurashi is the best in her field and will be assisting this project or I refuse to have part in it.” Inutaisho said in a Sesshoumaru-ly way. Kagome looked indignant.
“Fine, tomorrow I will come and show you what project Shikon is about. But I must go now. I have a business to run.” Kikyo said to Inuyasha as she stood up and grabbed her suitcase and left.
“Father are you insane? Inuyasha hasn't worked a day of his life.” Sesshoumaru said icily without losing his cool. “He barely passed highschool, and that was because you had a talk with the administrator.”
“HEY!” Inuyasha said as he stood up defensively.
“No I am not insane. Inuyasha can do it.” Inutaisho said slowly. “But before you go I have some more business to attend to.” Everyone turned their attention to the girl sitting at the far end of the table. She was trying hard to look nonchalant. “This is Kagome, as you heard. She is a top of the notch analyst. She graduated top of her class in Harvard and she will be advising you, Inuyasha.” Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and Inuyasha folded his arms.
“I don't need an adviser! Especially some wench! Not to mention Kikyo don't like her.” Inuyasha said gruffly. The girl, Kagome, looked like she wanted to hit Inuyasha but restrained herself.
“Hello, I am Kagome and you must be Inuyasha.” She said brightly as she reached her hand out to shake his hand only to meet air.
“Inuyasha!” Inutaisho scolded then turned to Kagome. “It just takes time he will warm up.” He explained apologetically.
“Come on lets go Miroku.” Inuyasha said as he headed towards the door.
Kagome stood there dumbstruck till Sango put her arm around her and led her out. Sesshoumaru watched as they left and remembered his father had something to tell him. Rin looked around anxiously.
“So what is it?” Sesshoumaru asked casually leaning even further back in his chair.
“Well, originally I had planned to ask you to pick a new P.A. to help you, but it seems you are already on top of that.” Inutaisho said as he smiled at Rin. Rin realized this must have been why she got the job in the first place.
“Is that all?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“No, you see I let Inuyasha take this job because I want you to keep an eye on him. I want you to see that they don't end up ruining the company.” Inutaisho explained flatly.
“I see father.” Sesshoumaru said placidly as he got up to leave.
Rin blindly followed him as she got lost in her thoughts. Project Shikon? What could that be? She had a very bad feeling about Kikyo, she had been looking at Rin and why didn't she want Kikyo involved?
“Sesshoumaru?” she asked his stoic figure.
“Yes.” He replied.
“I have a bad feeling about this.” She said softly.
“Me too.” Sesshoumaru said almost inaudibly.
I thought it was okay, it's not my best, but I like where the story is going. It gets more and more intriguing to me daily. I think about it all the darn time. I'm really happy with the length. Twelve pages is not too common with me…Gosh I'm lazy…
Special Thanks-
A/N- I would like to apologize, I got lazy and this is just a response to a few of the most intriguing reviews. If I didn't respond to yours, don't feel bad, there were many I fought with myself about, but I want to put this up now.
Foxglove- O my goshness! Dublin! There are no words for how absolutely fantabulous that is. For one thing I am part Irish! My last name even starts with a Mc. And for another thing it is so cool that a little old thing I wrote got there. Plus your review was just otherwise fantastic! One incredible chunk of Rin/Sessh fandom! SWEET! THANK YOU! Have a Sess plushie. That made my day, or more like week! I'm gonna go to school and rub it in all my friends faces! Yay!
vegita-dias- You neglect me, pah, more like me neglecting you too! I just get so infernally lazy… Now I'm going to make it a point to review all the new chapters on thread bound. I have seen Ground Hog Day. It is kinda like that. Wow I'm so glad you decided to review. I will get off my lazy arse and review yours too. (Not because you pressured me, more like because it's something I was planning on doing anyways. Me and you are like my favorite people to succeed) Besides, our stories both cater to the same audience while being very different, it seems we are doomed to be buddies.
MythSweet- God I love your reviews.
Cute and Fluffy- Another wonderful review! I simply highly doubt I could stand Sess never remembering…And I think that is probably a good sign he will remember…shh…don't tell.
Midget a la minion- I know what you mean, my legs hurt in places I didn't even know I could hurt…but I love my horsey!
MoonlightStarDestiny- Hm…I have no idea why that might be… Can you mess with your settings page? Can you contact administrators? I don't know how but that is upsetting… I would be very very happy to help you with your story!
DarkFusion- Thank you so very mush for being sympathetic. I think we shall finally know what project Shikon is very soon…
Owlman114- I could never hat you, you give me my most intriguing challenges. Don't you get concerned, I'm not going to let this thing get stagnant. I would like this to end some day. I plan for Rin to become much more…progressive…I guess that's a good word to describe it. That or offensive…
The rest of you- God I love your reviews, you guys were so supportive over this huge twist! I really love you guys man! The reviews just keep getting better. And so many of you are saying that this is `such a great fanfic' or `this is my favorite fic' I mean come on, do you realize how absolutely wonderful that make me feel? Almost as good as my horse does!