InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Up in the World ❯ Wounded ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello guys. I'm glad you liked last chapter. I hope you're up for a tiny surprise. Don't get to worked up, it resolves itself in the end. I am really adoring my horse! He is my baby. Thanks for all the horse comments. I told Blue you guys were jealous/ happy for me. He says "Burhrhuuur.” That's horsey for “That's nice, do you have a carrot?”
Inuyasha was reclining on his sofa. There was not much else he knew to do, but to relax. He had just been confronted by a tumult of new memories and a hell of a big problem to solve. He remembered when he didn't feel the inclination to take any responsibility at all. He had solved all his problems by doing nothing at all. That was how it had been. The company's stock went down. What did he do? Nothing. Sesshoumaru yelled at him for not working. What did he do? Nothing.
But sooner or later it had always caught up to him. Sesshoumaru solved problem, albeit roughly, but he did solve them. So when the credit came around Sesshoumaru got it. And Inuyasha got none. Why? Because he did nothing. He knew that this wasn't the only reason he changed, but he wasn't sure what the others were. All that he knew was that he wanted this responsibility. Things were relying on him. Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Rin and the company were all on his shoulders, and instead of shrugging it off as usual he was going to step up to the plate.
It was certainly an unusual problem, time manipulation. He had no idea what could be done. Rin had said Narraku and Kikyo were responsible, but how did he know she was right? In fact, how did he know it wasn't her? Why didn't she forget about the future? Another important question was why was he able to remember it?
“Inuyasha?” A faint voice called into the dark room.
“Hm?” he replied half-heartedly.
“Why are you in the dark? Is there something the matter?” Kagome asked sweetly.
“No, everything is fine.” He lied.
“Oh, well if you need me I'll be in the office.” She replied.
Sesshoumaru was tromping ahead through the crowd of people gathered at the incapacitated elevator. He could hear Rin's heels clipping right behind him. She seemed very convincingly apologetic. He didn't know why she got to him like this. He reached the swinging doors and gave them an almighty shove. He was out in a flash.
He turned and waited for Rin to get outside too. She caught the door and pushed it. For some reason, he expected her to go around a couple of times, but she didn't. She looked very concerned. He examined her closely. Her clothes didn't seem mussed. And her hair was in order. She did seem flustered though. And he could smell her sweat. But from this distance he couldn't be sure of anything else by smell.
In an unprecedented maneuver, he stepped forward and buried his face in her shoulder. Rin had no clue what was going on, but stood still nonetheless. He took a deep breath in and held his nose to her collarbone. He smelled her refreshing flowery scent. He smelled despair, hope, and confusion. What he didn't smell was lust, pleasure, or ecstasy.
He smelled his brother, but only as a side note. He and his brother had strong scent, being demons, even being in their presence marked a person, but their mating scents were quite different and more powerful. If she had made love to Inuyasha she would have reeked of him for weeks. Sesshoumaru gave a final obligatory snuff in her hair and pulled back.
As he had expected, she looked quite astonished. But to his surprise, as he had pulled back her body had moved with him. Her cheeks were cherry red and her breathing and heart rate was quite increased. She had reacted strongly towards him, and if he didn't do something soon, he was about to react strongly with her.
“So I see he was lying.” He said quickly.
“Yes…how did you know?” She asked.
“Inu youkai have remarkable scent.” He said.
“Oh.” She said disappointedly as she touched her shoulder.
“But that still doesn't explain why you were up there.” Sesshoumaru prodded.
“Elevator malfunction.” She said through a fake smile.
“Oni Corp. has a very advanced safety monitoring system. I know that the emergency button was pushed without cause.” He explained solemnly.
“Oh, well…” She reddened. She was humiliated from having been caught lying. She wanted him to trust her. “I'm sorry,” She replied.
“You can't tell me? Is that what I am supposed to gather here? Sure, I am only the vice president.” He said gruffly before stalking off back into the building. What was Rin supposed to do?
Inuyasha sat drumming his fingers across the table. Kikyo looked puzzled. He wasn't normally half so aware during their meetings, what had changed? Inuyasha couldn't reconcile with the fact that she had betrayed him. There she was, groomed within an inch of her life. She sat tall and held a small smirk on her mouth. The more he watched her the more changed she seemed from the caring woman she had been during his Senior Prom not too long ago.
“So I was thinking about increasing the budget.” She interjected. Inuyasha could see Kagome's face burn from across the room. “We could really increase the-”
“I don't think so.” Inuyasha cut her off. She looked stricken.
“But Inu, I really think it would be a good idea…” She purred.
“No, we already agreed to a budget that Kagome figured into the company's annual budget.” Inuyasha replied harshly. He saw looks of confusion cross both their faces.
“Shikon may not work up to it's full potential then…” Kikyo sighed seductively.
“That's another thing. I've been thinking about it, and you never really did describe exactly what Project Shikon does, other than benefit us greatly. I'm sorry Miss Shard, but we'll need more than that if we are to go through with this.” Inuyasha stated domineeringly. Kikyo got up and ran off with a huff.
“Inuyasha, that was…absolutely…stunning.” Kagome said as she walked up to him with stars in her eyes.
“Thank you.” Inuyasha said simply as he was marveled by how good Kagome's support felt.
Rin was pacing around in the anteroom. She wanted Sesshoumaru to forgive her dearly. As if this wasn't hard enough. How was she supposed to handle that situation? She could hardly tell him that Inuyasha had awakened to remember the future that they all had together. That wouldn't fly.
“Hey.” A somber voice rang out.
“Yura?” Rin turned to see the aforementioned watching her.
“I remember.” She said as she painted a long talon.
“You do?” Rin gasped.
“A bit anyway.” Yura said. “I remember you. And what you did for him.”
“How?” Rin gasped.
“I was probably overlooked.” She said solemnly. “But anyway, what brings you to pace?”
“He is mad at me.” She said softly.
“Is he? I doubt it, but there are ways to make it up to him.” Yura said absently.
“Like?” Rin asked excitedly.
“Well, I recall him clinging quite dearly to those flowers he hauled up here long ago. Perhaps you could go pick some for him?”
“Good idea…” Rin nodded.
“Why the hell is this not working?” Narraku bellowed. A few collapsed bodies could be seen sprawled on the ground.
“I'm not sure.” Kikyo replied softly.
“You are supposed to know all about the Shikon Jewel!” He shouted at her, little drops of spittle landed on her face.
“You, Onigumo, came to me because you knew I could give you power. You told me you were willing to give sacrifice for the ability to manipulate time. You wanted this, not me.” She said in her powerful voice.
“Just tell me why this isn't working.” He seethed.
“This is just a theory, but I don't think we factored in the ties that bond them together. They may be even more powerful than the jewel.” Kikyo whispered.
“Just figure out some way to stop it. I don't care anymore, use whatever funds you need, I just don't want three crazed Inuyoukai at my door step.” Narraku said with a dying rage.
Rin was talking a chilly walk in the park. It was mid fall and there were not to many flowers to be found. She had been walking for some time and only come up with some poppies. The park was near empty and secluded. A stiff breeze carried through the air. Rin huddled herself together.
“What do we have here?” A deep voice asked.
“Oh, just enjoying a walk.” Rin told the cloaked stranger, who was beginning to make her very nervous.
“You are very pretty.” He said.
“Thank…you.” She said as she began casually walking away. Why did she have such a knack for getting herself in trouble? The man was still right beside her.
“Where are you going my pretty? Stay here with me.” He said as he took her wrist in his arm. He was remarkably strong. She panicked. This time she was dead, Sesshoumaru would not be there to save her.
“Sesshoumaru!” She screamed as the man clung her to his body and pulled out a knife.
“Sesshoumaru? That's not my name but for you I might change it.” The man said creepily as he stoked Rin's cheek with the blade of the knife.
Rin pulled back her fist and swung with all her might. She felt her knuckles make contact with flesh and his grip loosened for a moment. She took the opportunity to run. She had a skirt on, but was running for her life. She didn't think her punch was good enough to keep him out for long. She could feel blood dripping from her cheek. Just the something caught the back of her jacket, Sango's jacket, and she fell to her knees.
There he stood, in front of her. She looked up into his eyes to see a red glow. He was no man. His hand flew out to her neck to reveal a purple mottled skin. Rin screamed again before she felt cold steel puncture her gut. The world around her faded to gray and then black.
Sesshoumaru had left his office to find Rin. She was no where to be found. He decided she had been gone long enough. He went down to the main lobby to talk to Myoga. He would know if she had left or not. Sesshoumaru approached Myoga angrily.
“Has Rin exited the building?” he asked.
“Yes, about thirty minutes ago.” Myoga replied.
Sesshoumaru walked calmly out the door to see if she was milling about outdoors. The crisp fall wind was whipping through the firs and it brought a scent to his nose, blood. Just then he heard a horrified scream and smelt even more blood. He knew immediately it was Rin. He jumped over the park's gates and ran towards the scent.
There he saw a hunched figure over Rin. As soon as it spotted him it ran away. To Sesshoumaru's horror it ran on all fours. He sped over to Rin. She was lying in a pool of her own blood. There was something in her blood that made him sick to smell. He ripped off his suit jacket and wrapped her limp body in it. She was alive, but he knew that that could change.
He picked her up held her to his chest. He didn't know if could help her. He could hear her heartbeat slowing down. He licked the wound on her belly, as dog saliva slows bleeding, and leapt to the hospital. Many people were shocked to see a man bounding fifty feet in the air, but those people didn't know the fervor of an inuyoukai with a wounded mate.
He landed softly in the hospital's courtyard and was immediately greeted by a team of medical professionals. He handed her over, albeit reluctantly. He made sure each and every one of them knew that she was high priority and no expense was to be spared. But eventually, he was led into a ritzier waiting room.
They told him she was lucky to be alive and that she would need surgery. He told them that he would not leave her side.
Rin's eyes opened blearily. She felt something in the back of her throat. With a heavy hand she felt tubes going down her nose. Come to think of it, it was awful bright, and a monotonous beeping punctuated the silence. She tried to swallow, only to find her throat dry and to full of tubes.
Her vision cleared and she looked around to see what appeared to be a person in all white. She tried to call out, but all that came was a gurgling. That seemed to garner attention though and the stout woman came over and looked at Rin.
“She's awake!” The woman called out to no one in particular before rushing out of the room. Rin wasn't left alone for long, soon there were many people in the room, all unfamiliar.
“Ma'am, can you hear me?” Rin nodded vigorously. “You're at Tokyo Metropolitan Hospital, You're lucky to be alive.” The man informed her. That's when it all hit her, the attack and all. She gurgled angrily.
“Fine, fine, we'll remove these tubes, but only if you calm down.” A nurse said as she delicately removed the tubes in what could only be described as an uncomfortable experience.
“Sesshoumaru.” Rin said in a dry voice. A nurse handed her a glass of water.
“Young man? Long white hair? Quite cold?” Another nurse asked.
“Yes.” Rin said.
“Oh, he's been here all three days you've been here. Waited over your unconscious body.”
“Three days!” Rin exclaimed.
“Yep, even through surgery.” The doctor said solemnly. “Quite hard to deal with, insisted on being in there with you…” Just then they heard a smash and Sesshoumaru appeared in the doorway. He looked quite frazzled.
“Why didn't you inform me she was awake?” he said to an orderly.
“Well she just woke up…” he explained.
“Rin, are you feeling okay?” Sesshoumaru asked her as he sat next to her bed.
“Yeah, but I have quite a pain in my midriff.” She explained as she smiled up at him.
“That's probably because you were stabbed there.” A nurse interjected.
“Out!” Sesshoumaru barked. They all obeyed.
“What happened?” Rin asked as she tried to stretch out.
“You tell me.” Sesshoumaru said.
“Well, I was out picking flowers.” She explained.
“Why?” he interjected.
“I wanted you to forgive me.” She explained.
“I wasn't angry.”
“Well, I was sorry.” She said softly.
“Anyway go on.” He urged.
“This man came over and started talking to me. I tried to walk away, but he grabbed me and cut my cheek. I punched him and was able to run, but he caught up. He took his hand out of his jacket and I saw it was purple and prickly. Also, he had red eyes. Then, I suppose he stabbed me.” She said with less levity then it deserved.
“He was a demon.” Sesshoumaru said to himself. “I have to go.” He stood up and walked out. Rin sighed.
Narraku was peaceably sleeping in his waterbed when her awoken to a horrifying smash. All the windows in the spacious room shattered in their frames. He sat up and hit the panic button, but there was no response. All of his minions must have been dead.
“Narraku. How dare you?” A deadly voice came out of nowhere.
“Do what exactly?” Narraku's voice carried through the wreckage.
“Attack an innocent girl. I know it was you. And you shall pay for it with your life.” Just then Sesshoumaru leapt forward and his claws closed around Narraku's throat. Narraku merely responded by breaking into laughter.
“You think you can get me here? In my own bed?” Narraku responded.
His hands moved beneath the covers and closed around something. He thrust through the covers and inserted a dagger neatly in between Sesshoumaru's ribs. It was just enough to get Sesshoumaru to release him for a split second and for Narraku to escape through a hatch in the floor. Sesshoumaru stood up and pulled the dagger from him flesh. It hissed and he dropped it to the floor. His demon blood dissolved it. But unfortunately, Narraku was long gone.
“Hello, you poor dear.” A familiar voice called to Rin from the door. She saw Izayoi standing in it.
“Hello.” Rin said simply, though it was hard to keep from running over to her.
“I am Izayoi, Sesshoumaru's mother.” She explained.
“Nice to meet you.” Rin said. It was so ironic.
“Sesshoumaru sent me here to gather you up, you are coming to the house.” Izayoi's beautiful mouth curled into a smile.
“Really? Where is he?” Rin asked excitedly.
“He was going to come here himself, but his father wouldn't let him because he seemed to have picked up a bit of a wound.” Izayoi explained as she pulled the blinds opened. “Ready to go home?”
“Oh Kami Yes.” Rin said in relief.
It always surprises me when I end up adding action. In fact this whole thing surprised me. This was so not what was going to happen at all. I hope you liked it. It may seem somewhat random, but you'll see later how it fits in. Besides, we needed to give Izayoi an excuse to get Rin living with them!
Q. Who was that who attacked Rin?
A. I can't tell you, but it will fit in later in the story. (Hint: Which one of Narraku's minions is purple with red eyes?)
Q. When will Sess remember?
A. Well, you know he can't be one of the first. That would ruin all the angst.
Q. Why does Yura remember?
A. We don't know yet. But again this will fit in again later. She is and evil person in the anime…and she did kind of lead Rin to injury…could they be connected?
Thank you-
A LOT of reviews…Man I'm so ecstatic about them. So many of you wrote such thought-provoking, encouraging, fuzzy warm reviews. I really appreciate it more than you know. PLEASE review. It really makes me want to update. I'll try to keep a personal thanks section in my profile.
Love ya,