InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Brightside ❯ Mr. Brightside ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mr. Brightside
By: Enchanted Faery
This is Fic is rated NC-17 because of sexual content and suicide, if you are not 17 years of age or older DO NOT READ AHEAD, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! IF YOU ARE YOUNGER THAN 17 DOOOOOO NOOOOOOT TELLLL ME! IT ONLY MAKES ME FEEL GUILTY! JUST PRETNEND YOU'RE OLD ENOUGH OK???? THANK YOU!Disclaimer: I do not own Mr. Brightside, it is owned by “The Killers” and their people, I also don't own Inu Yasha or anything affiliated with that show, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.Also, I don't have the actual lyrics to this song, I only know what I hear, so if I got some words wrong…SORRY…( Lyrics to Song)Coming out of a cage I was doing just fine…I don't know how it happened, she was bathing in the hot spring and I was in a tree keeping an eye out to make sure that Hentai Monk didn't come to spy on her. Then I saw them, Kikyo's soul bringers, I had to leave she was summoning me.Gotta, gotta be down, because I want it all…I look over to where he is sitting, as I finish putting on the rest of my clothes I see him leap from the tree and see him wander off into the forest. I wonder where he is going and follow him, but I am not fast enough. I look around and try to sense where he has gone, I feel him, he is up ahead in that clearing. I quickly walk towards him and then I notice I feel someone else with him, I realize that it's Kikyo; I stop behind a large tree and watch…It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this…She won't let me go, she somehow draws me towards her, I embrace her in my arms and hold on tight, afraid to let go because I don't want this feeling to end. Her chocolate eyes look into my gold ones, I lean down and place a warm kiss on her cold and lifeless lips, I know that she isn't who she used to be, but she was my first love, my one and only…I hold her closer, if that is possible.I suddenly feel her, Kagome, did she see what just happened, I finally am able to break free from the hold that Kikyo had on me, I turn away and look towards the trees, I feel her pain I turn to her and tell her that me and her are no longer meant to be, my life is with Kagome now I love her not you, she looks at me with anger, “So you have chosen my reincarnation over me have you? She is not me InuYasha…”“You're right Kikyo, she isn't you, Kagome is full of life, laughter and love, not you, you are full of hate and maliciousness, I may have loved you in the past, but that is where is should stay…In the Past, if you cross paths with me again, Kikyo I will not hesitate to kill you.”“Foolish, Hanyou, you dare threaten me? You will go to hell with me and suffer for eternity, watch your back, InuYasha.”I run away as Kikyo yells at me to watch my back …Kagome, I am coming, please be safe…It was only a Kiss…My heart feels like it has been shattered into billions of little pieces, like the Shikon Shards, I turn and run away, not seeing where I am going just running and running trying to get away from the pain, but it's still there, my lungs feel like they are on fire, I fall down I try to get up and run again, but I can't my legs are numb, my heart is torn, my life is full of void, without InuYasha I have no one to love, I scream from all the pain I feel the hollowness it is creeping, I want to cry but for some reason I can't, all I feel is the emptiness inside me. Then I feel him, Sesshomaru…“What do you want Sesshomaru? Why are you here?”“Foolish ningen you dare question this Sesshomaru?”“Look if you aren't here to kill me then leave me in peace, I am not afraid of you, I don't care who you are”I raise my eyebrow in annoyance, this Miko dares to speak to I, the Great Lord of the Western Lands, in such a manner. Why does InuYasha's wench not fear me?“Miko, this Sesshomaru will not tolerate impudence from a mere ningen, do not do it again or you will suffer the consequences.”“Tolerate Impudence???? Do you know how ridiculous you sound? If you want to kill me then do DO IT! I have nothing to live for any more KILL ME DAMN YOU, IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, THAN DO IT!!!! I don't care any more.”I am rather impressed but annoyed at the same time; no one has ever spoken to this Sesshomaru in such a manner before and lived to tell about it, what has has happened to her, that makes her look upon death so fondly?He looks at me with no expression on his face, his eyes as cold as ever, but something flashed in them a minute ago, "PLEASE SESSHOMARU -SAMA, PLEASE KILL ME, END MY LIFE NOW! I am too weak to do it on my own, please end my misery, my emptiness!"The Miko begs for me to take her life, I feel in urge to comfort her, I lean down and hold her in my arms, what is it about this ningen that makes me want to comfort her.I finally start to sob, I grab on to his hoari and cry into it, soaking it with my tears of sorrow.I look into his amber orbs, so much like InuYasha's but not…He leans down and kisses my forehead, I seek more comfort, he senses that I want more he moves to my lips and on them he places a soft kiss, I still seek more, he uses his tongue almost as if he was asking me to allow entrance, I do, our kiss that was once gentle and soft has now turned into hot burning passion, my mind goes blank all I can think about is this feeling, Sesshomaru's lips so soft and warm, the way it feels to be held in his strong youkai arms, the emptiness now gone, I run my fingers through his long silver hair, so soft and silky, I reach over and touch his tail, so soft I imagine how it would feel wrapped around my naked body, I moan with pleasure as my nether regions become wet with arousal I place my hand on his hard chest…It was only a Kiss…I finally pick up her scent, I can smell her salty tears, she's crying, I did this to her I made her cry, I need to tell her that it was a mistake, I love her not Kikyo, she is the only one for me, and that it just took me a long time to realize this, but now that I know, I will love her with all of my heart and soul never to be separated again. I am getting closer to her, that's when I noticed something else in the air, I smell someone else as well, it smells familiar, who is it…SESSHOMARU!!!! My ass hole half brother! Hold on Kagome I'm coming…[SNIFF SNIFF]What is that other thing I smell, it's Kagome…Kagome's arousal…I slow down my pace and carefully walk towards the smell, I stay down wind so my half brother cannot smell me. I hear her moan, it's not a moan of pain no, it's something completely different, I jump into a tree near by and observe…I feel the demon inside me ready to come out and strike……And my stomach is sick and it's all in my head, but she's touching his chest now, he takes off her dress now, LET ME GO, I just can't look, it's killing me! And taking control!My half brother Sesshomaru is Kissing MY KAGOME…. I'll Kill him I swear to Kami I will kill him!!!!Jealousy, turning saints into the sea, swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibies…I try the best I can to control the beast within me, I want to jump out of this tree and attack, but something is holding me back……It's just a price I pay, destiny is calling me, open up my eager eyes…I smell the Miko's arousal, it's driving me insane, I want this ningen like I've never wanted anything before! I want to take her and mark her as mine so that no one will ever lay a hand on her again that includes my hanyou half brother InuYasha. I begin to quietly growl as I stick my hand down her dress to caress her breast only to find something in the way, I growl louder, I rip away at the top of her dress and the white piece of cloth covering her, I whimper with approval when I feel her hot creamy mounds in the palm of my hand, she moans with pleasure as I slowly caress her pink taut nipple, I want to taste more of her, to feel more of her…He just ripped my dress and my bra, but I am to caught up passion to care, I moan when I feel his hands on my breast, I take a quick breath when I feel something hot and wet on my nipple, he moves in hand further down, I feel his fingers getting closer to my womanhood, I cry out in ecstasy after I feel his finger entering me, slowly he starts to move his finger in and out, I writhe under him feeling the heat coil in my belly…She is almost there, I need more I want more, the noises she makes, causes me to almost lose control, I pull my finger out, I hear her whine in disappointment, I don't want to leave the warmth of her body, but I must, I quickly stand to remove my armor and my Kimono...I feel his warmth leave my body and feel empty once more, but only briefly, he moves on top of me again and kisses me on my lips I feel a blast of pleasure when he sucks on my bottom lip, he moves down to my neck and nibbles in the junction where my shoulders meet my neck…I moan in pure ecstasy…I'm Mr. Brightside.I can't believe what I'm seeing, I turn away from them, my heart breaking with each breath I take, how could she betray me like this! I thought she loved me, I thought that she wanted to be with me! I slowly walk away with my ears down against my head, I'm too late, I'm always too late…I keep walking not caring where I'm going, just trying to sort things out in my head…Coming outta my cage, and I'be been doing just fine, I gotta, gotta be down, because I want it all. It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this, it was only a kiss it was only a kiss…She is more than ready, my member hardens even more when I hear her moans, I caress my manhood and gently put myself in her entrance, so hot, so wet I struggle to gain control so that I don't hurt her, I can feel her tightness around me I push myself further in until I come to the barrier that makes her a virgin, I look into her eyes, asking her if this is really what she wants…I look into his golden eyes, he doesn't say anything, but I know what he is asking, I nod my head in agreement, I feel him pull out of me, disappointed at the loss of feeling him inside me, then all of a sudden he thrusts into me I scream, but it is muffled by his kiss, he whispers to me, “I'm sorry Koi, I'm sorry, the pain will recede soon enough” I stay still while I adjust to his size, it's a lot bigger than I had imagined, I can't believe it fit inside of me, the pain starts to go away only to be replaced with pure pleasure, I move my hips to let him know that I am ok, he starts to move in me, slowly at first I wallow in the feel of it, I cry out his name “OH, Sesshomaru!” I beg him to move faster to go harder he gladly obliges and starts to move so fast that I can barely keep up with him, oh it feels so good, if I knew it would feel this good, I would have done this sooner…She screams my name she begs me to move faster and harder…she feels so good, I'm almost there, but I must hold back, her pleasure must come before mine…I feel the white hot heat coiling through my body, its building and building I feel like I'm going to explode, I start to clench around Sesshomaru's velvety hardness, I'm losing control…..I feel tightening around me it's now time, I finally lose control my body stiffens as my seed spills deep into her womb…I howl in pleasure, then I mark her at the junction where her neck meets her shoulder she screams my name “Sesshoooooommmaruuuuuu!” she continues tightening around me, milking me dry…she is now mine no one can have my Kagome no one, Mine, My Mate.I collapse on top of her, careful not to crush her with my weight, I lap up her blood where she has been marked to close the wound…He bit me on my neck, but it didn't hurt it, it was felt good almost euphoric! I want to stay in his arms forever, never to leave him again, I guess Sesshomaru and I we were meant to be, not that baka InuYasha, I no longer feel sorrow, all I feel is happiness and bliss, he is mine and I will stay with him forever, never to leave his side again, NEVER not even after my death, my spirit will stay with him always, until he joins me on the other side….….And my stomach is sick and it's all in my head. But she's touching his chest now he takes off her dress now, LET ME GO! I just can't look, it's killing me and taking control!I hear a howl in the distance, knowing that it's my half-brother coming to completion and then I hear her scream his name, I was too late, I am always too late…Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibies….I howl in pain as I mourn the loss of my love once again, this time it really was my fault, if only I had told her from the beginning that I loved her, that I wanted her to be mine…it's too late, my world comes crashing down around me, I want to die just to get away from the pain…But it's just a price I pay…I never want to feel again, no pain, no sorrow, no hate and no love. Slowly I pull out my Tetsuiga slam the handle down into the ground so that the blade is sticking up, I howl once more as I cry out in sorrow…....Destiny is calling me, open my eager eyes…The wind blows my hair around and I pick up the scent of Kagome and Sesshomaru, their mated now, I can smell it…I'm Mr. Brightside…I continue to cry and fall forward, I feel the blade of the Tetsuiga slice into my throat and with a final thought of how much I loved her, my Kagome, I feel my soul leave my body….no more pain, no more sorrow, just peace….. just peace….I Never....I Never....I Never.....The EndWell there you go, I hope you liked this song fic, sorry that I had to kill him, but I was just typing while my muse told me what to do, please R&R by the way, just a reminder that this was my first fan/songfic.A/N: Ok this one is done, I made little changes, I hope you enjoyed it.By: Enchanted Faery