InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Perfect, for your eyes only ❯ skeletons in a closet ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome invited her friends for breakfast at her house; she needed their opinion about her date yesterday. Once they arrived, Kagome had already made coffee and went to buy some donuts. Sango and Ayame arrived shortly after; they sat down and started eating as Kagome started talking about her date last night. They were both shocked at how she described his actions, making him seem so sweet and delicate. Kagome finished her story and they both were staring at her with their brow arched in confusion, they were expecting everything but that. Just like Sango, Ayame knew very well how men tried to seduce women but if that was Inuyasha's goal, he was far away from doing it right. Ayame shook her head and went to grab another cup of coffee, hoping the hot beverage would help her understand the situation. She went back to her seat to start the discussion about this very confusing man.
“So, he didn't kiss you? Not even on the cheek? A hug?” Ayame asked amazed, Kagome shook her head.
“Nothing, just like when we met… a simple handshake and he was on his way.” Ayame drank some more coffee as she tried to get out of her shock.
“I think there's something fishy about this guy, he had clearly stated that he's not gay but… why's he so… nice?” Sango asked as speculation.
“Sounds like Mr. Perfect to me.” Ayame said and giggled, Kagome smiled.
“That's not a bad name, Mr. Perfect… of course. Why didn't I think of that?” she asked to herself out loud, Sango finished her donut.
“If you know what's good for your job, you should try some tricks with him… you know, try to discover the skeletons in his closet. He's hiding something, I'm sure of that.” Sango concluded, she looked at her cell phone in case she was running late.
“I know that, he's very different from any other guys I've met and I'm trying to figure out what's he's hiding.” Ayame nodded and finished her second cup of coffee.
“So, what does he do for a living?” She asked curiously, Kagome shrugged her shoulders.
“Something about a model agency, he says he does photo shoots or something.” Sango's eyes brightened.
“Wait, is this Inuyasha guy the owner of the corporation Taisho?” Kagome looked at her confused.
“I don't know, he just mentioned he worked with models. That's about it.” Sango went back to her usual self; she got up and placed the mugs in the kitchen sink.
“And did he say anything about his previous relationships? Maybe that could give us a hint.” Kagome shook her head.
“It's only the first date, I'm not going to stalk him so he can tell me everything about him.” Kagome laughed a bit, Ayame looked at her with excited smile as Sango took a seat next to Kagome.
“Okay, top question… when are you seeing him again?” her best friend asked, Kagome gazed at her friends before shrugging her shoulders.
“I'm not sure, we hadn't agreed to go out again… he told me he would call.” They both seemed disappointed and sighed.
They changed to another topic, something that Kagome was grateful for. Seeing how her friends were reacting towards her date was never a good sign. They talked about random things until it was time to work, Sango went by herself and Kagome walked with Ayame to their building. Ayame had been working in another article after she decided giving it to Sango, she had been dating a guy for the magazine and unexpectedly he proposed to her. Ayame eagerly agreed and told Kagura that she would rather have another position, a few months later she told her friends and coworkers she was engaged. Now, she was working in fashion articles, letting women know what kind of accessories were accessible even if they didn't have money to afford recognized designers. Kagome was working in writing her date, making it simple but with specific details; she had three pages and she didn't want to crowd the whole article with only one of her dates and it was worst if it was the first one. Kagome was very focused in writing when she heard her cell phone ring, she picked it up.
“Hello?” She asked as she kept on typing on her computer.
“Hi Kagome, are you ready for lunch?” Inuyasha asked, Kagome immediately stopped and walked out of the office towards the bathroom; once she was sure she was alone, she answered. “Kagome?”
“Yes, sorry it took me so long to answer I was… with the kids.” She faked some giggles and rolled her eyes.
“It's completely understandable; may I pick you up from your work?” Kagome was about to agree when she remembered that she didn't really work in a preschool, she hesitated for a moment.
“Um… how about I meet you there?” She suggested, “I wouldn't want you to come all the way to my school just to take me to a restaurant.”
“If that's what you want,” Inuyasha agreed although not so happy, Kagome could clearly hear it in his voice. “Tell your driver to take you to Manp's; I'll see you shortly.”
“You're having another date with him?” Ayame asked amazed, Kagome was startled by her presence she tried to breathe evenly. “I'm glad I followed you here, how could you not tell us?”
“Fine, I lied but it's just that I wanted to do some research on my own. I'm trying to figure out his secret as well and it would be nice if you didn't interfere.” Kagome alleged, her friend crossed her arms on her chest before nodding.
“I guess it's fair,” Kagome hugged her tenderly, Ayame immediately but softly pushed her away. “But you have to promise me that you will give me your details, you must let me know every word he utters, every gesture he does, every…”
“Okay! Can I go meet my date so I can come back and let you know all the details you're dying to know?” Ayame nodded and Kagome walked towards the elevator.
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“I was beginning to think you wouldn't come,” Inuyasha recognized, Kagome smiled and sat next to him.
She was surprised when she reached her destination; it seemed to her like a park when Kagome realized there was a small sign that held the name Manp's. She walked through it, it looked like a botanic garden with the most beautiful and strange flowers she had ever encountered. Kagome finally saw the tables and noticed it was very crowded. A waiter stopped her, he was asking her to reserve for a table which would be available in 3 months. She quickly blurted out Inuyasha's name; the waiter apologized immediately and took her to the table where Inuyasha was waiting for her. He stood up and held the chair for her as she sat next to Inuyasha.
“I had to convince… a little girl to let me go, those kids just really don't know when to say bye.” Kagome giggled a bit, Inuyasha slightly smirked.
“I want to say that I've haven't gone out with someone for a while, don't get me wrong it's not like I'm antisocial… I had some bad times.” Kagome nodded comprehensively, he sighed with relief; Inuyasha somehow felt he had told her the most difficult part.
“I just want to let you know that if you still don't want to tell me, I understand. I won't pressure for any information you don't want to reveal.” She said and Inuyasha was joyful, Kagome remembered Sango's words that morning. “There's something I've been meaning to ask you.”
“Anything you like.” He replied.
“When you said you worked in a model agency, did you by any chance meant corporation Taisho?” Inuyasha gave her his usual tender grin and nodded.
“Yes, that is me.” He answered before the waiter approached them.
Kagome and Inuyasha ordered their respective meals before sending the waiter away, now that she thought about his name it sounded awfully familiar. She thought it would be better for her to don't mention it as Inuyasha was already starting to open up. Kagome found him much more interesting that yesterday. Inuyasha told her about his family, his friends and the many models he had met in his job. All of them, without an exception seemed to him to be very plain and normal women; Inuyasha admitted he had rejected every girl that had asked him out stating that he was only trying to do his job. Kagome was fascinated by his stories and before she could notice her lunch time was over. Inuyasha asked for the check and paid. Later on, he and Kagome walked around the garden, Inuyasha kept a small distance between him and Kagome something that was starting to bother her.
“Favorite color?” He inquired, Kagome tried not to look confused.
“Green… and red.” She answered without hesitation.
“Favorite flower?” Inuyasha asked after a while, Kagome smiled.
“I don't have a favorite one, I love them all but if I could pick one… it would be carnations, they are adorable.” He nodded.
Inuyasha walked over to a bush of carnations, they were all of a very deep shade of red; he picked one out and gave it to her. Kagome smiled widely as she took it from his hands, she now understood the reason for his questions and blushed lightly.
“Thanks, it would have been sweeter if only you hadn't just taken it without permission.” Kagome reminded him, he had just torn a flower from a restaurant.
“I did ask permission, the reason I picked this restaurant it's because you get charged to get a flower of your own.” Kagome blushed a bit and played with the carnation in her hands; she sniffed its charming aroma and innocently grabbed Inuyasha's hand.
“Thanks for that, let's look at more flowers.” She encouraged him as she pulled him through the garden.
Inuyasha had to admit that although her hand was warm and comforting, the strange flock of energy that was sending through his body was very awkward, he said nothing though because it had been a long time since he felt this… human. After a long walk around the garden, they were both tired and noticed their lunch time had run up. Inuyasha offered to drop her at her school, Kagome wanted him to drive her off but she knew he would never be able to do it. She, instead, said that had some errands to run and that she had other places to go. Inuyasha wasn't happy about it but agreed anyways, they shook hands like usual and went on their different ways. Inuyasha stepped inside his Mercedes, he drove to his office and the second he got inside his brother was waiting for him there with Chinese food. Sesshomaru looked at him with his brow arched.
“Where have you been?” His older brother asked suppressing a smile; Inuyasha rolled his eyes and tossed away the food.
“I was in a last minute meeting, they bought lunch for me and…”
“Liar.” Sesshomaru interrupted him and Inuyasha sighed. “I asked Rin where you went and she said you went out for lunch, alone; she didn't actually know where you were going.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Inuyasha asked annoyed, Sesshomaru finally smiled.
“Are you going out with a girl? More specifically, the girl from you met at the bar?” Inuyasha just kept on staring at Sesshomaru, which caused his brother's smile to widen. “You are seeing someone else! It was about damn time!”
“She's just a friend,” Inuyasha clarified and Sesshomaru rolled his eyes.
“You seem to like her enough to date her, what's your problem?” his younger brother took a deep sigh before staring at Sesshomaru.
“I don't want to be in the spot light… like before.” Sesshomaru nodded comprehensively, he knew what was talking about.
“But we took care of the rumor that…”
“I know that!” Inuyasha nearly yelled, he rubbed his temple for a few seconds and retook his normal voice tone. “I don't want to see my face and hers everywhere in town, that's all I ask.”
“So, what should I do with this food?” Sesshomaru asked as he picked up the remains of the Chinese food, Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders.
“Use your imagination, I have to work now. Rin?” He asked as he pressed the button on his intercom.
“Yes Inuyasha?” She replied, Sesshomaru walked out of the door with the Chinese food on his hands.
“What's today on the agenda?” Inuyasha inquired, Rin immediately stepped inside his office with a small notebook on her hands; she opened it and started reading.
“You have to supervise the bathing suit shoot; later you have a meeting with Vogue magazine about a few covers that they want our company to produce, your brother asked you to be today at the model's election which you already missed so he said it was okay; I guess that's it… oh! And Kaede called, she said she needs to speak to you as soon as possible.” Inuyasha froze at the name, he hadn't heard from her in a while.
“At what time did she call?” He asked intrigued, Rin checked through her notes.
“At 12:58 to be exact,” Rin noted his distress; she approached him and touched his shoulder lightly. “I'm sure she just wants to speak to you, nothing related to…”
“Let's hope so.” He answered before she could finish her sentence; Rin sighed and forced a small smile upon her lips.
“I'll go to my place; you have to be in the bathing suit shoot in 5 minutes.” She reminded him before walking out the room; Inuyasha nodded and went to grab the elevator.
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Another dream date and yet he hasn't dared to make a move, a complete gentleman as if he was pulled out from a fairy tale he simply shakes my hand and walks away. The more I want him to try something, the more he acts like a stranger. I can't dyne he's sweet, caring and very handsome. There's no other name that can describe him than
“So that's what you meant when you said that Mr. Perfect was the best nickname for him, huh?” Ayame asked intrigued as she interrupted Kagome while she wrote.
“Do you mind?” Kagome asked a bit embarrassed, she quickly closed her laptop and her friend sighed.
“C'mon, it's not like you have to make it a secret. Besides, we already know half the story and you promised to tell me everything. How was your date?” Ayame asked interested.
Kagome was very careful when she came back, she had to use the stairs to avoid crashing with Ayame and her questions about her date. She thought she finally got rid of her and started writing as much as she could, her floor was almost empty since it was still time to lunch. At first, Kagome was very attentive at the door opening but after 10 of her coworkers came in and shared no interest in reading her article she relaxed. When Ayame saw her friend typing she almost squealed but quickly placed her hands over her mouth, she tiptoed towards Kagome and read what she was writing in silence until then. Kagome hesitated before answering her question, she had a great time with Inuyasha and now that he was starting to reveal more of himself she couldn't help but to feel curious about him. She wasn't going to let Ayame know that, after all she was supposed to be only a reporter trying to make her best to write a true story about a man, a perfect man.
“It was nice.” Kagome finally chirped after some thought, Ayame grinned as she waited for more information. “We had lunch, we talked like yesterday and we went to our different ways.”
“That's it?” her friend asked, she had trouble to hide her deception. “You promised details and you're not telling me anything!”
“Okay, it's just that…” Kagome looked around, making sure no one else was around and listening. “I'll tell you everything when we are alone and…”
“What's this?” Ayame interrupted her as she took a look at her desk.
Ayame took the carnation that was lying on her desk; she looked at Kagome suspiciously as her face reddened. Ayame smirked and sniffed the flower before looking at it carefully and pointing it at Kagome.
“Where did this come from?” She asked and Kagome quickly tried to snatch the flower away from her, Ayame easily dodged and waited for her answer.
“He gave it to me, okay?” She surrendered and Ayame shrieked out of excitement.
“This is so good! I didn't get flowers from Kouga till we had our first fight… he's like…”
“Perfect?” Kagome suggested and Ayame nodded.
“Exactly, this is why you should find his first flaw… the sooner, the better.” Kagome sighed.
“What is it with you guys and flaws? Why aren't you satisfied that I finally found the perfect man?” Kagome asked.
“Because this is not what our magazine is about.” Kagura answered for her, Kagome turned to look at her amazed. She had no idea her boss was listening to her conversation. “You are supposed to date men but they aren't perfect and neither are we… but if you try to convince everyone that you've found the perfect match, how many people do you think would believe that?”
“I guess I see your point.” Kagome mumbled and Kagura nodded.
“Of course you do, I need your first draft in two days. I checked it before and I saw you were almost done with but still, Kagome you need to concentrate into figuring out something interesting about this guy.” Kagome nodded and Kagura looked at Ayame, she innocently smiled at her. “Carry on.”
They waited until Kagura was out of sight to finally breathe again, Kagura was a very nice woman but when she was their boss she was scary. The only person they knew that wasn't afraid of her was Sango, she treated Kagura as if they were good friends and that was probably the reason Kagura acted so nice around Sango. Kagome tried to do that once but she was too scared of her boss and ended up like always. Ayame dropped the carnation on Kagome's desk and opened up her laptop.
“Mr. Perfect… how about you go out with him again and find out why he isn't so perfect after all.” Ayame suggested, Kagome deleted everything she wrote. “What are you doing?”
“I need to find out why he isn't so perfect… although that seems impossible; I have to listen to Kagura and Sango. It's time to find out the skeletons in his closet.” Kagome decided and started searching through the internet.
Kagome spent the rest of her day making research of him; she couldn't believe what the internet was telling her. She typed his name 5 times in 10 different search tools only to find out the same information he had already given him. Something was odd, he was the owner of a model agency which meant he was a public figure and yet there wasn't a trace of his life. She kept on trying but her search always turned out the same, his name appeared with his model agency and his age. Kagome was starting to lose her patience and only the janitor made her realize how late it was, she immediately ran out of the building and went back home to continue with her search. It was almost midnight and now she was done with internet, she tried magazines since she kept a very large amount of celebrity's magazines in order of months and years. She was very tired but she refused to go to bed until she found something about Inuyasha, it was too mysterious that his past and present was almost unnoticeable. She heard a knock on her door and although it was very late, she opened and found her best friend outside.
“Sango? Is something wrong?” Kagome asked worried, she shook her head.
“No, not with me anyways… I'm worried about you.” Kagome seemed to be a bit shocked by her answer.
“What's wrong with me? I'm feeling fine.” Sango rolled her eyes.
“I know that! It's Inuyasha.” Kagome arched her brow confused. “Listen to me, there's a reason he's name was so familiar to me… and I remember why.”
“Okay, are you going to keep me in suspense or are you going to tell me?” Kagome asked a bit annoyed, Sango walked towards her stash of magazines and after a short search she picked out one.
Kagome started reading the headline; it was almost unbelievable for her that he could do something like that. Inuyasha Taisho charged of murder. Those words weren't meant to be in a phrase, she was sure about it. Kagome eagerly turned the page and started reading the article out loud.
“Inuyasha Taisho is being charged with the murder of Naraku, another great business man that used to work with him until he got his own model agency. The two of them weren't in exactly friendly terms since Naraku started his own agency. Naraku was last seen the seventeen, just a day before he was reported as missing and the same day that he was seen having lunch with Inuyasha Taisho. Sesshomaru Taisho, has assured us that his brother had nothing to do with his death and that the police will shortly confirm that. Naraku was found at the edge of a river with his body stabbed several times and on his suit there was a single silver hair that will be analyzed to make sure if it is from Inuyasha.” Kagome finished and gulped nervously.
“They let Inuyasha go because they were missing evidence; it was his though… the hair I mean, but many people witnessed Inuyasha in a party that was held at the exact time and day that Naraku was killed.” Kagome shivered slightly at the thought of Inuyasha. “I think you should find someone else.”
“No, this is…”
“Confusing?” Sango offered but Kagome shook her head.
“No, it's better… I need to know what his thoughts are about this but I'm not going to tell him, he's going to tell me.” Sango looked at her as if she was crazy.
“And how exactly are you going to do that? How could you even think about asking him that sort of thing?” She asked amazed and shocked, Kagome smiled proudly.
“I'm going to become his girlfriend.”
A/N: I hope more people express their interest in this story, it's funny how my stories turn out… the ones I think that would success the least… turn out to be like the best and the ones I think that are very good, aren't that recognized (-_-`). Review please!!! =)