InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Perfect, for your eyes only ❯ wait ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dinner with Ayame and Kouga had become very pleasant when he pulled out a bottle of red wine. They chatted and drank; Kagome realized the bottle was over when they were giggling about the most random stuff and because she tried to serve herself some more wine. Kouga, who didn't drink as much wine as Ayame and Kagome, offered to drive her to her house and although Kagome rejected his offer, he did it anyways. Kagome spend the rest of the night and half of her morning unconscious, she had been very tired so the moment she closed her eyes she didn't even remember what she had dreamed about. The moment her cell phone started ringing Kagome looked like a zombie, her eye lids were still closed as she maneuvered around her room to get her phone. She yawned and didn't bother to look at the number, she simply answered.
“Hello?” She mumbled as she yawned again.
“Open the door.” The voice behind the phone said.
Kagome hung up and did as instructed to find Inuyasha waiting for her. She wanted to shot herself for not asking who was at the phone. Kagome did her best to arrange her hair as he gazed at her calmly, as always, with a blanket under his arm and carrying a bag of food on his hand. There was something else that caught her attention; it was the fact that he looked as fancy as if he was going to work. His dark designer suits suited him perfectly but Kagome thought that everyone would agree that it wasn't appropriate to wear something so expensive to the park.
“I look like a mess, I'm sorry… you never gave me the time though.” Inuyasha arched his brow.
“I believe we agreed to have lunch,” Kagome thought about it for a second, he half smiled. “Picnic, remember?”
“Right, I'm sorry… last night was a total blur, my friend and I were celebrating her engagement… after a month she announced it.” Kagome laughed and finally heard a chuckle escape from Inuyasha's lips.
“It's completely understandable, should I wait for you to change or would you like to reschedule it for dinner?” Kagome shook her head an invited him inside her house.
“Wait 10 minutes.” Inuyasha nodded as he placed the stuff he brought in her kitchen table and sat on the couch.
Inuyasha was waiting for her quietly as he scanned the room with his eyes; her decoration was simple but very tasteful. Apparently, one of her favorite colors was green due to the light lime color she had picked for her walls. There were a few photographs of Kagome, some of her graduating from high school and others with her family, one photo caught his attention. It was Kagome and two other girls, they appeared to be very happy but Kagome held a simple smile on her face. The background of the image was even more interesting, it seemed to be an office and behind them it was the name of something. A few letters were visible but the others were lost behind the girls, Inuyasha looked closely trying to figure out what it said.
“Shi… pic…” He uttered out loud the visible letters; he heard some footsteps approaching him so he placed the picture back on its place and sat down on the couch.
“I'm ready,” Kagome announced coming out in small pink shorts and a white t-shirt, Inuyasha smiled pleased.
“Shall we leave?” Kagome nodded as he offered her his arm, she helped him carry the blanket and they were on their way.
Kagome's apartment wasn't far away from the biggest park of the city; it was something she enjoyed in the mornings since at least once a week she liked to go jogging around the park. She felt weird as she walked by Inuyasha's side; everyone stared at them with curiosity as Inuyasha was wearing very formal clothing. Finally, when Inuyasha was sure they were far away from human sight he stopped and grabbed the blanket Kagome was carrying. He extended it beneath his feet and placed the paper bag he had on top of it to stop it from flying away, Kagome sat on it and soon Inuyasha was next to her.
“I have to ask you something,” Kagome confessed; Inuyasha nodded. “Remember when we met? I asked you for your name and you said it would be better for leave it in the dark… why did you say that?”
“There are a few things I'm not ready to share with you; I hope you can understand it.” Inuyasha explained; Kagome nodded uncertain.
“Can I ask you something else?” She wondered and he nodded once again. “What made you come back?”
“Excuse me?” He asked puzzled, Kagome smiled.
“That night, after you told me that… you left and then you came back, you told me your name and even gave me your number… why did you leave in the first place?” Inuyasha smiled slightly, like he always did.
“It's too soon.” He repeated and Kagome sighed a bit annoyed, Inuyasha immediately noticed this. “But I can tell you why I came back instead.”
“Okay, I'll take what I can… for now.” Kagome smiled as Inuyasha took a deep breath.
“I went back to you because I forced myself to do so, my brother is always telling me I live in the past and that… that it's time for me to take some risks, that's exactly what I'm doing.” Inuyasha said and looked up the sky, a leaf fell and he caught it. “You know how in autumn, trees change their leaves?”
“Yes, Fall… it's one of my favorite seasons.” Kagome said, Inuyasha smiled and stared at the leaf that he had grabbed.
“Well, if I was a tree… I have been very stubborn because I haven't changed my foliage in a very long time, I finally got tired and decided it's time for it to happen… whether it's autumn or not.” Inuyasha explained, Kagome sighed dreamily.
Inuyasha smiled at her delicately, it was a new smile for Kagome and the surprise was as much as it made her blush. He searched in the bag he brought and pulled out two big sandwiches, he offered one to Kagome and he kept the other for him. They ate in silence; Kagome stared at him in awe; if only he knew how beautiful his words were a moment ago, enchanting almost. She found out that when he was being himself he was most captivate, that was something she was going to write down for sure; even if Kagura thought it was making him appear as if he was perfect, Kagome wanted to world to know how sweet he could be when he wasn't even planning it. Kagome had no idea of what to say and Inuyasha had no intention of saying something else, he had been very clear about his thoughts a few minutes ago. When they finished with their food each of them was staring in different directions, Inuyasha had his sight lost in blanket and Kagome was looking up at the sky.
“Okay, this is going to sound way too stupid but it's killing me…” Kagome said giggling, Inuyasha smiled slightly. “Why are you always wearing black jackets and black pants?”
“I enjoy looking like this; I'm a business man after all. I want to give my clients the best impression they can get from me.” Inuyasha answered, looking at her for a change.
“Yeah but I'm not your client…” He looked at her puzzled. “You know that when you come to a park you're not supposed to look your best, I think it wouldn't harm you to put aside your suits for a different occasion.”
Silence appeared again, leaving her to think that she had won the argument. Kagome had no idea of what to say and Inuyasha was lost in his thoughts and didn't seem to care. She carefully stretched her legs and yawned.
“Kagome,” She heard him call, it was the first time he ever said her name and the sound of his voice when he pronounced it send shocks of excitement through her body. “I'm afraid to inform you that the only clothing I have in my closet are of this style and I'm unfortunate to tell you that it's because I haven't gone shopping for clothes in about 6 or 7 years.”
“Why such a long time?” Kagome asked but when Inuyasha was about to answer she remembered his words. “Right, stubbornness… maybe someday I can give you a t-shirt and ripped jeans as a present.”
“I'll wait for it to happen,” Inuyasha answered with a soft smile on his lips, Kagome pressed her head on his shoulder.
“You know when I met you, I thought your name was very familiar although I don't know where I heard of it…”Kagome commented, trying to figure out the mystery of Naraku's murder.
Inuyasha stiffened at the sound of the words and moved towards the bag again, Kagome could only stare at him knowing that he was evasive about topics like this. He kept on searching through the bag and pulled out two muffins, Inuyasha smiled at her and offered her one. Kagome took it gladly and ate it. She knew that Inuyasha wouldn't let her have an answer and sighed at his complexity, why was it so hard for him to give out an answer? Even if it wasn't clear for her, it would be more than enough that he could say something instead of pretending he didn't listen to her. It was frustrating.
“It appears in all the fashion magazines.” He let out, Kagome looked at him confused. Inuyasha nodded and directed his gaze to her. “My name, that's why it sounds so familiar… it's always at the end of a picture in a magazine.”
“Right, I'm sorry… I thought that maybe my question would be left out for later, like most of the others I have asked.” Inuyasha sighed heavily.
“Forgive me for leaving all your doubts unanswered, I just need some time.” Kagome grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly. Unlike last time, he didn't pull it away but he returned the gesture.
“It's okay Inuyasha, I can wait.” She promised with a smile, Inuyasha sighed relieved.
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“No, no! It cannot wait Kagome!” Her friend reminded her.
After her romantic date with Inuyasha, things seemed to be perfect just like him but asking for Ayame's advice turned to very unwise. She decided to let her know everything that happened to her yesterday, taking in account that Ayame was bothering her to know everything like always. When she was done with her tale, the shock in Ayame's face let Kagome know that something was wrong.
“Why? I don't want to pressure him, he's so nice and…”
“Hush, you need to sell a story… remember? You're not writing a fairy tale, if you know what's good for you… start investigating this guy.” Ayame interrupted, she folded her arms disappointed.
“Why is everyone so eager to find his secrets? I don't mind them,” Kagome said some kind angry, her friend rolled her eyes.
“It doesn't matter what you want, Kagura is going to make you find them or she's going to take away her job position.” Ayame reminded her. “You should beg him to tell you something, anything… whatever it is I'm sure it will please Kagura for now.”
“The only thing I know about him is that he was charged with murder like 8 years ago… when he was 20 years, that's a bit weird.” Kagome mumbled, her friend nodded in agreement. “I read that they found one a single hair of his in the dead guy's suit… do you think he did it and paid the police to let him free?”
“I think… that's a question you should leave for him to answer.” Ayame suggested handing Kagome her cell phone, she friend let out a heavy sigh.
“If I'm going to ask him something like that, I'm not going to do it on the phone… I want to talk to him personally.” Kagome said returning her phone to her purse, the moment she let inside it started ringing.
“Destiny has other things to say.” Ayame said and smiled proudly, Kagome shook her head and picked it up.
“Hello?” She answered nervously, hoping that he was not calling.
“Hey Kags, how's work?” Sango said, Kagome sighed relieved.
“Fine, I guess… Ayame's being a pain.” Her friend stuck out her tongue and Kagome returned the gesture, they heard Sango laugh.
“You'll never guess where I am.” Kagome thought about it for a few seconds until she gave up letting out a sigh.
“I don't know, surprise me.” Sango giggled a little.
“I'm outside your boyfriend's office.” Kagome's face went white in shock, she stood up stunned and walked towards the bathroom to be alone; Ayame followed her.
“He's not my boyfriend! Yet…” Kagome said and heard Sango laugh. “What are you doing there, anyways? Are you trying to get me uncovered?”
“Of course not silly, I sent my curriculum a few days ago and I finally got a response… I'm meeting your boyf… I mean, the guy you're dating and the creative consultant for a photo shoot, if they like it I'm hired.” Sango said with some excitement in her voice.
“Congratulations,” Kagome said sincerely now that color had returned to her, she breathing calmly as Ayame tried to listen to her conversation.
“Thanks ooh! I have to go… I'll call you later, bye.” Kagome heard the dial tune and shut her phone, placing it in her jacket's pocket.
“What did she say?” Ayame asked excitedly, Kagome smiled.
“I'll tell you during lunch, let's go.” Ayame squealed and smiled as she followed her friend out of the ladies room.
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Sango tried her best as she worked with her camera trying to capture the model's best angles and reflect the girls as beautiful as they were. Inuyasha had called his creative consultant to help him design a specific set for her to work her magic. He watched her take pictures easily, she had a smile on her face as she suggested models how to pose to contrast the dark setting the creative consultant had picked for her. He knew that a female photographer was a great choice since most of his other photographers would gawk at the girls instead of doing their job properly. Inuyasha stared at the computer were the pictures she had taken were reflected, he had to admit that she was doing a great job; he felt a pat on his back and when he turned around he saw his creative consultant with a big smile on his face.
“So, what do you think?” He asked pointing with his eyes towards Sango.
“You were right, she's great. I'm concerned about the fact that maybe you would pick any girl as long as you like her… you know, just like with models.” Inuyasha said and he laughed.
“It happens that when I pick girls for photo shoots, I base my fundaments in what they look like because that's what this is about.” He reminded him, Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“Miroku, we both know that you have picked girls that don't even know how to walk with high heels just because you like them… I'm glad you picked this girl for her talent.” Inuyasha said turning his eyes back to the screen, Miroku pointed at a picture.
“This one is very nice, you should send this to one of your elite magazines… maybe they can use it as their cover.” Miroku suggested as Inuyasha nodded in agreement. “And… maybe you could take one of these lovely women out for dinner.”
“I have no intention of finding someone else, you know that…” Inuyasha reminded him, Miroku sighed heavily. “Besides, I'm already going out with someone else.”
Miroku nodded comprehensively when he realized what his friend had just said, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped to the floor. He couldn't believe it, after such a long time of doing nothing at all he actually decided to give it another try. Inuyasha uncomfortably gazed at his friend from the corner of his eye, he grunted annoyed and turned to look at him completely, waiting for Miroku to come out of his shock or to say something.
“What now?” Inuyasha asked a bit irritated, Miroku closed his mouth and pointed at him.
“You… you are dating?” Inuyasha nodded awkwardly, Miroku laughed. “It was about damn time! I'm very happy for you!”
“You're only happy because now you will have more time to spend with the models, am I right?” Inuyasha asked with a slight smile across his face, Miroku looked at him stunned.
“Is that… are you smiling?” Inuyasha's face became serious again. “This girl is a miracle worker… unless it's a guy, well whatever he or she… this is a change.”
“It's a girl moron. Sesshomaru is just as amazed as you are, I don't get what's the big deal… so I decided to go out in a few dates, are you guys going to have a party or something?” Inuyasha asked indifferently, Miroku nodded blissful.
“Yes! Of course, you know that we loved Kikyo very much… she was…” Miroku decided to stop when he saw how much sorrow he was bringing upon his friend. “Well, I hope she gets you some new clothes… your Armani suits new some improvement.”
“I happen to like my clothes, unlike you who looks like just woke up.” Inuyasha replied.
Miroku arched his brow and looked down at his clothing; he thought it had nothing wrong when he decided to wear them that morning. Even though they were the same age, Miroku had a more relaxed look than Inuyasha. He wore a beige jacket with a white t-shirt under it, he had old black jeans and converse to complement his look; Miroku had his hair tied in a pony tail and an earring hanging from his right ear. Inuyasha had been a friend of his ever since he fired one of his best employees; he thought he had crazy sense of style but decided that didn't matter as long as he did his job properly. Sango finally finished the session, she hang her camera around her neck and walked towards Inuyasha and Miroku.
“What do you think?” Sango asked trying to hide her nervousness, Inuyasha looked at Miroku who was smiling proudly; he grabbed Sango's hand.
“This is amazing, my darling… you are very talented.” Sango smiled sheepishly and slowly pulled her hand away from him, Inuyasha chuckled lowly.
“Is this a good time to tell you that you are hired?” Inuyasha said Sango smiled widely and shook his hand gratefully.
“Thanks! This means a lot to me,” Inuyasha nodded keeping a soft smile on his lips, Miroku turned to look at him.
“There's again that thing that you do with your lips,” Miroku mumbled, Inuyasha shot him a cold stare as he chuckled. “My beautiful photographer, will you do me the honors of coming to my office? We have to discuss some stages for our next photo shoot and I'll like you to be in charge.”
Inuyasha watched them as they walked out of the stage; he took a deep breath and walked towards his office alone and once he was inside he closed it slowly. He looked at his silver watch on his wrist as he took his usual seat behind his desk; Inuyasha realized that it was already 6 in the afternoon. The thought calling Kagome crossed through his mind but he discarded it as soon as his eyes focused on the picture of Kikyo he held in his desk. He tried to convince himself that going out with another girl wasn't wrong but he felt bad doing it anyways, sometimes he wished for her to be at his side. Inuyasha sighed heavily walking towards his huge window, many times he thought of jumping off from there to join her wherever she was but he thought about how mad he would be at him and he never gathered the courage to do it. His cell phone woke him up from his depressing thoughts; he immediately grabbed it and answered.
“I was thinking about you today, I wanted to talk.” Kagome said, Inuyasha sighed relieved at the sound of her voice.
“As you wish, may I take you out for dinner tonight?” He asked politely, Kagome giggled softly.
“Well, since yesterday you brought me lunch I thought about doing something like that for you… dinner at my apartment, is that alright?” Inuyasha nodded and let smile slid his lips again.
“Of course, I'll be at your place in an hour…” He told her and heard her giggling again.
“Great, I'll wait for you… bye.” Inuyasha froze at the sound of that word.
If there was something that scared Inuyasha, it was to say goodbye. It made his heart stop his blood cold and send shivers up and down his body. Those words meant to end, to finish, ceasing something and that was the last word he heard Kikyo utter. It was painful for him to remember the tragic day in which she had slipped through his fingers, it was even more painful to remember the look in her eyes the last time he ever saw her alive. Inuyasha closed his eyes tightly forgetting he ever heard Kagome say that, trying to push away the soaring words that only brought him misery. Inuyasha harshly pressed the intercom button.
“Rin, may I have the files I told you to send to Sesshomaru?” He said, desperate to keep his voice tone soft and calm.
“They are in your desk, your brother left them while you were at the photo shoot… is there anything else I can do for you?” She asked, Rin knew the reason he was so desperate to get the files.
“No, that's all.” He said.
Inuyasha lazily grabbed it and opened the folder that was resting on his desk; the first picture that was inside was of Kikyo. He lightly touched the paper that held her immortal figure; he took a deep breath and pushed the folder aside as he touched his necklace under his clothes. Inuyasha gathered the two rings hanging from it and felt the warm heat they irradiated; it was somehow ironic how his heart seemed to be made out of ice but the rings kept an easy temperature that reminded him that his body was still working. Inuyasha placed them back to where they belonged and stared out the big window, staring comfortably at the sunset.
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Kagome wasn't the best cook in town but she was able to make food that was good enough to eat, she carefully broiled the steak in a pan and mixed the lettuce salad she had prepared. The sound of her doorbell startled her but after taking off her apron she walked towards the door, Kagome arranged her hair and bit and made sure that her magazines were set in the precise order she had left them that afternoon. Once she opened it, Kagome saw Inuyasha holding a bottle of champagne between his hands. She was about to give him a peck in the cheek when Inuyasha once again, offered his hand. Kagome was tired of his coldness but let a smile reveal and shook his hand softly. She served the food while he poured the champagne into glasses; Kagome sat next to him as he offered her one glass.
“Thanks, I'm glad you came… it's a bit late though, but that's okay. Dinner wasn't ready anyways.” She giggled softly, Inuyasha did his best to smile but he failed; Kagome noticed it. “Is something wrong with your food?”
“No, it's perfect.” He said and sighed. “Very good indeed, I was just distracted… excuse me.”
“That's okay,” Kagome answered trying to grab his hand like yesterday but this time he pulled it away, Kagome sighed heavily. “So, what did you do today?”
“I was working of course but I believe your day was much more interesting than mine, how were the kids?” Kagome tried not to show a puzzled expression but Inuyasha caught her confused eyes. “At kinder garden?”
“Oh, I'm sorry… um, well, they were angels as always. I made them draw their favorite animal, told them a story and then they took a nap.” Kagome smiled. “I adore them.”
The rest of their dinner was quiet, Inuyasha was still drowned in his thoughts and even though he made an effort to speak, he was afraid Kikyo's name would blurt out of his mouth and wouldn't know what to say in his defense. Kagome was thinking about ending her dates with Inuyasha, if he was like that every night she would have done it earlier but his sweetness was impossible for her to reject. When they were done, Inuyasha suggested for them to go to the living room and finish their drinks over there; Kagome agreed delighted that he had finally said something. As they were sitting in the couch, Inuyasha poured some more champagne in her glass.
“I would like to ask you something.” He let out and Kagome nodded as she sipped some of her champagne. “Did you really mean it when you said that you will wait for me to explain you my past?”
“Yes, I will wait… as long as you need me to.” Kagome said, this time he was the one who grabbed her hand.
“But… what if I don't let you know in 3, 4 or even 10 years? Will you… still wait?” Inuyasha asked concerned, Kagome squeezed his hand gently.
“Inuyasha, there's something I have to confess.” He didn't like the sound of those words; he watched her as she walked towards a stash of magazines and pulled out one. “When I asked you about your name, I was curious and your explanation didn't make sense. Then, I found this between my collection.”
Inuyasha stared uncomfortably at the issue she held between her fingers, it had been such a long time that he had even forgotten about it and he doubted anyone would know about that horrible article. His name along with the word `murder' had been lost between other of his painful memories; Kagome sat next to him watching his eyes turn away from her sight. He turned his head away as Kagome placed the magazine on his lap.
“This may not be important for you but it is to me… did you kill someone 7 years ago?”
A/N: I have only one week left of vacations and I'm off to my last school year, I hate this… I thought I would never miss school but I'm not even done with my last year and I don't want to finish it!!! =( okay, enough about me… I hope you enjoyed this chapter, review please =)