InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MSTing Toby's "Koga" ❯ Crushes ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

MSTing Toby 2

The group was sleeping peacefully on the floor of the theater. Kagome, Sango, and Shippo were curled up in the sleeping bag as J'dee used S'rac as a pillow and Raine used J'dee as a pillow. Belle was sleeping in the seats while Inu Yasha sat between the girls and Miroku.

"Wake up guys! Wake up!" Toby's voice called and all of them jerked. Raine, J'dee, and S'rac's skulls colliding, Shippo flipping over and sticking his tail into Kagome and Sango's faces causing the two of them to sneeze. Bell fell out of her seat landing on Inu Yasha. Miroku smiled as he got to see up Belle's shirt.

"TOBY!" Raine, J'dee, and Belle cried as they jumped to their feet.

"Damn it, he's not here," J'dee sighed.

"That jerk left us here all night!" Belle huffed as she fixed her clothing.

"I'm hungry," S'rac stated and the group sweatdropped.

"Of course," J'dee sighed.

"Well, I have to go to the bathroom," Kagome sighed and they all noticed the doors with the familiar blue circle with the white people.

"Ask and the doors appear…how loophole-ish," J'dee sighed and the others nodded and the girls began to head to one door Kagome and Belle stopping.

"You go there, Miroku," Kagome said and Belle nodded as Raine, Sango, and J'dee gave him Glares of Promised Pain.

"Alas it appears I'm being accused of crimes I have not committed," Miroku sighed.

"Not yet anyway," Shippo chirped.

The group came out of the bathrooms where they found brushes, a change of clothes, and toothbrushes. The girls were refreshed and the boys were in better spirits.

"I'm still hungry," S'rac said and the group chuckled.

"Well I have plenty of snacks for you guys," Toby chuckled and the group glared as they looked at him behind the glass of the concession stand.

The group sat down as the lights went down in the same order as the previous showing, much to Belle's disappointed.

Belle: [Sighs] Let the torture commence.

Miroku: As you wish my lady. [Gropes her]

Belle: PERVERT! [Beats him with a shoe]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. If I did, I certainly wouldn't be writing a fan fiction now would I?

Chapter 2: Sit

Inu Yasha: I don't like that title.

S'rac: I wonder why?

Sango, Miroku, Shippo, J'dee, Raine, Belle, and Kagome: I don't.

"Get away from him, he's some sort of demon!" Michelle heard a voice scream. People began screaming, trying to get away fast enough. Michelle got caught in the mad rush, and was swept away with the crowd. She craned her head back, trying to get a glimpse.

Belle: I have better control than that, I'm used to dealing with crowds.

J'dee: How about crowds of people panicking over a demon loose at school?

Raine: A demon that was a cute guy only moments ago?

Kagome: Why are you calling him cute? He's my son!

J'dee and Raine: [Sweatdrop]

She saw Mitch catapulted away from where he and Koga had been fighting. He smashed into a car in front of the group Michelle was being pushed along with. There were more screams as they saw Mitch's body hanging limply on the top, blood and intestines spilling from his body. Michelle whirled around, trying to flee from the gore.

All: Ewwww.

Belle: Just for the record I would PUKE before fleeing for my life.

Kagome: Yea, that is really gross.

Sango: Not that we haven't seen that with countless demons over the years.

Miroku, Inu Yasha, and Shippo: [Nod]

She saw a small woman with raven black hair with silver streaks, rushing to Koga. She flung a necklace of beads around his neck and screamed one word.



Inu Yasha: GAH *covers ears*

Miroku: [Pokes Inu Yasha with his staff] It was only in the story.

Inu Yasha: Right…I knew that.

Everyone else: Riiiiiiiiiight.

Koga crashed into the ground face fist, his demon blood pounding in his ears. With a growl, he tried to force himself back up.

"I said, SIT boy!" the voice cried again and he crashed back down, and was smashed in the back of the head.


Shippo: Sounds like Inu Yasha's son.

Inu Yasha: You little! [Hits Shippo]

Shippo: Kagome!

Kagome: Sit boy!

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

Belle: There goes life imitating art.

Sango: Yep.

Kagome sighed and whipped her forehead, thanking any god who would listen for her good fortune. If she hadn't come here to pick Koga up from school and hear how his first day was, the slaughter would have been huge. She turned behind her to see the entire student body staring at her. She shook her head and opened her purse.

J'dee: [Kagome] All these cute high school boys…were is my make up.

Inu Yasha: [Kagome] I don't have nearly enough prayer beads for this.

All but Kagome: [Snicker]

Inside she always kept things just in case her miko training would ever be needed. Holding her purse in her free hand and dropping a bat she picked up on her run from the car to Koga, she pulled out a packet op herbs she mixed up just incase Inuyasha ever made a scene in public, at least in her time.

Miroku: [To Inu Yasha] When did your name become one word?

Sango: [To Kagome] Do you really have something planned for if he ever were to make a scene in your era?

Kagome: I should.

Inu Yasha: [To Sango] Why did you do that?

Kagome sniffed the packet, and found the smell of herbs just as strong as when she made them over twenty years ago. Ripping the packet open, and tossing it into the air she spoke a short and simple sentence.

"Forget what has transpired here for the past fifteen minutes!"


Raine: Hmmm I could use that trick.

Kagome: I could use it more.

Belle: I could use a Tylenol, this is giving me a headache.

Miroku: I could use my talents to relief your headache.

Belle: And how would you do that?

Miroku: [Perverted grin] Just follow me into one of those spare rooms.

Inu Yasha: [Hits Miroku over the head]

All Girls: Thanks.

Michelle shook her head and blinked rapidly. She heard screams behind her and turned. She began uttering one of her own at the sight she saw.

"What happened to Mitch?!"


Belle: I would not scream. I'd probably throw up.

J'dee: You keep saying that.

S'rac: Yea [Munches on popcorn] why do you?

Belle: Because it would smell nasty.

Raine: [Inching away from Belle] How would YOU know?

Belle: I dissected several things for Biology and I was cursing the chemicals and my professor told me that without the chemicals the smell would be waaaaaaaaay worse.

All others: Ah.

"What's going on?" Principle Adams demanded, storming outside. She froze as she took in all the carnage.

S'rac: I don't think she'd freeze.

Kagome: I think she'd scream.

"You there!" cried a woman in front of Koga. "These hoodlums attacked my son and killed that other boy when he tried to defend him! Help me!" Principle Adams rushed over to help as did some students.

Sango: They seem very calm about that kid being dead.

Raine: He was insured.

J'dee: Yea, they get a replacement from another school.

"Do we need to call a doctor ma'am?" a student asked. The woman shook her head.

"No, he'll be fine, thank Kami. I'm his mother, Mrs. Hitome." Kagome said. They helped Koga sit up, who was shaking his head and coming around.

Belle: Yep, bet he doesn't remember a thing.

Kagome: Just that he wants Ramen.

Sango: And Shikon Jewel shards.

Inu Yasha: I am sitting right here you know.

S'rac: Just ignore it, they'll stop eventually.

J'dee: Don't tell him…that ruins our fun.

"What about Mitch?" a boy with glasses asked. Principle Adams shook her head.

"Nothing we can do about that boy. I'll call the school board and notify them." She said, and then turned to the student body. "All of you go home now!"


Raine: Poor Mitch.

J'dee: He was a short lived character.

Belle: A moment of silence.

All: [Bow heads]

Inu Yasha: You all realize he wasn't a real person right.

"Here, let me help you carry him." Chris said, hefting one of Koga's arms over his shoulders. Kagome nodded, and pulled Koga's other arm around her shoulders. She glanced at her van and began dragging Koga there. Another girl with blond/red hair picked up Koga's bag.

Sango: Well at least one of them is honest.

S'rac: What do you mean?

Kagome: Michelle still has his wallet.

Belle: Yep, kleptomaniac right over here.

J'dee: It's good you're open about it.

"Thank you young man. I'm Mrs. Hitome." Kagome said. Chris nodded, biting his lip as Raine tried to get Michelle to stop screaming. They began talking quickly and quietly, soon following them.

Raine: No fair, why do I get screamer duty.

Belle: [Eyes are half closed] You know, I want to smack myself right now.

Miroku: Allow me to sooth you.

Inu Yasha: [Hits Miroku]

"I know." He said. He glanced at the others, and then turned to Kagome. "I also want to know what you did to the others." He whispered. Kagome shoot him a startled look. He gave a sheepish smile.

"I was afraid if Koga made any friends they might be immune to it, but I had to act fast." Kagome panted.

Belle: Okay, he barely talks to Raine and J'dee, yet I'M the one with amnesia.

S'rac: Yep!

Belle: [Sulks]

Shippo: Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be his friend too.

Belle: Thanks Shippo. [Gives him the rest of her M & M's]

"Then you can tell us what the hell is going on." Jaki hissed. Kagome nodded as Raine also glared at Kagome.

"Then we'll talk more at my home." Kagome said. When they reached her van, they helped Koga into the passenger seat. He blinked at them sleepily and closed his eyes.

Miroku: [Koga] After my violet killing sprees I like to nap.

Belle: Wow, a narcoleptic demon.

S'rac: Belle, big words.

Belle: [Sweatdrops] I'm going to shut up now.

"He'll be out for a while. I hit him a little too hard." Kagome muttered. Raine frowned.

"Anyone else and you would be wanted for murder." She snapped. Kagome nodded.

Raine: Damn straight.

Kagome: I wouldn't be this calm about allowing Inu Yasha's son to kill a kid.

Inu Yasha: My son?

Belle: Get used to it, when the boy is bad he's your son, when the boy is good he's her son.

Inu Yasha: My son?

Miroku: He's having a problem with this topic.

S'rac: It's only a fanfic.

"I promise, if you keep quiet, I'll tell you everything about me and Koga." She sighed and shook her head. "I have no choice but too. Hopefully, when you know the truth, you'll understand why it must be kept secret."

"Trust me, I may not know what their talking about," Michelle said, cocking a thumb at the others, "but I know when to keep a secret."

J'dee: [Michelle] Like this one time my cousin was late and I didn't tell anyone.

Raine: [Michelle] Like the time Chris turned into a demon and wasn't hungry.

Belle: I'm not laughing.

S'rac: What?

"I pray you do young lady." Kagome muttered getting in the van. "I pray you do."


Inu Yasha: That doesn't sound like Kagome.

Kagome: It sounds more like Kaede than me.

S'rac: No unless you say 'ye' instead of 'you'.

"There." Raine said, leaning over Chris's shoulder, pointing out the house. It was a simple one story, white, ranch house, with blue shutters and doors. "I saw him walking to me from that house this morning."

"Alright, but I still say this is a bad idea. If they eat us, I'm gonna haunt your ghosts." Jaki muttered.

Raine, Belle, and S'rac: [Look at J'dee and chuckle]

Miroku: What?

Belle: It's just that is SO something J'dee would say to us.

J'dee: [Nods proudly]

Miroku, Inu Yasha, Shippo, Kagome, and Sango: Ah.

"Point taken and filed away." Chris said, pulling into the drive. They got slowly out of the car and looked at the house. It would have been a nice, cozy little house to visit...if a monster didn't live there. Michelle swallowed nervously. Her memories returned as soon as the others told her about what they remembered.

Belle: [Coughs]Loophole[Coughs]

All others: [Snicker]

"Do we have to?" she hissed as they walked up the sidewalk top the door. Chris rang the doorbell.

Kagome: [Michelle] I thought we were just going to walk by.

Raine: [Michelle] You guys told me we were going for ice cream.

Belle: May I quote Inu Yasha, I'm sitting right here you know.

"We have no other choice. If we don't do this, we'll go insane with guilt, if we do, we may get eaten'." Raine said.

"Damned if we do, damned if we don't." Jaki said under her breath and clutched her pendant. The door softly unlocked and opened.

"Come in." Mrs. Hitome said, waving them inside.


Belle: I don't know about you guys but that doesn't seem like much of a choice.

J'dee: Man, that sucks.

S'rac: I finished my popcorn.

"Please sit down. Koga is asleep in his room so I have plenty of time to tell you about him. Koga knows but I think he's beginning to believe me and his Uncle are fooling with him." Kagome said, picking up a pitcher of Kool-Aid and began pouring everyone something to drink. They nervously took them and didn't take a sip until Kagome poured herself the last one and drank it all down at once. She sat down in her favorite arm chair and faced the four teenagers, all cramped together on the couch, clutching their glasses so tightly, she wondered if they would shatter. Their eyes kept darting around the room, no doubt looking for traps of any kind and easy ways to get out as fast as possible.

Sango: Please, Kagome would never set up a trap.

Inu Yasha: Nah, she'd just put prayer beads on them.

Kagome: Sit!

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

Miroku: He asked for that one.

Shippo: He asks for all of them.

"It's okay. It's just me and Koga here for now. His I just called his Uncle. He's taking a flight here and should arrive in a day." She said. This didn't seem to please them all the more.

"Is his Uncle like...Koga?" Jaki whispered. Kagome sighed.

"No, not really. They aren't related. Their both demons but aside form that their not the same at all." Kagome said. They stared at her.

"D-d-d-demons?" Michelle whispered, and Chris dropped his glass.

"Yes, at least Shippo is full demon. Koga is only a quarter demon." Kagome said. She stared into her glass and began to talk of her adventures in feudal Japan. She didn't reach the end for another four hours.


Belle: I think we took that all very well.

S'rac: [Laughs] I get that, it's a pun on the well that sends them back to the Feudal era.

Belle: No, there was no pun intended.

Kagome: That would be a very bad pun to make.

Miroku: I agree, but I think it would take over four hours to tell the story.

Sango: I depends how much detail you go into.

"The Naraku was defeated, with the help of Koga, and Inuyash's brother." Kagome said quietly. They stared at her.

"But you said the well only allowed you and Inuyasha to come here. How did Shippo come here as well?" Michelle asked. Something dawned on her and she pulled out Koga's wallet. She handed it to Kagome but kept the picture, unfolding it and laying it on the coffee table for the others to see. Chris whistled.

Belle: SEE! I give the wallet back! See!

Raine: I think you protest too much.

Miroku: Yes, you do. [Gropes Belle]

Belle: [Screams and then hits him] That is IT, next time I am NOT sitting next to Miroku!

"Koga, the wolf-demon, took that for me. It was a week later that the explosion happened." Kagome bit her lip and then sighed. "The Shikon Jewel still needed to be purified, so myself, Miroku, and Kaede took it upon our selves to do so. That's when things began to go wrong...."


Inu Yasha: What are the waves for?

Kagome: I'm not sure, any of you know?

S'rac, J'dee, Raine, and Belle: [Shake head]

"How long is this going to take?" Inuyasha snarled, crossing his arms again as he waited outside the area Kagome told him that if so much as one of his hairs crossed, he would be told sit until she turned blue in the face. Sesshomaru sighed and sipped his tea that Rin poured him.

Kagome, S'rac, Raine, Belle, and J'dee: Flashback.

Inu Yasha: That is a scary threat.

Miroku: You're actually sitting with Sesshoumaru and not fighting.

All others: Weird…

"As long as it may Inuyasha. Now be silent and patient or I shall cut out your tongue to silence you." He said calmly. Inuyasha snarled for the umpteenth time and glared at Shippo, who was coloring a book of pictures Kagome had gotten him, with Sango. Jaken glanced nervously at Inuyasha and then Koga, who got a thoughtful look on his face.

"I was thinking I may have to go hunting with Inuyasha for supper but we may have our meal right here." Koga said, and Jaken became even greener.

Sango: At least Sesshoumaru is normal.

Inu Yasha: You know…Jaken might actually make a good meal.

Everyone else: [Stares at him like he's a madman]

Inu Yasha: [Sweatdrops] What?

"L-l-l-ord Sesshomaru." He whimpered but Sesshomaru only motioned for Rin to pour him more tea.

"Oops!" Shippo cried as a squirrel snatched a crayon that had been lying nearby in his jaws. It began to run to the area where the jewel was being purified. Inuyasha felt his blood run cold and tried to snatch the squirrel. He missed by inches as the squirrel leapt into the circle.


Raine: And we're back to the future…or present.

S'rac: That was a good movie.

Kagome: Yea and Michael J. Fox is a cutie in it.

J'dee: No where near as cute as Johnny.

Belle: Long story, don't ask.

"The circle would allow small animals and the like to come and go but one little crayon was all it took for the circle to become tainted." Kagome said. She sighed as the teenagers leaned on the edge of the couch. She looked at them, but only saw that night....

Belle: [Kagome] It is my knight in shining armor.

J'dee: That's the wrong type of night.

Belle: I know.

Kagome: It works.


"No!" Kaede cried as the energy exploded outward. The jewel began to melt and then vanished.

"The energy is freed! It is returning to its own time!" she cried. Miroku looked confused as a whirl-wind of energy began to be sucked into the well.

"Then what is happening?" he cried, holding his newly whole right hand up to shield his eyes. Trees were cracking as the wind tore at everything near them.

Miroku: I like this, I make an appearance and I have my curse lifted.

Sango: Good for you, Miroku.

Miroku: Why Lady Sango, would you like to fulfill my other lifelong dream?

Sango: Bear your child.

Miroku: Yes.

Belle: [Hits him over the head]

"It's taking in everything that it thinks belongs in that time! And it won't stop until it has what it wants, Kagome!"


Kagome: Back to the present.

Inu Yasha: This story moves back and forth through time as much as you.

Kagome: Sit boy.

Inu Yasha: [Face plants] GAH!

"I was sucked in while Inuyasha and the others tried to keep me from being sucked in." Kagome said. "Shippo had such a tight grip on my sleeve he was sucked in. Then when we reach the side of the well in my time..."


Belle: [Sniffles]

Raine: Are you…are you crying?

Belle: [Nods]

Raine: WHY?

Belle: I just remembered I have my cell phone.


Belle: I'm crying because when Toby woke us up and I landed on Inu Yasha it broke my cell phone.

Everyone: [Sniffles]

"Kagome!" Shippo screamed as the well flung them upward and through the shrine which covered the well. Kagome felt wooden splinters tare at her back as their end of the well exploded, decimating the surrounding shrine and house.

"MOTHER! BROTHER! GRANDPA!" Kagome screamed.


Kagome: This is horrible.

Sango: [Hugging Kagome] It's okay. It's only a story.

"My family was killed in the explosion. A few months after their funeral, I hired excavators with the insurance money to dig up the well. It was totally gone. With what I had left, we rebuilt the shrine and I began to work for the company I do now. Shippo ran the shrine when he got old enough and was able to pass as human.

Kagome: I wonder what company would hire a girl who barely passed high school.

S'rac: One in this fanfic.

Kagome: Why not, stranger things have happened.

S'rac: Like meeting a inu hanyou…

J'dee: [Gives him Belle's popcorn]

Belle: Good timing.

J'dee: [V-signs]

"My family was killed in the explosion. A few months after their funeral, I hired excavators with the insurance money to dig up the well. It was totally gone. With what I had left, we rebuilt the shrine and I began to work for the company I do now. Shippo ran the shrine when he got old enough and was able to pass as human.

Shippo: Hey! I can pass as human now!

Others: [Looking at his paws and tail] Riiiiiiiiiiight.

Shippo: [Pouts]

But the worst and best thing was after two weeks after our return, I was late. The night before the purification, me and Inuyasha became....involved. One night and Koga is the testament to our love from that night. He's three-quarters human and quarter demon. I have no idea what will happen to him now that he's-"

Miroku: [Kagome] …a crossdresser.

J'dee: Damn…I was going to use that one.

Raine and Belle: [Look at her]

J'dee: What?

Raine and Belle: Nevermind.

"Mother." A quiet voice interrupted from the hall. Everyone turned to see an outline of Koga's body in the shadows of the hall.

Belle: Da duh da!

"Koga, I had to tell them. They remembered. I know you must be having a hard time remembering too but they needed to know the truth." Kagome said, looking at Koga's outline. Koga shifted a bit, like he was nervous.

Kagome: Well he better be! He killed a boy!

Sango: Kagome….just a story.

Belle: Yea, but I bet it's hard to tell a person they killed another.

"Koga?" Michelle asked. They heard more shuffling and then the pad of his bare feet on the wooden floor. The feet stopped just short of the light from the living room.

J'dee: Aw, someone's got a crush.

Belle: [Blush] I do not! I don't even know the guy!

Raine: [To J'dee] I think you're right.

Belle: [Getting mad] I DO NOT. If I did would I do this? [Grabs Miroku and kisses him]

All others: [Gape in shock]

Belle: [Crosses arms] Thought so.

"You may no like what you're going to see mom." Koga said. Kagome swallowed.

"I know honey. Come out and let us see." She said softly. Jaki sucked in a breather as Koga walked out into the living room.


Shippo: What's a breather?

S'rac: I think it was suppose to be breath.

Inu Yasha: It's never a good thing when they say 'you might not like' something.

J'dee: Personally I don't think I'd want to see it then.

Raine: [Nods]

Koga's feet were the first thing visible. They looked the same but the toe nails seemed sharper. He was still wearing his black jeans, but his bare stomach made it apparent he wasn't wearing his short anymore.

Belle: Ooo, la, la, someone's not wearing his shorts any more.

S'rac: But it says he's wearing his jeans.

Belle: I know, I was making fun of Toby's typing.

Raine: Right, you're fantasizing about Koga naked right now aren't you?

Belle: I AM NOT!!

Kagome: You better not be!

Koga also seemed taller somehow, and more muscular. He placed a hand on the corner and Raine gasped. If there were any doubts about his toe nails, then the finger nails on his hand stopped them cold. They too had become sharp, but the had also grown out about half an inch. Finally stepping completely into the light, his head was revealed. His hair had turned to white and his ears were gone.


Sango: Why are his ears gone?
Inu Yasha: Why does my son loose his ears when his demon blood is unlocked?

Miroku: Perhaps if we continue we'll find the reason.

"My god." Michelle whispered. No, his ears weren't gone; they were on top of his head now, like dog ears. Koga looked alarmed and turned to his mother. She sighed and shook her head.

Belle: [Crossing arms] Like missing ears would freak me out. I'd be more freaked out about the damn claws and…let's not forget…KILLING a guy.

Miroku: [Putting an arm around Belle] Perhaps you would like to display this displeasure by repeating your earlier action.

Sango: [Uses Hiraikotsu to hit him]

Belle: [Removes his arm from around her] Thanks.

"I don't know son. I think the incident at school awoke the demon side in your blood, to protect you." She said. Koga sighed and through his hands up in the air.

"You know, my Aunt has a shrine in Texas. I mean she's my distant Aunt, she's from Japan but she mentioned the shrine had a sealed off building ever since they got there. It sounds a lot like the well building you mentioned, Mrs. Hitome." Chris said and pushed his glasses up on his nose.

S'rac: Hmmm, that looks like a plot loophole to me.

J'dee: [Nodding] Chibi, you know what you're talking about.

Raine: Of course, this IS Toby.

Kagome: That predictable?

Belle, Raine, J'dee, and S'rac: [Nod]

"Kagome." She gently corrected and then it finally hit home what Chris said.

"Can you get the next week or so off of school? Maybe take me and Koga there?" Kagome asked. Chris shrugged.

"I think so." He replied.

J'dee: [Chris] But for a price.

Miroku: [Kagome] Fine I will bear you a son.

Kagome: [Hits him with her shoe]

"I'm going." Michelle said. Jaki frowned and raised her hand up, like in school.

"So am I." she replied. Raine shook her head and elbowed Jaki.

"Me too." Raine said. Kagome shook her head.

"No, I can't. I have qualms about bringing Chris but he knows how to drive there." Kagome said. Michelle frowned.

Raine and J'dee: [Singsong voices] Belle's got a crush! Belle's got a crush!

Belle: [Growling] Payback will be mine! Just you three wait! I'm gonna get you two and Toby back! Just you wait!!!

Raine and J'dee: [Giggle fearlessly]

Belle: [Vowing revenge under her breath]

"I'm not going to miss out on this. I think we can all find a way. Please, Kagome?" Michelle asked, grabbing Kagome's hand. Kagome gave Michelle a funny look and then nodded.

"Alright, but we leave in the morning.


Kagome: Personally, it does look like you've got a crush on Inu Yasha's and my son.

Inu Yasha: Like I care!

Shippo and S'rac: Inu Yasha's blushing.

Inu Yasha: I am not!

Miroku: It could just be poor lighting. [Pats Belle's breast] I'm sorry, I missed your shoulder in this darkness.

Belle: [Hits him in the head] Funny I didn't miss.


Michelle jumped. It was eight in the morning the follow Saturday. It had been easy to convince their parents to allow them to go. Everyone had said they were going with some one else's family. Chris didn't have to worry about it since he was on his own. School had also been cancelled for a month while the "incident" was investigated.

"You." Michelle said, looking up to see Koga sitting on the roof, looking down at her.

Inu Yasha: Now I'll admit he's acting like me, even though the wench raised him.

Kagome: Inu Yasha….SIT!

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

Belle: Inu Yasha, just learn to keep those comments to yourself.

Inu Yasha: Why should I listen to the wench who has the hots for my son!

Belle: That's it, you're on the revenge list now too!

"Answer my question." He said, jumping down. Michelle glared at him.

"Because I want to!" she snapped. Koga crossed his arms and glared at her. He had changed into a new set of clothes, as had Michelle, but neither was looking very nice at the moment.

Sango: Now does this look familiar to you too, Miroku?

Miroku: Strangely.

Shippo: Very Kagome and Inu Yasha like.

"This isn't a family trip!" Koga snapped, waving a hand at the knapsack Michelle held, which contained everything from a tent and sleeping bag to toiletries inside.

"I know that! Oh! I wish I knew what your mother said to make you go crashing to the ground!" she creamed at him.

Belle: Screamed, not creamed. Of course I shouldn't complain I've probably made typos like that plenty of times.

Kagome: In fanfics?

Belle: Um…no…never.

"It was sit." Jaki said, walking up the drive at them. Michelle narrowed her eyes at Koga, who just tapped his foot defiantly.

"Are you sure it was sit?" she asked Jaki, and a loud crash followed. They turned to see Koga face first in the ground.

Belle: Sit…how hard is Sit to remember?

Raine: You did forget it cause of the herbs.

J'dee: No, no, she remembered after we told her…remember?

Raine: Oh yea.

S'rac: It could have been the whole…you know….murder.

J'dee and Raine: Oh yeah!

Michelle smirked and turned to go inside when she froze at what Koga said next.

"Bitch." He muttered, as he got up. Michelle dropped her knapsack and put her hands on her hips, whirling around. Koga felt his heart sink as she opened her mouth to say-



Inu Yasha: I feel like I'm having an out of body experience.

Kagome: You're about have an IN body experience.

Inu Yasha: [Whispers to Miroku] I'm beginning to pity my son already.


Belle: Wow, that really was life imitating art.

Sango: That is one deep body print.

"Are we already to go?" Kagome asked, glancing in her review mirror. She could see her son sitting crossed legged in the back with the supplies, sulking as the huge bruise on his face faded, another sigh of his father's blood. Chris sat in between Jaki and Raine on the back seat as Michelle sat up front and as far away from Koga as she could get. Only the three separating the last two answered in a yes. The last two just "Humphed!"

"Okay, Texas, here we come!" Kagome cried and started up the van.


Belle: Right, like I'd be THAT immature.

J'dee: This from the girl who swore her revenge on us.

Belle: Bite me.

Miroku: Gladly. [Leans towards her]

Belle: [Runs] That's it! I'm not sitting next to him for the next chapter!!!

Sango: I wonder if we'll be coming back into the story anytime soon.

Shippo: I'm trying to figure out where I am. Wasn't I suppose to be there?

Raine: There's always next time.

J'dee: I hope there's some more romantic tension.

Belle: [Grabbing J'dee by the shirt] This is NOT funny!

Miroku: Come back!

Belle: GAH [Continues running]