InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MSTing Toby's "Koga" ❯ Freedom for One ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

MSTing Toby 5

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters featured in Inu Yasha nor do I own the copyright on any name brand product that appears in this story. *

The group is sleeping quietly, Inu Yasha and Belle sleeping on the floor since Sesshoumaru and Koga are each sleeping in a bed. Belle was sleeping in the ladies' room but came out after Koga and Sesshoumaru fell asleep.

"Wake up everyone, time for the next chapter," Toby's cheerful voice said over the speakers and the groups slowly got up. Belle quickly heading to the ladies room before Sesshoumaru and Koga noticed she was awake. Sango, Kagome, Raine, and J'dee followed and they began their morning ritual as the boys headed to the men's room.

"So, what do you think is going to happen this time?" Sango asked and Kagome shrugged as she pulled on the light green kimono with the fox on the back. Sango's kimono was dark pink with a cat on the back. J'dee's was black with a white dog on the back. Raine stepped out in a deep red kimono and looked at the dragon on hers with a smirk before Belle stepped out and sighed, the large wolf on hers was black and kind of clashed with the blue material. Inu Yasha looked pleased to be in his normal clothes, as did all the other males, save S'rac who was in an outfit much like Kohaku's.

"Well obviously there is going to be more interaction between Michelle and Koga," Kagome said and Belle blushed.

"And I'm obviously not going to die," she said with a sigh. "Even though that would be a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card."

"Probably more Inu Yasha and Kagome time," J'dee mentioned and the mentioned couple blushed before looking away.

"We probably get to fight some," Raine said as she grabbed some food while glaring at Toby who was safe behind the magic glass, Sesshoumaru's attempts to melt the glass had failed.

"My guess for the death is probably Miroku or Sango, maybe Sesshoumaru or Koga," Belle said and they looked at her. "Well look how tragic it would be for Kagome to come back just in time for a dear friend to die. Or brother-in-law."

"She has a point," S'rac said as he placed a huge order in to Toby.

"This, Sesshoumaru, does not like the idea of being 'killed' in this story but if it will result in my freedom I will endure it," Sesshoumaru said and Belle covered S'rac's mouth before a Kuno comparison could be made.

"Movie time!" Toby cried and the lights dimmed. Sango sat down in the furthest seat to the right, Miroku next, then Kagome, followed by Inu Yasha, then J'dee, Raine was next, followed by S'rac, then Koga took a seat, and Sesshoumaru skipped a seat before taking the one to the furthest left. Belle looked at the seat and gulped as she noticed the two glaring demons.

"Um…I think I'll stand," she whimpered before trying to back away, only to trip over Shippo and have Koga catch her with a mischievous smirk on.

"Allow me," he growled and sat her between Sesshoumaru and himself.

"Eep!" Belle whimpered. "I knew revenge would be bad."

>DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha. If I did, I certainly wouldn't be writing a fan fiction now would I? Oh by the way, if I screwed up on what Kagome's last name is, please tell me and I'll fix it later. Okay? Okay.

> Chapter 5: Death's Face

Belle: I'm looking at it.

Sesshoumaru: Just wait, human wench.

Koga: [Nods]

Belle: Eep!

> "Poison Flower Claw!"Koga screamed, slamming his fist into an Innie. It hurtled back, away from Michelle, into it's companions who began to melt with the poison, Koga yanked Michelle up with his free hand and onto his back.

Raine: Aww how sweet more bonding.

Shippo: That's a lot like Kagome and Inu Yasha.

S'rac: It supposed to be like that.

Miroku: Another sign that they are a couple.

Belle: Shut up!

Sesshoumaru and Koga: [Glare]

Belle: [Whimpers]

> "Hold onto me!" he screamed and leaped into the air, landing on a treetop. Michelle could see Inu Yasha yank Kagome out and slash Innies out of the way with Tetsuiga. He then leapt up into their tree with Kagome on his back. Then Sesshomaru, in his demon form, came hurtling out, and began biting, clawing, slashing, and eating Innies.

> "Koga stay here and protect your mother and Michelle. Do NOT engage I battle, your not ready yet." Inu Yasha ordered, setting Kagome on the branch.

Kagome: Inu Yasha's son...obey that order? Riiiiiiiiight. [Rolls eyes]

Inu Yasha: Kagome's son…obey that order? Riiiiiiiiight. [Rolls eyes]

Kagome and Inu Yasha: [Both turn to look at each other] What's THAT supposed to mean?!

Miroku, Sango, and Shippo: [Sigh and hang heads in defeat]

S'rac: Wow, they're like Akane and Ranma.

J'dee: [Sips on soda and nods]

> "But Da-"

> "No son, now STAY HERE." he snarled and leaped into the fray, cutting his way to the castle.


Raine: Awww father-son bonding!

J'dee: It's so sweet. [Wipes imaginary tear from cheek]

Inu Yasha: Not funny.

Kagome: [Smirks]

> "Everyone, fall back!" Sango cried, arrows streaming at them as the Innies methodically fired arrows at them. Raine just ran, not trying to fight as she heard people screaming around her as they were shot. God why had she ever even THOUGHT about joining these people?

Sesshoumaru: Inu Yasha? Fire an arrow? [Begins to laugh]

S'rac, Raine, J'dee, Belle, Sango, Kagome, Miroku, Shippo, and Koga: [Stare at Sesshoumaru laughing, all back away]

Inu Yasha: [Growling] Don't you dare….

Sesshoumaru: Inu Yasha was learning to use the bow as a pup and ended up cutting the cord and having it snap him in his manhood. [Begins to laugh again]

All other besides Inu Yasha: [Start laughing too]

Inu Yasha: [To Sesshoumaru] I hate you.

> "Raine, duck!" Jaki cried. Raine dropped and she saw an ax swing overhead and cleave an Innie headless. Raine turned and gaped at Jaki, who looked smug holding the ax.

> "I think it suits me." Jaki said. They turn as they heard some one scream, "YAAAAAAAHHHHH!"

Raine: Of course.

J'dee: What?

Raine: You adapt, I'm just the crazy city girl who's freaking out.

Belle: Okay, who was dressed up as an idiot and had a screaming fit already?

Raine: That was pretty funny.

Belle: I hate you.

> Chris had picked up a sword and shield, and he was cutting his way through, deflecting swords, and arrows with his shield and slashing with his sword. He spun once or twice and cut down a whole mess of Innies.

> "Whoa." Raine said and Jaki just stared. Rin grabbed them and began dragging them back.

> "Stop gawking and run!"


Kagome: Not bad, he fit in real quick.

J'dee: [Hugging S'rac over Raine] That's our S'rac.

Raine: J'dee…boobs…face…not Miroku here.

J'dee: Sorry.

Miroku: Sango if you would like to bestow a hug to Lady Kagome I would not mind whatsoever.

Kagome and Sango: [Pound the living daylights out of him]

> "Tell me to stay! I'll show him!" Koga snarled and leaped down.

> "Koga!" Michelle screamed after him, but he was already gone.


Miroku: Where have I seen that before?

Sango: I wonder.

Kagome and Inu Yasha: [Blush and pretend they didn't hear anything]

J'dee: How cute, Belle and her boyfriend!

Belle: That's it…I hate you too.

Koga: I don't think they care.

Belle: Do you want to be on the shit list too?

Koga: You're already on mine. [Glares]

Belle: Eep!

> "Hold them back! If they get through, we'll all be killed!" Rin screamed, as more and more Innie charged the door to the basement. Koga and his wolves were the only ones left beside, Chris, Jaki, Raine, and Sango. All the kids were inside the basement, and Jaki could here the older ones trying to comfort the younger ones. Miroku and his eldest two, Miroku Jr. and Shippo were beating the Innies back with their staffs, having run out of charms.

Miroku: When I lose the Wind Tunnel I may grow to miss it.

Raine: Well, duh.

Kagome: You know, that's right, you lose your most powerful weapon when you lose it.

J'dee: Not that you won't kick ass with your monk abilities.

Miroku: True.

Sango: Still the wind tunnel would be most useful in this situation.

All: [Nod]

> "We have to get inside and bar the door! It's our only ch-Uck!" Koga cried. An Innie was snarling as it's claws slowly tore out his throat. The rest of his pack tried to get to his aid but they only left themselves open.

Belle: Awww, not Koga!

Koga and Sesshoumaru: [Stare at her]

Raine: Belle, that's this Koga, not your boyfriend.

Belle: [Throws shoe at Raine and pegs her in the head] I know that! Koga's one of my favorites! [Blinks and then looks at Koga] Uh…eh he he.

Koga: I'm your favorite?

Belle: [Blushes] Er…maybe…Oh look more story!

S'rac: It has to be the name. [Is pegged by Belle's other shoe]

> "Koga!" Sango cried.

> "He's dead! Fall back!" Miroku cried, and then Inu Yasha and Sesshomaru burst in. Sesshomaru was back in his human form, brandishing Toukijin. They tired cutting their way through but the room was thick with corpses and Innies.

Sesshoumaru: Bah, with Toukijin and Tetsusiaga it would be easy to destroy that army.

Inu Yasha: For once I agree with you.

All others: [Fall to the floor in shock]

Inu Yasha: We are brothers you know!!!

> "Fall back and close the door!" Inu Yasha ordered.

> "We're trying but we can't! If one of us turn to move back we're dead!" Miroku Jr. cried. Inu Yasha snarled and tired to hack through with the Wind Scar but his friends' winds were too intertwined with the Innies.

> "Damn it!" Inu Yasha screamed, hacking away as Innie kept coming in to take the place of fallen comrades.

Sesshoumaru: Alright, that may prove to be a problem. Of course if I, Sesshoumaru, welded the Tetsusaiga I would simple cut the human losses at the price of victory.

Inu Yasha: Which is why you don't have Tetsusaiga.

All others: [Nod]

> "Inu Yasha, it may be out time." Sesshomaru said in that voice of his. Inu Yasha snarled.

> "No! Not now! Not with Kagome back!"

> "Father!" Koga cried, slashing his way in. Inu Yasha snarled and cut down five more.

> "I told you to watch your mother!"

> "She's not stupid enough to come here now! And you need me!" Koga snapped.

Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Inu Yasha: Want to bet?

Kagome: [Glares] And what is THAT supposed to mean?!

Inu Yasha: [Whimpers]

Kagome: SIT!! SIT!! SIT!! SIT!! SIT!! SIT!!

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

Koga: [Winces] That had to hurt, Dog face.

> "Inu Yasha!" Kagome screamed. She plucked an arrow from her new quiver of bows and fired into the mass of Innies. Inu Yasha shot Koga a look as he hacked some down.

> "You were saying?" he snarled. Koga snarled as well when he saw Michelle there as well. His eyes widened as he saw the Innie coming up behind them.

Belle: [Covers eyes with hand] Why am I there? Why am I not enjoying my safety?

S'rac: Cause it's a story?

Raine: [Smirks] Cause it's you?

Belle: [Pulls off Sesshoumaru's shoe and pegs Raine with it] Take that!

Sesshoumaru: [Glaring at Belle] That was this, Sesshoumaru's, shoe!

Belle: [Gulps] You still have one.

Sesshoumaru: [Growls]

Belle: Eep!

> "Michelle, duck!" he screamed. Michelle turned and screamed as the Innie slashed her down the front. Koga let out an ear splitting howl and threw himself at the Innie who had don it, ripping him in half. Kagome knelt beside her as Koga laid her down.

Belle: [Winces and covers chest] Can I say ow?

J'dee: [Michelle] No! My implants!

Raine: [Michelle] No! My new Victoria Secret black lace bra*!

Belle: Actually that hurt more than the thought of having my chest slashed open. [Glares]

> "It's deep but I think I stop the bleeding." Kagome said. Michelle gurgled, blood coming form her lips, reaching up to Koga. Koga growled and looked up, his eyes glowing red. He flexed his hand, his bones popping and all the Innies stopped. They all turned to Koga and began grunting and barking at him. He growled and crouched low, snarling at them, his fangs showing.

> "His scent has become full demon! Inu Yasha!" Sesshomaru cried. Inu Yasha stared at his son, watching as he grabbed the nearest Innie, savagely biting into it's throat, tarring the throat out. He swallowed it and dropped the twitching corpse, and grabbed the next Innie. The Innies all rushed Koga pilling on top of him.

Kagome: He went full demon over you, Belle, you should be honored, Inu Yasha's never done that for me.

Inu Yasha: Like I choose to go full demon ever.

Miroku: However, I do believe that bringing up blood means a more serious wound.

Belle: A lung injury to be exact, and in Feudal Japan that would mean death.

Sesshoumaru: But I can still revive you.

Kagome: Actually you could revive everyone.

Everyone: LOOPHOLE!!!

> "Koga!" Kagome screamed. Inu Yasha, Sesshomaru, and Miroku charged the Innies butt hey were all thrown backward in pieces as Koga slashed his way out. He snarled and moved on his hands and feet, hunched over. He snarled and began slashing and tarring Innies apart, working his way outside. Raine, Jaki, and Chris rushed over to Kagome and Michelle. Inu Yasha was already there.

> "I think she'll be okay. Go after him!" Kagome hissed and Inu Yasha needed no further encouragement. He rushed after Koga, Sesshomaru already there. Koga was feasting on the corpses of Innies, already have finished off thousands of Innies in a space of a few seconds.

Belle: I think that was supposed to be 'Innies but they' not 'Innies butt hey' and it's tearing not tarring…unless he's tarring and feathering the Innies.

S'rac: Why are you doing that?

Belle: Cause I feel like it.

Sesshoumaru: [Holds up glowing green hand] Stop feeling like it.

Belle: I want to switch seats.

> "I don't dare approach. He may view us as enemies. He seems even worse than you in the form Inu Yasha." Sesshomaru commented.

> "I think it may be because of Kagome. He is part miko. That energy is a part of him, so like that, it may be focused to dark energy." Miroku stated and Inu Yasha snarled.

> "Damn that Totosai! If he had come when I asked last night, we might have had a sword to give him today!" Inu Yasha snarled.

Inu Yasha: That useless old man! He's good for nothing!

Sesshoumaru: He did forge the Tetsusaiga.

Kagome: And Tensaiga.

Sango: And it was due to his teachings that Toukijin was forged.

Miroku: And he helped us out when Sesshoumaru attack when you were full demon.

Shippo: And he helped out when Sesshoumaru was attacking him and you.

J'dee: That doesn't sound very useless.

S'rac: Or good for nothing.

Inu Yasha: [Pouts] No one's on my side.

Belle: [Sweatdrops] Switch seats with me and I'll be on your side for the rest of the story!

Inu Yasha: Uh…no.

> "You know fully well it takes me three days to forge a sword." Totosai said, riding up on his bull. Inu Yasha snarled, and looked at Koga who had grabbed a wolf demon and was feasting on the eyes.

Koga: I think I'm going to be sick.

All but Sesshoumaru: [Nod and make ill faces]

Sesshoumaru: Wolf eyes….hmmm a novel idea.

Koga: [Inches away from Sesshoumaru]

> "What do we do know?" he asked. Kagome hurried up and shook her head.

> "Miroku, like we did to Inu Yasha!" she cried and he nodded.

> "Like what?" he snarled.

> "SIT!" Kagome screamed and both Koga and Inu Yasha went crashing face first into the gore. Both Miroku and Sesshomaru smashed Koga in the back of the head, knocking him out.

Inu Yasha: My poor son.

Kagome: Sit!

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

Miroku: Poor Inu Yasha.

Sango: [Hits him upside the head]

S'rac: [Waving hands in front of him in pacifying motion] I agree with you girls.

Raine: Good boy, we've trained you well.

> "Gather the wounded and fall back to the cave." Sesshomaru said, picking up Koga and slinging him over his shoulders. Rin and Sango came out with all the kids.

> "Totosai how so can you have one of my fangs for Koga?" Inu Yasha asked, ripping out a fang. Totosai took it and nodded to himself.

> "Three days Inu Yasha. Do you want it like Tetsuiga for your son?" Totosai asked. Inu Yasha leaned on Kagome and shook his head.

> "Make it for the owner Totosai. Make it for Koga but make sure it holds his demon side in check."

> "If he's anything like you, he'll probably break it as soon as he gets it."


All but Inu Yasha: [Snicker]

Koga: Dog Breath, you're son is getting as much abuse as you do.

Inu Yasha: Shut up, wimpy wolf!

> "How long will he be out?" Michelle whispered. Kagome shrugged and changed the bandage covering Michelle. It was nighttime and Michelle was finally able to Kagome in private after a week.

Belle: What did I do to Kagome?

J'dee: I don't want to know.

Raine: I think talk.

S'rac: What did you mean J'dee?

J'dee: I'll tell you when you're older.

Shippo: Don't worry S'rac, I get that a lot.

> "It's been a week. I think Koga may be feeling some side effects. I mean, Inu Yasha always had Tetsuiga. Now Koga has his own sword but still. I really hope he's okay when he wakes up. How about you dearie? No deep- seated pain? No have no fever so I don't think you got an infection." Kagome asked. Michelle just shook her head.

J'dee: [Michelle] Just incredible love for a partial demon!

Raine: [Michelle] No, I'm just heartsick over your demonic son.

Kagome: Now, now [Snickers] that isn't nice.

Inu Yasha: My son would be fine with all that!

Sesshoumaru: You barely have the control necessary I can't imagine what your whelps would be like.

Belle: [Planning her revenge]

> "It hurts but not real deep. How are the others?" Michelle asked. Kagome sighed and looked at the others. Sesshomaru was sleeping with Rin, their kids between them. Miroku, Sango, and their family were all sleeping in a corner. Jaki, Chris, and Raine were sleeping near Michelle and Inu Yasha was sitting up, watching at the cave entrance.

S'rac: That sounds nice and warm.

J'dee: [Yawns] this is pretty boring now.

Raine: You're just trying to cover up that you get sleepy after eating.

J'dee: Do not!

Belle: Please be near the end.

> "I think he feels it's all his fault. He hasn't slept since we got to the cave." Kagome said. Michelle watched Inu Yasha remain on vigilant alert until she fell into a deep sleep.


> Outside, a full, blood moon rose high in the sky.

Toby's voice: That's the end of this chapter now Koga can go home.

Koga: Thank the Gods.

Belle: Congrats.

Inu Yasha: Are we all ready to attack when we see him?

[Suddenly straps wrap around everyone but Koga, tying them to their chairs]

Koga: I refuse to leave without my woman!

[Trapdoor opens under Koga and he vanishes]

Sesshoumaru: There goes that idea.

All others: [Nods sadly]

MST A/N: This chapter was short…namely cause Toby wrote a short chapter oh, and I had a HUGE test this week.