InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MSTing Toby's "Koga" ❯ The End ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

MSTing Toby 6

The group was sleeping peacefully, J'dee in a bed, Raine in a different bed, Sango, Kagome, Shippo, and Kirara in another, Miroku and S'rac in another, and Sesshoumaru in the last. Inu Yasha and Belle were awake and had been for most of the night. They had be planning an escape but ended up in a debate about ramen, both agreeing that chicken was the best flavor followed closely by beef.

"Alright all of you, time for the last chapter," that cheerfully annoying voice spoke and Inu Yasha and Belle smirked as they began to wake up the others. Inu Yasha flipping the mattresses with S'rac, Miroku, and Sesshoumaru on them over onto the floor while Belle bounced around on each bed, before knocking the mattresses off the beds. Needless to say the two ramen freaks were both pummeled to the point they were just craters in the floor.

"What got into Belle?" S'rac muttered as he headed to the bathroom.

"I'd say no sleep and being trapped in here for too long," Raine sighed as they entered the bathroom.

"Man, I'm getting sick of getting beat up on," Belle grumbled as she dusted herself off and Inu Yasha nodded.

"Tell me about it," Inu Yasha sighed and the two looked at each other.

"Um….bathroom," Belle stated and the hanyou nodded, both freaked out with their similarities.

The guys came out of the bathroom dressed in the same outfits as last time and watched as the girls came out of the bathroom. Even Sesshoumaru was laughing at the outfits.

"Shuddup!" Belle shouted, failing her arms as she stood in Inu Yasha's outfit. Raine sweatdropped as she crossed her arms in Sesshoumaru's outfit. Kagome shook her head as Shippo examined his outfit large enough for Kagome to wear. Sango's grip tightened on Hiraikotsu as she stood in Miroku's robes. J'dee shrugged as she stood next to S'rac in a Kohaku-like outfit.

"Why are you wearing my outfit?" Inu Yasha asked and Belle glared at him.

"I lost the coin toss," she stated before hitting Inu Yasha over the head with her replica Tetsaiga.

"You don't have to hit ME!" Inu Yasha cried.

"Well you don't have to be a JERK!" Belle shouted and the others sighed as they headed over towards their seats. Miroku somehow ended up on the end next to S'rac who was next to Sango, who was next to Kagome, where J'dee was sitting next to Raine, who had Inu Yasha next to Belle, and Sesshoumaru was on the left end again.

"Here, ramen!" Raine said as she handed two bowls of ramen to the two ramen freaks.

"RAMEN!" Inu Yasha and Belle cried before chowing down, Inu Yasha with a lot of slurping, Belle with very lady-like sips.

"These are you friends on ramen," J'dee snickered and the others chuckled as the lights dimmed.

> DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha. If I did, I certainly wouldn't be writing a fan fiction now would I?

S'rac: I don't know. I think he would.

J'dee: Really.

Raine: This is Toby.

> AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm also so sorry it took so long. I decided to end the story here. I ran out of inspiration. Sorry guys.

Belle: Anyone else have a bad feeling?

Raine: Yea, you looked up from Ramen for that.

Belle: No I didn't. Inu Yasha and I finished our ramen before the Disclaimer.

All besides Belle and Inu Yasha: [Stare]

Inu Yasha and Belle: WHAT?!

> Chapter 6: Finality

All: Thank God

> "How is he?" Michelle asked. Kagome sighed and shook her head.
> "The same. How is Koga?"
> "The same. Why won't Inu Yasha just figure out a way to go after Kikyo?"

Kagome: [Glaring at Inu Yasha] Why doesn't he just go chasing after her like he always does?

Inu Yasha: Eep [Hides behind Belle]

Belle: HEY! No way! I'm not going to be your human shield!
Shippo: Yea, you look and act like him enough she might just hurt you too.

Belle: Who's side are you on?!

> "From what Rin told me, no one can find where she's making all these Innie. She herself has been only seen during a few confrontations." Kagome said. She dipped her hands into a bowl of water and splashed her face. It had been two months since the slaughter at the castle.

Miroku: Time flew quickly.

Sango: He did mention a lack of inspiration.

J'dee: Well, he managed to write six chapters.

> Patrols had been established, which Rin and Sesshomaru were currently on. Koga still hadn't woken up, leading the others to believe there was something more wrong with him rather than his demon transformations. The only encouyraging signs was he turned back to human as did Inu Yasha on the night of a new moon.

S'rac: I want to see that.

Inu Yasha: Fat chance!

Sesshoumaru: Usually he hides up a tree.

Raine: Wouldn't that be dangerous.

J'dee: No one would think he was THAT stupid.

Inu Yasha: HEY!

> "Isn't there some one we can take him too? A doctor for demons or something like that?" Raine asked. She set down her staff and walked towards them.

Raine: How the hell did I get a staff?

S'rac: It has been two months.

Miroku: Perhaps you approached me and it was a token of my…
Sango: [Slaps him upside the head]

> In the past two months, she, Jaki, and Chris had been training strenuously with Sango. To say their skills had improved was an understatement.

Belle: I would hope their skills had improved after two months.

Sango: Especially with how I train.

Belle: Then again look who I'm talking about.

J'dee: Hey Toby, you should have given her a rosary too.

Belle: I hate you.

> "No, I don't know of anyone."

> "I know of a person of exceptional healing skill!" came a small voice from Kagome's shoulder.

Inu Yasha: I'm going to take a wild guess on who that is.

Sesshoumaru: This Sesshoumaru assumed you guessed your name each morning.

Inu Yasha: I hate you.

> Inu Yasha's eas twitched and he growled. He got up and peered closely at Kagome's shoulder, sniffing. Kagome seemed to think nothing of this but Michelle and Raine exchanged a look.

Raine: I'd do more than just exchange a look.

Belle: Yea, you freak out over all sorts of little things. Getting tackled, getting things dropped on you, strange voices from people's shoulders.

Raine: [Reaches over and thumps Belle]

Belle: OW [Rubs head] See!

> "Ummmmmmm....are you okay Inu Yasha?" Raine asked. He growled and suddenly pinched Kagome's shoulder. Kagome didn't even flinch though the tiny voice gave a cry.

> "Lord Inu Yasha! I come to help!" the voice said, this time from Inu Yasha's fingers.

> "Myouga, how long have YOU been here?" Inu Yasha growled while Kagome frowned.

Belle, Inu Yasha, Sango, Shippo, Miroku, and Kagome: As long as it's been safe.

Inu Yasha, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo: [Stare at Belle]

Belle: [Sweatdrops] I happen to like the show!!

J'dee: [Snickers] Maybe we should give her to them.

Raine: Nah, we want to be their friends.

Belle: I heard that!

> "Uh, no more than few days Inu Yasha. You see, I was very hungry after my long journey here so...."
> "You sucked on my blood?" Kagome screeched, waking up Chris who was sleeping in the corner. Jaki came inside, surprised by the shout.

S'rac: [Sings] Kagome has fleas!

Inu Yasha: [Laughs]

J'dee: [Takes away his food] Don't be mean to Kagome.

S'rac: Awww.

Belle: J'dee give him back that, he'll starve if you don't.

S'rac: Yea!

> "Only for a bit. I was on the other miko for a while......."

> "What?" Michelle screeched, as Inu Yasha began to squeeze.

Belle: EWW!

Sesshoumaru: [Stares at her] You are a strange woman.

Raine, J'dee, and S'rac: You have no idea.

Belle: I hate you.

> "I know what has happened to your son, Lord Inu Yasha!" Myouga cried, desperately. Inu Yasha stopped squeezing and placed the flea-demon on his shoulder.

> "Talk." Inu Yasha ordered. Myouga swallowed.

> "I heard about the events since his arrival and learned of certain things. From what my sources say, his body has currently shut down to await for the mating season." Myouga said, and Inu Yasha paled.

All except Miroku: [Pale] Mating season?

Miroku: [Excitedly] Will this be shown?

Sango: [Hits him over the head with Hiraikotsu] Pervert!

Belle: Oh man, I hope he's not going to say what I think he's going to say.

> "Are you certain?" he asked, and Myouga nodded.

> "Mating season? What mating season?" Kagome snapped.

> "The one that occurs every two months after the full blood moon, which, if I remember correctly, was exactly two months ago this night." Sesshomaru said, walking into the cave, Rin behind him.

Inu Yasha: Of course with Myouga's timing it would be on that night with no time to prepare.

Belle: It could be worse.

Kagome: How?

Belle: It could be really happening and not a story.

Everyone: True.

> "Hello, Lord Sesshomaru, I am SO happy to see you." Myouga cried, relief plain in his voice. Sesshomaru looked thoughtful and then turned to Inu Yasha.

> "So when do we kill him?"

Shippo: Like Myouga would ever be happy to see Sesshoumaru. He hates him as much as Jaken hates Inu Yasha.

Sesshoumaru: [Glares at Shippo]

Shippo: [Eeps and hides behind Kagome]

Belle: [To Shippo] How do you like it?

J'dee and Raine: You're acting very Inu Yasha-ish.

Belle: I am not!


> "Wait, wait, wait!" Michelle said, rubbing her temples. "Are you saying this occurs to all demons every time after this blood moon?" she asked. Inu Yasha snorted.

> "Of course not!" he snapped. Michelle sighed in relief.

> "It only happens to the un-mated ones." Sesshomaru said, Rin pouring him and then their children tea. "Mated ones can choose to participate in this heat or not. And males who have never participated in the heat will rest well in advance."

J'dee: To pounce on you Belle.

Belle: [Whines] No.

Raine: And have lemon with you.

Belle: [Whines] Stop it!

S'rac: What's this rated anyway?

Belle: [Glares and whacks all three on the head with her Tetsusaiga] Hehe, I like this sword.

> Everyone looked at Koga who was still sleeping soundly.

> "I should have known, but I've been so busy with this Innie business......" Inu Yasha muttered, crossing his arms and and thinking.

> "Okay so now what do we do?" Jaki asked.

> "I don't know about you guys but I'm starved." A voice called from the doorway. Kagome's eyes widened and she rushed, tackling the man who had spoken.

> "Shippo!"

Shippo: Yea! I'm in the story!

Kagome: It took you two months to get there.

Raine: And he managed to get by fine.

J'dee: Through the well too.

S'rac: Wow, that's a bad plot hole.

Everyone: [Nods]


> "That Aunt fo yours is insane, Chris, plain and simple." Shippos said, taring into another roll of bread and drank some water.

> "She's been like that for as long as I can remember." Chris replied. Shippo's tail waved behind him as he ate. Inu Yasha seemed to have the same feelings towards Shippo, while the others expressed delight in his return.

> "Shippo, how did you get back through? The well I mean." Kagome asked. Shippo shrugged as he finished eating.

> "I have no idea. I got there, and just jumped in after getting hugged to death by that strange lady. It took me two months top track you guys to this cave. I almost ate all of my instant ramen reserves." He said. Inu Yasha perked up at this.

Belle: Okay [cracks knuckles] The 'fo' should be 'of'. Shippos needs to lose the s. 'Taring' should be 'tearing'. Unnecessary impute about Inu Yasha's feelings towards Shippo. Comma should be after 'jumped in' not 'there'. And Toby managed to cover his plot hole with a lame excuse.

Sesshoumaru: Don't speak.

Belle: [Eeps and jumps into Inu Yasha's arms]

Inu Yasha: Hey!

>"INSTANT ramen? Do you have any left Shippo?" he asked, a bit eagerly. Shippo nodded and pulled out a pack, tossing it to Inu Yasha. He tore open the pack and shoved it into his mouth before anyone could stop him. He instantly began coughing while everyone who had been to the future laughed.

> "What the hell IS this shit?" he coughed, clouds of seasoning coming out.

Inu Yasha: [Trying to get Belle out of his arms] Hey! I'm not that dumb!

Sesshoumaru: I beg to differ.

Inu Yasha: Son of a bitch.

Sesshoumaru: Leave my mother out of this.

Kagome: Every time they get together I swear.

> "You have to cook it a BIT before you can eat it Inu Yasha." Michelle
laughed. Shippo smiled.

> "It's sure nice to see you all again."

> "We're all back together again." Sango said happily. Inu Yasha snorted while Sesshomaru rolled his eyes.

> "While this is time for celebration, we must think of our current situation. Inu Yasha do you remember three years ago, when Kikyo attacked on the night of the mating?" Miroku asked.

> "Of course I do, monk. We lost half our forces that night because those silly wolves were out with bitches." Inu Yasha snarled.

Miroku: This has been tedious for far too long.

Sango: I agree.

Miroku: Perhaps we should liven things up then. [Gropes her]

Sango: PERVERT [Beats him to unconsciousness]

> "Exactly my point. Kikyo attacked us in huge amounts a week before the red moon. She was either hoping to kill us all in a surprise attack........"

> "Which she nearly did." Chris muttered.

> ".......or she wanted to weaken us enough to kill us when we would be at our most vulnerable." Miroku finished.

> "While most of our forces were fucking." Inu Yasha said thoughtfully. He glanced outside and saw the sun about to meet the horizon.

> "We have one hour to come up with something before Shippo and Koga go into heat." He said. "Any ideas?"

> "We could just force Koga awake and make him and Shippo fuck some bitches now. That way their minds would be clear when the heat began." Sesshomaru said, looking at Raine and Michelle. They paled.

S'rac: That sounds more like Inu Yasha than Sesshoumaru.

Shippo: Yea, I agree on that.

Sesshoumaru: This Sesshoumaru will spare you two your lives this time for that remark.

Belle: You know, speaking in the third person is sometimes thought of as a way to hide feelings of inadequacy.

Sesshoumaru: [Glares]

Belle: [Eeps and jumps into Inu Yasha's arms again]

Inu Yasha: [To Sesshoumaru] Will you stop making her do that!

Sesshoumaru: [Chuckles]

Raine: Man, I don't like where this fic is going.

J'dee: I don't know, I think Koga would be cute and Shippo's gonna grow up to be way hot.

Shippo: [Looks at Kagome and opens his mouth to ask a question]

Kagome: I'll tell you when you're older.

> "We need to figure out something!" Inu Yasha snapped, interrupting before a full blown fight got under way.

> "Well, for Koga, we could just keep him in check with telling him sit everytime he gets out of line." Kagome said.


S'rac: That never gets old.

Inu Yasha: Want to bet?

Kagome: Sit boy.

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

Belle: [Looks at Inu Yasha] Glad I got out of his arms.

> "Oh sorry Inu Yasha." Kagome said as everyone laughed at the prone form on Inu Yasha. They heard shuffling from the cave entrance and saw Koga standing there, his eyes bloodshot.

> "Hello." He said, sleeply, rubbing his eyes. "What's all this about mating?"

> Everyone looked at Inu Yasha.

> "What?" he snarled.

> "This is a daddy's job!" Michelle said cheerfully, and everyone scrambled outside.

J'dee: Was it me or did Koga seem interested about mating?

Raine: It was you.

Sango: This man who wrote this is a pervert.

Belle, Raine, J'dee, and S'rac: You have NOOOOOO idea.


> "WHAT?!"

> "Well they seem to be getting along well." Shippo muttered, and sighed. "At least I don't have to worry about me going heat crazy. I've already experienced it."

> "Well that's one less thing to worry about. What about Koga?" Michelle asked. Kagome sighed.

J'dee: [Singing] Belle's worried about Koga!

Raine: [Singing] Belle's got a boyfriend.

Belle: I hate you.

Inu Yasha: I think I'm having an out of body experience.

Sesshoumaru: She annoys me as much as you do.

Inu Yasha: Tell me abou…HEY!

> "I have no idea." She replied. There were shouts, and something that Inu Yasha yelled, something like, "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, KEEP THIS WITH YOU ALWAYS!"

> Then Inu Yasha came storming out, picked up a boulder, and slammed it down in front of the cave entrance.

S'rac: That's one way to solve the problem.

Sango: Really it's not that bad of an idea.

Kagome: Except when it's a boulder and the well. [Glares at Inu Yasha]

Inu Yasha: [Whistles and finds something interesting to look at on the floor.]

> "There, that solves our problem of keeping him in check." He replied and looked at Shippo. "You should changed to your normal form. Might be easier for you."

> Shippo nodded. There was a loud pop and everyone saw Shippo's form change. He looked almost the same, expect he had paws for feet and claws on his hands. He starched and yawned loudly.

> "I feel SO much better." Shippo exclaimed and Inu Yasha snorted.

Kagome: Hey Shippo, why don't you make yourself look more like a human anyway?

Shippo: [Rolls eyes] I can't run as fast on two legs as I can when I'm on all fours.

Inu Yasha: Why don't you tell her the real reason.

Shippo: [Sputters] That is my real reason!

Sango and Kagome: Shippo?

Shippo: [Blushes] I'm cuter like this.

All the Girls: Awwww Shippo you're always cute!!!

> "The only thing better about you are your illusions." He muttered and Shippo glared at him.

> "And the only thing better about you is nothing!" Shippo declared.


> "OW! Kagome, Inu Yasha is picking on me!"

> "~sigh~ It's like I never left."

Kagome: [Sighs] I have no doubt it would be.

J'dee: Yea, grow up Inu Yasha.

Raine: Now, now, Shippo does tease him a lot.

Belle: Geeze I wonder where I've seen that relationship before.


> As the day wore on, Shippo excused himself for the night. Inu Yasha and Sesshomaru said they would keep guard over Koga, and Mriokua nd sango declared they were taking their kids to a safe place.

> "We'll be back ourselves after a few days, but we thought to leave tonight. That way there would be less of use around incase Koga did get out." Sango said, and they nodded. "Kiara is going t stay though."

> And so it went. Everyone waited for night fall, and everyone made camp. It wasn't until the moon rose did Koga start acting up.

Kagome: Do demons really get like that?

Sesshoumaru: Only the lesser demons and half-breeds like Inu Yasha.

Inu Yasha: Do not!

Belle: Boys, you're both filthy animals with sex on your minds, not because you're demons, but because you're men.

Raine, Sango, Kagome, and J'dee: [Laugh]

Belle: My example…Miroku. S'rac and Shippo haven't gotten that drive yet.

Inu Yasha: Why I oughtta…
Sesshoumaru: [Hand glows green]

Belle: Sorry I'm willing to die for that joke.

> "Please let me out! I need to go out hthere, please?" he begged. Inu Yasha snorted but did nothing. When this was apparent it wasn't going to work, he tried force to move the boulder. But Kagome stopped that with a sit. It was two hours till down and Koga was no trying another approach. Profanity.

> "Just let me the fuck out of the god damn fucking cave!"

> "Your son sure does a filthy mouth." Jaki said, and Kagome sighed.

> "He gets that from his father."

> "I heard that!"

Raine: One question. How'd Koga get his profanity from his father if he never met him before this point?

Kagome: I think you've got a good point there.

Sango: Is this one of those plot holes?

S'rac, Raine, Belle, J'dee, and Kagome: Yep.

> Koga fell silent an hour later. With only an hour to go till sunrise, Inu Yasha said it was okay for everyone to get some sleep.

> "I'll wake one of you if he needs a sit." Sesshomaru replied, sipping his tea. This led to a big argument that they didn't need them. During which, it happened.

Belle: Man, I see something bad coming.

Miroku: [Gaining consciousness] Again, a sign that you and I should have a child with our combined psychic ability.

Raine: I think he means psycho ability.

Belle: You're a [Inu Yasha quickly covers her mouth]

Inu Yasha: No one swears around here but me!

> "Hello, Inu Yasha." Came a soft, ethereal voice from the cave. They all turned to se Kikyo standing on the boulder.

> "Kikyo." He replied tersely. She smirked.

> "I see the rumors were true of you having a child by that tramp."

> "Hey!" Kagome cried, trying to lung at her. Michelle held her back.

Belle: Please, I wouldn't hold Kagome back, hell, I'd help her.

Inu Yasha: [Thinks] Don't move, don't look at any of them, pretend I don't exist.

Kagome: Please, I'd blast her as soon as she dare say that!

Sango: I don't think Kikyo would call you a tramp.

Miroku: She'd probably say [Sango knocks him unconscious again]

> "I do believe that it is time for you to go to hell with me, Inu Yasha." She replied, in that mellow voice of hers. Inu Yasha snorted.

> "What makes you think I'll be doing that?" he snarled. Kikyo waved her hand.

> "Because your friends are already."

> "What?" he snarled and whirled around. His eyes widened in surprise. "Look out! Kagome!"

S'rac: That's the oldest trick in the book. The old 'look behind you'.

Sesshoumaru: Which means Inu Yasha will fall for it.

Inu Yasha: I hate you.

> Everyone whirled around and didn't see them tillt eh last moment. The sould collectors flew through each of their bodies. Kagome watched Koga's friends cry out and clutch at them,trying to pull them bac before they fell limp. Rin also fell, and Sesshomaru was so distrached trying to stop it that he missed the arrow flying at him until it hit him in the forehead. Then one came straight for Kagome.........

> "NO!"

All: NO WAY!

Miroku: I would not be prey to any soul skimmer!

Sango: Those lowly demons couldn't touch me!

S'rac: Weak!

J'dee: That's bull [Raine covers her mouth]

Raine: Garbage.

Sesshoumaru: I would not fall due to any miko's arrow!

Belle: Like hell I'd be that weak!

Kagome: She wouldn't dare!

Inu Yasha: [Thinking] Maybe I shouldn't even breathe.


> "NO! KAGOME!" Inu Yasha cried and woke with a start. He sat there, panting. Kagome stirrednext to him but didn't move.

> "Just a dream." He muttered and laid his clawed hand over Kagome's swollen belly.

All: [Sit there with their mouths hanging open in disbelieve]

Belle: [Rubs eyes] I know my contacts must be bad, but [Laughs lightly] did I just read that it was all a dream?

Raine: [Growling] You did.

J'dee: We've been trapped in here all weak reading about a DREAM?

S'rac: [Cracks knuckles] You know, I'm forgetting I'm a nice guy right now.

Inu Yasha: [Cracking knuckles] I know we didn't lose six days of shard hunting for this.

Sesshoumaru: [Hand glows green and seat melts] You did and I lost six days of patrolling.

> "Pre-fatherhood jitters, Inu Yasha?" Miroku asked, from across the fire. Inu Yasha nodded. "About what?"

> "Nothing. Just stupid stuff. My son growing up with out me and just getting back anly to die in cave while I watched the others die by Kikyo's soul gathers." Inu Yasha muttered.

> "No worries then my friend. Probably just guilt from killing her. Do you want to start your watch now that you're awake?" Miroku asked.

> "Yeah, go with Sango and your son. I'm good."

> "Very well Inu Yasha." Miroku said and headed for his wife. Inu Yasha added to the fire and looked out across the field to the woods.

> "Just a dream."

Everyone: [Eye twitch]

Belle: He dies…slowly.

Kagome: I don't even know him and I want to kill him.


>A/N: And those who are MSTing me (you know who you are) I have hired Naraku and his demons to protect me! *waves at his hired guards, Naraku, Kagura, Kanna, Goshinki, Juuroumaru, and Kageroumaru!* Here you go Naraku. *hands him the rest of the Sacred Jewel, expect for one piece* You all set?

>Naraku: If anyone even comes near you, they die!

>A/N: Good boy.

Belle gets up slowly and walks over to the door.

"Enough Miss Nice Girl," she growled as she stretched and pulled out her imitation Tetsusaiga.

"Belle, that's not going to do anything," Raine said and Belle smiled.

"Oh really?" she asked as she walked over and pulled out the hinges of the door and then kicked the door open. "I believe I know where the bastard is right now."

"Lead the way!" all the others cried.

"Just let's make a few quick stops," Belle said with a smile as she shared her plans.


Toby gulped as he stared at the broken door, he began to sweat as he looked into the darkness.

"Think fast!" J'dee cried as she kicked him in the ass and knocked him into the empty theater.

"J'dee! Ehehehe?" Toby chuckled before gulping again.

"First off, did you really think we were going to let you get away with that?" Raine asked and Toby shrugged.

"Secondly, I killed Goshinki, Juuroumaru, and Kageroumaru," Inu Yasha said as he entered the theater behind Raine and J'dee.

"Third, we stole Kanna and Kagura's hearts," S'rac said as he held the empty pedestals that Naraku used to hold the hearts.

"Fourth, we gave the hearts back," Sango said as she dragged an unconscious Miroku behind her.

"Fifth, Naraku's a spider and I know a store with a lot of insecticides," Belle said as she stood next to Kagome who held the complete Shikon no Tama.

"And sixth, payback's a bitch," Sesshoumaru said as they all cracked their knuckles.

"Guys, couldn't we just talk about this?" Toby asked and the approaching group just laughed as all their eyes glowed red.

The end…..until I finish writing my own fic to get my revenge on you….Tobias…..