InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Much Needed Healing ❯ Let's Call It A Tie ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Shameless plug: Go read “Unforgettable!” Do it! Hehehe....
On with the GOOD stuff! I dedicate this chapter to a few of my reviewers:
Ren: Thank you! You were the only one who really understood why it didn't turn into a steamy sex scene.....
Kanela: I also dedicate this to you for your ingenious review! Never before have I been so scared of a chip!
inumaru_rapture: This is for you as well for your unfailing reviews! Thank you for being one of the few who reviews EVERY chapter of EVERY story that I post. That kiddies, is called dedication! LOL
And finally to Wiccan: OMG! I'm sorry about your hubby's car! I take pity on you and give you hot sex!
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Sesshomaru was startled by the sudden pressing of soft lips against his own, and immediately closed his eyes, savoring the sensation. He felt her lips part and he instinctually slipped his tongue inside her heated little mouth, skimming across her dull little teeth before touching her own smooth, slick muscle. She tasted like something sweet, and he wanted more.
Yes, he wanted this, needed this, and more. But as right as it felt, there was no denying that it was wrong. She was not his; they both understood that her heart would forever belong to another. But she had outsmarted him, and it excited him. There had never been another female who could challenge him the way she had just done and win; few had even dared to try. But somehow, this little slip of a mortal girl had defeated him. She was strong and a formidable opponent. The hanyou was obviously mentally damaged for sending such a treasure away.
The demeaning thought aimed at Inuyasha woke him from his lusty haze. Here he was, about to rut with the hanyou's miko AGAIN, and he had the gall to think badly of the boy. What had he, Sesshomaru, become?
With a growl, his eyes snapped open and he harshly pulled away from the wench.
“This Sesshomaru has told you that he has no interest in you as a mate woman, yet you persist on trying to tempt me. I demand that you cease this foolishness immediately.” He was using every bit of his power to keep himself from assaulting her sweet little mouth again.
“You know what's really foolish Sesshomaru?” Kagome asked him between heaving breaths. “You and I both know that you desire me, and yet you deny not only me, but yourself as well. When did you become so senseless?”
“You are not mine to take!” he said loudly. “You belong to...”
“I BELONG to NO ONE!” she yelled. And then she was silent.
Sesshomaru studied her for a moment, watching her flushed face as her chest rapidly rose and fell with her angry and ragged breaths. She was such an oddity. No creature, demon or human had ever yelled at him and survived, yet he was suddenly void of anger for her. He understood her position, and knew that she could not possibly understand his. It was unfortunate.
“Do you honestly deny it then? Are you being truthful when you say that you have no desire for me whatsoever?”
It was spoken so softly that even he had barely heard her over the pounding water. He looked to her face, but could not meet her eyes as she had tilted her head down to stare at the floor. Removing one hand from it's position on the wall beside her head and reaching down, he gently placed one claw tipped finger below her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. Her blue eyes were once again lost and the fire that he had seen blazing brightly from within them only moments before was once again extinguished.
“I do not deny it” he told her tenderly.
“What?” She looked so confused that he took pity on her.
“This Sesshomaru does not deny that he desires you.”
She never broke their eye contact, never once looked away. And neither did he. Even as he felt one small hand come up to rest atop his own and move it downwards from her chin to skim the heated flesh of her chest. His hand was forced further down until he felt it come to rest over one of her rounded breasts. And still neither of them looked away. Her warm palm continued to rest over his large hand even as he subconsciously cupped her breast. Her other hand slipped up behind his neck and pulled his face in closer to her own.
He heard a faint high pitched whine, and for a moment wondered as to it's source. Then he felt the tightening in his chest and realized that the sound came from him. Sesshomaru barely had the time to register his horror before the miko kissed him again. And as if his own admission had broken some sort of spell, he gave into her advances.
Her lips parted and her tongue slipped into his mouth, exploring his sharp fangs before momentarily connecting with his own slick appendage. Before he could respond in kind to her heated kiss she withdrew and moved her mouth lower. Her blunt little teeth gently latched onto his lower lips and sucked on it before giving it a swift tug.
Her kiss was so dominating and passionate that Sesshomaru was caught up in the ecstasy it created. The hand that wasn't currently teasing her breast abandoned it's place on the wall in favor of wrapping around her slim waist. He pulled her tightly to his chest as both arms reached down to give her firm little backside an appreciative squeeze before forcing her to move backwards. When he had her back pinned firmly against the shower wall, he pulled his mouth away from hers to allow himself to kiss his way across her cheek and jaw line before settling his face alongside her ear.
Kagome could feel the heated puffs of air from his panting breaths caressing her ear, and she mewled in response. She placed her hands upon his slick chest, admiring the hard, lean muscles below her palms. Sesshomaru released a low growl at her touch and she felt a warm, rough tongue caress the shell of her ear. When his lips sucked and nipped gently at her earlobe, Kagome felt a white hot heat burst forth within her belly. She felt his mouth move lower, trailing down her neck, felt the slow dragging of his sharp fangs over her tender flesh, the gentle slide of his lips, the quick touch of his tongue as it darted out to taste her. Against her wet, soft skin his panting breaths were scorching and ragged and she vaguely realized that her own breathing was labored.
She moved her hands lower, dragging them slowly across muscles that jumped and quivered under her touch. One of her fingers momentarily caught in his navel and she heard his breath catch. She felt his hips thrust forward under her hands, and a hard length settled against her belly.
Sesshomaru ran one hand up along the curve of her body, skimming along the outer curve of her breast. He dipped his head down, feeling the warm water as it pounded against his scalp and trailed down his back, and languidly licked along the underside of her breast. He swept his tongue up to slowly lick over one hard nipple, a torturously rough and drawn out lick, and he felt her body spasm against his own as she moaned. His lips latched onto the tip of her breast and he let her nipple brush against his teeth before nipping lightly at it. He released it only to move to the other breast and pay it the same attentions.
Kagome tipped her head back against the tiled wall and moaned. She felt so empty and needed to be filled by him so badly that it was becoming hard to breathe. When he nipped at her breast, she whimpered at the slight pain. He immediately softened his teasing of her and she felt his large hands slide up and over her slick skin, coming to rest on her waist. And then his mouth was gone. She groaned at the loss of his lips, and she felt his thumbs move in slow and tantalizing circles over her lower abdomen before a kiss was pressed to her belly. She looked down to see Sesshomaru on his knees before her, water pounding into his hair, as he kissed his way slowly down her stomach. His hands slid down her side and between her thighs and pushed gently, urging her to allow him enterence. Kagome leaned her head back and closed her eyes as she spread her legs.
Sesshomaru paused only briefly in his path to her core, detouring to drag his sharp fangs over her left hip bone. He let his tongue follow the crease where he stomach and leg joined before finally reaching her sodden core. The spicy smell of her arousal was overpowering, and he growled lightly before dragging his tongue through her folds. He heard her mewl above him as her hips shot forward, and he let his hands settle on her waist again and held her tightly. When he was convinced that she would not topple over from pleasure, he allowed one hand to slip down and spread her folds, rewarding himself with a sight of her glistening channel. His tongue darted out from between his lips to lap at the little pearl above her enterence. She tasted exsqusite and unlike any other female before her. Her essence was sweet and adddicting and Sesshomaru determined that he would not let a single drop of her honey go to waste. He replaced his rough tongue with a single finger and, careful of his claws, continued to rub the little bundle of nerves as he drove his tongue deep inside her. He felt her shudder and he moved his other hand down to grasp her thigh and lift it over his shoulder, opening her fully to him.
Sesshomaru moved his mouth away from her and quickly slid one finger deeply into her. She unleashed a throaty moan and he was pleased that, contrary to her prior statement, she did not appear to be a screamer. He disliked loud women as their screams made his sensitive ears hurt. But her soft and needy mewls were something that he could become addicted to. He looked up into her face to watch her as her full lips parted to allow her panting breaths. A steady rumbling burst forth from his chest and his already stiff member hardened painfully at the sight. He pushed a second, and then a third finger into her, stretching and preparing her for himself.
Kagome nearly passed out when he thrust his fingers into her, and she ground her hips into his hand. It was becoming too much to endure, but no matter how forcefully she bucked into his hands, he refused to let up. And then his mouth was upon her pearl again and she threw her head back in pleasure.
Sesshomaru watched the woman's face flush, her chest heaving with her raged breaths, and he began to feel painfully hard. Reaching one hand down, he grasped himself, and began to languidly stroke his cock. Never had he been with anyone as receptive as she; every touch, every lick, seemed to bring her to new heights and he was quickly becoming a junkie.
Kagome opened her eyes and looked down only to be met by the most erotic sight she had ever witnessed. There was Sesshoamru kneeling before her, warm water cascading over his lean body, staring at her while he pleasured both her and himself. She watched as his fist slid over his velvety shaft and then the head of his erection over and over again. She met his honeyed eyes, so bright and intense that they almost burned, and her labored breath caught in her throat. And still he watched her face as his mouth continued to pull her hips forward. Her hands tangled into his hair and pulled gently and she groaned and struggled to keep her eyes open.
It was all he could take. He stood slowly, licking his lips, hand still slowly fisting himself, and he moved towards her. She still had her hands tangled in his hair, and he was surprised when she pulled his face to hers and kissed him hungerly. Most women that he had been with would never kiss him after he had pleasured them in such a fashion. Although they enjoyed the act itself, they claimed that to taste themselves on his mouth was somehow vulgar. But this miko only parted her lips to his probing tongue and released another of her tantalizing mewls into his hungry mouth. He pushed his body flush against her and when his aching member rubbed against her scortching core he snarled.
He roughly grabbed one of her thighs and lifted, bringing it up to wrap around his waist. Releasing her leg so that he could get a firm hold on her hips, he pushed her entire body upwards and against the wall of the shower. Both hands now full of sweet miko, he told her sharply “Let me in.”
Kagome understood that in this position he needed her help and so she reached one small hand down and grasped his erection, guiding him inside of her.
He felt her heat and as his head rubbed against her slick folds, he lost all restarint and with one long thrust, buried himself within her. He hissed through clenched teeth and went completely still. His head fell to her shoulder, and he rested his forehead against her wet skin as he marvelled at how tight and hot she was. HE bit his lip and he heard the miko moan.
Kagome wimpered when he stopped, and she could hear him panting into her shoulder. She rotated her hips a little to encourage him, but ceased when she felt sharp fangs settle against her throat. So she waited, breathing hard, before whimpering “Please.”
And then Sesshomaru moved. He pressed his body harder into her, keeping her tight against the wall, as he slowly slid out and pushed back in again. Again and again he pulled out and trust forward slowly.
“More....” Kagome panted. “Faster.”
“Yes.” Sesshomaru whispered into her ear.
His pace increased, his hips rolling delishously, their bodies becoming one. He heard her call his name out softly between pants and his entire body jerked, interrupting his rhythm as he grunted. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes, leaving his neck exposed to her. He felt soft lips attach to the sensitive skin at the base of his throat before coming to rest on the pulse point that lay at the juncture of his neck and shoulder. He felt her inner muscles flutter and he knew she was close.
“Come for me miko” he ground out between quickening thrusts and she mewled into his neck.
He felt her inner walls grip him tightly moments before she bit down and he gasped at the sensation of her biting in the place where a mate would mark him. She cried out his name in her release and with one final pounding thrust he too came with a snarl. He continued to push into her lightly as he coated her womb with his seed and her walls kept clenching tightly around him, milking him of every pent up frustration he had hidden away.
He felt her teeth release his flesh as she leaned her head against the wall, eyes closed and panting harshly. He withdrew himself from her and set her down on shaky legs. He nuzzled his nose into her neck, inhaling her pleasing scent, and breathing raggidly. Both slippery and soaking, they let the hot water rush down upon them, each lost in their own satisfaction.
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Here lies the plot for “Much Needed Healing.” Plot lead a good, wholesome life, until it's life was tragically cut short by a hentai authoress who it had mistakenly toyed with too many time. Sadly, plot spontaneously combusted due to the incredibly long lemon in this chapter. Plot will surely be sorely missed by many.
*Author smiles wickedly*
Sooo... apparently it is impossible for me to write a short lemon. But I guess you guys won't be complaining much.
You dirty birds.