InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mud wrestling ❯ Mud wrestling ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mud Wrestling

She was standing there again, in the corner of 54ts/56th Street again. She sighed deeply, wanted nothing more than to go home. But it was her night and she was going to make it even if it fucking killed her with bore.

Got you there - didn't I?

No, this girl is no prostitute, she is a bouncer at the little dark club called Hecate's basement. But she rarely got to use her strength and skills, because it was a very silent neighbourhood. Nothing ever happened around here. But she was glad - she had a job, a well paid one too. I mean - how many women could brag about being a bouncer? Not many…

Sango sighed and looked around the little pub, no troublemakers inside and no troublemakers outside. "This is going to be a long night." she thought and grabbed a soda from her bag. She saw people come and go but it was like it always was when she was working, peaceful. She had a reputation of being strong woman. No one who knew her dared to piss her off, unless you wanted to get all bruised up of course.

It neared closing time, Sango looked at her watch, quarter to three in the morning. She yawned and stretched her limbs.

- Tired? asked a deep voice and Sango grunted. She knew that voice all to well.

- Hi Kouga, what are you doing here? she asked.

- I am here to walk you home of course, like I always do.

- Like you always do. Look - Kouga - I don't need a body guard, I am fully capable of taking care of myself. I work as a bouncer for crying out loud. I can handle any kind of asses out there ok?

- Sango, don't argue with me on this, I want to walk you home, said Kouga and flashed a smile.

Sango grunted something about buttheads and she went inside the club to get her payment. She put the money in her pocket and waved good bye to the owner.

- So how was everything tonight? asked Kouga and walked next to Sango.

- Peaceful as always, said Sango and steered towards her home.

- Like always when you work huh? There are never any trouble when you are in the door, smiled the wolf.

- Yeah, so you see, you don't have to walk me home after work.

- Don't start with that again, I want to do this, you are my girl.

"Arrghhh. Don't start he says and then he calls me his girl?" She wanted to plant one big fist in his handsome face. "Shit, handsome, where did that come from? I don't like this asshole."

- What's wrong Sango? he asked when he saw her angry face.

- N-nothing at all, just shut please, she snorted to hide her blush.

- Are you blushing Sango??

- No, shut up or get the hell out of my face wolf man.

Kouga smiled and put his right arm over her shoulders and pulled her close to him, only to be smacked in the face.

- Gods woman, you are one feisty bitch, he snarled. But he could not help but marvel at her; she was gorgeous when she was angry.

- And you are a shithead!

She stopped and turned to look at him. She was furious, a night with no action at all, she had been bored out of her pants and she had to put up with this? No way…

- If you touch me again I will knock you down!

- Geez lady, what are you on tonight? he asked and took a step forward.

- Nothing, just leave me alone, she sighed and began walking again, this time a little faster, she wanted to get home as soon as possible. Everything to get away from him.

Kouga stopped and watched her disappear into a small forest area, she was going to take the short cut back home. A very dangerous short cut. "Fuck, she must have flipped her lid if she thinks she can walk through there this time of night and not get harassed by assholes. I need to protect her." But he knew she would knock him over the head if he followed her so he jumped into the nearest tree. Silently he followed her through the trees. She was pissed, that was quite obvious. He could sense her anger. He was a full demon, but she would still kick his ass, she was a skilled warrior. "A warrior princess, my princess." He thought and smiled softly. He had looked at her as his woman for some time now. His trail of thoughts were cut off when he saw three men move in on Sango. "Shit, she's in danger."

Sango saw then men and smiled wickedly, she was no fool, she knew what they were after and they would be a good reason for her to let off some pent up steam. O yeah she was going to kick their asses to kingdom come.

- Such a beautiful butterfly, said one of the men and Sango waved her hand in front of her face, the guy had one hell of an ugly breath.

- Let me guess - you want to fuck me right?!

They were caught off guard with her forwardness, but then they smiled and chuckled.

- Yeah, you would do us some good lady.

- I make you a deal - if you can defeat me, you can have me, said Sango and was ready to burst into laughter when she saw their confused faces.

- You think we could not take you down, is that it?

- Nope, I say you can't.

- Come on guys, let's teach this lady a lesson, the first one said.

Sango yawned right before she dodged the first man and used her elbow to knock him in the back of his head and he fell unconscious to the ground. The other one screamed and rushed towards her but Sango jumped gracefully into the air and kicked him in the face - bye bye birdie… But the third was not so foolish, he held his stance and he had a knife.

Kouga felt his stomach tie up into a knot when he saw the glittering blade in the man's hand. He could no longer keep himself hidden, he needed to protect Sango. He moved in and let his powerful kick put out the light for the man and he brushed off his hands. But when he looked up he saw Sango flaming.

- He was my prey!

- Sorry princess, I just could not let him hurt you.

- Asshole!

- And we really need to work on your language bitch.

- Look who's talking!

- So you will give yourself to anyone who can defeat you, or what?

- Huh?

- If I can defeat you in battle, will you give yourself to me? Kouga moved closer to the raging female.

- N-no..

- Come on Sango, you have never turned down a battle before, why do it now?

- N-no.. I don't want to fight you.

- Chicken?

Ohh he heard the low growl coming from the back of her throat and it had him very aroused. She sounded just like a demon. He liked that. He knew she could not stand of being called chicken and she would fight him. Only thing now was to get her to agree to his terms.

- Alright wolf, I'll fight you, but you will have to get to the hospital all by yourself later, she snickered.

- So you agree with my terms? If I win I get to mate with you?

- Yeah, yeah, come on - let get this over with.

Kouga smiled mischievously and Sango felt a ripple inside her body. She did not like that smile at all. "Perhaps your pride have made you take on little more than you can handle.." she thought and moved back so she would not trip over the bodies of the others. But she never saw the mud hole behind her, she slipped and landed butt first in the muddy hole. She cursed and looked up. She saw Kouga move in on her and she tried to get up but the mud was just too slippery for her and just when she thought she was going to make it she was attacked by the wolf. He jumped her, pressing her body into the slippery wetness.

Kouga felt something grow harder and harder inside his black jeans. Just to see Sango like this, to feel her this close, not to mention - he was fucking mud wrestling with his warrior princess. She wiggled under his form and he wanted to moan when her thigh moved over his erection.

He caught her wrists and pinned them down next to her head, but he had not counted for her catlike movements, suddenly she managed to free her right leg and she actually kicked him in the back of his head. He groaned and let shook his head to get rid of the dizziness her kick gave him. But he never let go of her hands. He straddled her thighs, keeping them under him so she would not be able to kick him again. "Shit, she have some powerful kicks, no wonder the guy fell like cut tree to the ground." He thought and looked down on her face. She had mud all over her cheeks and her dark eyes flared in the darkness.

- Do you yield? He asked.

- As if shithead!

- I have defeated you, do you yield? He asked again and moved his face a little bit closer to hers.

- No..

- To bad this fight did not continued any longer, this little mud hole made it to easy for me darling, he snickered and licked her lips, but he pulled back when she tried to bite him.

Sango felt a wave of heat when he licked her lips, but she would not give up, she tried to bite his tongue, but he was too fast for her.

- I have defeated you Sango, now it's time for you to pay up and stop being such a bitch. You went along with my terms and I have you in my power. Let's kiss and make up, he smirked.

- I still think you are a shithead, she snarled but relaxed under his form. She was beaten, she just ad to admit it and she… "O fuck I promised I would mate with him if he was able to defeat me.."

Sango wanted to sink through the earth, anything to get away from this. He yanked her up to stand in front of him. He moved his hands from her wrists and cupped her face; he looked deep into her eyes before she felt his lips close over hers.

"At last I get to kiss her, taste her." he thought as he gently pushed his tongue into her mouth. He found no resistance and he deepened the kiss as he caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. He had wanted to do this with her for so long now.

Sango just stood there, she was frozen in place. Never had she thought it would feel so good to be kissed. She opened up for his tongue and she wanted to moan when she felt him tease her own tongue. Her arms began moving, she let her hands rest on his biceps and she could not help but think how well built he seemed to be.

Kouga moved his right hand and put it on her waist before letting it travel to her lower back, pushing her closer to him. She was so soft against his body and he wished he could have like this forever - crushed so tightly so they almost fused together.

- Take off your clothes Sango, whispered Kouga and chuckled softly when he heard her stutter out something incoherent. - Don't be afraid, I will not eat you… Not the way you seem to think I would do.

His smiled turned perverted and she wished again that she just could vanish into the thin air. But a deal was a deal and she removed her black shirt with shaky hands. It was possible that he thought she took to long to undress because he began helping her, button after button and her soft flesh was revealed to him. He liked her black sport bra; it held her breast nicely in place. He let his fingers travel over her flat stomach down to her black pants and he used caution so he would not hurt her with his claws.

- Relax darling and trust me, you will enjoy this as much as I will, he said and kissed her lightly on the lips again.

Sango nodded and took a deep breath and forced her body to relax into his touch. Soon she was in that trance like state again when she felt him kiss her deeply. And she never noticed him take off his own clothes. Soon they both stood naked and Sango could feel his length brushing against her stomach.

- Come and sit down here, he said and he sat down on the ground and he moved her to sit in his lap.

- Like t-this?

- Like this you can be in charge, I will not hurt you.

- O-ok..

He smiled reassuringly and moved a hand to cup her sex, he could feel her wetness and he pushed a finger between her folds. He wanted to snarl when he felt her grip around his finger, she was one tight mama. He would indeed enjoy this mating.

- Kiss me and hold on to my shoulders, he whispered and she moved to kiss him.

He felt her place her arms around his neck and he removed his finger from her hot sheath, he guided the tip of his shaft between her folds and hold her in place.

- How does it feel? He wanted to know.

- G-good.. it feels good, she breathed and let out a small sound as she moved to take him deeper inside her body.

- Geez, you are so tight baby, he grunted and gripped her hips more firmly, but still careful not to scratch her skin with his claws.

Sango was a bit confused that she had not felt any pain, he was her first and she had heard her friends talk about a pain. But she felt none. But as soon as she began moving up and down the thoughts was blown out the window. The pleasure of something so hard and yet so velvety, it felt so good and she wanted nothing more than to do this all day long with Kouga.

- That's it love, ride me hard, breathed Kouga into her ear and loved the way her breasted stroked over his chest every time she moved.

- Love?? she panted out the word.

- Mm, I have loved you for quite s-some time now. Why do you always have me around when you walk home late at night?

- …?

- I could not bare the thought of you getting hurt, he said and kissed her fiercely when he thought of what could have happened tonight.

Sango felt the need to go faster so she did as her instincts told her and she was rewarded with a soft howl from the wolf demon. She wanted to… Something inside her womb exploded and she screamed out his name when the orgasm hit her with full force.

Kouga could feel her grip around his shaft and he pushed up when he felt her push down and he was buried to the hilt inside her womanhood. He released his seed and used his fangs to pierce the skin right over her heart. She needed to be marked properly, no other males would be able to take his woman from him.

For a few moments they just sat there, cherishing the serene aftermath. Kouga blinked at her and moved his thumb to brush off some mud that still lingered on her face.

- Want to come over to my place for a shower mate? he asked and showed her a piece of muddy hair.

- A shower would be nice..

She kissed him lightly on the nose and rose to her feet, she felt a bit embarrassed when something pooled down her legs but Kouga would just smirk and he moved to give back her clothes.

- Don't worry love, it will go away in the shower you know…

- A shower and then I am going home again, she said and buttoned her shirt.

- What? No, no, you are not going anywhere unless you are going home to get all your stuff.

- Huh?

- You are my mate Sango, and you will live with me.

- Did I hit you too hard on the head Kouga? She moved her fingers through his thick black hair to feel if he had any lump after her kick, but she could not feel anything.

- I think I have a lot to teach you, he grunted and picked her up and carried her towards his den.

Shit, he was going to have a real hell trying to get her to understand this mating-business of theirs. He sighed and tried not to listen to her insults.

But he got to mud wrestle her - only that was going to make everything worth while.


So what do you think?