InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mujou ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Sir, you are in great danger - an evil presence haunts this house. Tell me, has anything unfortunate occurred here recently?"

The man's thick brows draw together in worry as he replies. I nod, but do not need to listen. No matter at what inn I ask this question, the response is always the same in the end. Unfortunate occurrences are never far away, and even in places where misfortune has recently run dry, the innkeepers know not to get attached to the situation. It is the way of the world, after all.

I nod and follow the innkeeper inside at his query. A girl with a wide smile and bright, garish clothing eyes me as we pass through. When my assistance is requested, I never hesitate to take advantage.

* * * * *

The girl's thin shoulders brush mine with every breath. A strand of my hair sticks to her forehead. Slowly, we separate, side by side now, regaining our breath. Her hand rises from the floor, and I watch as her fingers trace the beads over my palm.

"Why don't you take them off?"

"I can't."

She pouts. "Not even for a one-night stand?"

Despite the morbid thoughts the question inspires, I can feel myself smile a little. "If I did, you might come too close to me."

"Afraid of attachment?" She snorts and smiles her wide grin again. It strikes me that she is much older than she looks. "You've got nothing to be afraid of. Prostitutes and priests don't get attached."

* * * * *

I leave, my pockets neither filled nor emptied by my visit, and turn my course to the next inn with pretty, unattached, forgettable girls and a disaster looming in its not-so-distant future. As I walk, my fingers round the beads on my hand as those of the girl from last night had done, her touch confident, unconcerned by the void concealed behind them.

AN: First things first: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters.

"Mujou" is a word whose meaning corresponds roughly to "evanescence" or "impermanence." The idea for this came of a late night doing Buddhist readings for a class, and wouldn't leave me alone. Many thanks to Ithilwen, Niamh, and Chri for suggesting some much-needed tweaks that have made it much more presentable.