InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mukunda ❯ Enter Mukunda ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Why do I bother? If you believe I own Inuyasha, you should be shot.

The click of the gun being cocked behind her echoed in her mind interminably. She knew she was in trouble and she also knew that she was alone. Her partner sat sleeping in the car 50 meters outside the warehouse, unaware of her current predicament. If she lived through this, he wouldn't.

"Lose the piece sweetheart." The voice behind her was slurred and the stench of alcohol reached her even from that distance. She had to fight down the urge to wretch at the stench but she managed to comply with his order, tossing her heavy gun to the floor ahead of her. "Now, stand up and turn around, hands on your head!" The drunk's voice became louder as his confidence grew. Kagome did as she was told, albeit slowly. She didn't want to face what she knew she would have to. When finally she faced her captor, the entirety of her attention focused on the silver barrel of the gun pointed directly at her face. Shifting her focus from the gun, she looked into the eyes of a thoroughly evil man. No, this was no man; it was a youkai. His cat-like eyes were shaky and unfocussed due to the amount of liquor in his system but they still shone with a look she'd seen many times as a cop. He was the scum of the earth and dressed accordingly in dirty, baggy shorts and a grimy t-shirt.

Though he teetered from side to side, the gun never left the young detective's line of sight for more than an instant. "Well bitch," the man sneered, stepping backwards slowly, "you're obviously here to join the party. Let's go." He motioned with his gun in the direction her wanted her to go, following close behind. They walked the labyrinth of crates and shelves emerging finally before the other laughing criminals. "Whatcha got there, Kyo?" asked one of the men with two girls kneeling before him and working noisily on his exposed member. "What? Two girls not enough for you?" asked another, kneeling behind a woman and grunting with every thrust while she screamed in pain. The other two thugs seemed too preoccupied with raping their girls to give more than a sneer towards her and the drunken demon holding a gun to the back of her head.

Kyo suddenly clubbed the back of Kagome's head with his gun, causing her to see stars for just a moment. "Okay, bitch. You wanted to join the party so much? Strip!"

"Forget it, scumbag! If you think I'm going to submit to your sick desires you've got another thing coming!" Kagome's scream drowned out everything else for a moment, causing everyone to stare at her wide eyed, especially the captured girls. The men however simply began to laugh and stepped away from their victims, without even showing the courtesy to cover their nudity.

"Looks like we've got a live one here, Kyo!" shouted one of the thugs.

"Yeah we do, Boris. I think it'll take all of us to break this little slut in." Kyo fixed a sadistic glare on Kagome and back-handed her across the face, sending her to the ground with a split lip. "Do as you're told and maybe we'll even be gentle with you." This seemed to be an inside joke among the gang as they began to chuckle.

Kagome dabbed at the blood on her face with her sleeve winced at the pain. That had really hurt. Come to think of it, that was one of the first times she'd ever been struck before and she was completely unprepared for it. Her jaw felt like it had come unhinged and she wouldn't be surprised if one of her teeth fell out when she got home. Slowly and on wobbly legs, she gained her feet and stared angrily at her captors. "You guys have made a huge mistake. I'm a cop and my partner has already called for backup by now. They should be arriving any minute." Despite her best efforts, she couldn't keep the tremor of fear from her voice and that's exactly what gave away her bluff; that and the earpiece falling from her ear and smashing to bits on the ground.

"Ha ha. Stupid bitch. No one's coming tonight except us!" All five thugs burst out laughing at that remark. Kagome couldn't stand it. She knew she was in deep shit here. No one but Kouga knew where she was and that bastard was sitting in the car, sleeping. And now, these assholes were laughing. She couldn't take it anymore and with all her might, she aimed a kick directly between Kyo's legs. She could've sworn she heard a gong go off somewhere when her foot connected. Everything suddenly went silent as Kyo dropped to his knees, grasping his crotch and gasping for the breath that just wouldn't come.

Two of the thugs rushed to Kagome and grabbed both of her arms, twisting them violently behind her back and making her cry out in pain. "You stupid cunt! No one does that to one of us! Especially not him. When he gets up, you'll wish you were dead. He'll make it hurt so bad you'll beg us to kill you!"

She trembled in their grip, but not from fear or pain. She had a grim smile of satisfaction on her face; satisfaction that she delivered so much pain to one of these bastards. Even if she would pay the price, it was worth it. Meanwhile, Kyo was still writhing on the floor in agony but now he was able to breathe. Soon, he would be on his feet and angry. She did not relish the thought of an angry youkai.

While they awaited the recovery of their companion, the two men holding her decided to toy with her by seeing just how far they could twist her arms until she screamed, laughing after each scream. Finally, after several minutes, Kyo stood before them, his eyes blazing red with hatred. "You bitch," he hissed at her hoarsely, "I'll fucking kill you!" His fingers suddenly extended into razor sharp claws, "But first, I'm going to have some fun with you." As his fetid breath wafted across her nostrils, she felt his claws slip under the hem of her shirt and vest, slowly cutting them away.

Kagome squirmed and flailed as best she could but her captors were just too powerful. All too soon, her naked chest was bared to their leering eyes and humiliation ran through her. Their demonic leader just licked his lips in anticipation as he leaned towards her.

Suddenly, everything was dark. For a moment Kagome was afraid she'd blacked out but she heard the thugs talking as if they had no idea what was happening either. A sudden explosion erupted from the rear of the warehouse, sending everyone into a sprawling heap on the ground. Kagome was the first to regain her senses and scrambled away from her rapidly recovering captors. The lights came back on as abruptly as they had shut off and she gasped in shock.

The explosion left a gaping hole in the wall through which three very serious looking people entered. They were all dressed in tight black gear and looked better armed than the NYPD SWAT team ever could hope to be. The first one through was a woman, much to Kagome's surprise. She was armed to the teeth, Kagome counting no less than four hand guns and a multitude of knives. All of this was contained within belts and holsters wrapped around skin-tight leather pants and a thick Kevlar vest. In her hands, she held two Mac-10's complete with silencers and her dark hair was tied back into a loose pony tail that swung back and forth as she looked around. As the woman's gaze swept the scene, the look in her eyes changed from one of seriousness to absolute rage.

Coming in behind her was a man dressed similarly but with a few less weapons. Two handguns holstered at his waist and an odd looking staff in his hands. At the staff's tip was some sort of apparatus that crackled dangerously. To Kagome's best guess, it looked like some sort of modified cattle prod. He looked so at ease and care-free as he moved into the building. His messy black hair, tied as it was into the small pony tail at the back of his neck just added to that image. When he took in the scenery as well, Kagome nearly gasped as she saw the dangerous glint in his eyes. Just like that, he went from care-free to frightening.

The final member of this odd team entered casually, a smirk gracing his lips. Kagome's eyes settled first on his handsome face. Something about his amber eyes made her suddenly remember her state of undress and she clutched her shirt and vest together in her best attempt at modesty. His long silver hair was capped by what looked to be pointed dog ears. At first, she didn't believe they were real but she saw them twitch and was convinced. Bringing her eyes away from his face, she noticed that he was dressed differently than the others. His clothes were baggier and held the fewest weapons by far. From what she could see, he only had one rather large silver gun tucked behind his belt and several throwing knives strapped to his shoulder. In his hand, he held a rather large katana, braced against his shoulder. The smirk never left his face despite the situation. Either he was more heartless than his companions or he was better at hiding it than they were. Suddenly, the silver haired man spoke, barking orders to his teammates, "Sango, free the girls. Miroku, take the humans. The youkai is mine." Sango and Miroku just grunted their acknowledgement and leapt to their tasks.

The woman named Sango reached the line of girls imprisoned on the wall and began undoing their restraints. Each time she released one of the victim's wrists, the girl would fall forward limply like a rag doll giving Sango the added burden of sustaining their weight long enough to set them safely on the floor.

Two of the thugs, finally able to process what was going on, hopped to their feet and charged after Sango. They were met half way by a very angry looking Miroku, his large staff clothes-lining them both with one hefty swing. With amazing grace, he spun the staff and brought the crackling end down to the middle of each man's chest causing them both to squirm for a moment before passing out. He quickly turned to the two remaining human criminals and dispatched them in similar fashion when they tried to attack.

While Sango and Miroku were attending to their tasks, the silver haired man approached Kyo with that same smirk. "So, you're the youkai here eh? You're really pathetic, you know that?"

"Shut your mouth, half-breed!" Kyo hissed, his eyes glowing red. The way he said half-breed was especially venomous and made Kagome look at the man anew. She realized that it must be true. `So that's why he has dog ears,' she thought to herself.

"Keh! Don't like what I'm saying? Come do something about it, you sick fuck!" He shifted his stance, bringing his sword to the ready, waiting impatiently for the attack. He didn't have to wait long.

Kyo howled in rage and rushed his opponent. It would be the last mistake he ever made. In the blink of an eye, the silver haired man's sword erupted through the youkai's back. Either for sadistic pleasure or just to make sure he was dead, the sword was twisted within the youkai and sliced outward, spraying foul smelling blood everywhere.

Kagome couldn't believe her eyes. The bastard deserved to die. He had raped all of those girls and was ready to rape her. She had every right to revel in the end of his life but for some reason, she couldn't help but feel that no one deserved to die so gruesomely. She also realized that these people, her saviors, had broken quite a few laws in this daring rescue. No matter her personal disdain at what she was about to do, it was still her job. She could have overlooked everything else, but their leader had brutally slain someone right before her eyes. She had to arrest them.

Slowly, Kagome gained her feet, still clutching her shirt closed but letting the vest lay discarded on the ground. Reaching into her pocket with her free hand, she produced her badge and held it up for everyone to see, "NYPD! You are all under arrest! Please drop all of your weapons and-" A sudden glow drew her attention to the corpse on the ground. A strange light was seeping from the wound in his side. Slowly, balls of soft, white light emerged and floated away, settling themselves into the girls surrounding the room.

"It's their souls." The voice came from behind her, making Kagome jump. It was the one named Miroku. He spoke softly, almost reverently, "The youkai had stolen them to make those girls into mindless slaves. The only way to release them was to kill him."

She nodded dumbly, her attention returning to the body on the ground. It seemed as if it had given all the souls it had to give and when it did, the corpse crumbled to dust. "I still have to arrest you, you know. Vigilantes can't be allowed to do as they please." As she spoke, even she wasn't convinced by her voice. Obviously, neither was anyone else. They continued to see to the victims, the silver haired man calling for blankets on his two-way earpiece. Kagome took a moment to retrieve her lost weapon and returned it to its holster as she looked around. Arrests could wait. The girls were waking up from their trances and screaming frantically. She would have to arrest them after they were all taken care of, that's all.

Before she could make it to the other girls, a shirt was dangled in front of her face while a gruff voice to her right told her to put it on. She turned to see the silver haired man in a tank top, holding up what was obviously his own shirt from before. She couldn't help but smile at his generosity. "Thanks" she said, quickly walking behind some tall boxes to slip into the shirt. It was really baggy on her but she didn't mind. At least now she didn't have to hold her shirt closed.

Returning to the others, she found the silver haired man standing back, well away from the girls but looking at them with the utmost concern. Slowly, she made her way to his side and sighed, "Listen, I'm sorry about trying to arrest you. You had to do what you did. The cop in me just kicked in I guess." She smiled and faced him fully, extending her hand, "I'm detective Kagome Higurashi. Who might you be?"

The man looked surprised and appraised her for several moments before taking the offered hand and giving it a firm squeeze, "I'm Inuyasha, leader of this little band of do-gooders. The woman over there with more guns than the army is Sango and the guy with the bug zapper is Miroku."

She giggled at his descriptions and released his hand, "So what exactly are you guys doing here? I mean, it looks as though you've done this before."

"We call ourselves Mukunda. We get paid to find people and bring them back. In this case, we were hired to find Melanie Johnson. Now, if you're done yammering, I've got to get out of here before they all see me." Inuyasha turned on his heel and left her standing there in shock.

It took her several moments to sort through what had just transpired and she was still confused. They had been having a nice conversation, despite the weird circumstances, and he suddenly tells her she's yammering and storms off? What the hell was wrong with him? Crying behind her brought her out of her stupor and she remembered that she had more important things to do at the moment. These girls would need many years of counseling to even partially recover from this nightmare.