InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mukunda ❯ The Next Mission ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well, I just have to say that the reviews I have been getting are wonderful, despite MM double posting them. To say I was surprised when I received one from my fav IY authoress would be an understatement. Thank you very much for your kind words angelbabe17. I look forward to writing more for you all, as well as myself. Enjoy.

"This is Miroku. I'm in position and ready to rock," crackled a voice through the two-way attached to his ear. Even with the volume on its lowest setting and the man on the other end speaking in a whisper, the noise irritated his sensitive hearing.

"Sango here, I've got them in my sights and am awaiting orders." He fairly winced that time. She never seemed to remember to speak as quietly as he ordered. It was usually her way of getting back at him for something stupid. This time, he suspected her motive stemmed from him using the toilet while she was in the shower this morning. He'd get back at her after the mission.

"Alright, when you see the signal, move in. Miroku, kill the lights." The moment the building went dark he hopped down to the dark rooftop of the twelve story apartment building and entered the stairwell through the roof access. "God job, now get to your secondary position. I'll meet you there." A world of green met his sensitive eyes as he switched on the night-vision goggles. They weren't really necessary, but his team had insisted he wear them. Just because he bumped into a wall once didn't mean he needed the damned things. They were too heavy and he couldn't see right afterwards but he had to resist the urge to chuck them into the wall. His brother always took damages out of his cut.

Leaping down the stairs a flight at a time, he quickly found what he'd been looking for. The gold letters on the door identified the apartment as 8D and the sounds from inside confirmed his suspicions. They were in there and she was still alive. It always made him even more nervous when the hostage was alive. There was so much more to worry about to insure the safety of the victim. Now, he knew he couldn't do what he wanted. He had to follow the plan instead of just rushing in and ripping apart the assholes that took the little girl. His reverie was broken when he heard his partner finally arrive. "About fuckin' time, Miroku."

Miroku glowered at the silver haired man before him and shook his head, "Some of us had to climb the steps instead of jumping down them, Inuyasha."

"Keh," spat the hanyou, tapping his two-way, "Sango, get ready. We're going in three."

The line was silent, but both men knew she'd heard them. When she was sniping, there was simply no distracting her. She was the best Inuyasha had ever known, even excelling at non-lethal weaponry. It was that last bit that made her invaluable to their team. They had to avoid killing if at all possible, due to their working outside the law.

"One." Inuyasha took a step back and drew his sword, "Two." Miroku drew back as well, powering up his staff. The electricity at its tip crackled to life, settling into an almost imperceptible hum. "Three!"

The tip of Inuyasha's sword sliced through the door's hinges with one swift slash and Miroku finished the job with a straight kick, sending the door flying into the face of an unsuspecting man unfortunate enough to be standing right in the entryway at the time. Confused screams erupted almost instantly and stopped almost as quickly when Sango's aim proved true. Several thuds preceded the sound of zapping when Miroku found another hiding in the bathroom. It didn't take them long to check the entire apartment and find what they had come for. "All clear," Inuyasha spoke through the comm. "Miroku's got her. I'll see you guys in the van after I take out the trash."

It took a full 20 minutes for the power in the building to reset itself thanks to Miroku's "little black box" as he liked to call it. It was a simple device that stopped the flow of electricity to the circuit breaker for as long as he set it. Now, as it burned itself out and released the current, the light returned to the apartment. Strewn everywhere about the room were piles and piles of the child pornography that had been produced within. Amidst those piles lay the bruised and bloodied manufacturers, none of them having escaped their well deserved beatings. Many of the felons sported cuts in the shape of claw marks on their neck that were dangerously close to piercing vital arteries. When they awoke, they would wish those claws had finished the job, for when a hanyou decides to kick someone repeatedly in the crotch, it tends to create soprano singers.

Shortly after the lights had been restored, an armada of police officers stormed the small apartment. It took one look to tell them that someone had beaten them to the punch though that didn't matter. The evidence lay all about in neat little piles waiting for them to find it. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize the anonymous phone call they had received earlier was from whoever did this. Still, they needed to get forensics in to determine just what had happened here and hopefully determine who was responsible for bringing these pigs to justice and earn them a place in the heart of every parent in the room.


Inuyasha stared at the road ahead as he drove. His thoughts weren't on the road before him, however. They were on the strike. They had been too late to save the child's innocence, but they had saved her life. That was something to be thankful for, wasn't it? No scenario was ever perfect, but as long as they were successful that was enough. Or, at least that's what he'd had to tell himself every time. Only a perfect mission could make Inuyasha happy and thus, he never really was happy. The last mission had been the best. It turned out that the girl they were after hadn't been touched and half of the girls on the wall were new and the gang hadn't had the chance to hurt them yet either. That was the most successful they'd been in recent months. Thinking about that mission brought back memories of the young detective as well. That girl intrigued him. He had just dispatched with a demon in a rather gruesome way and she was more concerned with arresting him than the fact that the demon's blood had gotten into her hair. She was certainly tough for a human. When they'd met with the senator to receive payment, Inuyasha asked the man to keep his eyes on her. What made him do that, he didn't know, though Miroku had made the offhand comment about her being a possible addition to their little group. The way she was going, it seemed she may have need for the job. His informant inside her precinct had told him of her recent suspension. That kind of bullshit was what kept Inuyasha operating outside the law.

The headlights of the van revealed a large gate barring their path. He hadn't even realized they'd come to the warehouse district yet, let lone that they were already at their headquarters. To look at it, no one would guess that it housed the vigilante group known as Mukunda. The building was a leftover from the industrial age, left to rot away as all the others surrounding it had started to do. The rusted steel walls and broken windows matched all of the other buildings nearby. Even the once proud steel gate before them looked ready to fall apart. That, however, was all part of the deception. The gate would rattle and scrape when it opened, but if one were to look at the mechanics of it, they would see brand new machinery and a rather complex locking panel hidden in the wall. Inuyasha climbed from the van and opened the panel to be greeted by a subtle flash of light directly into his eyes. When his vision returned, the gate made its usual groaning noise and opened for them as he hopped into the van and proceeded into the warehouse.

The massive warehouse seemed so much larger on the inside that it looked. It never ceased to amaze him how their entire operation could fit inside one building and still have room left to keep up the pretenses of an innocent, condemned warehouse. Their personal vehicles were parked just inside the entryway of the building, each of them as different as their drivers. A red Viper with silver racing stripes sat in the first space parked a little crooked as if someone couldn't be bothered with parking properly. The car next to it was a well polished, black Mercedes coupe. It was well kept and very clean looking, though anyone who knew the driver would know better. Next in line was a black sport bike with pink trim. Every inch of the bike was impeccable, its lustrous shine only outdone by that of the silver Shelby Cobra next to it. The car was a classic and one of the last in existence, painstakingly restored by its owner. Last, but not least was a black Jeep Liberty, the most nondescript of all the cars and possibly the least expensive if the number of modifications made to the bike were counted.

Past the personal vehicles sat the work machines. There were two vans just like the one they drove in now, though one seemed more equipped for surveillance with the antennae attached to its roof. A black helicopter sat nearby, directly below a large skylight, the soft glow of the moon giving it an eerie glow. Past the parking area was the main area of their headquarters. When they purchased the warehouse, they had it redone so they could all live there rather than running the risk of being followed when they commuted. A wall rose up about half way inside the building, looking somewhat like an office complex or an apartment building.

Inuyasha climbed out from the driver's side and opened the rear doors of the van to allow his companions to exit as well. Sango hopped from the vehicle and stretched, "About time we got here. That van's too cramped for my taste."

"Shh! She's asleep!" whispered Miroku as he stepped from the van as well, the rescued girl sound asleep in his arms. "Let's get her to her parents as soon as possible. She needs them a lot right now."

Inuyasha turned away from both Sango and Miroku, "Keh. If they were any kind of parents, they wouldn't have let her pedophile uncle have her for the weekend."

Sango gave the hanyou one of her patented death glares, "You're such an ass, Inuyasha. They didn't know he was like that or else they wouldn't have!!" She stormed through the door of the inner building, only holding it open long enough for Miroku to bring the girl through and making certain to close it in Inuyasha's face.

"Hey! God dammit Sango!" He yanked the door open and followed them inside. Directly inside the door was a very expensive looking room. A luxurious looking furniture set sat in the middle of the room facing a large entertainment system. A large oak desk sat against the rear wall with several chairs before it. Sitting in the chairs before the desk were the parents of the little girl in Miroku's arms. When they saw their daughter alive, both their faces lit up with joy as tears streamed down their cheeks. The girl's mother was the first to find the strength to stand and approach her daughter.

She held her arms out to Miroku who handed the poor woman her child. "Cindy! Oh god, Cindy! I'm so glad you're alright!" Her mother's yells brought the girl out of he slumber and she clutched her mother tightly. "Mommy! Daddy!"

It was a heartfelt reunion to say the least. For the three teammates, these moments were what made their jobs worthwhile. Even Inuyasha cracked a smile at times like these, though he would always say that he was just thinking about the paycheck. The only one who wouldn't show any emotion at times like these sat behind the desk in the large executive leather chair, watching the scene impassively. Aside from his flawless manners and wisdom, it was the reason he had been chosen to deal with the unpleasantness of settling the bill. If left to any other member of the team, they wouldn't make enough money to pay for gas.

The man's silver hair resembled Inuyasha's but it was far more tame by comparison. The same could be said for most of his attire, but instead of being boring, it was elegant. His white Armani suit was impeccable as always, the jacket left unbuttoned and displaying a silk, burgundy shirt underneath. The coupe de grace of his look was the piercing golden eyes he shared with his brother. If one knew where to look, they could see all the emotions Sesshomaru kept hidden within their golden depths.

"You are satisfied then, Mr. Cheng?" asked Sesshomaru coolly.

The father nodded with tears in his eyes and signed the check, sliding it across the desk to Sesshomaru. "You and your people are worth that and more. If you need help in anything, you know where to find us." Wiping the tears from his eyes he joined his wife and headed through a door in the back of the room, a smile on his face.

With the Cheng's gone, Sesshomaru turned to his team and nodded a brief greeting, "Satisfactory. There are no more missions scheduled right now. It will be posted in the usual place. "

That was the closest they ever got to praise from Sesshomaru. He was their leader and for as long as they had known him, only one person could ever get more than the bare minimum of information from him and she was busy taking the Cheng's home at the moment. In this case, though, no one really had anything to say. They just wanted to wash themselves clean of the memories of the latest mission.