InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mukunda ❯ Meeting the Family ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yeah, yeah. I know it's taken me forever again. Had a fatal error that took over a month to repair so you'll have to forgive me. My muse also seemed to have taken the holidays off as well so I haven't been up for writing anyway. Here's a short chap to tide you over til I feel like writing more. Who knows when that'll be though.
Disclaimer: Pointless.
He had no idea what compelled him to make such a foolish decision. This was probably the riskiest thing he'd done since joining the military. Not only could this turn around to bite him in the ass, but it could also cause trouble for Mukunda. It wasn't like there was anything to be gained either. He just did something stupid. “Yep, that about sums it up,” he muttered to himself. Looking at the girl who lay on the leather sofa in their main office, he couldn't help but remember their first meeting in the warehouse. She certainly had a fire to her that couldn't be denied. He could see it in here eyes when he spoke to her, both at the warehouse and in the car the day before. He doubted anything would ever get in her way when she wanted something. What he'd heard about her reputation with the cops helped cement that ideal in his mind.
Inuyasha was brought out of his musings when Kagome slowly began to stir. A flutter of her eyelids and a weak groan were the first indications that the gas was finally wearing off. When her eyes finally opened, she looked around worriedly and sat up. Her eyes landed on Inuyasha and he was treated to a view of that fire one more time, though he learned from previous experience to flatten his ears before she began her yelling.
“What the fuck am I doing here!?” she yelled at the flinching hanyou. “Where are those bastards on the boat!? Wait…this isn't the boat.” She looked around the lavishly decorated office again, this time much more calmly than before. Her eyes glided across the bookshelves and the fine artwork that hung on the wall. She even recognized one of the pictures as a Cezanne print. The oak room was rather comfortable until she saw the large, imposing desk at the other end. It made her feel quite insignificant sitting on the couch and sucked all of the comfort from the room. Whoever chose the desk must have wanted to intimidate everyone that wasn't behind it. Just good business, she guessed.
“No shit.” Inuyasha's voice brought her back to the situation at hand and she leveled her glare on him once more. She was just about to retort when he spoke again, “Like I told you in the car, you should have respected our turf. You got in the way so you got caught up in it.” He folded his arms when he finished speaking, a smirk plastered on his face.
Kagome just stared at him in shock for a moment before coming to her senses, “Let me get this straight. You wanted the money so bad that you didn't care that I was in there? Not only that, but you kidnapped me and brought me here afterwards!?” Her voice rose steadily as she spoke and so did she, stalking toward Inuyasha until she was nose to nose with him.
Standing up himself, he stared back into her eyes and growled, “First of all,” he started quietly, “lower your fucking voice!! Your whining is gonna make me deaf!!” Yelling the last part, he huffed in her face for added emphasis. “And second,” he lowered his voice again and backed off, “we didn't kidnap you. We brought you here so you could recover without the cops finding you on the boat.” Well, the excuse sounded plausible enough to him. Especially since he'd just thought it up right then and there.
Just then, the woman before him gave a very unladylike growl to match Inuyasha's and jabbed her finger into his chest, “This “little girl” doesn't need your help. Now take me home this fucking instant!” She seethed with anger, now almost literally nose to nose with Inuyasha. Not one to be intimidated, Inuyasha puffed out his chest and growled back, “Who the fuck are you to order me around!? You're in my fucking domain, bitch, and don't you forget it!”
“Here's the part where the male begins to flap his wings and squawk while hopping in a circle to impress the female,” came a voice from behind them using a false Australian accent followed by several snickers, “let's watch.” Inuyasha and Kagome both turned at the same moment, giving their heated glares to the audience that had gathered while they fought. There Miroku was, speaking into the end of his staff as if it were a microphone with Sango and another girl giggling next to him. “Uh oh ladies! It appears we've been spotted. These beasts get violent when their mating rituals are interrupted. We'd better get out of here!” The two women rolled on the floor with laughter while Kagome just stood there with her mouth agape. The only one that seemed capable of doing anything was Inuyasha and he leapt at Miroku, pummeling the man with his own staff. This, of course, only made everyone laugh harder, even Kagome.
“Alright, alright! I give, I give!” cried Miroku, holding his hands up in defense until finally Inuyasha stopped the beating and stormed off, still growling. “He always was a baby,” whispered Miroku.
Kagome reined in her laughter and looked at the people remaining, “Well, it's certainly nice to see someone around here that doesn't have the temper of a bull in Spain but could someone please direct me to the exit? I need to get home and figure out how I'm going to pay rent this month.”
Miroku was the first to her, immediately taking her hand between his and looking deeply into her eyes. “My dear lady, permit me to aid you in some way. I don't have much, but I'm sure I could manage something.”
The young woman blushed and looked away from his eyes demurely, “W-well, I really do need the money.”
“Good! The key to my room is hidden above the door. Wear something red and really sexy.” One of his hands released hers and immediately found its way to her bottom, though he still kept a serious face. That is until Kagome slapped it right off of him.
“You pervert!! How dare you touch me?!” Before Kagome could get any more out, she heard a rather loud thud and watched Miroku crumble to the floor to reveal a rather enraged looking Sango behind him, her gun still raised from the pistol whipping she'd just given him.
“Stupid pervert. You'd think he would've learned by now,” Sango mumbled, grabbing Miroku by the collar and dragging him away. As she reached the door, she looked over her shoulder at Kagome and smiled, “Nice you see you again detective. Good luck.”
“Yeah…uhm. You too, I guess.” As soon as Sango was out the door, Kagome spoke to herself, “What the hell was that all about.”
“Oh, that's just their mating ritual,” came the laughing voice of the other woman which Kagome had completely forgotten in the spectacle. “They go through the whole routine all the time. He gropes, she hits; it's quite simple really.” The woman stood before Kagome with a smile and her hand extended, “My name's Rin. It's a pleasure to meet you, Detective. I've heard quite a bit about you lately. Care for some tea?”
Kagome took the woman's hand and smiled, “I'd love some but to tell the truth, I'd rather enjoy it in the privacy of my own apartment. When can I get out of here?” She looked around the office again, looking for the exit while still shaking Rin's hand.
“Oh, you can't leave just yet. Our leader wants to have a chat with you. Besides, it's best for you to stay with us for tonight. Inuyasha will probably want to yell at you some more and I don't want to miss the show.”
At first, Kagome was shocked by the response. She should be mad that someone was keeping her here for their own amusement but instead, she just burst into laughter. “Alright then. It's not like I have a dog or anything back there. Besides, this office here looks a hundred times more comfortable than my tiny little place. I will take you up on that tea though.”
Rin smiled and clapped her hands like a child, “Wonderful! I'll go get it. Have a seat at the desk. The leader will be here any moment.” The small woman all but hopped from the office through the same door the others had left through. Deciding to take her advice, Kagome sat down in the overstuffed chair and sighed happily. The chair was heavenly. If she had to spend the night here, she wouldn't mind sleeping in this chair.
“Don't get too comfortable. This office isn't the place for sleeping,” came a voice from behind, causing the young detective to whirl around. She hadn't heard anyone come it, yet there behind her was one of the most imposing individuals she'd ever met. He had the look of a man with power. His long, immaculate silver hair and perfectly pressed Italian suit spoke of his wealth and taste for certain, but his eyes, cold and calculating, told of a man who knew how to get things done. All at once, Kagome understood the reason for the desk.
Quietly, and with grace reserved for royalty, the tall man sat behind the desk and turned his quiet gaze on Kagome. “So you're the famous detective that's aroused my team's curiosity.” He paused to look her over and then shook his head, “I honestly don't see what the fuss is all about. You look like an ordinary human to me.”
Not one to take such blatant dismissal lying down, Kagome glared at him, “And you look like you've used too much eye shadow! I didn't get kidnapped just to be rated by some pompous ass like you. Now, if you'll be so kind as to show me the way out of here, this ordinary human has a life to get back to.” As she stood, she noticed Rin returning with a tray of tea and some sort of cookies. “Sorry, Rin, but prince pain in the butt here made me lose my thirst.”
Much to Kagome's surprise, Rin turned a heated glare to the man behind the desk that would have made Inuyasha proud. “I know I can't get an apology out of you but could you at least pretend that you have some manners!? She's a nice person and I want her to enjoy her time here!”
Sesshomaru made no outward movements but Kagome knew the look of a successfully chastised man when she saw it. “Very well, Rin.” He turned back to Kagome and nodded slightly, “If Rin wants you to stay that is enough for me. Her judgment of people's character is infallible. She will show you to your room, I'm sure.” The tall youkai gave Rin a strange look as he passed her on his way out of the office and Kagome made a note to ask about it later.
Rin turned her smiling and surprisingly flushed face to Kagome, “Well, since you're not thirsty at the moment, how about the grand tour?”