InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Musei Sange: Silent Confessions ❯ Chapter One: Concrete Angel ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Musei Sange: Silent Confessions
By: Youkai No Rin

Rin: I really shouldn't be doing this but oh well.
Yasha: It's okay though Rin, you finished Forever Together earlier, so now you get to bring out this story!
Rin: True, well here it is my new story! Be sure to read the warning!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha as much I as own the nice Viper sitting outside on my driveway.


Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where she's loved
Concrete Angel
Martina McBribe-Cincrete Angel

Chapter 1: Concrete Angel

Rin fell to the hard floor her hand clutching her stomach in pain.
“You stupid girl!” A heated voice accused.
“Father, please...” Rin was able to choke out barely.
A sudden fist flew out of nowhere colliding with Rin's soft cheek. She was thrown back on to the hard floor, tears now flowing freely from her eyes. Whimpering Rin struggled to raise her sore head a little to look at her livid father.
His face was crimson and wild with anger. In one hand he held a half empty bottle of liquor, the other hand was tightly balled up in a fist. His eyes flashed dangerously down at Rin.
“I feed you, I give you anything you want, the clothes on your back! I have given you a roof over your head and you can't even give me one thing back in return! You useless girl!” Rin's father shouted. When Rin gave no reply he reached down with his free hand grabbed Rin around her neck. He held her high in the air as she thrashed about trying desperately to get out of his grip, but he only tighten his hold on her. “Answer me!”
Rin couldn't breath but if she didn't reply she would surely die of suffocation.
“Yes father...”
He suddenly dropped Rin and she quickly coughed trying to get a few good gasps of air. Her face, stomach and now her neck throbbed with pain...unbelievable pain. But Rin didn't notice she was so used to this abuse it seemed that her body turned numb to it and would start to heal as soon as it happened. This abuse had been going on for years why wouldn't he stop? Why couldn't he see what he was doing?
All of a sudden Rin's father dropped to his knees, his hand losing its grip on the liquor bottle. His eyelids fluttered for a few moments before finally closing all together. He then toppled over crashing onto the carpet in one huge mass.
The tears didn't stop coming as Rin stared at her unconscious father lying on the floor. Bending down Rin knew what she had to do; after all it was what she had been doing for years now. Pulling free the bottle her father held tightly in his hand she turned to place it on the counter. Then bending back down Rin grabbed a hold of one of her father's arms, and tugged it up and around her bruised neck. The pain was great as Rin struggled to pull her drunken father to his feet. He was so heavy it took all Rin had left in her to get him to stand.
In a few good minutes Rin was walking slowly towards her father's bedroom. Tears streamed down her face and onto the floor from agonizing pain caused by her wounds, and bruises but mostly by how she felt within. Tortured, hurt, and used is how Rin felt all the time now. She figured that she should be use to the beatings but lately they had been getting more physical, sometimes her father would come home and touch her in places that made Rin want to slap him, but she didn't; because it would only cause him to get angrier.
Finally Rin reached her fathers bedroom and she stumbled over to his large bed. Carefully but full of pain she pulled her father up onto the bed and gently hoping to not wake him, took off his shoes and set them by the door. Turning to leave Rin looked at her father one last time. He looked a whole lot nicer when he slept. Rin couldn't believe that she had once cuddled close to this horrible man when she was young; in between her mother and father she slept feeling safe and content. But that all changed after her mother died and her father began drinking. Everything had gone downhill from there, her father's job, her grades at school, many of her friends turning their backs on her. It was a horrible truth, a terrible life, but it was what fate had dealt her and Rin, over the years, had grown to accept it.
Rin slowly closed her father's door and crept to her bathroom down the hall. Slipping inside and closing the door, she turned the light on and looked in the mirror. Quickly she looked away afraid to bring herself to look at the effects of the night. Absently Rin touched her cheek and winced at the pain. Slowly she looked back at the mirror and grimaced, she didn't know the girl that looked back at her. A large blue-purple bruise covered Rin's left cheek; and ever so carefully she brought her hand to touch the darkening skin there. Rin was too afraid to touch the bruise around her neck, it looked so fragile that if she touched it the skin would break and blood would flow. Lifting her shirt a little Rin gasped at the long dark line across her stomach beneath her rib cage. Taking a deep breath Rin thanked the gods that there were no broken ribs, but she also realized breathing was going to be hard for a while because of her sickening neck.
Lightly shaking her head Rin thought of what she was going to do about school. Tomorrow she went back to school and Rin didn't know how she would be able to hide these bruises again. Teachers gave her looks but they never asked. Maybe if they did and acted on their intuition Rin wouldn't be here right now staring at another round of bruises. The only ones who ever asked about the bruises were her true friends. The ones she had been able to keep even after all the cruelty she took.
Kagome Higurashi and Rin Ukiyo had known each other since kindergarten and were always there for each other. She knew about the abuse but could never convince Rin to tell the principal or the police. Rin was too afraid to speak to anyone, she loved her father even after all the wounds he gave her, but she still hoped that one day he would realize what he was doing and stop. Kagome tried her best to make Rin happy and Rin knew it. She gave Rin dreams to look forward to. If it wasn't for Kagome Rin probably would have been dead by now. Rin was 17, she would be graduating this year, and finally be free from all this torment and pain she received every night. Kagome promised and Rin believed that when she turned 18, which was right after graduation they would get an apartment and go to college together. Never again, if Rin wished, would she have to see her father, she would at last be able to live the life she longed and dreamed for.
Inuyasha Tashima was Kagome's boyfriend. Those two had been going out for a year and a half now, and it amazed Rin to no end how they had managed it. But she had a funny feeling that they would end up together because of the way they loved one another so much even through all their fights and yelling's. Inuyasha was a nice guy; Rin liked him and approved of him for Kagome. But there was some dark hole in Rin's heart. She wished for someone that she could love and be loved in return. But sadly no man had ever liked Rin, because she was so quiet and distant, always wearing clothes that hid her bruises and shying away from the ones who did dare talk to her.
Then there was Inuyasha best friend and his girlfriend, Miroku Houshi and Sango Shina. It had taken years for Miroku to finally ask Sango out but it had happened this year and even with Miroku's constant groping of other girls, it was always funny to watch Sango keep him inline one way or another. No matter how terrible Rin's night was before, she always counted on those two too cheer her up; and they had yet to fail her.
Looking once more at the hideous abused girl in the mirror, Rin turned to leave the bathroom. Steady snores floated to Rin's ears from her father's room. Entering her own room Rin locked it behind her, her only one true defensive against her father in the night. Turning on a small lamp, Rin peeled off her clothes that were damp with sweat and tears.
Rin sighed as she gently pulled on her PJ's and climbed into her bed. The pain from lying down caused tears to form once again in her eyes. As she lay there, Rin cried for her hurting, she cried for her father and how unaware he was of what he does, she cried for her life, the fear that one day he might go to far and kill her on accident. Slowly Rin's eyes became heavy as she drifted off into a world where she was free from her reality full of pain.

Golden eyes fluttered open as a long slender hand reached over to turn off the annoying alarm. A groan was given as once again the memories of his life hit him.
“Sesshomaru! Get up! I'll be late for school!” Inuyasha, his bothersome little brother yelled up the stairs.
Sesshomaru groaned and rolled his beautiful eyes at his little brothers call. He had only been home a few days and already Inuyasha was beginning to irritate him. Rolling over Sesshomaru slid out of his warm bed. Reaching to the chair beside his nightstand he grabbed his robe and walked out of his room and towards the bathroom.
Inuyasha appeared from his room fully dressed in blue jeans and a white tank, over the tank he had pulled on a light blue silk striped button up shirt. Over one shoulder was the strap to his book bag and his other hand he was holding a small notebook. When he saw Sesshomaru he sighed.
“You haven't even taken a shower Sesshomaru? Why not? You'll make me late for school!” Inuyasha complained.
Sesshomaru looked to a clock hanging on the wall; it was only 6:30 he still had about an hour.
“Why Inuyasha it's only 6:30, we still have an hour. I'm not worried about college so, why are you just so anxious to get to school so early?” Sesshomaru asked coolly.
Inuyasha looked away and fiddled with the metal rings of the notebook. “That's none of your business, so will you hurry up so that we can get going?”
“Little brother if you hadn't wrecked your own car we wouldn't be in this position now would we?” Sesshomaru strode past his gaping brother and shut the bathroom door behind him.
Once inside Sesshomaru let out a heavy breath. He hated living here, with Inuyasha, his father and her that “her” being Inuyasha's mother and Sesshomaru's stepmother. Sesshomaru's real mother had died in a freak accident that no one could figure out, when he was a young child. And less then a year later his father brought home this strange woman. She seemed nice enough, she treated Sesshomaru well but he still disliked her and always would. About a year and a half later Inuyasha was born and Sesshomaru despised him just as much as he did his stepmother.
The hot water pounded down upon Sesshomaru's cold skin, warming and waking him fully. Closing his eyes Sesshomaru thought back to when he had left to America. By the time Sesshomaru turned 16 he couldn't take living in the same house as Inuyasha and his stepmother anymore. Asking his father he had too make up excuses as too why he wished to study over in America. After all, he told his father, America will teach me better skills for the family business. His father had agreed and less then a month later Sesshomaru was on a plane with total freedom. He had an apartment all to himself, a car, a job, and best of all he was away from his parents and his annoying little brother.
Sesshomaru graduated from high school in America top in his class and Valedictorian. It had to have been the best two years of his life, but then Sesshomaru to return back to Japan for college and to study more for the business. His father ran the chief producer of computer technology in Japan. And soon Sesshomaru was to be the one to take over the company. It wasn't the future he wanted but he didn't care, in his eyes he figured let his father rule him until he took over; then he would change the entire system all around.
A loud banging drew Sesshomaru out of his thoughts, making him stick his head out the shower door. “What?”
“Do you mind hurrying it up!” Inuyasha yelled through the door.
Sesshomaru smirked and decided to turn off the shower but still take his dandy time getting ready. Drying off Sesshomaru opened the door only to be met with an angry looking Inuyasha, “Today would be nice!”
“Watch your mouth little brother, we have time and I'll be sure not to make you too late...again.” Sesshomaru said gripping the towel around his waist with one hand while pushing past his brother and shutting his bedroom door behind him.
“Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha shouted but it was of no use. Growling in frustration Inuyasha stormed off down the stairs mumbling about stupid older brothers and how useless they were all the time.
Inuyasha appeared in the large dining room, where his mother and father were eating. His father was reading the newspaper and his mother was chatting away about something that Inuyasha was sure his father was not listening to.
“Inuyasha, good morning honey.” His mother greeted him holding out her hand for Inuyasha to grasp. He leaned down and kissed her cheek before taking the seat beside her.
“Inuyasha, where is your brother Sesshomaru?” Inutaisho asked setting down his newspaper next to his plate.
Inuyasha huffed and leaned back against his chair, “The ice king is currently getting dressed.”
Izayoi smiled and touched her sons arm, “Inuyasha be nice to your brother, please.”
“Why he's mean to me isn't he?”
“Inuyasha, listen to your mother.” Inutaisho warned.
Inuyasha nodded silently, as a servant brought him his breakfast. He was just about to dig in when Sesshomaru came striding into the kitchen. His unusual silver hair was thrown back into a low ponytail; matching his white long sleeved shirt. His black pants and black shoes topped it all off.
“Ah nice of you to join us son.” Inutaisho said smiling up at his son.
Sesshomaru nodded and sat down on the opposite side of Inuyasha. “We don't have long Inuyasha I don't want you to be late, little brother.”
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at Sesshomaru's smirk that went unnoticed by their parents. “Yes I'm sure you would not wish for me to be late anymore.”
Izayoi smiled at Sesshomaru, “Thank you Sesshomaru for taking your brother to school lately; his car should be ready today or tomorrow.”
Sesshomaru nodded as he continued to eat, ignoring everyone completely. Silence fell over breakfast until Sesshomaru cleared his throat and stood. Grabbing his book bag Sesshomaru stood, “Let's go, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha nodded and stood, he kissed his mother once more and waved to his father, and grabbing his own book bag he walked after Sesshomaru.
The bitter air of late December hit Inuyasha as he stepped outside. It was strange, usually around this time of the year it was cold, and snow covered the ground. But lately the entire season had been dry and completely free of any snow. And for that reason Inuyasha doubted that this Christmas would be a white one.
Sesshomaru unlocked the doors to his black 2005 GT Mustang and Inuyasha threw his book bag into the back seat. Soon they were flying down the street towards Shikon High. Sesshomaru blasted music from his stereo as Inuyasha rolled his eyes and looked out the window.
Tired of being
What you want me to be
Feeling so faithless
Lost under the surface.
Sesshomaru drove faster down the road, loving the feeling of how his car gave him power. This song spoke of how he felt inside perfectly. He was tired of being what his father wanted, what he was expected to be. He hated having to be ordered around; having to do what everything he didn't want to do.
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
Every step that I take
Is another mistake to you
Yes, everything Sesshomaru did wrong was like a sin in his father's eyes. Inuyasha was perfect to him, always the one doing everything right. Even though Sesshomaru had gotten perfect grades, Inuyasha always seemed to be better. Sesshomaru hated the fact that Inuyasha was the ideal son, even when Sesshomaru had done more and continued to do more just to be recognized in his father eyes.
I've become so numb
I can't feel you there
Become so tired
So much more aware
I've becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you
Inuyasha's thoughts drifted to his girlfriend, Kagome as Linkin Park continued to play in the background. He always went to school early to see her. They barely had any time during school to see each other so in the morning it was their time alone.
Students crowded the courtyard in front of the school when Sesshomaru pulled up. Inuyasha quickly spotted his girlfriend standing outside waiting for him. He recognized Sango, and Miroku, sitting around her all smiling and laughing but Rin was the only one looking on silent like always.
Sesshomaru stopped right beside the four, and Inuyasha quickly climbed out. He leaned his head back in, “Thanks Sesshomaru see you this afternoon.”
Sesshomaru nodded and watched for a few seconds Inuyasha and his friends. He knew Kagome and the other man standing next to another woman. That was Miroku and if memory served him well then the woman was most likely Sango his girlfriend. But who was the other girl? She caught his eye, by how she was being so quiet sitting upon the stonewall, wearing a turtleneck and a long sleeved jacket. But what really disturbed and caught him was how her left cheek looked darker then the other, as if make up was covering up something.
Sesshomaru had to admit that she was a rather pretty girl. She had long dark brown hair, and large brown eyes. Her face was a light tan color except for the purple bruise clearly seen by Sesshomaru's good eyes. Sesshomaru made a move to stop Inuyasha and ask but decided against it. Before pulling away he gave one last look to the girl. She smiled weakly to something Kagome said, but he saw her wince at the pain the bruise caused.
Pulling back into traffic, Sesshomaru turned on to the road leading to his college. No matter what he did his thoughts continued to travel back to that girl. He was sure that something had happened to the girl. A boyfriend? An ex-boyfriend? A bully? Who? Why did he care? It wasn't anything like him to worry about someone like this. When Inuyasha had broken his arm Sesshomaru just looked the other way and didn't care to worry about him. So what was so special about this one?

“Oi! Guys!” Inuyasha shouted as Kagome ran to embrace him. Sango and Miroku waved back at him before Sango spun around and sent a hard slap against Miroku's cheek. Inuyasha laughed and turned to Rin. She was silent again a far off look in her eyes even though she stood watching Miroku and Sango.
“Hey Rin, how you doing?” Inuyasha asked walking to her while holding Kagomes hand. Rin shrugged and looked away; but Inuyasha had already seen the nasty bruise on her cheek that she had tried to cover up.
“I'm alright, thanks for asking.” Rin answered softly.
Inuyasha nodded knowing she was lying. Turning to his girlfriend he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “We need to talk.”
Kagome replied with a nod of her head before turning to her friends, “We'll see you guys at lunch.”
Inuyasha proceeded to tug at Kagomes hand and they walked away towards the inside of Shikon High. Kagome hurried after Inuyasha, his hand still gripping hers. They passed many students talking and laughing until they reached the one spot they went to everyday. Inuyasha grabbed Kagomes shoulders and leaned down to quickly bury his nose in her neck.
“Inuyasha...” Kagome whispered, her hands finding his strong back.
“I've missed you.” Inuyasha murmured, placing soft kisses along her jawbone.
“I saw you last night, Inuyasha.” Kagome persisted. She let out a moan as Inuyasha found the one spot he loved on her neck. But as he pulled away to look at Kagome she let out a light whimper in dislike.
“Are you saying they you don't want to be me Kagome?” Inuyasha asked raising an eyebrow.
Kagome shook her head and moved to embrace him, “I would never say that Inuyasha. You know I love you and only you.”
Inuyasha nodded loving to play around with her like that. They had gone through so much together and so they deserved to stay together. “I know you do Kagome and so do I. Now where were we?”
He leaned into Kagomes smiling face and planted a soft sweet kiss on her awaiting lips. Inuyasha nibbled at her lower lip, demanding entrance, which she fully gave. Inuyasha smirked lightly as he plunged his tongue into her hot mouth searching every bit, memorizing every inch of it. Kagome moaned into his lips and began a fight for dominance with her tongue against his. Inuyasha moved his mouth away from hers and down to the sweet spot on her neck.
“Inuyasha, we still need to talk...” Kagome said softly.
“We can talk later.” Inuyasha whispered, sucking on her neck again.
Kagome sighed, “Please?”
She felt Inuyasha stop and slowly pull away. “Okay Kagome, but now you have to see me tonight.”
Kagome smiled at Inuyasha, “Deal.”
“Now what do we need to talk about? Is it Rin?” Inuyasha asked leaning against a pole.
“Yeah, how did you know?” Kagome asked.
“I saw the bruise she was trying to cover up on her cheek, and she's wearing a turtleneck again.” Inuyasha said seriously, he knew Rin well enough to know that when she wore certain clothes they were to cover something up.
“Yeah she told me that her father was really drunk last night, and tried to strangle her. He kicked her in the ribs and hit her on the cheek once. Oh Inuyasha we have to get her out of there.” Kagome said looking into Inuyasha's eyes. Inuyasha reached out and pulled Kagome into his arms.
“I know, but there is nothing we can do unless she agrees to tell the police.” Inuyasha reminded.
“If it gets any worse then what he is doing, I promised Rin that I myself would go against her wishes and get her out of there.”
“Let's just hope it doesn't get any worse Kagome. We are but only five months away from graduating, I hope and pray that she'll make it, okay?” Inuyasha said lifting Kagomes eyes to meet his own.
“Okay Inuyasha, but remember I will do it if I have too. Now what's this about some Christmas dinner you're having?” Kagome asked, changing the subject.
“Well it was mother's idea and father had to agree of course. On Christmas night we will have a dinner so don't eat too much earlier on. Then after dinner we will open the presents from each other. It's just a get together you know?” Inuyasha explained.
Kagome nodded smiling, it sounded like a lot of fun and Kagome couldn't wait. “Christmas is in under a week, so that means I have to go shopping, thanks Inuyasha for the early notice.”
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at the hint of sarcasm in Kagome's voice. “Hey I just found out last night so don't you dare yell at me.”
Kagome smiled sweetly and leaned her head back down against his chest. “Okay I won't, and I'm sure I can go. I'll ask Rin if she can go too.”
Inuyasha nodded as Kagome looked back up at him. “Sounds like a plan.” Then he leaned back in to recapture her lips again in his.

Rin: So what do you guys think?
Yasha: Please review for Rin and me we would really appreciate it! Thanks!
Rin: I should have the next chapter out soon! Keep an eye out for it!