InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations: Mimic The Guardian ❯ Her.... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: This alternate story was bugging the crap outta me and I had to write it down. This is mainly an expeiriment so don't kill me if it doesn't work out. (I'll be watching for torches and pitchforks too). I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men.....or the vampire race...not sure who ones that actually...if anybody figures it out, tell me.

A young woman walked quickly down a dark alley and tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible in the cold night air. Suddenly, there was a loud crash from behind her and she spun around to see who it was. When there was noone, she looked around, narrowing her eyes. "Is anybody there?" she called into the darkness. "Hello?"

"Hello," a dark voice said as a figure appeared in front of her with an evil grin across his face.

The woman gasped and took a step back. There was a shreik and the sound of splashing blood as everything went black.

........................................................... ........................................................................... ...........................................

Two yellow eyes shown in the darkness of a large warhouse as a young man looked around. "Damnit! I hate when she forgets to pay the electric bills!" the man growled to himself.

A young girl's voice could be heard, snickering in the corner of the room. " the widdo Mimic afwaid of the dawrk?" she said mockingly.

Mimic growled. "I can do anything you can do, only better." Mimic vanished suddenly.

Kay looked around the empty room, sniffing the air. "Hm...."

Suddenly, Mimic flickered back into existance behind her and caught her in a sleeper hold. "Gotcha!"

The girl frowned. "No fair, you cheated!"

"I can use your powers all I want," he said, smirking. "Your night-vision comes in handy a lot, thanks, but you still need to learn to walk across the street to pay the fucking bills." The girl struggled to get away and hissed at him as her claw scraped the skin on his arm.

Mimic smirked again. "Bad kitty," he said before tightening his hold on her until she passed out. When he was sure she was out, he set her down in a chair and vanished once again.

........................................................... ........................................................................... ..................................

Mimic walked slowly out of the small store where he had just paid his bills, reading a weapons catalog when he heard a high pitch scream. "What the-?" he raised his arm to look at his watch. It was blinking in a red light.

"Time to go, I guess," he said to himself as he ran to his Hummer H2 and opened up the trunk. Pulling out a black leather trench coat and two MACH pistols. Throwing the coat on, he fastened the pistols into shoulder holsters before slamming the trunk closed and running toward the source of the scream.

As he arrived at his destination, he looked around, his eyes stopping at the motionless body of a young woman who seemed to be in her teens. He ran over to her and knelt down next to her frozen body. As he watched her, he saw a small amount of life in her eyes and moved aside her raven black hair to check her pulse.

'Hm.....she's still alive...but why would a vamp. suddenly decide not to kill his prey?' He looked down at the girl and the pool of blood around her. 'He wasn't in any kind of hurry at any point in his little meal, and I definately didn't scare him away...' he looked at the bite mark on the girls neck before sighing. "I better get you somewhere safe before you bleed to death.

Her eyes widened slightly as he began to lift her up and she began to struggle to get out of his arms, choking as she tried to speak.

Mimic immediately sat her back down onto the ground and began to speak to the girl in a gentle tone. "Shhhh...don't worry, I'm not going to try to hurt you." he said reasuringly. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help you."

The girl calmed slightly as her eyes began to show less and less fear and the fatigue if bloodloss drained her body of all energy.

"Shit!" Mimic grabbed her and dissapeared as quickly as he could.

........................................................... ..........................................................................< br>
"It's too late, Mimic. There's no way we can save'r," a man said, sadly. The man was slightly older than Mimic and about the same height.

"Well what the hell can we do?!" Mimic yelled, shattering the glass in his hand.

The older man sighed. "Nothing, unless you wanna keep'r for a pet, but I don't think vampires-. You know what? I'll just leave you alone on this one. Either you finish her off or I will."

"No, wait," Mimic said thoughtfully. "You gave me an idea..."

"Uh-oh. That's not good," the older man said, smirking.

"Seriously." Mimic growled slightly. "She hasn't fed on anybody yet so-."

"'yet' being the operative word there, Mimic," the man said, sighing. "She's still a vampire."

"But she's not evil!" Mimic said, pulling a small book from his pocket. "If I can make it so that she only drinks my blood until we can find a cure, she will never become evil."

"Theoretically," the older man pointed out.

"Reaper, just trust me on this one! I'll take care of her if for some reason she should kill somebody, but you signed the rule book that we all wrote together! "We shall only kill those who are evil"" he yelled, pointing to the first sentence in the small book.

Reaper sighed and leaned back against the wall. "Fine, you win. Just take her somewhere and wait till she turns," he said, walking away.

A/N: I'll stop here for now. Let me know what you think...