InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations rewrite ❯ Welcome ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kagome moved her hands slowly and watcheed as stuffed animals danced around her. She giggled, watching as an easter bunny do the robot. Her teddy bear danced on the chair in front of her, doing the can-can.

With a quiet knock on the door, everything stopped, the toys falloing lifelessly. Kagome huffed, raising her hand. "Mom, I was concentrating!" she complained as the doorknob turned, opening seemingly by itself to reveal her mother. "Hi, mama!" She said cheerfully as she turned her attention back to her rabbit. It hopped to its feet and began to walk around in a circle.

"Kagome," her mother frowned. "You know how that bothers me."

The bunny sat down and fell to lifelessness once again. "Sorry, mama," Kagome pouted.

"Um, Kagome...."

Kagome turned and tilted her head to the side. "What's wrong?"

"We need to talk.."

Kagome blinked, confused, as her mother entered the room, followed by a man in a wheelchair and a pretty, white-haired woman. Kagome smiled a little, "um, hi..." she said, smiling and looking around at her somewhat messy room. "Sorry about the mess! I kinda wasn't expecting company." Kagome quickly began straightening out her bed, then slowed to a stop after a moment, when noone responded.

Her mother looked to the man in the wheel chair, then back to Kagome. She looked like she was about to burst into tears. After a long moment, she replied, " K-Kagome, these people are here to help."

Kagome blinked, confused. "Help?" She moved to sit on the edge of her bed and looked at her mother curiously. "With what?"

"With your....problem..." her mother shifted uncomfortably.

"What prob-," Kagome stopped. Fear crept slowly across her face, causing her mother to look away.

"Kagome," the man in the wheelchair broke in calmly. "We can help you manage your abilities. We can help you control them."

A small tear slid down her cheek as she looked down, letting her bangs cast a shadow over her eyes. "I know who you are. I don't need your help," she mumbled angrily. "I just wanna be normal."

"Kagome, you aren't normal. Let us help you," the older woman with the white hair said, stepping toward the girl.

"Shut UP!" There was a loud crash as the white-haired woman crashed through the far window.

"Kagome!" her mother shrieked, tears flowing freely from her eyes as she stepped away, terrified. "What'd you do?!"

The teen blinked, looking from the window to her mother, then to where the woman had once stood. "I..." she began, speechless. 'I didn't mean to.'

The man in the wheelchair smiled calmly. "Kagome, please." He looked deep into her eyes. 'We can help you. I can help you. Let me.'

She didn't see his mouth moving, but she could hear his words as loud and as clear as if he'd said them directly into her ear. She looked into her mothers frightened eyes one last time before reaching toward her closet as her jacket shot into her hand. "Fine," she muttered emotionlessly. "I never liked this place, anyway." The door shot open once again as she quickly made her way outside.

"Professor Xavier will make sure your daughter is treated well and accepted at the Institute." Kagome gasped and spun around at the sound of a young woman's voice inside the house. 'She's alive.' The girl turned back to face the street and walked to the closest car to her house, hoping she had picked the right one. 'I'm glad.'

Kagome closed her eyes and inhaled the cool night air, attempting to calm herself as the two strangers finished talking to her mother. 'How could she do this to me?'

Just as the thought had made itself clear in her confusion-fogged mind, a hand rested on her shoulder lightly. "Sorry for the wait," the pretty, white-haired woman said.

Kagome nodded silently, looking at the car.

The woman looked at the car, then at Kagome and back, then giggled a little. "We'll be taking something with a little more horse-power." With that, she waved into the night as if to someone far away."

Kagome watched and gasped softly as suddenly, what looked like a mility stealth jet from the movies appeared in front of her. With a small click, the front hatch opened and fell to the ground. The two people who had come fro her walked toward ti and she followed, stepping onto the huge metal platform as it lifted them back into the jet.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

The man who called himself Wolverine, but who Xavier called Logan stepped through the side-ramp of the jet. Kagome and the others followed, making their way trough the circular door and into the school where she was greeted by several students. The girl ignored them and kept walking.

"Your new room is 398!" One of them yelled after her as she turned a corner. Kagome just wanted to get away. She hated it. She wanted to go home. She wanted to be normal. She wanted people to accept her. She wanted her mom to accept her. She started to move faster and faster until she was running as fast as she could, passing 392, 393, 394, 395, 396...then, WHAM!!!.

She fell backwards and was about an inch off of the ground when she was caught around the waist and gently lifted back to her feet. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself nose to nose with a young man who seemed to be no older than she was with brown eyes and raven black hair just like hers. After a few seconds, the boy just smirked and walked away mumbling something about 'stupid humans.' Kagome closed her eyes, blushing a little in embarressment and walked slowly the rest of the way to her room. The door opened itself and she walked in. A second later, the door closed slowly and Kagome walked over to her bed, wiping her eyes with the back of her sleeve.

She looked down at it and frowned. It was a regular old bed with pale blue sheets and pillows. She raised her hand and there was a small puff sound. Laying down, curled herself into a ball, hovering almost an inch above the bed on a soft cusion of air. Only minutes later, Kagome had cried herself into a dreamless sleep.

A few hours later, there was a knock at the door and Kagome woke up with a start. She looked around at the unfamiliar room and began to calm down as her memories of earlier in the day flooded back. There was a pause, then whoever was at her door knocked again.

"Who is it?" Kagome yawned sleepily.

"It's Yash. They wanna know if you're hungry." A young man asked from the other side of the door.

"No. Just leave me alone!" The girl turned over and closed her eyes, hoping to go back to sleep and never wake up. She heard the door open and she turned back around. "I locked that."

She squinted as the young man turned on the light and walked over to her, then her eyes widened as she was lifted off her bed by the shirt of her pajamas and held a foot from the ground. "You know what?" He growled as she struggled to free herself from his grasp. "Stop being so damn selfish! Stop acting like you're the only one here with problems. You're not the only one who's been thrown away for being what you are! At least you look human!" The man from earlier growled, dropping her less roughly than she would have expected back onto her bed and gripping his finger. With little effort, he ripped the ring there off.

Kagome gasped and backed away slightly as the man she had bumped into earlier transformed. His black hair became white. His ears moved to the top of his head and his finger nails sharpened into hooking claws.

A silent tear ran down Kagome's face and the man took a quick step back. "Stop crying!" She choked back a sob. “I said, ‘stop crying’!” Inuyasha growled, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt.

“Get off me!” She screamed, clawing at his arm. "What do you care, anyway?!"

“Keh!” He looked away, admitting defeat. “I don’t,” he whispered to himself, slipping his ring back on. His image flickered as he turned back into a human and walked out of the room.