InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations: Transformations ❯ Guess who's back and who's back even though he was never here in the first place.... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Don't own Inuyasha/X-Men/Maya Hey.....I'm still waiting for more than just one person to review....I know at least twenty people have read the prologue already.... <.<...... >.> ..... O.O ....I know you're there.....REVIEW!!!!

A young woman, in her mid-twenties, walked into a large armer-plated room and sighed, looking around at the blood-stained walls. All around her were the blood and guts of a man who had once been her comrade. She walked to the center of the room, where the cercle of blood seemed to originate.

Kneeling down, she frowned. "Well, now. This just will not do," she said to herself, placing her hands down in the center of the dried blood. She sighed in concentration, closing her ies. "Live..." was all she said. A lighed began to eminate from her palms and slowly, it consumed the blood and body parts that lay scattered across the floor.

Slowly, the light began to to gather in front of her, forming the rough shape of a human. After a few more seconds, the light began to shrink and refine until all that remained was a tall man in all black and his sword.

She stood up slowly, stubling slightly from fatigue. He caught her and helped her stablize herself. She smiled slightly, looking up at him. "Welcome back..."

......................................................... ....................................................................
A dark-haired man looked around, his red eyes searching the various monitors around him. There was so much at stake. Why had his project failed once again? He followed the legends, the prophecies, everything! It had all lead him to cloning these stupid useless demons. They did nothing to increase his power, nor did they help him in any way to acheive his goal; Ultamate Power. The power of Shikon that had been lost for millenia. With it, he was promised immortality, but without it, he was just as weak as the supid ningen who had failed him. She was supposed to hold the Ultamate Power. Instead, he sensed nothing from her but a frightened little human girl.

Growling to himself, he pulled up all of the files on his past experiments. They had all ben failures. He continued cycling through them until he noticed something that piqued his interest. One of his first tests, a clone, was now in a disquiesed mutant training facility.

'Amusing,' he thought to himself. 'Our little doggie's found a home.'

He smirked, pressing a red button at the edge of his keyboard and entered over a dozzen commands into the computer. "Guess I should crash the party.' His eyes dawned a sinister glow. 'And maybe I might find something of interest,' he thought to himself, looking at the file of one of his old sensei's test subjects who now resided in the same location...

...................................................... ......................................................................

"Aw......" the young woman complained to hierself more than to her companion. "What did you do to this place?"

The younger man by her side shrugged. "Sorry," he said, looking around at the burnt room arouhnd him. "Guess I got a little carried away..."

She narrowed her eyes, looking at him accusingly. "A little? He blew you up with a hand grenade, Reaper!!!"

He looked at the huge blood stain on the wall. "But we wanted to know how str4ong he was, and now we do."

"Let me rephrase my last statement," she said in a suprisingly calm tone. "He blew himself up while trying to kill..." she looked at him to make sure he was paying attention....he wasn't. "TRYING TO KILL YOU! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!"

Reaper looked down at her and sighed, his ears still ringing. "Okay, so maybe a little more than a little." He looked back at the big blood stain on the.

"There's not even enough of him to bring back!"

"I wouldn't be too sure about that..." Reaper said, checking his watch. "We should get working if you want me to fix this place," he said, re-securing his gloves. "Midoriko?"

"Yes, that would be nice," she said, finally calming down. "You may begin."

With that, Reaper began to blur, then vanished.

A/N: Hope you liked it......REEEEEVIIIIIEEEEEWWWWW......