InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ New Powers? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: What!? No one took a guess! Try again this chapter.... (Question: Which mutant did I create after myself?) I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men

Kagome ran as fast as her legs could carry her down the dark hallway as red lights flashed on and off in the night. She was soon joined by a few others as they all ran to the mission room. She looked to her left to see Mimic zoom past her through the air, yawning and rolling over on an invisible bed as he flew. 'He's still got my powers!" Kagome's eyes widened at the realization. She closed her eyes in concentration and was soon propelled into the air. She opened her eyes, still concentrating on flight as she sped down the hall and skidded to a halt outside a large circular door with a metalic X going across it.

The door opened and Kagome looked inside to see Professor X, Storm, and five others who seemed like teachers standing at the far end of the room. The students walked in quickly and formed two lines. The kids stood side by side in front of the teachers and nobody moved until one of the teachers spoke.

"Good morning class," Storm said, stepping forward. "I hope you're ready." She said, walking up to one of the students in the front row. Kagome couldn't see who it was because she was all the way in the back.

"Always." Kagome identified the now cocky voice as Inuyasha's.

"Good." Storm took a few steps back. "Phsycics please follow Professor X," she announced and ten of the students followed the bald headed man out of the room. "-paths follow Ms, Grey." The red haired woman that had been with Inuyasha stepped forward.

"She means people who can control inanimate objects," Mimic yawned. "That's us." He hovered over to the woman and Kagome followed.

"So you mean, that wasn't a fire alarm?" Kagome asked, stiffling a yawn.

"Oh no. It was a fire alarm," he said sarcastically. "They just decided that, since we were awake, we should start class."

Kagome and the others walked out into the now lighted hallway and to one of the plain wooden doors. She was about to walk into the room when she was stopped by the woman.

"Kagome?" Kagome nodded. "Here's your suit. Only use it in case of emergencies. We don't get many of those so keep it somewhere safe." The woman handed a square steel case to Kagome. "It's been specially outfitted to your special powers so don't lose it."

"But-" Kagome started, but the woman was already in the now full classroom. "...I only have one power..." she whispered more to herself than anyone else.

"That's what you think..." a male voice whispered inside her head. She couldn't identify it, but somehow she knew the person was nearby. She looked around before walking slowly into the room.

The rest of the morning went smoothly accept for the slight exception of a table being exploded by Pyro, a pyropath (person who controls fire.)

Kagome walked down to the cafeteria with Mimic, talking about the day and how she could learn to master hers as he had.

"The secret to your power is that when you move solid objects you are actually just placing extra pressure around the object," the boy explained.

"I'm with you so far."

"So, that means you can do a hell of a lot more than move stuff and cool coffee," the boy pulled out a small needle as they walked past Logan and pricked him with it.

"What the hell was that?" the older man yelled.

"Thanks wolf-man!" Mimic called over his shoulder.

"It's Wolverine!" the man yelled in obvious annoyance as Kagome and her new friend turned a corner.

"Two reasons," Mimic said as he pricked himself with the same needle. "The first one is that I haven't seen his healing power in over a day." HE showed Kagome the pricked finger as it quickly healed and dissapeared. "And second, it's just so damn fun," he said, giving a fake shiver of excitement.

"What do you need it for?" Kagome asked curiosly as the two mutants sat down at one of the tables.

"Again. Two reasons." Mimic began cracking his knuckles systomatically. "One, because, I wanna teach you a new way to use your powers and I'm going to do that by hurting myself," he began flexing his hand. "And two, I love jumping off buildings." There was what looked like a small tornado that appeared in Mimics opened palm. His flesh all around it began to become ripped apart and be pulled into the large vortex.

"Cool!" Kagome moved closer to the tiny tornado. "Doesn't that hurt?"

"Like hell," he said calmly, closing his hand and crushing the tornado. When he opened his hand again, it was healed completely. "The other weapon I came up with is this." Kagome watched as he pulled out what seemed like the hilt to a sword. The air air all around his hand moved toward it and began to l swirl around the sword hilt, making it's way forward and away from him until it stoped and dissapeared.

"What is it?" Kagome asked, seeing nothing.

"It's a sword," Mimic turned the hilt carefully and held the invisible blade over a loaf of bread and cut through it without any evidence of the sword ever being their. "It's only one molicule thick so you cant see it. I used air too so it's transparent.

Kagome looked up at Mimic but, spotted Inuyasha out of the corner of her eye, sitting at a table alone picking at his food. "Interesting." She turned her eyes to focus her vision on him.

"Thanks... I don't need to read your mind to tell you care for him." He removed his eyes to reveal his dark yellow eyes. Black streaks were surounding the pupil like stars speeding passed a ship as it move into hyper speed. "But, I did anyway." He motioned to Inuyasha. "Go, sit with him. You're the only one he'll let do so." She looked at him, confused. "I read his mind too." She nodded and stood up, walking toward Inuyasha's table.

"Inuyasha?" The hanyou looked up at Kagome and his disgusted frown turned into a nuetral line.

"Yeah?" He went back to picking at the small peice of meatloaf in front of him as if waiting for it to attack.

"I was wondering if I could sit next to you." She looked at him hopefully.

"Do what you want," he said softly, as if to himself.

Kagome sat down in the seat in front of his and looked up at him.

After a few seconds, Inuyasha looked up at her without making eye contact. "Is there something wrong with my face?" Inuyasha looked at her, slightly annoyed.

It was then that Kagome realized she had been staring. "Sorry...." she took one last glance at him before looking down at the table.After a few seconds later, she took a deep breath, gathering her nerve and looked up at him, her anger showing in her eyes. "Yes! There is!"

Inuyasha leaned back slightly in his chair. He looked away, avoiding eye contact completely.

"You need to take that ring off!" she yelled. Under his holografic costume, Inuyasha's ears flattened against his skull. Kagome saw the hint of fear in his eyes and sat back down in her seat. She took another deep calming breath before attempting to look into his eyes. A tear of frustration fell down her cheek. She watched his nose twitch and his eyes widen as he looked up at her eyes.

"Stop crying," he whispered.

"I'm sorry," she replied, wipping the tear away. "I hate seeing you like this. You sit here, alone, not even eating. You don't even try to look happy. Let people see you for you. Not the image you want them to see because it makes you fit in," she said, trying to keep her voice even. "You won't ever fit in unless you try. Even looking like this! Do you know why you don't have people that wanna sit with you and be your friend?" She saw his head move a centimeter to the left then to the right indicating he didn't. "It's because you don't let them. You're isolating yourself from them!" Kagome yelled. Trying to get her point across.

He stood up suddenly, gathering his backpack up from the ground. Kagome saw a small tear fall down his face. It shined with pink light as it dropped quickly down his face. He ran away, out of the cafeteria. The young girl watched as the door closed slowly. There was a small popping sound and Mimic appeared in the seat in front of her.

"Well that didn't go well," he said, looking at her through is glasses. "At least not in his mind."

Kagome turned back to face Mimic. "I hate hurting him. It's just that he just doesn't seem to get it."

"How do you know you hurt him?" Mimic asked pointedly.

"Because when he left, he was-," Kagome stopped when she saw the young man shaking his head snickering.


A/N: Kagome's other power? Review. If you have any questions. Ask me at