InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ A Day on the Town ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men. If you have any questions, review or email me at MIMIC'S NOT LIKE ROGUE! Rogue's power is to take the powers and or abilities of another person as well as some of their life force. This can cause death. What Mimic has is more like the Sharingan. He has other powers too. Don't worry.

The next day was basically the same up until lunch when Mimic suggested they go out to lunch.

"We're allowed to?" Kagome asked, a slight hint of suspicion hint in her voice.

"Of course. As long as we're back by next class. In..." he pulled back a heavy jacket sleeve. "One-hundred twenty three minutes and thirteen seconds."

Kagome looked at him, a little confused by how he was able to be that precise that quickly. She shook it off before answering. "Okey, fine. I'll go, but I have a bad feeling about this." They both walked onto the street outside and wandered along the sidewalk, looking into the windows of many restaurants as they passed. "Hey, Mimic. You mind if I stop at the bank for a second. I need to get some money out of my account.

The young man nodded as they made a sharp turn and walked into the building to their right. Once inside both walked up to the customer service line and waited. A few minutes later, Mimic sighed impatiently and looked up to the front of the line where a man in all black pulled what looked like a hat down into a ski mask that covered his face completely and pulled out a gun.

He sighed before turning back to Kagome. "I'll be right back." Kagome watched as he jumped over the red cord that held the line together and took one step away from it before holding his arms out completely straight. There were two rings of light that encircled both of his hands from the tips of his fingers and moved up his body. The entire time, changing him until they reached his shoulders where the two circles of light became larger and went in seperate directions. One traveling up his body. One traveling down until Inuyasha stood in front of her in Mimics cloths.

"Hold these will you?" 'Inuyasha' asked handing Kagome the heavy sunglasses. Kagome's mouth opened but no words came out as the hanyou ran toward the front of the line.

"Hey! What the fuck!?" was all the warning Kagome had as a man was tossed through the air, landing a few feet away from her. 'Inuyasha' closely, skidding to a stop in front of the man and stomping on the mans hand which now held a gun.

"You see, Kagome." All of the people in the line except for the few mutants and those not afaid of them began scattering as 'Inuyasha leaned down and picked up the gun. "Guns don't kill people." He lifted the man up and hit him on the back of the neck, right in the area of the brain stem, knocking him out. "It's stupid mother fuckers with guns that kill people." 'Inuyasha' crushed the gun easily and dropped it onto the ground before throwing the unconcsious man into one of the chairs and transforming back into his normal self. "Glasses please?"

Kagome just stared at him, her mouth open slightly. "Y-you're-"

"No, I just used his appearance to make it easier to control his powers. Now, please hand me my glasses. I can't see without them."

Kagome handed Mimic his glasses and he put them on quickly.

"Weren't you here to get a withdraw?" Mimic asked, looking at the now nonexistant line.

"Oh, right." Kagome walked up to the window and handed her savings account book to the shaking woman behind the counter.

Mimic made sure Kagome was preoccupied by reading her mind and ran quickly to the nearest trash can and throwing up small amounts of blood.

A few seconds later, Kagome returned to see him standing calmly at the door. "Ready to go?" the boy asked.

"Yeah, sure," Kagome answered cheerfully.

Both mutants left the bank just as three police cars stopped in front of it. The two walked slowly to a pizza store, joking the whole way about how cops are always late.

"Not when it's a doughnut shop," Mimic said, causing Kagome to giggle. What scared him the most about that statement was that he was serious and it was probably true. He walked up to the counter and stopped, pulling out his wallet from a hidden pocket in the front of his vest. "So, Kagome, whaddya want?" he flipped through a few bills before pulling one out and crumpling it in his hand before she could see it.

Kagome moved forward to the counter and ordered. A few minutes later, the man handed Kagome a tray with a plain slice and a can of Coke. Kagome smiled and pulled out her wallet, but before she could pay, Mimic was in front of her, collecting his change and reciept for her order. Kagome tried to glare at him as he walked over to her. "You didn't have to do that."

"Yet I did it anyway. What a concept," he said sarcastically. She huffed and tried to intencify her glare. "You're not angry, one, and you're really at trying to look like it," he smirked, tapping her forehead lightly.

"That's not fair," she whined, sitting down next to him.

"It's never fair when mind reading is involved," he said, facing forward.

"You're not eating?" Kagome asked, looking at him as she took a bite of her pizza.

"Nope. I don't eat outside my room." he said scratching his head nervously.

"Then, why did we leave the school?" Kagome tilted her head to the side.

"I wanted to get you out of the school. You need a break from being around us all the time. Your mind is so jumbled up, it's becoming hard to read," the boy joked weakly.

"You wanted me away from Inuyasha," Kagome said quietly as she realized his true objective.

He threw his hands up into the air jokingly and chuckled. "You caught me!"


"Like I said. You need a break. You're thinking about him literally 24 hours a day." Kagome looked away, her cheeks turning a bright pink.

"That's none of your business," she whispered, standing up. She walked slowly to the door and Mimic made no attempt to stop her.

She was about a foot out of the door when she heard a familiar weak growl. She turned to see Inuyasha standing next to her, his bangs covering his eyes. He was shaking slightly.

"Stop crying."

A/N:....what perfect timing...