InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Rescued... ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I'm officially hooked on this fic. No one reviewed! (starts fake crying) Everybody hates me!!! I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men. (starts crying again)...(gives up trying) the way, someone made a little guess earlier as to who Mimic really was. You were right. Mimic is me, but that doesn't mean anything about his identity in the fic. Keep thinking. Also, I've taken small parts of these scenes from the movies, but most of it is original.


Inuyasha walked slowly into the large building and looked around at the small bullet holes throughout. There was blood splattered everywhere from Mimic's rampage. He walked slowly down the hall to the mission room and kicked down the locked door. Inside was a small girl shaking under one of the tables.

"Kitty?" he knelt down beside the girl and checked her for injuries when he found none, he looked back up at her fear striken eyes. "It's over now. You don't have to worry. You're safe now," he reached over to touch the girls shoulder, but his hand passed right through her. "Kitty you need to calm down." Inuyasha walked over to one of the hidden closets and pulled out a small blanket. He then walked back to where the girl was sitting and drapped it over her shoulders before gently lifting her up so that her head was resting against his shoulder.

The young girl continued to shake as Inuyasha carried her up to her room and set her down on her bed. He turned to leave the room when she spoke. "K-kagome was right," she said shakily. "You do better without your disguise," she smiled weakly at his back as he began walking again.

"You need to rest. Stay here. I'll be back later," he said as he walked out of the room and down the hallway toward the hanger.

Only a minute later, Inuyasha was standing inside the hanger, watching the large jet as it hovered above the building before its engines roared and it soared north. Inuyasha just stood and sighed before simply disappearing.

Nearly an hour later, a large black jet stopped in an unknown area just outside the US and two mutants stepped out of it.

"You ready?" Mimic asked, pulling off his weighted gloves and vest.

"No, but what choice do we have?" She looked up at him.

"Here. You'll need this." Mimic handed Kagome the small silver whistle Inuyasha had given her. Kagome hesitantly took the small piece of metal and starred at it. "If you need me or Inuyasha, just blow it. We'll come running. I promise." The boy lifted his jacket up and pulled out two glock 21s from where it had been hidden at his belt.

"What're those for?" Kagome looked at him suspiciously.

"I borrowed these from some of those assholes that tried to kill us," he explained. Kagome's look became even more suspicious. "I'll give'm back," he looked at her kiddishly before putting his sunglasses on and walking toward the large bunker in the middle of the snow.

"Guns're dangerous y'know," Kagome yelled after him as she followed.

"Only if you don't know how to use'm," he replied, pointedly cocking one of the pistols.

"Fine," Kagome looked forward and began running toward the door of the bunker. There was a poof sound behind her and Mimic appeared at the door. Kagome stopped a few feet away from him and stared at him.

"What? I would have transported you too, but you were already running so I thought 'what the hell'" he said, kicking the heavy metal door down.

Kagome just sighed and shook her head, following Mimic into the large building.

"Kagome, follow me," the boy ordered walking throught one of the passages. "There's a shortcut through here." Seconds later, Kagome found herself and Mimic standing above a large cage of their classmates.

"Are you guys okey?" Kagome asked through the squareshaped holes in the floor. Some of the kids nodded in response while others screamed for help. "We'll have you out in a second," Kagome promised looking up at Mimic with hopefull eyes. "You can get them out, right?"

Mimic sighed. "Oh, no. I came all the way over here, knowing exactly where the kids were and how they were trapped without having a plan to get them out," he leaned down and grabbed the bared floor with one hand. Seconds later, there was a large hole in the ground and the kids began climbing out.

"Thank you," Kagome said to him as she helped lift one of the smaller children out of the cage.

"It slipped! I swear!" the boy said jokingly. Suddenly, Mimic's eyes shot wide open and he growled menacingly toward the direction of one of the passageways. "I'll be right back." He started walking as if drawn toward whatever was at the end of the passageway.

Kagome nodded and pulled another kid up from the cage before leading the now free children to safety outside the bunker where she found Storm, Cyclops, Jean, Professor X, and Logan waiting.

Logan was the first to step forward. "Kagome? What're you doing here? We were told you made it out safely."

"By who?" Kagome looked around at the different teachers. "And who did you get here?"

"Inuyasha told us." Jean said sadly. "He was captured like us shortly after saving a few of the younger X-Men."

"The X-Men?"

"We try to keep it a secret from the new students, but the older students are all given the oppertunity to join a group of us mutants. We help keep the balance between humans and mutants," Cyclopse explained. "You can see here what happens when-" he stopped abruptly and all looked to the professor.

"We should go," the man said, turning and quickly going to the jet.

"What's going on?" Kagome asked, fear filling her voice.

"Let's just say whoever attacked us, his plan's going up in flames," Logan said, meaning what he said literally as he followed the professor and the others as they walked to the jet.
"You said Inuyasha got captured too. What happened to him?"

Jean was the only to stop. "He didn't make it out," she said shakily.

"We can't just leave them here!" she screamed, running toward the professor.

"They can take care of themselves," X answered. Kagome turned to Jean who just smiled weakly and shook her head.

"Fine," Kagome said, giving up as she followed everyone into the plane. Soon, the hatch closed and the jet began to hover above the ground.

"Logan. Take us only a few hundred feet away," X said as one explosion after another, the bunker was destroyed. Thirty seconds later, it was over. There were no sounds. Just the monotonous growl of the plain as it hovered over the ruins of the old building and landed in its previous landing space.

Immediately after the jet hit the ground, Kagome ran to hatch and released the stairs before running down the stairs until she was walking on the snow below.

One...two...three minutes passed. There was no sign of Inuyasha or Mimic. Soon, It had been ten, then twenty minutes and still, the air was still except for the occasional footstep or two.

"Kagome, they're gone. I'm sorry," Cyclopse said, walking toward the shaking girl. "We should get back before you catch frost bite."

Kagome turned to him quickly, her cheeks red and wet with frozen tears running down them. "I'm not leaving. Not without them." She growled. Then, an idea hit her. She pulled out a small silver whistle and blew as hard as she could into it... Nothing happened. She tried once more...still nothing. She decided that she'd try one more time before giving up. She took a deep breath and inhaled as much air as she could before emptying it all out into the whistle. Then, she waited. When nothing happened, she dropped to her knees, the hope slowly draining from her eyes.

Scott was at her side almost immediately, helping her to her feet. "Come on, it's been too long. There's no way they could have survived in there for that long." Kagome nodded and allowed herself to be carried (i wanna say bridal style) back to the large jet by the young man. She buried her face deep in his chest, seeking comfort as she cried.

There was a small poofing sound from in front of the young man, but Kagome ignored it until she felt herself being exchanged from the arms of her teacher to the arms of a much stronger man. She opened her eyes and looked up to see Inuyasha smiling down at her."I-Inuyasha?" her shaking slowly stopped as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly as if she would never let him go.

"I thought you were dead!" Kagome whispered into his now triangular ear.

"So did I." Kagome turned to see Mimic standing a few feet away. "I felt something strange and went back to check it out. I found Inuyasha, almost dead in one of the laboratory rooms." He turned to Inuyasha. "You never did thank me by the way."

"Keh." Inuyasha ignored this comment and concentrated on getting Kagome inside. He walked up the stairs and into the jet followed closely by Mimic and Cyclopse. A few seconds later, the jet took off and the group headed for home.

A/N: THIS IS NOT THE END!!! NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! that is, if you review....