InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ The Test ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: (cracks neck and bares fangs) the real reason I made the last chapter so short was because of the fact that I was working on a picture of Mimic. It is now posted in the fan art section. The easiest way to get there is through my author profile...I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men....but, I do own Mimic (growls)...

Mimic walked quickly to his room, looking up and down the hallway before entering. He pulled out a throwing knif from his vest and placed it in the air, where it stayed, in front of the open door before quickly hiding to the side of the doorway and leaning against the wall. There were quiet footsteps as a very alert Inuyasha walked carefully across the hallway toward Mimic's room.

The younger man smirked. 'All according to plan.' His eyes turned purple and he looked through the wall at Inuyasha using his IR sight. Inuyasha was walking, low to the ground, toward the doorway. Mimic concentrated on the hanyou's brain. 'Shit! He's not thinking!' Mimic used the power over air pressure to deafen Inuyasha as he walked forward. Inuyasha just smirked and continued walking slowly toward the doorway.

Only seconds later, Inuyasha was at the doorway, only inches away from where Mimic. He looked up and smiled wickedly at the young man. "Found ya," he said victoriously. Mimic chuckled softly and pointed up above the hanyou's head. Inuyasha looked up where the boy was pointing and frowned. There was the knife Mimic had left, right above his head and pointing down. Inuyasha let out a small sigh of defeat and stood up, dodging the knife. "Fine. You pass," the hanyou said, moving his hand up to his headset. "Cancel simulation," he sighed.

Mimic smirked under his mask as he replaced the knife in it's holster and looked around the now spherical room.

"Next," Inuyasha said, watching Mimic leave the Danger Room and Miroku enter. "Aw, this aughta be tons of fun." He reached up to his headset, "We don't need a sim for this one." He turned to look at Miroku. "Just do it."

Miroku nodded and froze the hanyou before walking around him and holding a small dagger to his throat before 'pressing play' again. Inuyasha became reanimated again and sighed. "Pass." Miroku nodded and walked out of the room.

Sango walked slowly into the room and took a deep breath as Miroku passed her. 'Why am I even here?' she thought to herself as she stopped in the middle of the room.

"Ready?" Inuyasha asked with a fanged grin.

Sango nodded slighty and Inuyasha started the simulation. She looked around. She was in a thick rainforest. She went to all fours and turned quickly into her panther form before taking off through the forest. She ran a few hundred meters before jumping high into one of the trees and waiting.

Inuyasha walked silently through the forest and sniffed the air. He smirked. 'She's right behind me.' He kept purposefully looking forward as if he didn't know where she was. 'She's waiting.' He sighed inwardly. 'Might as well give her an opening.' He stood up straight and pretended to be lost, scratching his head and pulling out his compass.

Sango cocked her head to the side in confusion by his actions before quickly seeing her chance and poucing on the hanyou. Her eyes widened when he ducked, causing her to slam, face first, into a large tree.

Inuyasha brushed some dirt off of his pants before standing up and walking over to the large panther and watching as it turned slowly back into a small human woman. Inuyasha knelt down beside her and put his hand to her neck, checking her pulse. She was still alive but unconscious. He frowned and lifted the girl up, bridal style, carrying her toward the direction of the exit just as the simulation shut down.

"Somebody get out here!" he yelled through his headset. Instantly, Miroku was through the door and at his side. "Here," the hanyou said, handing the girl to Miroku. "Take her to her room. She'll be fine." He watched the younger man hurry toward the door. "And tell her she failed!" he called after him.

"So, the test is we have to get close enough to kill you?" Kagome asked, walking into the room.

Inuyasha turned to her and nodded, smirking. "Think you can?"

Kagome raised her hands. "Definately." Small balls of spinning air formed in her palms.

Inuyasha backed away slightly. "Simulation start!" Suddenly they were in a large desert. He jumped high into the air and began bounding around her, careful to stay exactly ten meters away from her.

Kagome smiled and shot large blasts of air at the hanyou, missing every time. "Will you stay still so I can blast you?" the girl giggled to herself.

Inuyasha smirked. "Find a way to make me!"

Kagome looked around. There was nothing for her to through at him. She looked down at the ground. It was sand. That was when a large lightbulb went off in her head. She raised her hand to the sand opposite where Inuyasha now was and just watched as the hanyou bounded toward her trap. He landed softly and his eyes widened as he dropped through the ground. When the dust cleared, only his head was above the sand.

He looked up at her, astonished. "How did you do that?"

"Put an air bubble below the sand. When you stepped on it, you fell through," she said, smiling down at him.

"Cool," he said, trying to move his hand. "Uh, Kagome. Can you do me a little favor?"

Kagome nodded. "Sure, what?"

"Press this little button right here," he said, motioning with his eyes to the button on his headset." She did as she was told. "Cancel simulation." Suddenly, the Danger room was back and he was able to move again. He cracked his neck and wrists before walking with Kagome to the door.

They walked out into the hallway where everyone now stood. Everyone including the now very awake Sango stared at him. Inuyasha shrugged. "Everybody passed," he said simply.

Sango smiled slightly. "You mean-"

"Except Sango." Inuyasha finished as he began walking away.

"Oh," the girl said in a small voice. She walked slowly toward her door, her eyes staying on the ground.

Kagome looked from Inuyasha to Sango and back, trying to figure out which one to run after. Miroku chose quickly, following Sango to her room, giving her words of encouragement. Kagome ran toward Inuyasha and grabbed his shoulder.

The hanyou turned around and growled down at her. "What?"

Kagome's glare turned cold. "That wasn't right Inuyasha!"

"Keh," he turned and began walking away. "Whadda you care anyway?"

Kagome backed away slighty before storming after him. "You could at least give her another try!"

"She'll just fail again," he yawned.

"How do you know?"

"The girl isn't a fighter," Inuyasha said, turning around.

Kagome glared into his eyes and clenched her teeth. "But, you can't give her a failing grade based on that!"

He smiled softly down at her. "Alright," he said in his normal cocky tone. "I'll give her another chance."

Kagome took a sigh of relief and relaxed her eyes. "Really?"

Inuyasha nodded. "Yeah," he looked up and down the hall cautiously before looking down at her. "Tonight, right after dinner," he leaned down so that they were at eye level. "On one condition." He said, giving her a wicked grin.

Kagome shifted uneasily. "What's that?"

"Kiss me..."

A/N: I'M EVIL!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!... don't forget to check out the picture of Mimic I posted...