InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Brother vs. Brother ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hello again, readers. Sorry about the late chapter. My comp. shut down while I was in the middle of typing it. Here's the new chapter. I don't own Inuyasha, X-Men, or Maya...and to answer the question made by "Jezi futhark", yes. Mimic is actually a carbon copy of myself (except for the mask and the powers). So I used my personality when creating Mimic. Whatever he says is something I would have said in the same situation.

Mimic walked cautiously into the large building and pulled out his handgun. He looked around. The room was dark and all of the computers and lab equipment was gone. He turned the lazer sight on and continued through the building.

"What the hell?" he lowered his gun and looked up at a large glass tube. Inside it was a young man with short blond hair wearing the exact same thing as him. It seemed unconcsious and was being held up by a post that was similar to the one that Storm uses on the Blackbird. He smirked. He tapped lightly on the glass with the barrel of the gun. "Wake up jackass!"

The man in the chamber's eyes shot open and he looked around before smirking as his eyes focused on Mimic. "You are much too impatiant, brother," the man said with a wicked grin.

Mimic holstered his gun and held his hand up to the glass. It shattered seconds later and he stepped back. "Now, Reaper, because I'm in a hurry, I'm just going to kill you and be on my way."

Reaper cracked his neck and disappeared. "You're going to have to do better than that," a voice laughed from behind Mimic. Mimic spun around but saw nothing. "Over here!" Reaper said quickly. Mimic turned and growled at the figure that was now sitting on the far end of the dark room on a chair, yawning.

Mimic ripped his vest off and threw it through the brick wall beside him. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND FIGHT ME!" he growled, pulling off his glasses and putting them into a small holster on the side of his belt. He clenched his hands into fists and took a deep breath as he got ready to fight.

"Fine." Reaper disappeared and reappeared a yard away from Mimic. "You cannot defeat me. I'm stronger, faster, and alltogether more powerful than you," he said calmly. "You don't stand a chance."

Mimic narrowed his eyes and flexed his claws. "Try me."

Reaper smiled and disappeared. Mimic held his hand up, palm out, an inch from his left cheek and easily caught a nearly unseeable kick. Reaper grined maniacally and began to laugh. "You've gotten stronger."

Reaper disappeared again and Mimic unfocused his eyes. Reaper reappeared again across the room. He pulled a sword from one of the tables and held it up. "I know you have something bladed on you. Defend yourself!"

Mimic held his hands up and ten throwing knives flew from their holsters and seemed to melt as they combined and became a large sphere of carbon steel. After a second, the sphere began to flatten and became a sword similar to his old one in shape. He held the sword up and got ready for battle.

Reaper disappeared and a sword slashed downward toward Mimic's shoulder. Mimic caught the sword with his own and threw Reaper back. Reaper laughed and easily regained his balance as he began to charge again. "Carbon steel isn't strong enough to knock back titanium," he slashed again and was knocked back. He stood up straight and glared at Mimic. "You're keeping it together with your powers." He jumped high into the air and dove downward with his sword in front of him. "I can change that."

Mimic held up his sword in defense and waited for the attack. Reaper slashed downward and his sword cut through Mimic's and grazed his arm. The cut part of Mimic's sword dropped to the ground and Mimic through the rest to the side before jumping backward.

Reaper stood up slowly and got ready to attack again. "You may have real powers, but I've got strength even you can't copy," he disappeared again and Mimic spit up a small amount of blood as the blunt part of the swords handle hit him in the stomach, sending him into the opposite wall. He fell slowly to the ground and choked as he tried to breath. Reaper smirked and began walking slowly toward his brother.

He held his sword up and chose his mark at Mimic's neck. "Time to die." He raise his sword and slashed downward. There was a large splash of blood and Mimic gasped...

A/N: Whoa...