InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My achy breaky heart ❯ The memoirs of a broken heart ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters, except Lynne and her family.

Miroku's POV
nothing had been the same as it had been since Sango died. And it was all his fault. Even though it had been 4 months since it had happened he still couldn't forget.He blamed himself, he never wanted Sango to be sucked into his wind tunnel, but he didn't expect it to happen the way it did.

They were all battling with Naraku, and Sango was really giving her a piece of her mind. Naraku had just extracted Kohaku's jewel shard from his back, killing him. Sango was enraged in a was he had never seen before. She was far more lethal than ever. She was close up with Naraku and now comepletely unarmed, until hirakoutsu came back, anyway. And Naraku was inflicting some sirius damage on her. In an attempt to help her, Miroku tried to use his wind tunnel on Naraku, to save Sango. Naraku pushed Sango in the way and Miroku was unable to close the prayer beads in time. He sucked up many saimyosho along with Sango and all together missed Naraku. After being still for a few moments, he fell unconscious from the poison. The last thing he heard as Kagome's voice dimly calling him from the distance.
*end flashback*

afterward he didn't say much to anybody for a long time, Kagome always tried to console him about it but her attempts were always fruitless. It just wasn't something he felt he could talk to her about. he was always a man that bore his own crosses. Sango had tried to ease his mind and he always gave in to her. but that was a different time. after a month he laid her to rest in his head and heart, finding comfort in the fact she was in Nirvana (Buddhist heaven) with her brother and village and that he would avenge her death.

Narrator's POV
and that was when he had begun being lecherous again. Instead of being angry, they were all happy he had finally moved on (except for Kagome who thought the pervert should just keep his hands off her but she didn't speak for all other women) and then everything fell in to place to make a routine exsistine without Sango, allthough Miroku's heart shatters every time they pass Sango's village (also her final resting place) despite the fact he has moved on. They traveled thought the Sango's village to get to Kaede's, so Miroku was feeling especially glum.

Kagome's POV
gods, Inuyasha is an idiot! he's gone to see Kikyo 3 times, 3 times in the past month it was driving her nuts that he wouldn't tell her when he left, or what they talked about and they always argued about it. Oh! how she wanted to sit him until he discovered america! but, she wasn't the only one suffering. Miroku was in a gloomy mood. She would have to remember to bring him back something to make him feel better. So, then, she had her usual 'you stay in your era too much' duh its the era i belong in! that ended with a sit and i hopped into the well.