InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel, My Sanctuary ❯ Give to Your Enemy Your Greatest Gift ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Angel, My Sanctuary
Chapter 1 : Give to your enemy your greatest gift
Rating : G

A/N: I am soooooooooooooo Sorry!! I know it's been forever since you've all seen anything from me (espically on this story..) but well.. My computer got a virus and I had to replace my tower ~.~ Unfortunately, being that I live in Germany and Don't know too many people that are will to loan me some computer time, I was totally unable to update until now. Everything was wiped and I had to rewrite everything! It's such a pain ~.~
I'm still rewriting the chapters to my other stories so hopefully I'll have them up soon. I'm really sorry this one is so short but I figured, something is better then nothing ^^;;; Anway. I hope you all can forgive me! Please send any questions or comments or horrible flames for my tartiness to the usual places ^.~ Much love to you all!

Ja ne~~

Disclaimer : Today is my birthday ^^ I was hoping for the copies rights to be in the mail but alas.. once more I've been had...


Inu yasha let out a growl as his fist flew into the wall.

"That damn Kouga!" His fist hit the wall again. "Thinks he's so freakin' smooth!" Again, he hit the wall. "Only the second week of school and he's already hitting on-"

His ramblings were cut short as Inu yasha's door suddenly flew open and a young girl sprinting into the room.

"Inu-chan!" she cried as he darted over to the boy. "What are you doing?!"

He growled, pulling his hands behind his back so she couldn't see the damage. "Nothing! Just leave me alone Kag!"

She huffed, settling her hands on her hips. "Nothing?! I could hear you hitting that wall from downstairs?!" She smirked softly, "What did it do to you this time?"

He huffed and flopped back on to the bed. "It called me a pansy and told me my mom sucked eggs."

"Ooo..." she plopped down next to him. "That's almost as bad as the time it told you you dressed like a girl and smelled like one too."

"Keh. Don't remind me or I may have to hit it again. That one still stings!"

Kagome giggled but as her eyes caught sight of his bloodied knuckles her face took on a much more grave look.

"Inu yasha," she sighed, "You really have to stop this." She took hold of his uninjuried hand and lead him out of his room and into the bathroom. She gently pushed him down to sit on the toilet seat while she gathered the first aid kit.

Inu yasha watched her silently as she worked on bandaging him up. Her fingers bushed lightly over his skin as she exaimed the wound, her warmth and kindness sinking deep into his soul as she lovingly banadage him up.

What he wouldn't give to have her touch him another way...

He shook his head to clear out that unwelcome thought.

"Are you almost done?"

"Well," she teased, "Isn't someone in a hurry!"

"Yeah well," he grumbled, "I ain't got all day to let some little kid play doctor."

She frown but continued on silently.

"This is about what Kouga said today isn't it?"

His growl confirmed her suspisions.

"You know I'm not really... his woman that is." She placed that last piece of tape on his hand and stood up. "I've never been his woman."

Inu yasha growled, his hands flexing in to a fist. "I know that but.. It just pisses me off that he thinks he can claim you without even asking you."

"Aww. Playing over protective big brother again are we??" she teased.

"That's not it!" He grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her lightly. "YOu're too good for him Kag! He doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as you!"

"You say that about every guy that ask me out!"

"Because it's true! You're too good for all of them!" He turned with a sigh, he voice coming out in a nearly inaudible whisper.

"You're too good for me.."

Kagome looked at him, confused but still slightly hopeful. "Inu-chan?"

He growled suddenly and pushed Kagome out of the small bathroom. "Just stay away from that idoit! I'm gonna take a bath."

With that, he slamed the door in Kagome's face and both were left more confused then before...


Inu yasha allowed his body to slump down as he leaned hard against the door until he was sitting, knees pressed tightly to his chest, on the cold floor. That was where he belonged any way.

Any man who had such devilish desires towards the angel on the other side, much less the angel that was suppose to be his sister, deserved nothing less then the earth's cold dirty embrace. He'd told himself as much hundreds if not thousands of times but still...

His desires plegde him. His dreams taunted him. His heart placed what he could not look at -dare he touch it- on such a lavious throne that he couldn't tear his eyes from it. He was doomed.. Cursed.

A ironic laugh curled his lips into a masochist smirk.

"I'm a demon in every way..."


Kagome stared at the door for a long moment, not sure whether to knock and make him justify himself or just leave it be. She decided finally, though with much regret, that things were better left like this for now. Maybe a nice shower would cool him down and they could talk like reasonable people.

Nodding decisively, Kagome turned and head down the kitchen.

"I wonder if Inu-chan would like a snack?"


He waited until he heard her move from the door before openning it.
He looked both ways to make sure the coast was truly clear before throwing open the door and racing to his room in hopes of locking himself way for the rest of the day.

'If not my life..'

He even thought he had made it as he slammed his own door shut and turned the lock but an unmistable scent told him otherwise.

Whirling narrowed eyes on the woman sitting on his bed, he bit back a growl. "What do you want?"

The woman tsked the boy, shaking a well manicured finger at him. "Now now, 'Inu-chan'," puncuating his name with a dripping false sweetness, "Is that any way to talk to your dear mother?"

"You're not my mother."

Again she shook that finger. "Tsk tsk. What have I told you about that? Talking back shows so litte respect for your mother..." A slow smirk curled her lips. "Wonder if it's rubbing off on Kagome?"

Inu yasha's body instantly went stiff, his growl dying in his throat.

"Ah see, that always makes you such a good boy." She frowned at him mockingly, "Such a dirty love you have for your sister. What a filty little demon you are. I should just send her away before you corrupt her pure soul.."

"What do you want.."

She looked at him as if waiting.

"Mother.." he managed to choke out."

She smiled then, almost sweetly. "I heard that that nice rich boy Kouga asked Kagome out today. You do know who he is right?"

Inu yasha nodded, not liking at all where this was going.

"He is the son of your father's business partner, am I right?"

Again, he nodded.

She smiled and pushed herself off the bed. "Good!" she moved towards the door, shooing Inu yasha to the side with a wave of her hand. "Then I don't see how you'll have any trouble setting the two of them up on a date, ne?"

Inu yasha growled. "I'm not setting that baka up on a date with Kagome! You can forget that!"

She stopped midway through the door, her head barely turning back to look at her step son. "Do it." she said, all emotion removed from her voice. "Or I can promise you that she'll be gone before you wake up."

He was torn. Set the girl he loved up with he's greatest enemy or lose her forever anyway.

He sighed and nodded.

Rei only smiled in her victory and left, closing the door behind her with a gentle click.

Before the door had even click shut, however, Inu yasha was already in a new ramapage. Books, papers, even whole shelves began flying around the small room. The sheets from his bed were torn to piece, his pillow disembowled.

Just as quickly as it had started though, the rampage died, leaving a lone boy to sit in self hatred amoung the falling feathers. He felt like shit and, as he watched the feathers floating around him he couldn't help but feel like he's just killed an angel.
