InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch. 6 My beloved - My Koiishi ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I really do apologize for any spelling and grammatical mistakes in this story but as I've mentioned before I don't have a beta. (And I guess I'm just trying to get this out to you guys quickly so I'm really not taking too much time with my revising!)
*lowers eyes*
ALSO…I have started a new story…SESS/KAG PAIRING of course. Its basically about some meddling youkai covering everyone (as in the inu-tachi and this includes Sesshy) in some `Truth dust' so they are all forcibly made to say the truth at all times! As in what their really thinking!! He, he, he. So we'll see how Kagome is going to fare with her talkative nature around the taiyoukai. And what will he reveal in the process?!! Hmm.
The title is: The truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth
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Ch. 6 My Beloved - My Koiishi
Kagome groaned. She didn't think she could really explain this. What more could she say, `Oh sorry I almost let you kiss me, and yes I really wanted you to, but then I suddenly remembered you're the dad of my future friends…or wait…the dad of my friends from the past? Or whatever.'
She desperately wanted him to say it was `ok' or `no problem don't worry about it miko,' or even `yeah you're right we shouldn't be kissing,' but what he did finally say wasn't really along the lines of what she had been hoping.
“Come miko.” Touga responded extending out a clawed hand to help her off the ground. “Did you not wish to find a way home? If so, then we need to continue my patrol and find someone who knows of this magical well.” He frowned. “Or at least someone who could help. There is a youkai town not far from here…perhaps a days walk or so…though seeing as how you are human, perhaps two days walk.”
She was just taking his hand to allow him to assist her to her feet yet after hearing the `human you're too weak to walk fast enough' comment she couldn't help the small growl that made its way out of her throat.
A perfectly raised eyebrow was the only reply from the inuyoukai who watched her carefully. `Yeah well if he thinks I cant give as good as I get then he's got another thing coming.'
“Ok so I'm human sue me, what's you're excuse? Can't you just fly or something cuz if you could then ya know, you could just carry me and we'd be there in no time.” She said while suddenly standing to her feet angrily and crossing her arms in frustration.
Now there were two perfectly shaped brows lifted in response -or maybe it was surprise- she wasn't quite sure.
Now, when Kagome was angry she usually said things without giving them very much thought. Then as her anger lessened, she seemed to suddenly grasp what had just been said. Since being around Inuyasha, this happened quite often, she spoke first in a haze of anger, then thought about her words later. And now just so happened to be one of those times.
“I…I mean you don't have to carry me or anything just…er…” Had she just demanded the great Lord Touga carry her around like some pack mule just because he had insinuated that she was a frail human who couldn't walk very far? `Gah!! You're an idiot Kagome, he's offering to help you when he really doesn't have to ya know. Then you back out on a kiss you two were about to share, then all of a sudden you yell at him?'
“Gomen nasai Touga-sama.” She began quickly with a slight bow before he actually had a chance to respond to her outrages demand. “I can walk, no problem. Arigatou, your help is very much appreciated.” She tried to look at all the interesting vegetation and plant life in the area checking for umm…similarities and differences when he didn't immediately respond.
`Give it up girl, he probably thinks you have a split-personality disorder or something. First you're all demanding, then you apologize and finally you thank him, and all within a minute too. Good going,' she thought sarcastically, `chase away the only friend we have hear.'
“I've never met anyone quite like you before Kagome.” Came his thoughtful observation.
Such a simple statement really. What should she make of it? Should she be insulted or take it as a compliment? What did he mean?
“Er…well…I've never met anyone quite like you before either Touga-sama.” That was a sufficient, honest enough answer right?
Seeming to snap out of his reverie he immediately got back down to business.
“We will find a suitable spot to camp for the afternoon as you will need nourishment. From there we will continue on foot until a later time as I deem it appropriate for me to carry you and we shall `fly' as you so eloquently put it to the youkai village to save time. I am sure you are quite anxious to get home as soon as possible ne?
“Umm…yeah ok sounds like a plan.” Why was it that every time she was around him she felt like an uneducated monkey. Her growling stomach suddenly interrupted her primate- like-qualities checklist.
“Ah…I see I was correct, your ningen body will soon need a meal to sustain you on this journey.” The inuyoukai said hearing her grumbling stomach with his sensitive hearing.
Though Kagome was ready to retort at his `weak human body' comment again, the faint quirk of his lips made her unwilling take immediate offense to his words.
He wasn't offending her purposely but seemed to be only playing around with her. `So the great Touga-same has a sense of humor?' She mused. `And he's only playing around me, well not with me in that sense or anything but playing with…oh never mind.' She cut herself of quickly before she blushed at her own stupid thoughts.
“You're right Touga-sama I'm starving!” She exclaimed with a bit too much enthusiasm. “I cant even remember the last time I ate actually but umm…since I don't have any weapons on me or any real desire to kill something for lunch maybe you could…umm…” `Am I really going to ask him to hunt for me too? This is turning out to be quite a humiliating experience.' She thought very embarrassed at the whole `I'm totally dependant on you for survival' thing.
Should she just ask him to bathe her too while she's at it? Might as well seeing as how he's already protecting her and she's going to hitch a ride with him later on, and hopefully he's going to hunt for her and…' She groaned into her hands.
“Gomen Touga-sama I seem to be more of a burden than necessary. You really don't have to do anything for me you know. You can even leave me here if you want to, I'd understand really.” Her rumbling stomach protested even louder at not being fed, immediately taking exception to the mikos obvious disregard for its wants.
Touga only smiled at the girl in amusement. Was she really so embarrassed that he would willingly aid her, even if he had to hunt to feed her? Her survival should really be priority for her not the vague perception that she was a burden to him. Perhaps she wasn't aware of how an alpha male cared for the members of his pack.
“Kagome you are not a burden to me, it is the males responsibility to look after the female, to protect her and feed her, to clothe her and care for her well being, and-”
“But Touga-sama…I…I'm not your female or anything, just some miko in the wrong time period and…” she said, looking up at him bashfully suddenly noticing the way his smile made her heart skip a beat, “please don't take this the wrong way or anything but umm…you shouldn't really…smile at a girl too much or else you might have problems that you'll totally regret later on.”
He frowned wiping his face clear of any previous grin. “I'm afraid I don't understand, why should I not smile at a female? Is my smile….I mean am I…”
He wasn't quite sure what she meant or what he meant for that matter. He had never been at a loss for words before. She was turning out to be a far more complicated creature than he'd thought, if she could make he, Touga, not grasp the meaning behind a humans words. Ningens were such simple minded creatures after all.
Even in court when the nobles gathered with his father and spoke in veiled suspicions and hidden meanings, he was intelligent and wise enough to look beyond what was concealed to uncover their true intentions.
“Oh never mind, maybe I'll show you some time later on.” She smiled at him seeing the bemused expression on his face, wondering if she would get the opportunity sooner rather than later once they arrived at the youkai village.
Her smile was infectious and he smiled in return until he remembered this whole thing began with the exact same situation. He knitted his brow in displeasure wondering why she had even brought this up again.
“Oh no, no, Touga-sama I meant you shouldn't smile at other females but that doesn't include me.” She couldn't believe what she was saying! “Actually you can smile at me all you want whenever you want but umm probably not when we're flying, or I might fall of, and definitely not when I'm swimming, cuz I might drown. And actually maybe not while I'm eating either because I could choke. Ok?
If he thought he was confused before, now he was just plain baffled. Maybe it was just the whole female species that acted this way. He didn't have any female acquaintances nor companions and had not even held a conversation with one for more than a minute or two before Kagome.
Hmm. Perhaps now was his opportunity to study a female more closely and decipher how their mind worked.
“Arigatou, now I know when I will be allowed to smile at you.” He answered sarcastically with a small role of his eyes.
“Come now, the day draws closer to its end, we shall stop ahead for sustenance.”
The young priestess said nothing more until their arrival at the small area of earth that was not overrun with trees nor shrubs. She remained following silently behind him not daring to look at him for fear of saying something else that would make her sound like a complete fool. How could she have told him that he couldn't smile at other girls? And then to tell him when he was allowed to smile at her? Why was she acting this way around him, this was way out of character for her. Maybe when she got back she'd ask Sango what she thought was wrong with her.
Thankfully the grassy area that he had located was practically right next to a gently swaying river so she would at least be able to clean up while he was gone. She felt extremely dirty after being around all those insects earlier and was sure she was covered in traveling grime and who knows what else. Kagome was pretty sure she didn't smell too hot either.
“Stay here.” He commanded her while flaring his reiki warning any demons that frequented the area to remain well away from his chosen location.
“Yeah sure, don't worry I wont die while your gone or anything, I can take care of myself remember?” And just to demonstrate she allowed her aura to swirl around her slightly. But as soon as began to feel the push of his own power trying to merge with hers she pulled back afraid of what had happened between their auras last time might be repeated.
Touga had not mentioned that particular `incident' thus far. He had just acted as if nothing happened, as if they did not come close to kissing, so if he could ignore it, then so could she.
“Well I guess I'll just gather some wood and start a fire while you go hunt. Umm, you are going to hunt right?”
“Of course, I said I would provide for you.” Touga answered.
Her heart nearly convulsed. She knew he meant only food and perhaps shelter but the female essence within her took the meaning to heart. Why not? He was a beautiful male someone a girl could easily fall in love with and he had just vowed he would provide for her and it was not like she had every heard anyone say that to her before.
`Ok Kagome get a grip girl…he didn't ask you to marry him or something, just that he was gonna bring back a rabbit or wild bird or something for you to eat, that's all….that's absolutely it…nothing more.'
“Hai, arigatou Touga-sama. I'll wait for you here.” She answered uneasily.
He gave her one last look before he sped off and disappeared into the sentinel of trees.
The young woman wasted no time and began to gather fire wood and sturdy sticks to build her cooking fire with. Since that took no time at all she decided that now was the perfect time to wash up before Touga's return.
She kneeled at the edge of the slow moving river, the water cool to the touch. “If only I could bathe before Touga got here, hmm I wonder if I would have enough time.”
The miko looked around the area again noting that it had only been a few minutes since Touga had left and she wouldn't really take too long to have a refreshing bath. She would be done long before he made it back anyway.
Mind made up Kagome began to remove her clothing placing her fuku and undergarments in a neat pile on a nearby rock. She walked into the river squealing at the sudden coldness of the water on her warm skin and quickly made her way to the middle, the water only reaching up to her chest. Since Touga was not there to smile at her she knew she would not be drowning anytime soon so she decided she would just splash around a bit before she got out and redressed.
She began to scrub as best she could washing away the dirt from her body while dunking under the cool water to rinse out her hair running her fingers through it to remove all of the tangles of the previous days. The water felt wonderful. The priestess let herself relax enjoying the afternoon sun on her smooth skin wondering what her friends were doing at this very moment. Were they worried about her? Did they even know what had transpired between Kikyo and herself? Would Inuyasha even believe her? Was her kit missing her as much as she missed him? She sighed content to let her mind wander off a bit until her skin began to tingle suddenly causing goosebumps begin to rise on her arms. What the-
“AHH a beautiful siren calling to me from her watery home.” Said the smooth masculine voice that interrupted her bath so rudely.
“Eep!! HENTAI!! She screeched frantically trying to cover herself with her arms while trying to sink lower into the water. She knew that the river was crystal clear and perhaps the intruder would still be able to glimpse her beneath the water's surface but she still had her modesty.
She frantically tried to wade into the middle of the river where it was deepest to stay covered.
Hearing the youkai's deep, throaty laughter at her unreasonable behavior, the priestess looked up to find a tall and slightly built neko youkai looking down at her, his flaxen hair so light it matched his eyes, a deep yellowish tint marking his cat-like irises. If that wasn't enough to know he was a neko, the long, lightly stripped tail that she noticed moving to and fro behind his back gave him away. His light red haori and hakamas and bright sun-kissed obi billowed in the soft breeze giving him an almost ghostly appearance in the stream of sunlight that poured through a few of the tree tops.
The hentai cat only stood there starring at her as a predator would stare at its prey before it pounced to devour it.
Before Kagome could continue her tirade on the invasion of her privacy, another almost identical neko youkai slowly glided up to the other -obviously related to the first- and decided to join in the `lets stare at the naked miko in the river' game.
“Have you found something of interest brother?” He asked.
“Perhaps.” Answered the first cryptically.
“A simple ningen woman brother? You are usually not one for such easy sport. Perhaps some livelier game?” Questioned the latecomer.
“Ah, but can you not see?” He inquired of the other while gesturing with his clawed hand to the woman in the water. “the onna has a sumptuous body ripe for a males touch and can you not smell her dear brother?” He asked while inhaling a generous amount of her scent. “The intoxicating fragrance of this human only affirms my desire to taste her. I have never smelt a human with such a scent before.”
Kagome was livid by now. How dare they speak of her as if she were not present. And if they assumed she was to be some sort of sport for the two imbeciles they had another thing coming.
Although….she was somewhat of a sitting duck for the two since she was still in her birthday suit in the middle of a see through river and unable to reach her clothing.
`Darn it.' Thought Kagome. `Its not like I'm gonna get out in front of the two and ask them politely to please turn around while I go change. And I can't try to fight them while I'm naked! I'm gonna have to use some brain power here instead. Aagh!! There coming closer to the edge of the water!! Ok think girl.'
“Apparently, you two are stupider than you first looked.” `Ok that's not really what I was going to say first but-' “Why do you presume I'm alone? My mate could be right behind you ready to gut you before you could even get a chance to take another breath.” She scoffed trying to maintain her calm and her arms over chest.
Well that seemed to get their attention. Abruptly both youkai stopped their advance to the rivers edge, although by the looks on their faces they seriously doubted her sincerity.
They couldn't fool her though. She had made them think that she was not alone. The miko noticed the way their eyes suddenly scanned the river and forest beyond, their nose twitching slightly trying to catch a scent of this mate she spoke of.
“You lie girl. I smell nothing. If you were truly claimed you would be marked and smell of your mate not of your innocence.” He replied angrily his eyes boring into hers. “And… your heart rate alone says otherwise.” He smirked in victory watching the crimson color spread over her face.
Seeing the amusing flush creeping up her cheeks and down her throat to her chest, the neko youkai decided to call her on her bluff. He would see the truth for himself before he proceeded taking the girl, no use in being careless in case her falsehood proved to be true and she was indeed claimed. Although…he could barely restrain himself now wondering how far down that lovely blush went on her luscious body.
She inwardly groaned. `Stupid youkai and their stupid sense of smell and super powered hearing. How did I get myself into this mess? Oh right, I wanted to have a bath before Touga came back instead of just rinsing myself off like I should have done to begin with. I had to go and….wait…that's it!! Touga!!'
“You stupid cats better scram…my mate is a very powerful demon and is not overly fond of nekos seeing as how he is an inuyoukai.” She said trying to sound fearless.
“Your mate is a youkai? And an inu no less?” The second brother asked incredulously. What was the possibility of a human woman mating with a powerful inuyoukai? She obviously had to be lying.
“Really little brother, do not be intimidate by this woman and her lies. I will take her, do not doubt it. I will have her writhing beneath me screaming my name in ecstasy before the sun sets.” The first neko youkai boasted as he began to draw near to the naked woman again. “I will enjoy her taste immensely and-”
The sinister growl that suddenly tore through the surrounding area made the miko jump up in fear causing the hair on the back of her nape stand on end. She desperately wanted to run the other way her instincts warning her that a massively incensed reiki was coming their way and it was coming fast. She was only able remain standing by sheer will alone and valiantly tried to remain unruffled before the two youkais that now had a look of alarm plastered on their faces. Then just as suddenly as drunk falls over, the look of distress on their faces was replaced by a knowing smirk.
What was going on? Why were they no longer frightened? Did they recognize the youki?
Kagome tried to concentrate on the aura that was flaring all around them in anger and annoyance.
Of course! It was Touga and he was here to protect her!! She would have jumped up and down in joy if that wouldn't have made her look like a ridiculous child, and if she weren't naked of course.
The priestess felt him coming like a freight train barreling through a wall yet did not see him until he suddenly materialized standing between her and the neko youkais in the shallow end of the water, not even caring if his hakama's and boots were getting soaked in the process.
“Touga.” She breathed out his name in relief. Swiftly realizing that perhaps she should play the part more appropriately, she called out again. “Touga my mate you've returned to me!! She exclaimed while smiling so brightly her mouth ached.
The look of surprise and astonishment that crossed the heir of the western lands' face was priceless.
Touga couldn't believe what he had just heard! Did the miko just call him her mate? Had she fallen into the river and hit her head on a rock? He looked back over his shoulder at her wondering what game she was playing, only to suddenly find his mouth involuntarily opening and closing like a fish out of water. The…the girl was completely naked!! What the hell was going on?
Though Kagome fervently wished that she had a camera with her to take a picture and remind herself of his reaction for all time, she couldn't allow him to ruin her little fib.
So, quickly (and desperately) trying to ignore Touga's expression of shock she continued to look on with disdain at the two nekos, who now only starred at her with a smug look on their handsome faces. Really, why did all high ranking demons have be so striking?
`Oh Kagome focus please!'
“These youkai,” she said with contempt, “were just awaiting your return my Lord. See, they decided to take me for their own, yet I insisted that my mate would return to me and he would be exceedingly angered if he were to find me missing or ravished.” The miko explained to her `mate' willing him to go along with her plan, her large indigo eyes boring into his.
How could he resist her? Her ridiculously long lashes fluttering over her considerably large eyes making her look like a pup who was claiming its innocence to his alpha. Her small white teeth biting into her bottom lip making her even more tempting in her persuasion. The girl's sudden shiver quickly reminding him that she was naked before a pair of ignorant and soon to be dead neko youkai.
Kagome was getting very cold now waiting for Touga to claim her, -only in words of course- as his mate. For Kami's sake she was still standing before all of them naked! She noticed how Touga seemed to consent to her wishes starring at her until a rosy hue painted he's otherwise normally pale cheeks. She hadn't even realized the demon could blush. Kawaii!!
Abruptly turning his gaze from her to the two perpetrators who wanted to abduct the miko, he watched their infuriating smirks waver upon his perusal, his amber eyes narrowing at their despicable behavior. He would have killed them sooner had they not been the Southern Lord's grandsons.
“Haruki.” He greeted the first neko coldly. “Hibiki.” He addressed the second slightly smaller cat.
Then, rather unexpectedly, choose to ignore them opting to turn his gaze to the young woman behind him again.
“Are you hurt koiishi? Have they harmed you in any way tenshi?” He asked the priestess worriedly watching as a rainbow of emotions passed over her face at his tender words.
Still not allowing the neko youkai to speak, as he had not given them leave to do so yet, he walked toward the naked woman who's teeth were now chattering with the cool wind that was biting into her silky soft skin. He watched as her eyes opened in alarm as he approached her coolly and confidently never once allowing his eyes to betray him and feast on her generous bosom. The miko was trying desperately to cover her chest and sink lower into the now chilled water. He would have found her reaction amusing any other time but knowing he had an audience made it all the more crucial to shield her body from their view.
“Now, now, koiishi, do not be shy, I'm here now and have seen far more of you in the privacy of our bedroom.” He said with a devilishly attractive smirk.
Blushing to the roots of her hair, Kagome was unable to reply to such an outrages remark. She wouldn't even be able to deny such an accusation knowing she would contradict herself and the neko would know she lied about Touga being her mate. Suffice it to say, the glare she threw in his direction would have to do for now. And why in Kami's name was he coming toward her? What was he going to do with her?
At last he stood before her in the water, his clothing soaked through even with his taller frame. The inuyoukai smothered his amusement watching as the girl fidgeted before him while he starred directly into her childlike eyes prolonging her misery just a bit longer than necessary.
Then, just as she was about to speak, he brought his hands to the opening of his haori gently loosening his obi enough to remove the garment from his body. He carefully removed it off one muscled shoulder at a time watching as the girl stared at him wide-eyed like a doe caught in a hunters trap.
`Ok is this like some sort of punishment from the kamis for saying he was my mate?' She asked no one in particular. `Because this is like one of those stupid commercials advertising soap where a beautiful male model is walking down some runway while slowly and deliberately taking off his shirt to have it washed, all the while making all the women watching him drool like idiots.
`Ok so if I divide the sum of four and six by the coefficient of the….his chest is perfect, created like a work of art, any master sculptor would be jealous a…a…the law of motion clearly states that if an object of equal….why even his skin is a perfect alabaster and….oh kami….his violet stripes they, they follow a path around and down….'
Oblivious to Kagome's internal distress the bare-chested youkai was drawing his haori around her shoulders bidding her to place her arms in the sleeves slightly nudging her to pay attention. He knew she was starring at his chest intently. He couldn't help but feel a surge of male pride at her reaction. He could hear her accelerated heartbeat and smell the scent of her slight arousal mixed in with her natural scent of a meadow full of flowers after a rainstorm. It was intoxicating. Unable to distance himself from her, he leaned into her hair instinctively, breathing in her scent deeply. His mind clouded with thoughts of the small woman before him, he whispered into the lush curtain of her hair.
“My koiishi.”
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Ok guys there's another (extra long) chapter.
FYI -Koiishi means Beloved (I will be using this term a lot since the beginning of this story is called My beloved.)
So I might alternate between the two translations every now and then.
Haruki - 1st neko - means sun, sunlight, shine
Hibiki - 2nd neko - means echo
Tenshi - means angel
Neko - means cat