InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch. 8 Jealousy and abandonment ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

In the near future I will be working on another Touga/Kagome story. (though perhaps not quite yet as I don't want to take on too much - I'll just work on the draft for now. ) I am still writing my other Sess/Kag story and trying update both at the same time. But anyway as always:
Last time…
He buried his nose in the woman's hair inhaling her sweet scent again. It was rather addicting. It calmed him and soothed his beast so much so that he began to feel drowsy. Enveloping the small woman in his arms tenderly, he leaned his head back on the trunk of the tree he was sitting up against, and closed his eyes with a contented sigh.
Ahh…he couldn't help but look forward to the morrow.
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Ch. 8 Jealousy and abandonment
The chattering of birds began to takes its toll on the young, peacefully sleeping woman. She desperately wanted to yell at them or throw them a pillow in her frustrated and inactive state of mind. It was much, much to early to be singing so happily. Where was Sesshoumaru when you needed his poison whip?
Ugh! She usually wasn't this cranky but for some reason she hadn't been able to get a good nights sleep the night before. And why was Inuyasha not already yelling in her ear demanding his breakfast? Where was he? Was Sango already awake too?
`Well if no one is bothering me I guess I should just take the opportunity to snuggle back into the covers for a bit longer. They're so warm and smell so good. Though they do feel rather odd.' She thought while wiggling in her sleeping bag trying to go back to sleep.
A sudden groan alerted her to the presence of a powerful demon. Yet before her mind could even alert her to the danger, he spoke.
“Miko, if you do not wish for me to ravish you before you are fully awake to appreciate it, I suggest you do not wiggle your bottom on my lap any longer. Besides, its time we began to make our way to the village if we are to gain any information. You do wish to return to your time do you not?” Questioned the taiyoukai while trying to untangle the arms that were currently wrapped around his neck.
She squeaked and hurriedly tried to jump off the demon dogs lap. “Toug -Touga?” She stammered out his name with wide eyes, her mind now fully alert.
He chuckled softly seeing her sudden surprise and her disheveled appearance. Her hair was mused and seemed to stick up everywhere and her bangs covered her eyes. Even her short green kimono appeared rumpled.
Yet, she had slept through the night without so much as a single nightmare so he had to infer that she had slept well. That and the fact that she was sighing an awful lot in his arms throughout the night.
“Gomen nasai Touga. I didn't-- I mean….I fell asleep on your lap? How did that happen? Oh, wait a minute. I think…I think I remember. I was having an awful nightmare then I guess you woke me up and…and pulled me unto your lap. It really was extremely comfortable though, actually I've never felt safer in my whole life. I must have slept like a baby or something because I didn't want to let go of you when you woke me up and-”
The miko looked up to find Touga starring at her with something akin to amusement on his handsome face.
Darnit!! In her rambling quest to diffuse some of the awkward feelings she had upon waking up on Touga's lap, it seems she only made it worse. What was she saying? Did she really have to reveal all that? Well, it was much too late to take all of it back and besides it was all true. She wasn't going to lie to him or something, she did feel safer than she had ever felt before. Not even with Inuyasha brandishing Tetsusaiga around and killing every demon that came to close to her, did she ever feel this way. And she would not deny that it was also exceedingly comfortable to sleep on his lap. Very, very, comfortable. In fact, so comfortable that she wanted to do it again. Okay, she wouldn't lie herself, she wanted to do it for the rest of the time that she was with him. It beat sleeping on the hard ground any day.
“Kagome, you should eat.” He said pointing a claw-tipped finger to a stick that was already roasting a large fish before an already glowing fire.
How'd he catch a fish and start a fire when she had been sleeping on his lap all night? `Huh…interesting.' The miko thought. She'd have to ask him about it later. Maybe he had some other powers she didn't know about.
“Arigatou, let me just go wash up at the river a bit then we'll get going, I wont take long.” Kagome said while standing up and trying to smooth her fuku down to a less than embarrassing state, though completely forgetting about fixing her untidy hair.
“Kagome.” The inuyoukai called back to her.
“Hai?” She answered wondering what he needed.
“Please do not decide to take another quick bath. I don't want to walk into the village with males ogling you in my wet haori again. You were showing too much of your body to those damned neko the last time and I do not wish for it to happen again. Actually I forbid it. You will not go around showing yourself to others. In fact,” he added, “perhaps it is best if I purchase you a decent kimono as soon as we arrive. The one you currently own is…unseemly.” He said while starring into her eyes.
The priestess was very unsure if he was only trying to joke with her or if he was actually being serious. So, she only blushed at the memory of him seeing her naked, calling her koiishi and covering her in his haori, but said nothing to acknowledge she would do as he `commanded.' Yet the more she thought about it, the more she became angry. Who did he think he was to be ordering her around? Not like she did all those things on purpose. She never asked those stupid cats to ogle her, or for Touga to cover her up and defend her for that matter. And why was it unseemly to be in his haori or show her body in front of everyone else yet it was not unseemly to do so in front him?
“Look Touga I appreciate all that you have done for me, but really, I'm not one of your subjects to be ordered around like that. I don't even belong in this time period let alone belong to you or the West. And I am definitely not one of your servants to be given orders to and expected to obey without question.”
He looked taken aback by her response. The scowl on his face quickly alerted her that he was not pleased with her answer and she should brace herself for his reply.
“Miko, you will listen to this Touga, for he knows what is best to keep you safe and unharmed.”
“You will take orders from me as long as you are under my protection and until I deem it otherwise, you belong to me while under my care.”
Kagome sputtered with furious indignation. “What?!! I'm not some possession or piece of property- In fact I'm a miko and therefore it is even ridiculous for you to think I would take orders from a demon!! I am not yours to command at will Touga, I'm a human being with emotions and feelings and extremely capable of not only making my own decisions but of taking care of myself!!” She ended in a loud huff.
“Well then, since you are so capable of taking care of yourself, I don't see why I am needed. As you said, you do not wish or need my assistance and you certainly do not belong to me or the West-- so you are free to go as you please. I will not stop nor hinder your journey any further.”
He couldn't believe she had dared question him and outright rebuffed his commands!! No one dared refuse him, no one ever contradicted his orders and no one, despite their status or power, turned down any of his requests!!
Who did this small girl think she was? The inuyoukai's natural instincts wanted to take over. He wanted to show the female who had the authority. His beast wanted to force her to submit to his will and make her obey.
His aura flared in anger and his hands itched to grab her and punish her accordingly. The inuyoukai strained to remain standing where he was and not let his beast break free from its chains and go after the girl. Touga didn't want to kill her after all, perhaps hurt her slightly but not maim her or take her life.
Suddenly sensing her conflicting emotions, her aura changing and flowing like turbulent sea waves, he decided they would part ways now. His father, the Inu no Taisho, would be waiting for him to report back on his patrol. And he was taking longer than normal so no doubt would want to question him on his whereabouts. Though, his father would not worry about him, he never did, not even when he was only a child. Touga knew that his father would only be interested in the wellbeing of his lands and would most undoubtedly not even listen long enough for him to even mention the strange miko he had met on his journey. Well it did not matter to him one way or another, he was old enough and powerful enough to take care of himself.
The smell of tears brought him out of his personal reverie. The taiyoukai felt the onnas holy powers fluctuate and rise almost as much as his reiki. It only seemed to stir up his beast and agitate it further though, making it believe he was about to be purified. His eyes began to bleed red at the corners, his beast intent on making himself known. He knew he had to get away from her quickly before he did something he would later regret.
“Touga please.” Pleaded the miko. She didn't know how this had all gotten so quickly out of control. Would he really abandon her out here all alone and unarmed in a time that was not even her own? His words had hurt her and she knew that tears threatened to fall but were held back by her sheer will alone. Maybe…maybe he didn't understand what friendship was. Hadn't he said he had never had a real friend? Then, she just needed to make him understand how friendship worked.
“I thought you said we were friends and friendship doesn't work like this Touga. It doesn't demand or force or even make others obey. It just-”
The priestess interrupted her own sentence once she saw his sudden desire to leave and how he was not even really listening to what she was saying. She knew she couldn't ask him for more than he was willing to give. Touga wasn't obligated to her in any way after all, but she could at least get him to point the right way to the youkai village and hope to the kami's that she didn't get killed on the way. Or get killed at the village full of youkai that she was heading to, she was still a miko after all.
“Before you leave Touga-sama may I just ask you to point me in the direction of the village and the name of the youkai who is supposed to have information?” She asked sorrowfully though trying her hardest to not let on that she was deeply hurt and kept her voice as normal and even as possible.
He felt her aura of sadness and smelt the salt of tears unshed, yet the inuyoukai was still too infuriated to allow much to penetrate his angered mind. His beast reminded him of the need to push the young woman down on her hands and knees before him and pound into her violently until she screamed his name in submission.
Yet, even in his muddled mind he knew he would answer her questions, she needed to know in order to survive after all.
He snarled more than spoke, his voice sounding more animalistic than human. “Continue East for 17 miles then speak to a kitsune by the name of Hira. She knows about magic and enchantments and will know where to find other priestesses if the need arises.”
“Goodbye miko Kagome.”
He was gone before she could even think of thanking him for all of his help, for-for saving her life.
The tears broke through her restraint. Kagome crumpled to the ground with a feeling of loss in her soul so profound, that she wondered why she would feel this way in such a short amount of time.
`How could he just leave me behind like that? He's just being a stupid, spoiled brat and is used to getting everything his way. I mean why else would he get so mad at me? I thought we were friends? What am I going to do now without him?' She thought forlornly while crying into her hands.
The miko knew that she had to get up and be on her way. There could be other youkai out there smelling her now charred breakfast and could decide to join her. And without Touga…
Her tears at being dumped in this clearing and more importantly in this time began anew. Why did that stupid well have to leave her stranded here? Was it broken or maybe fate was experimenting with her, or was it just all stupid Kikyo's fault?
She sniffed trying to compose herself. Her eyes were probably red and puffy and she felt her nose all runny which was just sad since she didn't have any tissues with her. She couldn't go on crying like this. Kagome just had to forget him and keep going.
“I'll just tell Inuyasha that his dad was a…a -a big jerk and left me to fend for myself beacuse he didn't want me to show my body to anybody else but him!!!” She yelled angrily at the trees.
Hearing her comment out loud, it suddenly it dawned on her. Was he…could he have been jealous? Was he just telling her in his own way that he wanted to be the only one to look at her body? Is that why he said it?
Kagome didn't know what to think about that. On one side, her rational side, she knew it was probably for the best that he left. She didn't want him to think there could possibly be something between them. Why? The same old excuse, he was her best friends dad and she had to leave him soon. And well, he wasn't even alive in Inuyasha's or her time -which only served to remind her that he would die in the future and depressed her even more.
Though…on the other side, her feminine and hormonal side, she was very pleased and found that she liked him to be jealous and slightly possessive of her. She actually felt beautiful and desired and for once in her life someone had made her feel like they wanted her. Maybe it was more than that. She knew without a doubt that she was attracted to him and was undeniably glad that he at least returned the feeling; even if it was in a weird and sort of domineering way.
The miko sighed and cleaned the remaining tears off her face. Its not like she could do anything about it now. He was gone and she would not call him back. She had too much pride to beg him to come back to her.
All Kagome could really do now was continue on to the village alone and maybe, just maybe, she would get to see him once last time before she left.
Noticing her fish was too charred to eat and the fact that she was no longer even hungry, she decided to douse the fire and be on her way. Kagome was never one for directions and if it weren't for her friends she would be quite lost. It was a good thing then that Touga had literally pointed the way for her or else she would have felt extremely incompetent if she would have had to ask him which way was east.
She had stalled long enough sitting there, secretly hoping he would change his mind, say it was all a misunderstanding and come back to her. But he hadn't.
She sighed again wondering how long it would take her to get to her destination. There was nothing for her to gather or take so she stood and began to trek through the lush countryside toward the youkai village.
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Touga had to gather his thoughts and push down his desire to go back and teach the miko a lesson in obedience she would not soon forget. His beast agreed with him whole heartedly making the tension in his body only increase with the images it supplied his addled mind.
He could see himself, his face contorted in rage, no trace of white remaining in his eyes as his beast controlled, grabbing the miko and throwing her down on the ground harshly. He would take hold of her indecently short kimono and rip it apart as he grabbed her round firm buttocks with his hands and aligned himself to her opening. He would then thrust into her tight sheath over and over again, driving into her without regard for her needs or wellbeing. Touga could picture himself leaning above her, clamping down on the fleshy area between her neck and shoulder with his fangs, holding her there forcefully until she cried out his name and acknowledged that she belonged to him and would obey him without question.
He must have growled out loud because he felt the all the animals in the area scurry away from him and for head for a safer part of the forest. They didn't want to be around an irate taiyoukai.
His breathing was heavy with the images his beast continued to provide. He could almost hear the sound of the miko's voice as she panted his name and urged him to increase his speed. He could feel the weight and bounce of her large breasts in his hands as he repeatedly pumped into her wet core with such force all she could do was scream with the sensation.
He snarled harshly. He could feel himself on the verge of loosing all restraint as his beast thrashed wildly against the chains he had in placed in his mind. The inuyoukai's face contorted and grew longer and Touga knew without a doubt that he was about to transform. What was happening to him? What did the miko do to him? He had never felt this way before, so furiously out of control and irrational. The taiyoukai knew he had to get a hold of himself before he tore through the countryside killing everything that was unfortunate enough to get in his path.
He gathered the reiki that was surging wildly around him and controlled it enough to form a cloud under his feet. He needed time to think and not allow himself to be led by instinct alone. He would not allow his beast to take over his awareness.
The wind that blew in his face and the tranquility of the blue skies, helped to settle his turbulent thoughts. Now that he was able to rationalize, Touga decided to figure out the small woman that he had accompanied as best he could.
The miko was different and unique. From what knew of her, he had already concluded that she was not a female that would put up with anyone's nonsense for very long. She was not afraid of youkai, though she was a priestess, nor did she condemn them or purify them simply for being demons. She was a women of honor, as she was chasing down a jewel of immense power from an evil hanyou, simply to rectify her mistake. Not many would have cared or even bothered to remain in a time not their own to remedy a wrong. That also made her an honest ningen. Out of all the things she had conversed about, not once did she lie to him, omitted things perhaps, but not lie. She was clean, unlike her human counterparts, and held an astonishingly pure scent. He had gathered that she was intelligent and quick with her tongue, not giving him the upper hand once. And she was powerful too. He sensed her magnificent aura, so unsettling to his person, yet still so strangely like his own in strength and intensity.
To put it simply, she was unlike anyone he had ever met. He had not once known a creature who could capture his attention like this little onna had. So why had he left her?
`Because she is defiant and willful,' he answered himself. Yet perhaps she had a point about their friendship. Maybe `friends' were not supposed to order one another around, nor be likened unto mere servants and be given tasks to obey mindlessly.
But would that not elevate her status? Would she then not be considered his counterpart and not someone beneath him to do as he bids? Could a mere ningen woman be regarded as someone of equal standing to the Heir to the Western Lands? To a demon -a race of power, supremacy, and immortality?
Hn. Perhaps he just needed more time to think before he went back to look for her.
Touga sighed. That last thought had come to him unbidden and without been scrutinized thoroughly, but upon further examination, he knew it to be true. He would eventually go back and look for her. He could not and would not abandon her; his `friend' the miko Kagome.
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Alright guys the fluff couldn't last forever ya know~
Now on to the second chapter!!