InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Beloved


She was only vaguely aware that the rain was pouring down, as she ducked beneath the blade of her opponents sword before spinning around on one foot, knocking the feet out from under her attacker. She stood quickly, leaping over her fallen opponent, and brought her own blade down before her in a blow that would have taken his head off, had it landed. Her opponent happened to be a youkai, and he was quicker than she anticipated. She managed to dodge another swipe of his gleaming blade, and merely flicked her wrist, her arm already extended out in front of her, and managed to slice through his robes and skin on his shoulder. Blood seeped through, and the rain caused it to spread through the white Haori he wore.
Her dark hair plastered to her cheek as she spun quickly, bringing her blade around as she took advantage of his momentary surprise in the fact that she, a mere human girl, managed to cut him. She brought her blade to his throat, and she finally allowed herself to breathe. He regarded her with those cool amber eyes, that she had known for so long. He too seemed to be slightly out of breath, but despite that, he hardly seemed as fatigued as she knew she looked. Her hakama were drenched, and filthy from her encounters with the mud early on in the session, and her own haori, one of his old ones, was torn in a few places. The obi at her waist hung heavily from being soaked, and she felt thirty pounds overweight from soaked fabrics.
And of course, he looked as pristine as ever. She managed to cut him, something she wasn’t too proud of. His white silk robes clung to his frame, leaving little to the imagination, but she forced herself not to break that hard gaze that…to her surprise, softened.

“Very good Rin, you have improved much in a short amount of time.” he said, before sheathing his normal katana that he used when sparring with her. She bowed her head in respect.

“I humbly accept you praise Sesshomaru-sama.” she said. She sheathed her own blade, a katana that reminded her of Tensaiga. She almost moved to make a futlile attempt to fix her hair but though better of it. It was beyond saving at the moment. He often tested her skills as she progressed under her teacher, but this was the first time he fought her so aggressively, and she countered every strike. She felt honored that her master desired to sparr with her, rather than one of his other vassals far more skilled than she was.
He regarded her with almost a slight smirk. She blinked in surprise.

“You are ready now.” he said.

“Ready now Master? Gomen, I do not understand.” she said softly.

“You have learned all there is to know about offensive and defensive combat. You have exceeded my expectations. You may now rejoin this Sesshomaru in his quest to find Naraku.” he said. She beamed.

Several months ago, during the latest confrontaion with naraku, she had been severely hurt because she was so defensless and helpless. And such weakness on her part put her beloved master in danger because she was a constant distraction. He had always been against teaching her how to fight, because it was not her purpose, but he conceded, and told her she was to train. Now she could fight beside him, trained to fight against youkai in a variety of settings if need be, rain or shine. And the thought of fighting by his side thrilled her.

“Thank you Sesshomaru sama!” she beamed. She knew she must look like a fool, grinning in the pouring rain, covered in dirt, but she didn’t care. She was happy beyond words. He gave her a sharp nod, and turned away, heading back in the direction of his castle.

“Perhaps the next task before us is cleaning up, I fear we have landed in more than mud in out task.” he said. She sniffed at the sleeve of the once white haori she wore and cringed.

“Gross.” she said aloud.

“Indeed.” he agreed.

She smiled at his back. He had once seemed so much taller, gigantic even, when she was a small child. Now she was as tall as his shoulder. In the ten years that she had traveled with him since he brought her back to life, she had learned so much, far more than she would have, had she never met him. She began to hum lightly as they walked through the pouring rain, the same song she had sung as a child. She had to admit, since she began training, she had a far greater amount of energy. Even after such a sparr, she felt as strong as ever. Yet despite that, she knew her strength dimmed in the light of a you kais strength. She swore to herself that she would get even stronger still. She would never be a burden to anyone ever again.

CHAPTER ONE The Journeys Beginning

She silently trailed behind him as they walked away from the castle she had come to call her home. She received many warm goodbyes from youkai she never thought would come to accept her, and seemingly did. She had worked hard to prove herself worthy of even the slightest trace of respect, and she hoped she didn’t fail the first time she drew her sword in true combat. She was tempted to skip, but a true warrior never skipped. She glanced down at her new hakama and kimono, white as her masters, with a flower on one shoulder, the mark of his house. She wore it proudly, so giddy she could almost burst., but she kept her face as blank as possible. Something else she learned from Sesshomaru sama, never let your enemy know what you may be thinking. Beside her, Jaken scoffed at her.

“What is with you, silly girl? You havent said a word in hours.” he said. She glanced down upon him.

“What? Did you say something?” she asked.

“Whats gotten into you anyways? Ever since you got back from that battle, you’ve been unusually quiet.” he said.

“I simply have a lot on my mind.” she said.

“What could possibly be so mind consuming.?”
She shrugged lightly, and the small toad demon grumbled slightly.

“I preferred you as a rammbling child. Womanhood has made you strange.” he said. She blinked in surprise straight ahead. Womanhood? What did that have to do with anything? Certainly she was grown now, but how did that matter?

“I fail to see what that has to do with the matter at hand, or any matter at that.” she said.

“Now you sound just like him.” he squaked.

“I heard that.” Sesshomarus monotone voice interjected from up ahead.

“I appreciate such a compliment.” she seethed at the toad. Honestly, when was keeping to ones self a bad thing? Her mind was the only refuge she had. She was all too aware of the changing times, and as of late, Sesshomaru Sama had been acting so strangely whenever he was in a discussion with her, so someone had to keep their mind focused. She took in a deep breath. The sun was bright in the sky above, and the ground was still moist from the rainstorm just the night before. She wriggled her toes inside the boots she wore, wondering how it would have felt between her toes. How long had it been since she had walked around barefoot? She left a lot of her childhood loves behind her in the past.

“Rin,” Sesshomarus voice said, softly, yet firm at the same time. She glanced up to see him and Jaken, further up the trial. In all her thoughts, she had begun trailing behind without realizing it.

“Keep up.” he added. His voice wasn’t commanding or chideful, she wasn’t quite sure what it was.

“Hai, Im sorry Sesshomaru sama!” she said before hurring towards them. She scolded herself for already being a burden, and before the castle was even out of sight too. She couldn’t afford to be so weak, she would have to work even harder.


That night, they made camp beside a small stream that had a small hot spring beside it. She dropped down into the water, revelling in the comfort the hot water brought to her badly aching legs. After going so long without journeying, she wasn’t used to it anymore. Another aspect she needed to work harder on. She slowly rose, not wanting to stay in longer than she needed to, no doubt Sesshomaru sama would like to relax as well. She moved slightly through the water, and something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. She had so many scars, that she had aquired over the years. Most were small, and near invisible, but some were large and unsightly. One in particular ran up her side, from her waist to just under her arm. She trailed it with her fingers. She would never get feeling back in that particular spot of her body it seemed. All around the scar was nothingness. She flicked at it, but felt nothing. I wasn’t the only scar to suffer as such, but it was the largest scar on her body. At least it was in a place no one else could see, only she bore witness to the unsightly mark.
She slowly drudged out of the water, feeling slightly chilled in the cool night air, as her hot skin hit the air. She wandered to the branch where her simple kimono awaited her, and she halted mid step. She had chosen a poor spot to place her kimono it seemed. She should have placed it further off to the side of the main trail. What happened was nothing but her own fault. Standing not ten feet away, eyes locked on her, was Sesshomaru. And there she was, completely bare, and open, each and every scar visible. She snatched her kimono from the branch and pulled it on, wrapping it hastily around her waist. He moved at an even pace towards her. Then she was struck with a thought. He KNEW she was bathing down here, so what was HE doing down here anyways? And where was Jaken sama?

“Forgive me Sesshomaru sama, I didn’t mean to take so long.” she said. No doubt he came because she had? She could have sworn she didn’t… She moved to walk past him to allow him his own privacy to relax in the hot spring, when his hand flew out from within the folds of his large Haori sleeve to catch her gently by the wrist. Her breath caught in her throat from the sudden contact. His skin felt so warm against hers, and she had just come from the hot spring. Despite the strange situation, she met his gaze.

“I am the one in need of apologizing.” he said, almost softly. She stared at him.

Nani?” she blurted. His hand, still on her wrist, slowly pulled her closer towards him. She felt her cheeks warmed and she wondered what was going on! She was suddenly drawn into one of those moments one only could dream about. He was very warm, perhaps he had a fever, and without really thinking, she reached up with her free hand, or so she thought, and touched his forehead with her palm, all to agonizingly aware that she failed to properly tie her Kimono In her haste, and the garment slid open before him. She stared at him, unblinking, one hand in his grip, the other on his forehead. Maybe she was the one with the fever??

“I am quite well, Rin.” he said, in that strange soft tone. She drew her hand back, and pulled at her kimono, trying to regain her modesty, if any at all remained. Why was her heart pounding so hard? His other hand, she thought was going to touch her forehead, and see if she did indeed have a fever, touched her cheek gently.

“Sesshomaru sama?” she squeaked. His arm that held her wrist wrapped around her waist, and she swore she felt his hot hand on the spot she could feel nothing. He pulled her up against him, and before she could let what was happening register in her mind, his lips brushed hers gently, and she found herself being kissed. Her eyelids instinctively fluttered closed, and she calmly relaxed against him. This had indeed been her dream for many many months as of late, but it had been a dream she was sure would never come to pass. Surely he could not have seen her in such a light, but apparently he had.
The kiss grew deeper, and he held her so close against him, she could feel the steadily rising rhythm of his heartbeat against her. His lips traveled to her neck, and she finally remembered to breath.

“Sesshomaru sama!” she gasped, trying to regain control of her senses.

“Hn. Do not call me that.” he said quietly.

“N..Nani?” She asked. Her mind threatened to lose all coherent thought as one of his hands cupped one of her breasts, and she gasped aloud. Her eyes threatened to lose focus, and she affixed her gaze on his neck.
And that when she saw the green mark where he had been struck by a youkai in battle earlier that day. Just a slight scratch, yet it had become infected, and he was not himself. He WAS very feverish, and no doubt momentarily out of his mind. She reached out and touched the strange mark that should be red rather than green, and he severely winced from the touch, his teeth nipped her neck, and she knew that would have drew blood. A groan escaped his mouth on her neck, and not a groan of pleasure. He practically collapsed aagist her, and she struggled to keep him upright.

“Jaken sama!” she called, shifting his weight against her, so they wouldn’t both fall to the ground. The green toad youkai hobbled down the path towards her, and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

“What is it you inconsiderate woman?” he barked. He finally noticed their incapacitated master draped over her, and he came fully awake.

“The water serpent youkai he battled earlier poisoned him,” she said, grunting slightly. One upside to all her training, she now possessed the strength to drag him back towards the camp. She thought about what had transpired, and his touch, and deep words in her ear. Was he completely gone from his senses, or was he acting on an impulse he wouldn’t have without some help from disorientation? She may never know. She slowly, and carefully lowered him down on his fur pelt beside the fire, and went to her belongings to search out a remedy for the poison. She always had some herbs on hand, gifts from jinni, the kind hanyou that helped her save Jaken sama long, long ago.
By the time she had the drink prepared, Sesshomaru had worsened visibly. He was deathly pale, and his lips had a slight bluish hue to them. His breathing was rough and labored, and he was covered in sweat from the fever.

“This is terrible!” Jaken cried at a loss of what to do.

“Don’t worry Jaken sama, he will be okay.” she said. She lifted his head slowly, her fingers finally able to touch the silken strands of his hair. She touched the small cup to his lips, and managed to get him to drink some of the concotion.

“What good will that do?” Jaken asked.

“Its grown especially for youkai, I am sure if a human were to drink this, they would die.” she said. She laid his head back down gently, and already his breathing eased, and color returned to his face.

“By morning he should be back to normal.” she said. She set the cup aside, and looked at him closely. Never before had she been able to look at him this closely, save for a few moments ago by the spring, but at that time she was fairly preoccupied. Fevered madness or not, all she cared about was his getting better. She properly tied her kimono, and laid down on one small end of his pelt, where she could keep an eye on him. As she herself drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help but notice that she still felt the heat from his fingers where she should feel nothing at all.


As his world came back to him, the first thing he was painfully aware of was the disorienting throb in his head. He opened his eyes slowly, and blinked several times, trying to asses when he had layed down. He could not recall. Last he did recall was walking down the trail in search of Rin…
He sat up so abruptly, it did nothing to held his pounding head. Now he added a lightheaded spinning to the mix. Not often did he feel so…
He stared down at the sleeping form at his feet. She wore one of the silk kimonos that he gave to her, one she had not yet worn since it was given to her, yet he had seen it recently…his breath hitched in his chest, and he was grateful his two companions were fast asleep, so they did not bear witness to the pink flush that he knew was visible on his face. He remembered.
He remembered what he had done. He remembered how his hands and mouth wandered over her, tasting her, gripping her, holding her close. Something he didn’t have the strength to do normally, a fever made him lose whatever inhabitions he had…how had such a poison affected him like that?! He had single handedly groped her without asking her consent first…
…it was not his way to be so forward, not when the object of his desire was…
He stood slowly, cautiously, not sure if his own legs could hold him upright, and noticed his own state of poor dress. His haori and kimono were splayed open, and his chest was exposed to the cool nights air. He wrinkled his nose, and finally noticed the strange, bitter taste in his mouth. It was familiar, yet he knew he never tasted it before. He glanced around slowly, and his eyes caught the grinding stone and bowl that Rin used frequently to crush herbs…
She had given him medicine to counteract the poison. She realized he was not himself, and remedied the situation. His sweet little Rin, she was indeed quite capable, despite her lack of trust in herself. Something he needed to help her rectify soon. He let his gaze linger on her sleeping form, and felt a wash of concern flood his mind as he saw her delicate neck. He faintly recalled the taste of her blood in his mouth before all coherent thought left him. He slowly walked over to her still form, and knelt down beside her, looking closer at the wound. He grimaced slightly. He had marked her, thought he had not claimed her. She bore the mark of being his mate, and any youkai who saw the mark would know as such. He was in such a quandary, he let a pitiful laugh escape his mouth, as he shook his head in defeat. Perhaps he was not yet himself. Normally such a situation would warrant his wrath, and perhaps it would, had it nor been Rin he had encountered during his feverish haze. Yet it had been her, and he did indeed want to claim her as his, if she so wished it, but he did not intend to until such a time as Naraku was no more. Perhaps now, it was not an option. When did he become so indecisive? Was his younger hanyou half brothers habits rubbing off on him? He made a note to avoid him for a while. Since their relationship had slowly mended, he found himself, more often than not baffled by his actions when it came to choosing a mate. Apparently he had been caught in a love triangle, and couldn’t decide which mate he desired. The right choice was obvious of course, but he was too narrow minded to see it for himself. Fortunatly for the miko reincarnation, the girl Kagome, he came to his senses. How that human girl put up with it he could not fathom. Then again, he himself could not understand humans.
He reached out, and gently tucked a stand of dark brown hair behind her ear, and her eyes fluttered open to gaze upon him. She was a beautiful sight upon waking, and he felt a slight thrill being the first thing for her to look upon. Yet he couldn’t deny the compelling urge to flee at the same time. He simply smiled down at her, and she blinked up at him.

“Sesshomaru sama, Are you feeling better?” she asked, sitting up slowly. He turned the question over and over in his mind. He did not doubt that she was wondering if he even recalled his behaviors last night. Her heightened pulse told him she had some thought in mind. He replied without really giving himself time to reconsider. He HAD planned to do this, so he couldn’t let her remain in the dark to make himself feel better.

“Had I not requested that you not call me that?” he asked quietly. He did not mistake the widening of her pretty eyes, or the quickening of her pulse.

“My Lord-!” she squeaked instead. Humored at her nervousness, he simply put a finger to her lips to silence her.

“Hn. That either.” he said.

“What should I call you then?” she asked quietly against his finger. He let his hand move to the mark on her soft neck.

“My name.” he said. She made no move to flinch as he touched the sensitive broken skin.

“Does it hurt?” he asked. She shook her head slowly,a s though she was regaining her senses.

“No, I am fine.” she said. He looked back into her eyes, and saw she fought to keep her face neutral.

“What is wrong?” he asked, his brow furrowing in frustration.

“I…well…” she choked, trying to find the words to say. Finally she gave up trying, and simply flung her arms around him.

“Im so relieved that you are okay! I was so worried! I feared you might die!” she cried. He was lightly surprised by her bold gesture, yet despite nearly falling backwards from the force she threw herself at him, he put his arms around her, smelling her hair.

“There is not much in this world that can seriously harm me.” he said. She pulled back to look into his eyes, and her cheeks were wet from tears.

“You were so feverish, and so pale, and your lips turned blue, and you couldn’t breathe, and I was just so scared!” she cried,

“And what did you do then?” he asked gently. She blinked away at her tears.

“I made you drink medicine.” she said shyly. He recalled once saying that he was not one who required medicines or potions. Arrogant pride.

“So you took care of me, there was no reason to fear.” he said. Her lower lip quivered slightly.

“You trust in me?” she asked.

“Indeed.” he replied. He could sense that Jaken would stir in a few moments.

“Really?” she breathed, smiling, her tears and fears forgotten.

“Need I repeat myself?” He asked. She shook her head, and visibly blushed profusely, finally noticing that she was straddling him. Still, she made no more to squirm away from him.

“Do you understand what that mark on your neck means?” he asked. One of her hands went to her neck, and she touched it gently.

“You marked me…as yours?” she asked, half answering, half asking.

“As my mate.” he said. Her cheeks flushed more.

“I see.”

“Do you refuse me?” he asked. She shook her head almost immediately, and he found himself smiling once again.

“I am glad.” he said, and he touched his forehead to hers. She indeed meant a great deal to him, and he had no intension of overwhelming her too fast the way he knew he nearly did last night. After all, they had all the time in the world.


“Are you ill?” a voice said. InuYasha groggily opened his eyes to find Kaede standing over him. His head pounded, and all he wanted was the pain to go away.

“UGH.” he blabbered before covering his face up with one of the wide sleeves of his kimono.

“Ye drank too much Sake again I see.” she said.

“So what?!” he cried, wanting the old hag to go away so he could be miserable by himself.

“Such a strange custom Kagome bestowed upon ye, drinking too much with other men the night before ye wed.” she said. He sat up abruptly, the pain in his head gone.

“What time is it?!” he snapped.

“Ye have plenty of time, that is why I made sure to wake ye in plenty of thereof.” she said. He stood quickly, and pulled a twig from his hair. Technically they were already married. They were married in Kagome’s time under the sacred tree, but since they were going to live as man and wife here, another ceremony was necessary to ‘please the natives’ so it seamed. Not that he minded, it was another good excuse to go away for a couple of days to be alone with Kagome. He breathed in a deep breath, thinking nothing could ruin his good mood, when he caught the hint on Inu on the air. He blinked in surprise. He had mentioned the wedding ceremony to Sesshomaru, but he never thought he would bother gracing them with his presence. He could almost imagine Sesshomaru’s disdainful tone from being offered such an invitation. Or he would have, were he the same ruthless, heartless monster he had been…he was still ruthless of course, but not so condescending. InuYasha almost enjoyed his presence. They still quarreled, but Kagome once said, it was like normal sibling rivally, without the threat of death from one to another.
Sure enough, his brother emerged from the the trees across the clearing. InuYasha blinked in surprise. His usual white robes were pitch black, as was his hakama, and his pelt was draped over Ahun, where Rin sat, beside Jaken, wrapping her wrists up in gauntlets. The girl had deffinatlly changed since he saw her last. Rather than be barefoot, wearing a silken kimono, she also wore a hakama, haori, armor, and a sword was sheathed at her side. She almost looked as fierce as Sango in her battle armor. Sesshomaru however, wore no armor at all, just the black clothing and the same yellow Obi.

“What’s with the drastic wardrobe change?” he asked aloud. His brother regarded him with an arched brow.

“Perhaps once in a great while it would benefit me to not announce that I am the TaiYoukai of the Western Lands.” he said. InuYasha arched a brow in return. In Kagome’s world, there was a fictional character from one of her movies he watched once on a dark clad figure with long silver hair. The name escaped him at the moment, the figure was so frustratingly annoying, he wished he could pull him through the strange box and beat him good…he couldn’t think of the name, but he knew his rivals name was odd enough, Squall, or Cloud, something to do with the sky…he made a mental note not to watch so much TV.

“All the fame too much to handle?” he quipped. Sesshomaru offered him a completely confused expression.

“Where’s Kagome-chan?” Rin asked.

“She’s at Miroku and Sango’s hut.” he said. The girl hopped down off of the dragon, and exchanged a soft glance with Sesshomaru before hurrying off down the path, the toad youkai hot on her heels.

“So you really came?” InuYasha asked.

“Rin wished to.” Sesshomaru said.

“Well…I’m glad she did.” InuYasha said, before turning on one heel, and walking off towards the village. He felt Sesshomaru fall Into step beside him, and smiled inwardly. Perhaps now he would have the brother he always wished he had, and he was there for him on the most important day of his life.
“Any word from the North?” Seshomaru asked. InuYasha shook his head.

“Not since that last battle, I think the wolf tribes got wiped out completely.” he said.

“Unlikely.” Sesshomaru said.

“You tell that human girl yet that you plan to head there?”

“She is more than ready for such a quest. She had learned a great deal since her last battle. I have instructed her myself.” he said.

“Ill bet you did,” InuYasha said with a smirk.

“THAT, is none of your concern.”

“No shit, bout time you finally settled down yourself.” InuYasha said.

“Having a mate hardly means one must ‘settle down’” Sesshomaru replied.

“Aha! So she IS your mate!”

“And you find this so amazing why?”

“Mr.I’hate-humans, think about it, having a human as a mate, kind of a contradiction.”

“It is like you said once before, I have come a long ways.”

“Older and wiser.”

Hn. Hardly .”

“How old are you anyways?”

“I shall take that answer to my grave, should I ever fall in battle.” he said.

“That old eh?”

“You are beginning to irritate me.”

“Only just beginning to? I’m slacking then.”

“Just stop it.”

“Why? I thought we were having fun.”

“How about we switch the topic to you then.”

“Nah, that’s nothing worth pursuing.”


“Older and grumpier.”

“I can always slay you painfully and revive you before your mate will ever know.” he said.

“She’d purify you before you ever got close to killing me.”

“Then you admit that I can slay you.”

“That’s not what I meant!”

“Feh, as you always seem to say….whatever.”

“Be quiet or your fluffy gets it!”

“You wouldn’t dare.”