InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Bittersweet End ❯ My Bittersweet End ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My bittersweet end
“No! Please no!” A girl was whimpering over my limp body as I was struggling to contain my vision. I never thought a day would come that I would be defeated. Especially by my own brother. Yet here I was, surrounded by blood-stained snow, as the life was slowly oozing out of me.
“Kagome…” My voice whispered sounding foreign and frail. The girl lifted her big brown eyes and met my gaze. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sesshomaru getting ready for another attack. The final blow.
Getting worried, I looked deep into the penetrating eyes of my love. How I would miss those eyes… “Please hang on…” She sobbed helplessly, trying to make me survive. But she didn't know that it was too late. I was too far gone. As if reading my thoughts, she looked up determinedly. “I can help! How can I help? Tell me! I'll do it!” She was getting desperate. I saw it in her eyes as she shook my weak body trying to get me to respond.
“Tell me you love me…”
“I love you…” She moaned softly into my dieing body. “But that won't help…”
“Sing to me…”
There was confusion shining behind the sorrow in the girl's wide eyes, but nevertheless, she nodded and complied, her sweet voice gently filling my ears. As I looked up into the dark night sky once more, I made out Sesshomaru's figure. His attack was almost done and my time was quickly running out.
“Take off my cloak, it's bugging me. You should put it on, it'll keep you warm.” I ordered, motioning to my red fire rat's fur cover.
“How will that help you survive?” She asked wearily.
“Don't ask, just do…” I said with my last bit of strength.
Nodding once more, the girl mournfully took my cloak off and slipped it on.
And as Sesshomaru released his final blow and my body was burnt away, I was happy. I was happy that girl I love thought voicing her feelings towards me would help, because I got to hear her declare her love one last time. I was happy she assumed singing to me would help me survive, because I got to hear her angelic voice fill my ears before I was gone. I was happy she was fooled to believe my cloak was bugging me, because now when my life was taken away, hers will be saved.
And in spite of everything, I was happy I could see her, before my bittersweet end…
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A/N: Awww… Poor Inu! This is my first Inuyasha fic so I don't know if I did so good… It was inspired by a story I read some time ago but I don't recall its name. I just remembered it today and thought it would make a nice fic, even though it's superbly short lol. Anyways, I would greatly appreciate it if you could review this story and tell me what you think! Until next time! =)